Thursday, October 20, 2022 – Missouri political news headlines
Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: #moleg, #moleg news, #MOSEN, $SR, Alex Riley Missouri, Amendment 3 marijuana, Amendment 3 Missouri, Amendment 5 National Guard, Austin Petersen, avoid Post-Dispatch paywall, avoid stltoday paywall, BlackRock Missouri, BlackRock MOSERS, Busch Valentine Schmitt polls, Claudette Riley, Crossing Paths, education professionals complaining about the profession they chose, Eric Schmitt, everything is racist, feminists seeking emotional overreaction from men, get around stltoday paywall, Greta Cross, Greta Cross journalist, how to get around St. Louis Post-Dispatch paywall, how to get around stltoday paywall, Janet Y. Jackson St. Louis, Jason Hancock, John Ashcroft, journalists congratulating themselves, Kansas City Star editorial board, Kansas City Star liberal bias, Kansas City Star Service Journalism team, Kevin Gunn, KSMU, liberal media bias in Missouri, Michele Skalicky, Missouri 2022 U.S. Senate race, Missouri Amendment 3, Missouri Amendment 5, Missouri banning books, Missouri feminists, Missouri Independent, Missouri Independent liberal bias, Missouri political journalism, Missouri recreational marijuana ballot initiative, Missouri recreational marijuana vote, Missouri voter ID laws, Natalie Wallington, Post-Dispatch editorial board, quixotic legislative candidates running vanity campaigns in unwinnable districts, Samantha Deaton, Samantha Deaton Alex Riley, Samantha Deaton Missouri Democrat, Schmitt Derangement Syndrome, Scott Fitzpatrick, should I vote for Amendment 5 in Missouri, Spire, Sue Meredith Missouri, Tim Garrison, Trudy Busch Valentine Eric Schmitt, what is Amendment 3 Missouri, what is Amendment 4 Missouri, what is Amendment 5 Missouri, what is Missouri Amendment 3, what is Missouri Amendment 4.
The Missouri Times; Tim Garrison and John Ashcroft headline Back the Blue event in Springfield
KC Star: U.S. Senate, U.S. Congress Q&A: Eric Schmitt, Sam Graves decline to dignify KC Star‘s “voter guide”
KC Star: State legislative races: All six Republican candidates decline to dignify KC Star’s “voter guide”
JCNT: Millions poured into Amendment 3 recreational marijuana ballot measure in Missouri (get around Jefferson City News Tribune paywall here)
JCNT: Republican Travis Fitzwater outraises, outspends Libertarian Catherine Dreher in race for state Senate District 10 (get around Jefferson City News Tribune paywall here)
P-D: Campaign manager for state Senate candidate George Hruza ‘nearly run off the road’ in I-270 incident, Republican says (get around stltoday paywall here)
JCNT: Candidate forum: Rep. Don Griffith (R-Jefferson City) vs. J. Don Salcedo (D) (get around Jefferson City News Tribune paywall here)
JCNT: Griffith outstrips Missouri House District 60 opponent in fundraising (get around Jefferson City News Tribune paywall here)
P-D: Missouri officials look to shine light on tax issues affecting solar farms (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D endorsements: Yes on Amendment 1; No on Amendments 3, 4 and 5; No on Constitutional Convention question (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D’s Janet Y. Jackson: Missouri’s racist voter ID proposal could lead to disastrous consequences (get around stltoday paywall here)
SNL’s Greta Cross: Why Missouri schools need comprehensive sex education
P-D letter: St. Louis County sexagenarian says Eric Schmitt is lying about his upbringing (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D letter: St. Louis City octogenarian: Eric Schmitt’s criticism of Valentine’s wealth is sexist (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D letter: University City woman “can’t understand” Eric Schmitt’s upcoming victory (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D letter: St. Louis County man says Josh Hawley and Eric Schmitt are wrong about Donald Trump (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D letter: Maryland Heights man lists objections to Amendment 3 (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D letter: Former Democrat state Rep. Sue Meredith says she passed zero bills because of discrimination (get around stltoday paywall here)