Tuesday, December 21, 2021 – Missouri political news headlines
Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: #moleg, #moleg news, #MOSEN, $LEE, Austin Petersen, Columbia Missourian, Critical race theory in Missouri schools, domestic violence legislation Missouri, Doug Richey, Elizabeth Stephens, Eric Schmitt, Jason Smith, journalists finding personal and professional self-worth in COVID case counts, Lane Roberts, Lee Enterprises, liberal media bias in Missouri, Missouri 2022 U.S. Senate race, Missouri COVID Delta variant news, Missouri COVID spread, Missouri Department of Economic Development, Missouri mask mandates, Missouri medical marijuana laws, Missouri Parents' Bill of Rights, Missouri political journalism, Missouri recreational marijuana ballot initiative, Missouri recreational marijuana vote, Missouri redistricting, Missouri unemployment benefits, Sarah Fenske, Scott Fitzpatrick, Show-Me Institute, Tony Lovasco.
AP: Missouri redistricting panels pushing up against deadline
The Missouri Times: Missouri officials unveil Bicentennial Bridge
JCNT: Bicentennial bridge creates new access for Jefferson City’s riverfront
AP: Missouri court adds to ban on Biden contractor vaccine rule
The Missouri Times: Lawmakers seek to waive pandemic unemployment overpayments next session
SNL: Springfield-Branson airport is getting $4 million in federal funds. How will it be spent?
The Missouri Times: Proposed Jefferson County port facility names developer
Columbia Missourian: Elizabeth Stephens named Columbia Missourian executive editor
KC Star: DHSS: Today’s COVID dashboard update will include previously unreported deaths
KC Star: State, regional China virus update
St. Louis Public Radio: St. Louis on the Air with Sarah Fenske: Alex Garza promotes mask-wearing and quarantines, says he doesn’t believe omicron variant is milder than other China virus strains
KC Star editorial: Mad at Manchin? Missouri’s senators vote against the people all the time
P-D letter: St. Louis woman opposes spending public money on religious charter schools
P-D letter: Clayton septuagenarian praises Post-Dispatch, suggests St. Louis City and County spend “some of the windfall from the Rams lawsuit” to acquire newspaper