Sunday, January 19, 2025 – Missouri political news headlines

Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

Columbia Missourian: Local voters reflect political divide as Trump inauguration nears; collection of man-on-the-street interviews

USA Today, via SNL: Weekly Missouri unemployment claims data

JCNT: Local reps receive their committee assignments

Joplin Globe: Sen. Jill Carter (R-Granby), local law enforcement visit border to better understand immigration crisis (avoid Joplin Globe paywall by reading free Combest-archived version here)

AP: Missouri lawmakers are going after voter-approved abortion rights. Voters will likely reelect them in 2026 anyway.

JCNT: Rep. Dave Griffith (R-Jefferson City) backs bill to fund veteran brain therapy

KMIZ (Columbia): Drivers’ pothole concerns lead to MoDOT emergency pavement repair on I-70 exit ramp; agency says it fixes an average of 150 potholes a day

Washington Missourian: MoDOT, local officials tout successful snow cleanup; Presiding Commissioner Tim Brinker says educrats and social media harpies ignore city and state workers “sweating their ass off” (avoid Washington Missourian paywall by reading free Combest-archived version here)

JCNT: Senior tax freeze financial impact murky for local school districts

JCNT: State employee profile: Art historian Sarah Jones leads tours of Missouri Capitol

JCNT editorial: Marijuana casting many ripples in Show-Me State

KC Star op-ed: Missouri Coalition for the Environment’s Maxine Gill: Missouri leaders can’t let Robert F. Kennedy Jr. direct our nation’s health policy

KC Star’s Joel Mathis: What will Josh Hawley and Eric Schmitt do with power?

SNL op-ed: Missouri Supreme Court Chief Justice Mary Rhodes Russell: Treatment court programs offer participants new beginnings

P-D letter: St. Louis County woman praises vegetable “meat,” suggests Dean VanSchoiack (R-Savannah) sells his vote in exchange for pork & cattle industry contributions (avoid stltoday paywall by reading free Combest-archived version here)

JCNT letter: St. Elizabeth R-4 School District Superintendent Doug Kempker: Why do state legislators keep pushing to fund charter schools? Stalking, Harassment, Internet Trolling: A Guide to Recovering and Rebuilding After Online Attacks – $7.99 on Kindle, $12.99 in paperback

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