Tuesday, August 24, 2021 – Missouri political news headlines
Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: Aaron Hedlund, Aaron Wilson Show-Me Institute, Andrew Sullender, Cox Health Springfield MO, CoxHealth Springfield, Critical race theory in Missouri schools, Galen Bacharier, Garrett Hawkins, Ginkgo Bioworks Missouri, Gov. Parson, health professionals complaining about the profession they chose, Jim McCarty, Michael Wolff, Mike Deering, Missouri COVID Delta variant news, Missouri COVID spread, Missouri Independent, Missouri political journalism, Missouri vaccine advocacy journalism, Missouri vaccine mandates, rural broadband expansion in Missouri, Scott Faughn, Show-Me Institute, Tessa Weinberg, vaccine advocacy series.
The Missouri Times: Schmitt opposes proposed Biden ATF gun regulation
KC Star: Census data: Missouri’s white population takes 4% hit; “Multi-racial, non-Hispanic” population up 190%; Black population rises 1%
St. Louis Public Radio: Jason Rosenbaum’s “On the Trail” column: Congressional redistricting delay could affect other issues in Missouri’s 2022 legislative session; Thoughts from Gov. Parson, Sen. Caleb Rowden (R-Columbia), Rep. Dan Schaul (R-Jefferson County), former GOP state Sen. Scott Rupp
johncombest_com on Instagram: Where are they now: Birthday boy Bob Holden (plus 1996 GOP oppo)
This Week in Missouri Politics: State Fair edition: Gov. Mike Parson talks with Scott Faughn about broadband funding, COVID vaccines, trusting science on masks, local control, Medicaid, competition in ag; Panel of Missouri Farm Bureau President Garrett Hawkins, Missouri State Fair Director Mark Wolfe, Missouri Cattlemen’s Association Executive VP Mike Deering, Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives VP of Communications Jim McCarty on high-speed rural Internet, price transparency in Missouri beef, death tax
The Missouri Times: This Week in Missouri Politics recap: Gov. Parson says Legislature may need to step in on school mask mandates
Hannibal Courier-Post: Show Me Missourah podcast delves into Marion County history
SNL: On the first day of school, Springfield’s Wilson’s Creek is recognized as one of Missouri’s best schools; Missouri Education Commissioner Margie Vandeven presents award
SNL’s Galen Bacharier: At legislative committee hearing, liberal groups get their day to support Critical Race Theory in Missouri schools; Speeches from race groups, Black Lives Matter activist from “Francis Howell High School [sic]” etc.
Missouri Independent: Legislative panel holds hearing on Critical Race Theory in Missouri schools
Fox 2 (St. Louis): Lawmakers continue probe of Critical Race Theory in Missouri schools (link via TonysKansasCity.com)
SNL: Missouri law change makes thousands eligible to have criminal records expunged
P-D: Missouri Department of Social Services gives employees guidance on process, timeline for enrolling would-be Medicaid recipients
SE Missourian: Century Casino faces fine from Missouri Gaming Commission for marketing violation
Missourinet: Missouri ranked 12th in the country in highway-rail collisions in 2020
P-D: At State Fair, 53 people choose to get COVID vaccine
SE Missourian: State, regional China virus update: Statewide cases in past seven days down 12.7% from previous seven days, with testing positivity rate down 1.2%
KC Star: Regional China virus update: Joplin hits 50% COVID vaccination rate
Missouri Independent’s Tessa Weinberg: Missouri launches new COVID testing program; Contract executed with “Ginko [sic] Bioworks”
St. Louis Public Radio: Local hospital officials think FDA’s Pfizer approval will persuade vaccine holdouts
St. Louis Public Radio: St. Louis on the Air with Sarah Fenske preview: How FDA approval can help employers mandate vaccines
The Missouri Times: Capitol Briefs: CoxHealth to require vaccinations for employees
KC Star editorial: 42-year-old hospitalized with COVID encourages vaccinations
P-D op-ed: Show-Me Institute’s Aaron Hedlund and Andrew Wilson: Climbing out of a hole and turning Missouri into a top-performing state
The Missouri Times op-ed: Former Missouri Supreme Court Judge Michael Wolff: Gov. Parson should grant clemency to Ernest Johnson
SNL’s Andrew Sullender: Inside vaccine-mandate opponents’ conspiracy to intimidate CoxHealth CEO Steve Edwards: Breakdown of livestreamed videos, other gumshoe research
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