Wednesday, May 25, 2022 – Missouri political news headlines
Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: #mogov, #moleg, #moleg news, #MOSEN, $AEE, 18 North Central O'Fallon, 1st Congressional District Democratic primary 2022, 2022 Missouri Senate Republican debate, 2024 Missouri governor race, 97.1 FM Talk, Ameren Missouri, BA.2.12.1 variant Missouri, Better Elections Missouri,, Bill Eigel, Bills vetoed by Governor Mike Parson, Billy Long, Bob Onder, Brian Seitz, Connor Lounsbury, Cori Bush, Cori Bush Steve Roberts debate, Dan Shaul, David Speelman, environmental advocacy journalism Missouri, Eric Burlison, Eric Greitens, fentanyl in Missouri, Ginger Witty, Governor Mike Parson, Jay Wasson, John Lamping, journalists cheering new COVID variants, journalists coping with COVID decline, journalists coping with decline in COVID cases, Kathie Conway Missouri, KCMO radio, LaDonna Applebaum, liberal media bias in Missouri, Lucas Kunce, Lucas Kunce for Missouri, Lucas Kunce for Senate, Lucas Kunce Trudy Busch Valentine debate, Marc Cox Show audio, Mexicans, Mike Hafner, Mike Kehoe, Mike Moon, Missouri 2022 state legislative session, Missouri 2022 U.S. Senate race, Missouri 7th Congressional District Republican candidates, Missouri congressional redistricting, Missouri COVID spread, Missouri Ethics Commission vacancies, Missouri General Assembly 2022 legislation, Missouri League of Women Voters, Missouri political journalism, National Women's Political Caucus St. Louis endorsements, Pete Mundo, Sheena Greitens, Steve Roberts St. Louis, Steven Roberts Cori Bush, Trudy Busch Valentine, Trudy Busch Valentine U.S. Senate Missouri, Zora Mulligan.
97.1 FM Talk (St. Louis): Mark Cox Show: Former state Sen. John Lamping (R-Ladue) on Billy Long‘s campaign, candidate forums at 18 North Central in O’Fallon, what separates Long from the crowd (3:00), what’s keeping Long from a Trump endorsement (3:45), why Hartzler won’t get the Trump endorsement (5:30), why establishment Republicans fear populism and support ranked-choice voting (7:30)
Missouri Independent: Phone records blast holes in Eric Greitens’ conspiracy claims, attorney says
P-D: Debate over debates emerges in Missouri ahead of Aug. 2 party primaries; Hartzler’s Mike Hafner says Greitens won’t debate; Kunce challenges Trudy Busch Valentine; Steve Roberts invites “Socialist” Cori Bush to debate 10 times (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D: Former St. Louis City Alderman Irving Clay Jr. – brother and uncle to two longtime congressmen – dies at 97 (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D: Former Rep. Kathie Conway (R-St. Charles) among Gov. Parson’s two new appointments to Missouri Ethics Commission (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D: Local chapter of liberal National Women’s Political Caucus rescinds political endorsements after pushback; Rep. LaDonna Applebaum (D-St. Louis County) among leaders of rebellion (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D: League of Women Voters klatch kvetches about GOP election legislation (get around stltoday paywall here)
KC Star: Missouri voters will decide Kansas City police funding fight
The Missouri Times: AARP urges Gov. Parson to veto tax rebate
JCNT: Hitachi plant celebrates 50 years, announces $10M expansion; Gov. Parson, Department of Economic Development Acting Director Maggie Kost on hand (get around News-Tribune paywall here)
JCNT: Missouri commissioner of higher education selected for new role at MSU (get around News-Tribune paywall here)
SNL: Missouri State hires Zora Mulligan for No. 2 role
SNL: High court weighs law that unions say disrupts bargaining with state
P-D: St. Louis hospital officials push masks again, as BA.2.12.1 variant helps COVID cases rise (get around stltoday paywall here)
KC Star editorial: As gun violence rages, Blunt and Hawley take campaign contributions from the NRA