Friday, February 10, 2023 – Missouri political news headlines
Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: #moleg, #moleg news, $AEE, 2023 Missouri legislative session, Ameren Missouri, Andrew Bailey Missouri, Ann Wagner, avoid Post-Dispatch paywall, avoid stltoday paywall, Blaine Luetkemeyer, boring Sunshine request results, Emanuel Cleaver, everything is racist, get around stltoday paywall, Henrio Thelemaque, how to get around St. Louis Post-Dispatch paywall, how to get around stltoday paywall, Josh Hawley, Kevin Windham, Kurt Erickson, liberal media bias in Missouri, Marlene Terry, Marlene Terry Missouri, Missouri Department of Revenue, Missouri General Assembly 2023 legislation, Missouri House rules are racist, Missouri political journalism, Missouri state employee wage increase 2023, Post-Dispatch editorial board, Senator Josh Hawley, sports betting in Missouri, staying on topic is racist, stltoday transgender hormone advocacy, Thelemaque Group, urban crime in Missouri, urban reporters attempting to cover the state Capitol, Washington University Medical School transgender, Washington University School of Medicine transgender whistleblower.
Missourinet: Missouri’s congressional delegation agrees Chinese spy balloon “a brazen violation of U.S. sovereignty“; comments from U.S. Reps. Cleaver, Luetkemeyer, Wagner
CQ-Roll Call: Hawley’s departure from powerful Armed Services committee draws speculation
KZRG (Joplin): Hawley outlines investigation of Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital
P-D: Whistleblower report on St. Louis transgender clinic triggers calls for federal, state probes (get around stltoday paywall here)
KC Star: Missouri AG Bailey investigating “transgender care” center over whistleblower’s allegations
Columbia Missourian: Mizzou Young Democratic Socialists of America organize protest in support of Plan B pills
JCNT: House debates state employee pay proposal (get around Jefferson City News Tribune paywall here)
Missouri Independent: Missouri state employee pay raise advances with vote on spending bill
P-D: Missouri House advances latest pay raise push for state workers (get around stltoday paywall here)
SNL: Sports betting resurfaces in Missouri Legislature ahead of Super Bowl featuring Chiefs
Missourinet: Sports betting bills back in Missouri House, with bipartisan support
Kansas City Beacon: Missouri lawmakers wish you could bet on Super Bowl this weekend
SNL: Missouri prosecutors bill passes without ban on minors with guns
AP: As Missouri House moves forward on urban crime bill, Democrats allege racism
P-D: After GOP steers crime bill debate back on track, Democrats slam ‘racist’ proceedings in Missouri House (get around stltoday paywall here)
Missouri Independent: GOP bill to tackle urban crime leads to waterworks, allegations of racism
Missouri Independent: Missouri Department of Revenue says it thwarted $118 million refund scheme
Columbia Missourian: Changes suggested to Sunshine Law in its 50th year
Missouri Independent: Missouri lawmakers debate limiting access to some public government records
P-D: Company seeking to mine silica sand in Ste. Genevieve County hires Jeff City lobbyist (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D: EPA testing confirms Ameren substation as source of latest St. Charles groundwater pollution (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D: Your Ameren bill could go up by $12 a month. You can fight back today. (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D editorial: Another example of Kim Gardner’s incompetence helps justify state intervention (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D editorial: Easier abortion-pill access is pushing anti-choice activists toward more extreme ideas (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D’s Kurt Erickson: It took the China spy balloon to get Missouri GOP moving on foreign land ownership (get around stltoday paywall here)