Thursday, September 16, 2021 – Missouri political news headlines

Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

SNL: Josh Hawley calls on Biden officials to resign over Afghanistan withdrawal

Newsweek: During appearance on St. Louis’ conservative radio station (Real Talk 93.3 FM), Roger Stone served with U.S. Capitol riots lawsuit

The Missouri Times: Joelle Cannon decides against congressional bid

St. Louis Public Radio: Minority groups weigh in on St. Louis region’s Census numbers; Area black group wants St. Louis City to ensure higher minimum wage, “access to equitable health care”

Missouri Independent: Putting on pandemic pounds; new CDC numbers show 34% of Missouri adults choose to be obese

KC Star: Gun-control advocacy series, sponsored by Missouri Foundation for Health and Report for America: Panelist calls for Gov. Parson, state lawmakers to dump more money into urban schools

The Missouri Times: August jobs report reveals thousands of new jobs in Missouri

St. Joseph News-Press: Hawley, AG Eric Schmitt share thoughts on Biden’s COVID vaccine mandates

The Missouri Times: Missouri health care, business representatives warn of ‘chilling’ effect of vaccine mandates

JCNT: Missouri Capitol rally calls for special session on Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate

Missouri Independent: Missouri GOP lawmakers stand up to Biden vaccine mandate; Rally draws 250 to Capitol

Columbia Missourian: Rally against Biden’s vaccine mandates draws 200 to Capitol

St. Louis Public Radio: Missouri business groups speak out against Biden vaccine mandate; Rally draws more than 100 to Capitol

SNL: Missouri lawmakers weigh action on federal vaccine mandate as protesters rally at Capitol

KC Star: GOP lawmakers explain strategies to combat Biden COVID vaccine mandates

Missourinet: Missouri nursing homes say federal vaccination mandate could drive staff out the door

Missouri Independent: Nursing home industry warns of staff exodus over vaccine mandates

SE Missourian: Area hospitals waiting for details on staff vaccine order

Joplin Globe: Area employers await guidance on Biden vaccine mandate

St. Louis Public Radio: St. Louis on the Air with Sarah Fenske: St. Louis Urban League president promotes COVID vaccination clinics

SNL: Number of new COVID-19 cases in Greene County drops significantly

SE Missourian: Regional China virus update

SE Missourian: Americans for Prosperity-Missouri releases state lawmaker ‘grades,” with Sen. Holly Rehder (R-Scott City) rated 100%

The Missouri Times: Veto session: Senate Republicans argue over tradition, rules in veto session showdown; Updates on House actions

St. Louis Public Radio: Missouri Legislature fails to overturn governor’s vetoes

P-D: Gov. Parson fends off veto override attempts amid Republican infighting in Missouri Senate

Missouri Independent: Veto session recap: Comments from “Sen. Dave Schaz [sic],” others

St. Louis Public Radio: Politically Speaking podcast: Reps. Rudy Veit (R-Wardsville) and Keri Ingle (D-Lee’s Summit) on working together to oversee unlicensed residential youth homes

Columbia Missourian: Some lawmakers skeptical about influx of federal funds for schools

SNL: How much did students fall behind in 2020? Here’s how Missouri students did on state tests

Missourinet: DESE reminds schools to meet their local health department’s minimum COVID-19 requirements Latest protestation from Sen. Greg Razer (D-Kansas City) over gay display is legislative equivalent of lip syncing

P-D: Spire’s fight to save gas pipeline has high stakes as winter approaches

KC Star editorial: Insurrectionist Josh Hawley’s call for Biden to resign is pure theatrics

Joplin Globe editorial: Missouri should use low test scores to focus on areas of improvement

JCNT editorial: Honoring Missouri State Highway Patrol for 90 years of serving and protecting

Columbia Missourian’s Steve Spellman: Vaccine mandate for employers wrong, unconstitutional

P-D letter: Brain Injury Association of Missouri executive director says Gov. Parson and state lawmakers are to blame for increase in motorcycle fatalities

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