Thursday, January 16, 2025 – Missouri political news headlines
Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: #moleg, #moleg news, $AEE, $BAYRY, 2025 Missouri legislative session, 2025 Missouri state budget, Adam Schnelting, Alex Riley Missouri, Amendment 3 abortion Missouri, Ameren rate increase 2025, Ashley Aune, avoid Post-Dispatch paywall, avoid stltoday paywall, Bayer, Bayer Missouri, Chad Perkins, Chantelle Nickson-Clark, Chantelle Nickson-Clark Angela Mosley, Dirk Deaton, get around stltoday paywall, Gov. Mike Kehoe, Governor Mike Kehoe, how to get around St. Louis Post-Dispatch paywall, how to get around stltoday paywall, Jim Schulte Missouri House, Jon Patterson Missouri, KCMO radio, liberal media bias in Missouri, Mike Kehoe, Mike Kehoe for governor, Mike Kehoe inauguration, Missouri 2025 state budget, Missouri Botanical Garden slavery, Missouri Botanical Garden slavery education grant, Missouri income tax bill, Missouri Plan 2025, Missouri political journalism, Missouri Public Service Commission, Missouri voter ID laws, MoCannTrade, MoCannTrade license, MoCannTrade microbusiness, Pete Mundo, Robin Carnahan, Scott Faughn, St. Louis Public Schools, state income tax legislation Missouri, urban crime in Missouri, Wesley Bell, Wesley Bell discrimination lawsuit, Wesley Bell Missouri Democrat, Whispering Gallery newsletter.
P-D: Settlement pending in discrimination lawsuit involving Wesley Bell (avoid stltoday paywall by reading free Combest-archived version here)
Brad (Hildebrand) & John (Combest) Show on 104.5 FM (Washington, Mo.), Tuesday: Crowdsourcing info: Are taxpayers on the hook for the Wesley Bell settlement payoff? (link opens at 13:30 mark)
Jason Rosenbaum’s Politically Speaking: Robin Carnahan reflects on time as leader of General Services Administration
Brad & John Show, Tuesday: Missouri Botanical Garden gets $99,920 from Biden Administration to tell slavery victimhood tales; PLUS the best DEI job title you’ve never heard (link opens at 3:40 mark)
This Week in Missouri Politics Mid-Week Update: Scott Faughn and Rep. Chad Perkins (R-Bowling Green) discuss updated Missouri House rules (1:20), urban gun control measures (5:20), Gov. Kehoe trying to fix St. Louis City crime (7:45), Bayer’s glyphosate legislation (15:45), Amendment 3 legislation (17:00), Missouri Plan (21:00), statewide pro-life groups’ failure to coordinate in 2024 (22:30), more
The Missouri Times: Subscribe to the Whispering Gallery
Instagram reel: The Get Along Gang featuring leader Jon Patterson, hype man Chad Perkins, prankster Justin Sparks, logical Dirk Deaton, lean machine Alex Riley, and the Ashley Aune Caboose
Brad & John Show, Tuesday: Mike Elam vs. Bill Eigel for St. Charles County Executive in 2026 – and why Eigel hasn’t announced yet
Brad & John Show, Wednesday: Missouri’s pro-choice catfights lead to Planned Parenthood leader’s resignation, Part 1 (link opens at 14:58 mark)
Brad & John Show, Wednesday: Missouri’s pro-choice catfights lead to Planned Parenthood leader’s resignation, Part 2
JCNT: Kehoe stresses importance of support, unity at prayer breakfast
KCMO: Pete Mundo in the Morning: Gov. Mike Kehoe
JCNT: Limits on bills removed by new Missouri House rules
Fox 2 St. Louis: Missouri Republicans look to eliminate the state income tax; comments from Rep. Bishop Davidson (R-Republic), Ashley Aune (D-Kansas City)
P-D: Despite smooth election, GOP again floats citizenship label for Missouri driver’s licenses (avoid stltoday paywall by reading free Combest-archived version here)
Missouri Independent: Cannabis trade group pushes back on Missouri rules to combat ‘predatory’ practices
Combest, The Missouri Times, 8/21/21: Top victimhood angle for 2023: “Missouri voters approved recreational marijuana in 2022, but experts are worried that minorities will be left out in the cold … Even worse, (aspiring marijuana peddlers) see other urban entrepreneurs profiting from the cannabis market and suspect foul play.” PLUS Kamala Harris at the top of the Democratic ticket in 2024
Brad & John Show, Thursday morning: Recap of Rebecca Rivas piece on exploitive cannabis contracts (link opens at 10:05 mark)
Columbia Tribune: Jones Soda’s cannabis line is now for sale in Missouri. Here’s what to know (avoid Columbia Tribune paywall by reading free syndicated version on MSN here)
P-D: Sen. Adam Schnelting (R-St. Charles) pushes to allow weapons on public transit (avoid stltoday paywall by reading free Combest-archived version here)
JCNT: Rep. Jim Schulte (R-New Bloomfield) continues push for Missouri allergy legislation
P-D: Missouri state officials seek help to pay legal bills in fight with feds over mental health treatment (avoid stltoday paywall by reading free Combest-archived version here)
Brad & John Show playlist on Spotify: 275 songs from the first 275 shows (curated by Camellia Peterson)
St. Louis Public Radio: Ameren wants to raise electric rates in Missouri again. Here’s how you can weigh in
Brad & John Show, Friday morning: How to write a paint-by-numbers utility rate hike story PLUS Ameren’s Q1 communications plan, and the Missouri Public Service Commission scheduling blunder (link opens at 3:05 mark)
Jason Rosenbaum’s Politically Speaking podcast: Melissa Price Smith, appointed St. Louis County prosecutor by then-Gov. Parson, targets violent crime
Jason Rosenbaum’s Politically Speaking episode archive on Apple Podcasts
P-D: Husband of former state Rep. Chantelle Nickson-Clark (D-Florissant) sentenced to 37 months in federal prison (avoid stltoday paywall by reading free Combest-archived version here)
P-D: President of St. Louis School Board defends credit card spending after member resigns (avoid stltoday paywall by reading free Combest-archived version here)
Brad & John Show, Wednesday: Tishaura Jones team says crime is down in city; “middle” vs. “cusp” of “renaissance” (link opens at 10:07 mark)
Brad & John Show, Thursday: The uncomfortable crime topic nobody is willing to talk about (link opens at 6:10 mark)
Brad & John Show, Tuesday: Online slap fight involving Spire, a mysteriously plowed road and St. Louis Mayor Tishuara Jones’ father; Lindsey Pattan; more (link opens at 16:45)
KC Star editorial board: Increasing use of coarse language in seats of power reflects a broader decline; photo of Eric Schmitt X post using four-letter excrement slang
Columbia Missourian Darkow cartoon: Eric Schmitt’s misspelled sign How to avoid the Columbia Missourian’s Darkow cartoon paywall KCUR seems committed to coverage opposing Prez-Elect Trump Stalking, Harassment, Internet Trolling: A Guide to Recovering and Rebuilding After Online Attacks – $7.99 on Kindle, $12.99 in paperback
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