Sunday, January 19, 2025 – Missouri political news headlines
Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: #moleg, #moleg news, 2025 Missouri legislative session, 2025 Missouri state budget, avoid Post-Dispatch paywall, avoid stltoday paywall, charter schools in Missouri, Dave Griffith Missouri, Dean VanSchoiack, Donald Trump Eric Schmitt, Eric Schmitt, get around stltoday paywall, how to get around St. Louis Post-Dispatch paywall, how to get around stltoday paywall, Jill Carter Republican, Josh Hawley, Josh Hawley Donald Trump, liberal media bias in Missouri, Mary Rhodes Russell, Maxine Gill Missouri, Missouri 2025 state budget, Missouri Coalition for the Environment, Missouri economy news, Missouri marijuana sales, Missouri political journalism, MoDOT news, personal property taxes Missouri, Tim Brinker.
USA Today, via SNL: Weekly Missouri unemployment claims data
JCNT: Local reps receive their committee assignments
Joplin Globe: Sen. Jill Carter (R-Granby), local law enforcement visit border to better understand immigration crisis (avoid Joplin Globe paywall by reading free Combest-archived version here)
JCNT: Rep. Dave Griffith (R-Jefferson City) backs bill to fund veteran brain therapy
Washington Missourian: MoDOT, local officials tout successful snow cleanup; Presiding Commissioner Tim Brinker says educrats and social media harpies ignore city and state workers “sweating their ass off” (avoid Washington Missourian paywall by reading free Combest-archived version here)
JCNT: Senior tax freeze financial impact murky for local school districts
JCNT: State employee profile: Art historian Sarah Jones leads tours of Missouri Capitol
JCNT editorial: Marijuana casting many ripples in Show-Me State
KC Star’s Joel Mathis: What will Josh Hawley and Eric Schmitt do with power?
P-D letter: St. Louis County woman praises vegetable “meat,” suggests Dean VanSchoiack (R-Savannah) sells his vote in exchange for pork & cattle industry contributions (avoid stltoday paywall by reading free Combest-archived version here)