Friday, March 18, 2022 – Missouri political news headlines
Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: #moleg, #moleg news, #MOSEN, Blaine Luetkemeyer, Caleb Rowden, Cheri Toalson Reisch, Cora Faith Walker, Cora Faith Walker autopsy, Cora Faith Walker cause of death, Cora Faith Walker death, Cora Faith Walker funeral, Cora Faith Walker obituary, Cori Bush, Dave Schatz, diversity hires, Eric Greitens, Eric Schmitt, how to get around St. Louis Post-Dispatch paywall, Jason Hancock, John Combest, Josh Hawley, journalists coping with COVID decline, journalists coping with decline in COVID cases, journalists finding personal and professional self-worth in COVID case counts, LaunchCode, liberal media bias in Missouri, long-haul COVID symptoms Missouri, Mary Elizabeth Coleman, McLaughlin, Missouri 2022 U.S. Senate race, Missouri Department of Corrections, Missouri political journalism, Missouri School Boards' Association, Phill Brooks, Sarah Fenske, Schmitt Derangement Syndrome, Scott Faughn, Tony Luetkemeyer, Trafalgar Missouri U.S. Senate poll, Vicky Hartzler.
Scott Faughn: TWMP Column: Cora Faith Walker 1984-2022
KC Star: Hawley’s critique of Biden SCOTUS pick earns rebuke from White House press secretary Jen Psaki
Washington Missourian: Gov. Parson to headline fundraiser for U.S. Senate hopeful Dave Schatz (hop over the Missourian’s paywall here)
KC Star: Missouri men get probation in Capitol riot
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Ed Lewis (R-Moberly): Sen. Cindy O’Laughlin (R–Shelbina) is “the voice of reason” to bring Senate GOP factions together
Missourinet: Mizzou study says university generates $5 billion for state economy
SNL: Schmitt sues Missouri School Boards’ Association, says group was hiding records
KCUR: As demand fades, Missouri is ending program to provide at-home COVID-19 tests
Columbia Missourian: As demand sharply declines, Missouri ending at-home COVID testing kit program
P-D editorial: Hawley goes for the jugular against the first black woman Supreme Court nominee (hop over Post-Dispatch paywall here)
P-D editorial: Eric Schmitt is supposed to represent Missourians, not right-wing propagandists like One America News (hop over Post-Dispatch paywall here)
Missouri Independent’s Phill Brooks: Ukraine’s example for Missouri lawmakers
National Review’s Dan McLaughlin: Trafalgar’s ugly poll for Eric Greitens
P-D op-ed: Virginia liberal says “extreme” pro-life bill from Rep. Mary Elizabeth Coleman (R-Arnold) is fascist (hop over Post-Dispatch paywall here)
P-D letter: St. Louis City man says Cori Bush was correct to vote against Russia sanctions (hop over Post-Dispatch paywall here)
P-D letter: University City man notes that Cori Bush and other ‘Squad’ members self-identify as Democratic Socialists of America (hop over Post-Dispatch paywall here)
P-D letter: Richmond Heights sexagenarian opposes ectopic pregnancy bill (hop over Post-Dispatch paywall here)