Tuesday, August 31, 2021 – Missouri political news headlines
Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: Amy Blunt, Andy Blunt, Caleb Rowden, Cori Bush, Critical race theory in Missouri schools, diversity hires, Eric Schmitt, Kalena Bruce, Kevin Strickland, Mike Moon, Missouri 4th Congressional District, Missouri 7th Congressional District Republican candidates, Missouri COVID Delta variant news, Missouri COVID spread, Missouri Jobs With Justice, Missouri mask mandates, Missouri NAACP, Missouri recreational marijuana ballot initiative, Robert Patrick Post-Dispatch, Rod Chapel, Roy Blunt, Sara Walsh, St. Louis Public Radio, Steve Walsh, Tina Pamintuan.
The Missouri Times: 4th congressional district GOP candidate Kalena Bruce hauls in $100K+ in 10 days
The Missouri Times: Mike Moon launches congressional bid for 7th District
Missouri Independent: Mike Moon joins race for Congress in southwest Missouri
The Missouri Times: Marijuana legalization, record expungement could be before Missouri voters
St. Joseph News-Press: More than 56,000 “medical” marijuana cards issued last year
KC Star: Missouri Jobs With Justice wants court to reinstate federal unemployment handouts
Missouri Independent: Lawsuit filed over $1.4 billion contract for Missouri prison health care
P-D: No special session for veterans’ home nursing staff pay raises
The Missouri Times: Cori Bush, others want Gov. Parson to release criminals
JCNT: Activists call for release of two Missouri prisoners
KFEQ (St. Joseph): St. Joseph School superintendent finds AG Schmitt’s lawsuit on mask mandates ‘a little disappointing’
KC Star: As Kansas City area public districts mandate masks, families flock to private schools
SE Missourian: Regional China virus update: Three deaths: Ages were 30s, 70s and 90s
P-D’s Robert Patrick: Catching China virus a second time helps convince man, his dad and girlfriend to get vaccine