Thursday, January 23, 2025 – Missouri political news headlines

Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

P-D: Ex-Missouri GOP leader Ed Martin takes helm of U.S. attorney’s office in DC (avoid stltoday paywall by reading free Combest-archived version here)

Missouri Independent: ‘High likelihood’ of radioactive waste in smoldering landfill, Missouri officials say

This Week in Missouri Politics Mid-Week Update: Scott Faughn, Jake Kroesen, Kelton Turner discuss Kehoe crime plan, Senate legislation, teaser for announcement next Tuesday

Columbia Missourian’s Charlie Dahlgren: “Aborton [sic] rights” supporters rally to protect new rights

P-D: Missouri Senate panel gives early OK to first round of Kehoe appointees (avoid stltoday paywall by reading free Combest-archived version here)

JCNT: House panel considers adding grade level to standardized test report card

JCNT: House panel weighing phase-out of corporate income tax

JCNT: Anti-DEI bill returns to House committee

P-D: Keep local control of police, St. Louis mayor tells GOP lawmakers (avoid stltoday paywall by reading free Combest-archived version here)

St. Louis Public Radio: Missouri Republicans again push state control of St. Louis police department

JCNT: Fitzwater pushes for action on prescription benefits managers

Missouri Independent: Missouri bills address pharmacy costs, insurance rules on drug pricing

Missouri Independent: MoCannTrade offers compromise in fight over regulating intoxicating hemp

Columbia Missourian: Senate committee reviews bills that would modify utility rate increases

St. Louis Public Radio: Residents blast Ameren Missouri rate increase at St. Charles meeting

Brad (Hildebrand) & John (Combest) Show on 104.5 FM (Washington, Mo.), Wednesday: Missouri PSC clears Spire in whistleblower report (link opens at 1:40 mark)

Missouri Independent: Legislators debate bill to expand restitution for wrongful convictions

St. Louis Public Radio: Missouri lawmakers hear bill to pay damages to people wrongfully imprisoned

The Missouri Times op-ed: IFF’s Stephen Westbrooks: Despite past failures, I choose to be an optimist about early childhood education in Missouri

SNL op-ed: Pierce Baugh V, “special to the News-Leader”: Crystal Quade, other gubernatorial runners-up deal with losing elections; former state rep candidate Amy Blansit (D), geriatric Iowa Democrat, other gals complain about sexism Stalking, Harassment, Internet Trolling: A Guide to Recovering and Rebuilding After Online Attacks – $7.99 on Kindle, $12.99 in paperback

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