Thursday, October 17, 2024 – Missouri political news headlines
Published (updated: ) in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: #moleg, #moleg news, abortion pill Missouri access, avoid Post-Dispatch paywall, avoid stltoday paywall, Better Party Jared Young, can Lucas Kunce win, Danielle Spradley Cori Bush, Eric Greitens, get around stltoday paywall, Gov. Mike Kehoe, Governor Mike Kehoe, Hawley Kunce poll, how to get around St. Louis Post-Dispatch paywall, how to get around stltoday paywall, Jared Young Missouri, John Danforth, John Danforth complaining about modern reality, Josh Hawley, Josh Hawley re-election, KYRO Mark Bland, KYRO Mark Bland Jason Kull, liberal media bias in Missouri, Lucas Kunce, Lucas Kunce 2024, Megan Green St. Louis, Mike Elam Missouri, Mike Elam St. Charles County, Mike Kehoe, Mike Kehoe for governor, Missouri news talk radio, Missouri political journalism, St. Louis conservative radio, top St. Louis conservative radio, Washington University in St. Louis, Winston Calvert.
Missouri Independent: Hawley reports more cash on hand than Democrat opponent
The Hill: Senate rankings: 5 seats most likely to flip does not include Missouri
P-D’s Joe Holleman: Top Cori Bush aide hired by St. Louis County Executive Sam Page; Danielle Spradley will earn $85k in new “community outreach liaison” role, will focus on North St. Louis County ahead of Page’s 2026 re-election campaign (avoid stltoday paywall by reading Combest-archived version here)
JCNT: Republicans continue to lead Democrats in Missouri campaign fundraising, spending
Kansas City Beacon: Abortion issues weigh heavily on Missouri Supreme Court judge retention races
St. Louis Public Radio: Overview: Andrew Bailey vs. Elad Gross, David Wasinger vs. Richard Brown
AP: Missouri among 3 states renewing effort to reduce access to the abortion drug mifepristone
Columbia Missourian: In Missouri, no ‘donut hole,’ not enough helpers as Medicare changes
P-D: Local politico and self-described ‘pragmatist’ takes over Megan Green’s job at Washington U. (avoid stltoday paywall by reading Combest-archived version here)
JCNT: Missouri Task Force 1 returning from hurricane relief efforts
Columbia Missourian: MoDOT reports snowplow driver shortage for fifth straight year
P-D: St. Louis buys 9 electric Mustangs. Aldermen have questions. ‘Seems like an extravagance.’ (avoid stltoday paywall by reading Combest-archived version here)
KC Star endorsement: Yes on Amendment 3 (abortion)
P-D endorsement: Yes on Amendment 5 (Bally’s casino at Lake of the Ozarks) (avoid stltoday paywall by reading Combest-archived version here)
KC Star op-ed: State and national Baptist leaders: Abortion costs lives and our culture. Missouri voters should reject Amendment 3 (avoid KC Star paywall by reading free syndicated version on Yahoo! News here)
P-D op-ed: “Veterans for All Voters” founder Eric Bronner: Amendment 7 is a trick to rob voters of their power. Vote no. (avoid stltoday paywall by reading Combest-archived version here)