Saturday, July 24, 2021 – Missouri political news headlines

Published (updated: ) in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , .

St. Louis Public Radio: St. Louis on the Air with Sarah Fenske: Monday show preview: SLU sociology professor offers her wish list of how Missouri should spend opioid settlement money

The Missouri Times: Missouri Supreme Court rules Legislature can limit non-economic damages

Joplin Globe: Medicaid expansion a waiting game after Missouri Supreme Court ruling; Thoughts from House Budget Chairman Cody Smith (R-Carthage); Local 21-year-old activist says her employer’s health insurance is too expensive and she’d rather get Medicaid for “free”

P-D: After lengthy battle, fight over Medicaid expansion in Missouri nears end

97.1 FM (St. Louis): Reardon Roundtable: GOP consultant Gregg Keller, Democrat consultant/personal injury attorney Amy Gunn discuss Missouri Medicaid expansion (29:30)

Columbia Missourian: Gov. Parson vetoes law that would have addressed legality of Columbia mayor’s campaign committee

KC Star: Missouri Circle of Hope owners out on bond after COVID claim

KC Star: Gov. Parson’s administration says federal funds critical to “massive investment” in Missouri’s public health system; Advocacy groups cheer COVID’s role in “expos(ing) the lack of public health infrastructure”

The Missouri Times: Springfield lawmakers to host vaccination clinic

KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Local health departments have freedom to decide on participation in vaccine incentive program

St. Louis Public Radio: St. Louis City, St. Louis County to renew mask mandates on Monday

P-D: St. Louis City, St. Louis County to reinstate mask mandate, some of first in U.S.

SNL: Regional China virus update

SNL: Roughly 50 local vaccination events scheduled through August

The Missouri Times: PSC to consider Ameren Illinois transmission line running through Missouri

JCNT editorial: Will big interest in vaccine lottery lead to more shots?

P-D letter: Tucson, Ariz. septuagenarian watches national media coverage of murderers in Missouri prisons, hopes Missourians are “haunted” by “this travesty

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