Monday, November 14, 2022 – Missouri political news headlines
Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: #moleg, #moleg news, #MOSEN, 2023 Missouri legislative session, 2024 Missouri governor race, Amendment 3 marijuana, Amendment 3 Missouri, Ashley Aune, avoid Post-Dispatch paywall, avoid stltoday paywall, Betsy Fogle, Celisa Calacal, Dean Plocher, Eric Schmitt, George Hruza, get around stltoday paywall, how to get around St. Louis Post-Dispatch paywall, how to get around stltoday paywall, Hruza McCreery, Jason Kander, Jay Ashcroft, Joe Lakin, Joe Lakin Missouri, Jon Patterson Missouri, KCUR liberal bias, liberal media bias in Missouri, Missouri 2022 U.S. Senate race, Missouri 2023 state budget, Missouri Amendment 3, Missouri banning books, Missouri General Assembly 2023 legislation, Missouri political journalism, Missouri recreational marijuana ballot initiative, Missouri recreational marijuana vote, Missouri Senate District 24, rural broadband expansion in Missouri, Ryan Burke Missouri, Scott Fitzpatrick, Tracy McCreery, Trudy Busch Valentine, Trudy Busch Valentine Eric Schmitt, Trudy Busch Valentine U.S. Senate Missouri, what is Amendment 3 Missouri, what is Amendment 4 Missouri, what is Missouri Amendment 3, what is Missouri Amendment 4, white women are the new white men.
SNL: Democrats see hope in Springfield, but GOP still dominant in Missouri Missouri scribe John Combest teaches how to battle Internets hate
P-D: Attorneys, law enforcement unsure how recreational marijuana will affect Missouri policing (get around stltoday paywall here)
KC Star: Kansas City medical marijuana companies prepare to cash in on full legalization
CDT: Daniel Boone Regional Library crafting statement on Jay Ashcroft library rule change
Missourinet: Missouri requirement costs truckers time and money
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Missouri libraries and communities should make their own decisions on explicit books
KC Star op-ed: Jason Kander: Authoritarians will keep trying, but American democracy is hard to kill
P-D letter: Fenton octogenarian says Jay Ashcroft copying Eric Schmitt path to publicity (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D letter: St. Louis City septuagenarian says urban areas need more security than state Capitol (get around stltoday paywall here)