Saturday, March 9, 2024 – Missouri political news headlines
Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: #moleg, #moleg news, 2024 Missouri legislative session, Ann Wagner, Ann Wagner Josh Hawley, Ann Wagner Kurt Schaefer, Ann Wagner Ukraine, avoid stltoday paywall, Brad Hildebrand, Danny Busick, Denny Hoskins, get around stltoday paywall, gimmick legislation, Hazelwood School District residency investigations, how to get around St. Louis Post-Dispatch paywall, how to get around stltoday paywall, Jason Rosenbaum, Jasper Logan, John Combest radio, John Voss, John Voss Republican, Josh Hawley, Josh Hawley Kurt Schaefer, journalists cheering drag shows, journalists cheering drag shows for children, journalists treating Roy Blunt fairly after he announced retirement, Kavahn Mansouri, KSLQ radio, liberal media bias in Missouri, Lincoln Hough, Lincoln Hough 2024, Lincoln Hough lieutenant governor, Lynn Schmidt Post-Dispatch, Mazzie Christensen, Missouri 2024 presidential Democrat ballot, Missouri economy news, Missouri General Assembly 2024 legislation, Missouri political journalism, Post-Dispatch editorial board, presidential primary Missouri, Taylor Swift Act Missouri, Washington University in St. Louis, Westplex Talk 104.5, where do I vote for Missouri Democrat president, where do I vote for Missouri presidential primary Democrat.
Missouri Independent: Missouri Democrats select polling locations for party-run presidential primary
Brad & John Show on Instagram: Friday show summary
USA Today: Weekly data: Unemployment claims in Missouri held steady last week
JCNT: Treasurer pushes back against claims office violated state statute on fund balance interest
JCNT: Dem Rep. Deb Lavender’s mission: taking on fund balances
Columbia Missourian: Missouri educators, law enforcement learn school safety practices at FBI summit
JCNT: Missouri DOC pushes back against claims of high death rates
Columbia Missourian: ‘Danny’s Law’ House bill would protect 911 callers in hazing incidents
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Danny Busick (R-Newtown) supports “Taylor Swift Act” for deepfakes
Southeast Missourian: Coroner in court to answer charges; bill from Rep. John Voss (R-Cape Girardeau) would strengthen standards for coroners (avoid Southeast Missourian paywall by reading Combest-archived version here)
Washington Missourian: State conducting audit of Leslie
KC Star: Ray County sheriff let prisoners go free and bring in drugs, MO attorney general says (avoid KC Star paywall by reading free syndicated version on Yahoo! News here)
KC Star: WalletHub weekly data-mining update: Missouri’s property tax on vehicles (avoid KC Star paywall by reading free syndicated version on Yahoo! News here)
JCNT: Missouri Department of Conservation opens up April youth turkey hunt
P-D editorial: Sen. Schmitt is targeting a decorated combat vet for daring to confront racism (avoid stltoday paywall by reading Combest-archived version here)
P-D editorial board’s Lynn Schmidt: Listen to our chat with Independent U.S. Senate candidate Jared Young (avoid stltoday paywall by reading Combest-archived version here)
P-D’s Tony Messenger: Sunshine Week preview: Missouri judges allow lawmakers to stay under a shroud of secrecy (avoid stltoday paywall by reading Combest-archived version here)
P-D letter: Chesterfield man, who attended GOP presidential caucus to support Nikki Haley, deems process “not even remotely fair to the Haley supporters” (avoid stltoday paywall by reading Combest-archived version here)