Wednesday, July 14, 2021 – Missouri political news headlines
Published (updated: ) in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: Aisha Sultan, Caitlin King, Cori Bush, Cox Health Springfield MO, Governor Mike Parson, Jason Smith, Jonathan Shorman, Lynn Schmidt Post-Dispatch, Missouri 2022 U.S. Senate race, Missouri COVID Delta variant news, Missouri COVID spread, Missouri gas tax increase, Missouri gas tax rebate, Missouri Medicaid expansion news, Missouri NIL bill, Missouri political journalism, Missouri redistricting, Steve Edwards, Tony Messenger.
P-D: House panel recommends $1 billion to keep St. Louis-made Super Hornets coming
St. Joseph News-Press: Governor names four to represent northwest Missouri in redistricting
JCNT: MoDOT secures funding for bridges, roads with gas tax increase
SE Missourian: Governor visits Cape to tout fuel tax increase
KCUR: Gov. Parson signs off on Missouri’s first gas tax hike in more than two decades
KC Star: Missouri’s gas tax is going up: when, how much and how you can get a refund
The Missouri Times: Missouri to allow student-athletes to profit off of likeness
JCNT: Gov. Parson signs bill allowing payment of student athletes
KC Star: Gov. Parson signs “name, image and likeness” (NIL) bill to law
The Missouri Times: Missouri now has official week to honor fox trotter state horse
KWMU: Fate of Medicaid expansion now in hands of Missouri Supreme Court
Missouri Independent: Fate of Missouri Medicaid expansion in the hands of the state Supreme Court
The Missouri Times: Medicaid expansion arguments heard by Missouri Supreme Court
Missourinet: Chuck Hatfield expects quick ruling from Missouri Supreme Court on Medicaid expansion
KC Star: Missouri Supreme Court hears Missouri Medicaid expansion case
SNL: State Supreme Court hears Medicaid arguments
The Missouri Times: DSS, DHSS propose streamlining Medicaid compliance process
Missourinet: Missouri to announce coronavirus vaccination incentives soon
KRES/KWIX: Gov. Parson: “Well over” 80% of Missouri’s seniors have received COVID vaccine
KC Star: Regional China virus update
KC Star: Some areas of Kansas City lead southwest Missouri in rejecting China virus vaccine
Washington Missourian editorial: Missouri’s gas tax hike was long overdue
P-D editorial: Missouri’s underpaid, overworked child caseworkers should be a state priority
P-D’s Lynn Schmidt: Gov. Parson is wrong – Delta variant has created a crisis