Sunday, August 6, 2023 – Missouri political news headlines
Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: #moleg, #moleg news, 2024 Missouri governor race, avoid Post-Dispatch paywall, avoid stltoday paywall, Bill Eigel, Bill Eigel for governor, biting the hand that gives handouts, Brett Dinkins, Casey Burns, Chris Chinn, creative gun control proposals, Crystal Quade, Crystal Quade 2024, Crystal Quade for governor, Crystal Quade Jay Ashcroft, Eigel for Governor, farm bill Missouri, get around stltoday paywall, Heather Dolce DSS, Heather Dolce Missouri, how to get around St. Louis Post-Dispatch paywall, how to get around stltoday paywall, Jay Ashcroft, Jay Ashcroft for governor, Josh Foster, journalists refusing to acknowledge errors, journalists using stilted language to avoid using the word "woman", Kelly Dereuck Missouri, Kelly Dereuck Springfield News-Leader, Kristina Abovyan Columbia Missourian, Kristina Abovyan reporter, Leonard Steinman Missouri, Leonard Steinman obituary, liberal media bias in Missouri, Mark Alford, Mike Kehoe, Mike Kehoe for governor, Missouri 2024 abortion vote, Missouri Department of Agriculture, Missouri Department of Agriculture news, Missouri Department of Corrections, Missouri economy news, Missouri political journalism, Missouri Public Defender System, Missouri State Fair, MOHELA, Nicole Galloway, people using COVID as an excuse to cancel activities, people using COVID as an excuse to cancel plans, Peverill Squire, prisoners complaining about prison, Scott Fitzpatrick, Tishaura Jones gun control, Tony Messenger, urban crime in Missouri, Victor Stefanescu reporter, Victory Enterprises, Yvette Walker Kansas City Star. Help cover the funeral expenses of Casey Burns’ uncle and grandmother, who died unexpectedly last week (organized by Victory Enterprises‘ Brett Dinkins, with help from Enterprise Holding’s Josh Foster) Obituary for Casey Burns’ grandmother, Joy Thurston Obituary for Casey Burns’ uncle, Pete Selzer
JCNT: Outspoken Jefferson City native and perennial candidate Leonard J. Steinman dies at 71
SNL’s new politics reporter Kelly Dereuck: Analysis: Crystal Quade retains key advantages in gubernatorial campaign, but faces headwinds; “the current social climate surrounding the abortion ballot initiative may also work to her advantage”
JCNT: Profile: Healther Dolce starts anew after a decade at Missouri Department of Social Services
JCNT: Local, statewide manufacturing jobs building workforce
KC Star: Missouri state auditor investigates Jackson County property tax assessment complaints (avoid Kansas City Star paywall by reading free syndicated version on Yahoo! News here)
JCNT: Three Missouri prisons have no air conditioning
P-D’s Victor Stefanescu: St. Louis City gas station workers recount strange nights, dangers of the job; tighter gun control laws will help make urban environment safer (get around stltoday paywall here)
Last week: P-D’s Victor Stefanescu: Post-Dispatch reporters exposed data shortcomings from “Missouri Department of Health and Human [sic] Services”; UPDATE: fixed, without acknowledgment of error (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D: Recovery for national convention business expected in 2024 – but not in St. Louis; tourism chief Kitty Ratcliffe blames COVID pandemic (get around stltoday paywall here)
P-D’s Tony Messenger: Public defenders are overworked. St. Louis attorney seeks a national solution. (get around stltoday paywall here)
KC Star editorial page editor Yvette Walker: Something new is happening with MOHELA student loans – and it looks like good news
P-D letter: Florissant septuagenarian promotes fundraising campaign for Joseph Amrine, who “spent 27 years in prison, mostly for a crime he didn’t commit” (get around stltoday paywall here)