Monday, January 31, 2022 – Missouri political news headlines
Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: #moleg, #moleg news, #MOSEN, Austin Petersen, BJ Tanksley, Bram Sable-Smith, Broadband expansion in Missouri, Christian Rehder, entitlement, Eric Schmitt, John Combest, journalists coping with decline in COVID cases, journalists inserting themselves in the story, journalists rattling tin cup for story subjects, Kaiser Health News, KCUR, Kevin Strickland, KWOS, liberal media bias in Missouri, Lyndall Fraker, Missouri 2022 U.S. Senate race, Missouri COVID spread, Missouri DHSS, Missouri Independent, Missouri medical marijuana laws, Missouri political journalism, Missouri redistricting, Missouri Trucking Association, Raychel Proudie, rural broadband expansion in Missouri, Scott Faughn, Tessa Weinberg, The Heartlander, This Week in Missouri Politics, Tom Crawford, victimhood.
SNL: How Missouri’s redistricting fight has drawn ideological lines among Republicans
JCNT: New broadband director says federal funds can make ‘lasting impact’
Columbia Missourian: House committee considers constitutional amendments on right to hunt and fish
The Heartlander: Missouri considers pension changes to solve teacher shortage
KCUR: Up to Date with Steve Kraske: Kevin Strickland launching “lack of compensation” tour
P-D editorial: Gun issues are controversial, but stopping celebratory gunfire shouldn’t be
P-D editorial: Legislation from GOP lawmakers makes a hard job harder at hospitals and nursing homes
The Missouri Times: Combest, 20 for 20, Part 4 (10/21/21): “As COVID wanes, some health reporters … won’t be able to resist finally putting the spotlight on themselves.”
Kaiser Health News’ Bram Sable-Smith, via KCUR: Vaccinate and test. That advice isn’t much help to me. Here’s my story.