Thursday, September 16, 2021 – Missouri political news headlines
Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: #moleg, #moleg news, 2020 Missouri Census population changes, Americans for Prosperity-Missouri, Governor Mike Parson, Holly Rehder, Joelle Cannon, Kansas City Star liberal bias, Kansas City Star Missouri gun violence advocacy series, Keri Ingle, liberal media bias in Missouri, Missouri COVID Delta variant news, Missouri COVID spread, Missouri Foundation for Health sponsored content, Missouri Independent, Missouri political journalism, Missouri vaccine advocacy journalism, Missouri vaccine mandates, Report for America sponsored content, Rudy Veit, Sarah Fenske, Senator Josh Hawley, St. Louis Public Radio, willful obesity.
SNL: Josh Hawley calls on Biden officials to resign over Afghanistan withdrawal
The Missouri Times: Joelle Cannon decides against congressional bid
St. Louis Public Radio: Minority groups weigh in on St. Louis region’s Census numbers; Area black group wants St. Louis City to ensure higher minimum wage, “access to equitable health care”
Missouri Independent: Putting on pandemic pounds; new CDC numbers show 34% of Missouri adults choose to be obese
The Missouri Times: August jobs report reveals thousands of new jobs in Missouri
St. Joseph News-Press: Hawley, AG Eric Schmitt share thoughts on Biden’s COVID vaccine mandates
JCNT: Missouri Capitol rally calls for special session on Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate
Missouri Independent: Missouri GOP lawmakers stand up to Biden vaccine mandate; Rally draws 250 to Capitol
Columbia Missourian: Rally against Biden’s vaccine mandates draws 200 to Capitol
SNL: Missouri lawmakers weigh action on federal vaccine mandate as protesters rally at Capitol
KC Star: GOP lawmakers explain strategies to combat Biden COVID vaccine mandates
Missourinet: Missouri nursing homes say federal vaccination mandate could drive staff out the door
Missouri Independent: Nursing home industry warns of staff exodus over vaccine mandates
SE Missourian: Area hospitals waiting for details on staff vaccine order
Joplin Globe: Area employers await guidance on Biden vaccine mandate
SNL: Number of new COVID-19 cases in Greene County drops significantly
SE Missourian: Regional China virus update
St. Louis Public Radio: Missouri Legislature fails to overturn governor’s vetoes
P-D: Gov. Parson fends off veto override attempts amid Republican infighting in Missouri Senate
Missouri Independent: Veto session recap: Comments from “Sen. Dave Schaz [sic],” others
Columbia Missourian: Some lawmakers skeptical about influx of federal funds for schools
SNL: How much did students fall behind in 2020? Here’s how Missouri students did on state tests Latest protestation from Sen. Greg Razer (D-Kansas City) over gay display is legislative equivalent of lip syncing
P-D: Spire’s fight to save gas pipeline has high stakes as winter approaches
KC Star editorial: Insurrectionist Josh Hawley’s call for Biden to resign is pure theatrics
Joplin Globe editorial: Missouri should use low test scores to focus on areas of improvement
JCNT editorial: Honoring Missouri State Highway Patrol for 90 years of serving and protecting
Columbia Missourian’s Steve Spellman: Vaccine mandate for employers wrong, unconstitutional