Sunday, October 3, 2021 – Missouri political news headlines

Published (updated: ) in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

JCNT: People gather in prayer at Capitol event; Event encourages involvement in foster care and adoption, prays for God’s help in easing racial tensions

Columbia Missourian: Feminists gather in Columbia, urge votes against candidates based upon race and gender; Organizer: “We do not need more white men in office. Vote them out.”

KC Star: Feminists gather for march in Kansas City; “Ordained Unity minister” tells story of snuffing out what would have been her only child Photos: Kansas City Country Club Plaza Reproductive Rights March 2021 KC feminist march: “All things considered, argumentation over ‘reproductive rights’ is REALLY just a debate about killing kids.” 2020 Democratic lieutenant governor candidate Alissia Canady gets married

Missouri Independent: Springfield schools want $179,000 to begin search in Sunshine Law records request; Rep. Craig Fishel (R-Springfield) wants records with 22 terms, including ‘critical race theory,’ ‘racism’ and ‘diversity’

Washington Missourian: County weighing multiple opioid settlement options

P-D: After years of trouble, Normandy Nursing Center nearly loses federal funding; DHSS refers questions to U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

St. Louis Public Radio: St. Louis on the Air with Sarah Fenske weekly schedule: Monday: Indians and sustainability; Tuesday: Carpenters Union closing St. Louis office, consolidating power in Chicago; Friday: banking and the cannabis industry

St. Louis Public Radio: St. Louis on the Air with Sarah Fenske preview: Event promo: UMSL conference to feature sustainability lessons from Indian tribes

KC Star: Activist group “Innocence Network” gives award to Kansas City Star reporter Luke Nozicka for Kevin Strickland advocacy pieces; Star managing editor says convicted murderer “deserves so much better than the state of Missouri has given him.”

JCNT: Missouri Department of Conservation staff to conduct COVID-19 surveillance in state deer population

SNL: How emergency ambulance teams relieved southwest Missouri’s hospitals in summer delta surge

P-D editorial: Missouri Democratic Party must publicly address claim of unfair labor practices

JCNT editorial: The new gas tax? It’s optional.

P-D’s Tony Messenger: AG Eric Schmitt’s action threatens opioid settlement funds, commissioner alleges

Joplin Globe op-ed: Neosho’s Vera Nall: Rep. Tricia Derges (R-Nixa) among those most to blame for COVID misinformation

P-D letter: University City sexagenarian offers list of grievances against AG Eric Schmitt

P-D letter: Manchester octogenarian responds to Post-Dispatch’s self-congratulatory piece on Missouri Press Association awards, asks why paper doesn’t focus on St. Louis murders

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