Monday, May 6, 2024 – Missouri political news headlines
Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: #moleg, #moleg news, 2024 Missouri legislative session, 2024 Missouri state budget, 2025 Missouri state budget, avoid Kansas City Star paywall, avoid Post-Dispatch paywall, avoid stltoday paywall, Brad Hildebrand, candidate vetting, Chuck Basye Stephen Webber, Cody Smith, Cody Smith Missouri, Curtis Trent, Dean Plocher, Dean Plocher 2024, Dirk Deaton, Donna Baringer, Federal Reimbursement Allowance Missouri, get around stltoday paywall, how to get around St. Louis Post-Dispatch paywall, how to get around stltoday paywall, John Combest radio, Kurtis Gregory, liberal media bias in Missouri, Lincoln Hough, Mark McCloskey, Marlene Terry, Marlene Terry Missouri, Missouri 2024 state budget, Missouri 2025 state budget, Missouri DSS, Missouri Freedom Caucus, Missouri General Assembly 2024 legislation, Missouri political journalism, parties vetting candidates, Patricia McCloskey, Scott Faughn, Stephen Webber, This Week in Missouri Politics.
This Week in Missouri Politics: Panel of Democrat Reps. Donna Baringer and Marlene Terry, along with GOP Reps. Dirk Deaton and Kurtis Gregory, chat with Scott Faughn about the federal reimbursement allowance (FRA) (0:30); state budget process (6:20); House Ethics Committee inquisition into Speaker Dean Plocher (15:45); Rep. Terry says Ethics investigation should have been concluded “a day or two after it started,” said “personal vendettas” led to lengthy process (18:30); initiative petition changes (22:15); who won the week: Norm Stewart family, Jay Ashcroft, Donna Baringer’s new puppy Ruby, Lincoln Hough (27:05)
KWTO: All the Above with Garett Bowles: Sen. Curtis Trent (R-Battlefield) on remaining legislation, including initiative petition changes and budget (-32:00); thoughts on House budget (-30:20); praise for Cody Smith and Lincoln Hough (-29:45); FRA (-27:45); expectation that filibuster would be a “significant disruption” that would be weathered (-26:30); questioning Freedom Caucus mathematics on initiative petition votes (-25:00); filibuster negatively affecting other legislation (-23:30); optimism for 2025 session (-21:50); chances of special session (-21:00); legislative wins this session on private property/landlord rights, insurance regulation (-20:30); whether IP legislation could affect existing petitions (-18:05)
St. Louis Public Radio: Missourians could vote to boost state’s minimum wage and establish paid sick leave
P-D: Casino at Lake of the Ozarks moves closer to statewide vote (avoid stltoday paywall by reading Combest-archived version here)
KC Star’s Eric Adler: In this Missouri county, Republicans go to ‘war’ over who can run as a Republican; in 2020, Mark and Patricia “McClosky [sic] … emerged from their affluent St. Louis home brandishing weapons to ostensibly project [sic] themselves from the protesters.” (avoid KC Star paywall by reading free syndicated version on Yahoo! News here)
The Mancave Caucus with Rep. Ben Baker (R-Neosho), Tim Holden and Joel Mace: The MRP Convention Caucus Coup
YouTube: Missouri Republicans elected Sophie Shore chair of the Missouri Republican State Convention in Springfield on Saturday. Here’s that time in November she put a couple cultural enrichers in their place. (via Brad & John Show)
Columbia Missourian: Boone Republicans struggle to find candidate for Caleb Rowden’s open Senate seat
Missouri Independent: Friday budget deadline tests Republican factional fractures in Missouri Senate
KC Star: ‘Reality check’ series: ‘Missed warning signs.’ Missouri child welfare failed kids who died of fentanyl, panel says (avoid KC Star paywall by reading free syndicated version on Yahoo! News here)
P-D: Missouri lawmakers attempt to encourage five-day school weeks (avoid stltoday paywall by reading Combest-archived version here)
St. Louis Public Radio: Millions in federal funding will be used to expand charter schools in St. Louis
Brad (Hildebrand) & John (Combest) Show on 104.5 FM (Franklin/St. Charles/Warren Counties), Friday morning (Segment A): Recap of Jimmy Kimmel mocking Will Scharf; what to tell your clients, candidates and execs about smiling on camera; sports betting on November ballot; Brad’s “Prostitutes for Education”; judge okays stacking marijuana taxes; Spanish Lake Easter eggs
Brad & John Show, Friday morning (Segment C): St. Louis Public Radio vs. Andrew Bailey over transgender tip line; John give Brad online therapy about expectations and resentments; Ameren “Renewable Energy Center” coda; why you should go buy some Roundup/glyphosate this weekend
Brad & John Show, Friday morning (Segment B): St. Louis on the Air features they/them human with chartreuse hair, promotes LGBTQIA*+-friendly comic book gimmick John Combest: Stalking, Harassment, Internet Trolling: A Guide to Recovering and Rebuilding After Online Attacks – available in paperback and Amazon Kindle
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