Missouri's political news website since October 2001.

Archive - August 2019


        Saturday, August 31, 2019
The Missouri Times:  Managing the Missouri River:  Elected officials call for more local control
          P-D:  FEC notes bookkeeping errors in Ann Wagner report;  Campaign to file amended report next week X
          Missourinet:  CDC recommends hepatitis A vaccine for Missourians 19 years and younger
          P-D:  Right-hand man to former St. Louis County Executive Steve Stenger (D) should get prison, not probation, prosecutors say;  Lawyer for Bill Miller said he was simply executing Stenger's orders on Bardgett lobbying contract X
          The Missouri Times:  Profile:  MoDOT Director Patrick McKenna
          The Missouri Times:  AG office recommends against using First Amendment to redact public records
          SNL:  Schmitt's office weighs in on First Amendment debate X
          KC Star:  Parson's office says Sunshine requests will be handled on case-by-case basis X
          Missourinet:  Missouri lawmakers to hear more testimony about county jail reimbursement
          Brownfield Ag News:  University of Missouri to invest in ag research centers;  Comments from MU Chancellor Alexander Cartwright
          P-D:  Ameren announces plan to cover coal ash ponds;  Move would help avoid transporting waste through communities X
          P-D:  Amid renovations to Missouri Governor's Mansion, workers discover major damage X
          SNL:  Trout permits, daily tags will get a little more expensive in 2020 X
          KWMU:  Urban activists want Parson to donate $2 million of taxpayer money for "Cure Violence" program
          SNL op-ed:  Nicole Galloway:  Businesses unfairly rewarded for punctual tax pay X
          Messenger:  Missouri Medicaid horror story:  Ferguson octogenarian gets her Medicaid restored, but must wait an additional week or two for discounted cataract surgery X
          P-D letter:  St. Louis septuagenarian wishes Post-Dispatch would add some balance to its far-left reporting and editorial bent X

          X = Think before you click;  this site has chosen to limit its reporters' access to you and holds every one of your clicks against a monthly pageview limit.
         + = This site has chosen to provide its reporters with access to you by waiving its pageview limit for all links posted on

        Friday, August 30, 2019
SE Missourian:  Blunt urges trade, hopes for China deal +
          St. Joseph News-Press:  Rural Missouri bridges get boost from federal funds X
          SNL:  Sarah Huckabee Sanders to speak at College of the Ozarks in October X
          JCNT:  FEMA offers advice to tornado, flood victims X
          KWMU:  St. Louis author Ben Westhoff tackles 'Fentanyl, Inc.'
          Missourinet:  Missouri state troopers to be visible on the road and water through Labor Day weekend
          SNL:  Missouri marijuana industry group announces doctor training program X
          The Missouri Times:  Major restructuring of four state agencies now complete
          The Missouri Times:  Missouri legislators scrutinize abundance of public assistance programs
          The Missouri Times:  Missouri abortion ban blocked, but some HB 126 provisions implemented
          Missourinet:  New Missouri law aims to help victims with potential lease problems
          KC Star:  AG's office weighs in on First Amendment and public records X
          KWMU:  Missouri Governor's Mansion renovations to be complete by October
          JCNT:  Costs rise for Missouri Governor's Mansion work X
          The Missouri Times:  This Week in the PSC:  August 28, 2019
          CDT:  Want a bridge?  MoDOT offers Highway 40 span over Salt Creek X
          P-D editorial:  Bullets are mowing down St. Louis kids. Why won't Parson take bold action? X
          P-D op-ed:  St. Louis City social worker says NRA to blame for urban street savagery X

          X = Think before you click;  this site has chosen to limit its reporters' access to you and holds every one of your clicks against a monthly pageview limit.
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        Thursday, August 29, 2019
KWMU:  Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue tours Melvin Price Locks and Dam, talks investment in river infrastructure
          Missourinet:  Deadline nears for victims in 6 Missouri counties to apply for disaster unemployment benefits
          KWMU:  St. Louis on the Air preview:  Author Ben Westhoff explores the industry driving 'The Deadliest Wave of the Opioid Epidemic'
          KWMU:  U.S. Rep. Lacy Clay (D-St. Louis City):  We've reached a 'tipping point' on street savagery
          P-D:  Clay says urban areas deserve special gun restrictions
          Missourinet:  Clay on gun restrictions:  "We're not talking about ... Pemiscot County. I don't care what you do out there."
          P-D:  Mayor of St. Louis City wants Parson to call special session;  Krewson (D), St. Louis City Comptroller Darlene Green (D) bicker over "Cure Violence" program X
          KWMU:  Parson says urban gun violence deserves coordinated effort, not rushed special session
          Missourinet:  Parson:  Lawmakers should address gun violence in regular, not special, session
          The Missouri Times:  Rep. Jim Neely (R-Cameron) says he'll file for governor
          JCNT:  Parson's reorganization of state departments takes effect X
          JCNT:  Show-Me Institute sues Office of Administration over records request X
          The Missouri Times:  Medicaid fraud convictions top last year, Schmitt says
          KWMU:  Missouri's Medicaid success:  State improves eligibility checks, but not everyone is happy
          Missourinet:  Another temporary extension delays Missouri CAFO bill from becoming law
          The Missouri Times:  Overview:  Special session on vehicle sales
          The Missouri Times:  2020 state legislative preview:  CaseNet records changes
          AP:  New laws in effect on vehicles, sentences
          SNL:  State Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick's unclaimed property auction coming to Springfield;  Items include Bob Gibson autographed card, much more X
          P-D:  Kinloch fire protection struggles to improve after $100,000 is misspent, state auditor says X
          P-D editorial:  Federal judge's pithy ruling underscores case for affirming abortion rights X
          The Missouri Times op-ed:  Rep. Jim Murphy (R-South St. Louis County):  Urban violence is caused by thugs, not gun laws
          Columbia Missourian letter:  Missouri Senate Democratic primary runner-up opposes state CAFO law

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        Wednesday, August 28, 2019
AP:  Midwest states seek to fix Missouri River flood bottlenecks
          JCNT:  Parson's flood recovery group meets for first time, updates damage estimates X
          P-D:  Blunt sponsors bipartisan legislation to enhance U.S. as destination for international travelers X
          KWMU:  Politically Speaking podcast:  Rep. Hannah Kelly (R-Mountain Grove) talks with Rosenbaum about pro-life legislation, CAFOs, feral hogs, more
          The Missouri Times:  Medicaid enrollment, special session highlighted in all-Democrat 'This Week in Missouri Politics' episode
          The Missouri Times:  Ashcroft says pro-choice groups' emotional response to referendum handling 'unfounded'
          The Missouri Times:  Missouri's abortion law, explained
          AP:  Federal judge blocks Missouri's new abortion law
          KCUR:  Federal judge blocks Missouri's abortion law from taking effect
          Missourinet:  A snapshot of the top Missouri bills becoming law today
          P-D:  Higher license fees, fewer car inspections among slew of new laws taking effect in Missouri X
          St. Joseph News-Press:  Former Rep. Pat Conway (D-St. Joseph) tapped for Missouri Gaming Commission X
          Missourinet:  More than 2,300 applicants aim for 250 positions at rural Missouri steel plant;  MO DED's Rob Dixon on Nucor expansion
          JCNT:  Hyperloop panel preparing report on bringing high-speed transportation to Missouri X
          CDT:  Judge halts enforcement of Cooper County CAFO rules X
          JCNT:  Moniteau County health board to let CAFO law 'run its course' X
          The Missouri Times:  Conservation Commission approves fee increases for trout, nonresident permits
          P-D:  With hepatitis A spiking, Missouri launches operation to boost vaccination rates X
          P-D:  Medicaid-expansion advocates wave signs at urban intersection X
          Joplin Globe:  Medicaid-expansion rally draws nearly fifteen (15) people X
          P-D:  Parson says addressing urban homicides will take coordinated effort, not a rushed special session X
          KC Star editorial:  Judge blocks Missouri's 8-week abortion ban, but uncertainty remains for patients X
          KC Star editorial:  Is marijuana legal or illegal? As KC considers loosening pot laws, confusion reigns X
          KC Star's Melinda Henneberger:  Tiny houses, big plans:  Jason Kander launches his most ambitious campaign X
          SE Missourian letter:  Cape Girardeau small business owner says national Dems' "Corporate Transparency Act" would hurt Missouri companies +

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        Tuesday, August 27, 2019
KWMU:  Hawley sees drug abuse and economic decline as biggest problems during rural tour
          Missourinet:  Hawley does not forsee tariff standoff with China ending anytime soon
          Missourinet:  U.S. Rep. Jason Smith:  Communities are the answer to preventing mass shootings
          KC Star:  Missouri attorney general defends "sex" discrimination as based on biological status X
          JCNT:  AG Eric Schmitt signs on to U.S. Supreme Court briefs defending sex-discrimination definition X
          P-D:  After Eric Greitens' return to the Navy, top brass launch changes in misconduct reviews X
          P-D:  Despite asking for money, Missouri's 'Liberty Alliance' nonprofit hasn't registered with state X
          CDT:  Michela Skelton's suit over Sara Walsh campaign ad survives dismissal hearing;  Judge expresses frustration with plantiff lawyer's bumbling X
          AP:  Judge expected to rule today on injunction of abortion law
          KWMU:  New national center promotes mental health in rural schools
          Missourinet:  Moniteau County delays vote about CAFO bill
          Columbia Missourian:  Conservation Department announces higher permit prices, new rules
          Joplin Globe:  Missouri Dept. of Conservation says euthanized black bear had been prowling Joplin area for two weeks X
          AP:  Kansas City, St. Louis City on pace to top last year's homicide tallies
          The Missouri Times:  Black Caucus wants special session to address gun violence
          P-D:  Black Caucus calls urban homicides "an emergency that demands the attention of the entire General Assembly" X
          P-D editorial:  Missouri's rural and suburban lawmakers to blame for St. Louis City's violence X
          KC Star editorial:  AG Eric Schmitt justifies LGBT discrimination with legalese. He's on the wrong side of history. X
          CDT op-ed:  Chariton Valley CEO Kirby Underberg:  A plan to get more Missourians online X

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        Monday, August 26, 2019
This Week in Missouri Politics:  State Fair edition:  Gov. Mike Parson, Missouri Farm Bureau's Blake Hurst talk with Scott Faughn about Missouri's success in Medicaid enrollment, workforce development, CAFO legislation, much more
          This Week in Missouri Politics:  Rep. Crystal Quade (D-Springfield) talks with Scott Faughn about leading Democratic superminority;  Panel of Dem Reps. Judy Morgan, Alan Green, Ashley Bland Manlove, Keri Ingle list complaints about Medicaid enrollment drop, special session, etc.
          Columbia Missourian:  Michela Skelton to launch third bid for state legislature, this time challenging Caleb Rowden
          SNL:  To fill high-need jobs, Missouri launches financial aid program for adults X
          KC Star:  Shortage forces KC-area districts to put more unqualified teachers in classrooms;  Comments from DESE's Paul Katnik, MNEA's Ann Jarrett X
          CDT:  Dyslexia screening in schools ramps up as a result of 2016 law X
          P-D:  From murderers to ministers, new Missouri program will make preachers behind bars X
          P-D:  Two Ameren wind projects set to move forward, despite recent hiccup for a third X
          KWMU:  20 years ago, Route 66 State Park rose from the ashes of Times Beach
          KC Star editorial:  Parson ignores actual issues, calls special session to help used car dealers X
          P-D editorial:  Whatever happens with Missouri's abortion law, proponent lawmakers should pay X

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        Sunday, August 25, 2019
KC Star:  Liberal groups congregate at Plaza, call for Trump impeachment X
          JCNT:  U.S. Census participation has political impact X
          KWMU:  St. Louis Federal Reserve economist predicts slower growth for the region in 2020
          SNL:  The politics of dependency:  how Missouri's success in getting thousands off Medicaid rolls has led to partisan attacks X
          The Missouri Times:  Profile:  State Emergency Management Agency's Ron Walker's career of unpredictable service
          JCNT editorial:  Special session for a not-so-special cause X
          Joplin Globe's Emily Younker:  Remembering Carol Stark through the eyes of her community X
          SNL's Christopher Dixon:  MoDOT's road construction can be aggravating - but it's better than the alternative X
          P-D letter:  Wildwood septuagenarian attempts to make sense of urbanites' "no snitching" street code X

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         + = This site has chosen to provide its reporters with access to you by waiving its pageview limit for all links posted on

        Saturday, August 24, 2019
Brownfield Ag News:  On 7th District ag tour, U.S. Reps. Billy Long and Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) talk China's retaliatory tariffs
        Missourinet:  Billy Long:  "It's time to bring this tariff thing to a conclusion"
        Missourinet:  Hartzler disappointed with Renewable Fuel Standard waivers to oil companies
        CDT:  Feds drop charge against man who made threats to Hartzler's staff;  Mentally ill man not fit to stand trial X
        SNL:  EPA plans public meeting on local Superfund site;  Federal, state data shows contaminant levels below concern threshold X
        The Missouri Times:  Michela Skelton to run for Caleb Rowden's state Senate seat
        P-D:  Democratic committees choose Mike Person, Rasheen Aldridge to fill vacant House seats in Democratic superminority X
        P-D:  With unification effort in limbo, Better Together temporarily drops its lobbying team X
        The Missouri Times:  This Week in the Governor's Office:  Week of August 19
        The Missouri Times:  Joint Committee on Adminstrative Rules fails to block new Historic Preservation Tax Credits;  Lawmakers suggest revisiting policy next year
        The Missouri Times:  House committee dives into Missouri gambling
        St. Joseph News-Press editorial:  State lawmakers should pass online sales tax X
        P-D letter:  St. Peters liberal says Post-Dispatch should press Ann Wagner on government's treatment of young illegals X
        P-D letter:  St. Louis County woman claims treatment of young aliens makes her weep, says Lacy Clay and Republicans want to "line their (own) pockets" X

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        Friday, August 23, 2019
KWMU:  Missouri Democrats see 2020 elections as the start of their road back from ruin
        CDT:  Michela Skelton (D) to run for state Senate;  Two-time state House runner-up seeks to fill Democratic ballot slot against Caleb Rowden X
        KWMU:  Blunt says Missouri can do better for military veterans and spouses of service members
        Missourinet:  U.S. Rep. Jason Smith:  Mississippi River a model for flood control
        KWMU:  Pro-choice groups give up on referendum attempt, sue Ashcroft
        SNL:  ACLU quits petition effort, starts legal tussle with Ashcroft X
        P-D:  Pro-choice groups sues Ashcroft after failed initiative petition X
        Missourinet:  Pro-choice groups throw in the towel on referendum effort
        The Missouri Times:  Pro-choice groups sue Ashcroft, say collecting signatures "an impossible task"
        KWMU:  Parson visits North St. Louis City;  Lawmakers, community leaders share ideas to make neighborhood inhabitable
        The Missouri Times:  Nasheed to host expungement clinic for 'second chances' for nonviolent offenders
        The Missouri Times:  Galloway recommends ending sales tax remittance discount, implementing Internet sales tax
        The Missouri Times:  Pierson, Ingle selected as assistant floor leader, whip for House Democrats
        SE Missourian:  Area lawmakers:  School safety a 2020 legislative session issue +
        KC Star:  Despite the dangers, Missouri doctors can OK medical marijuana for pregnant women X
        JCNT:  Ag groups sued over Missouri CAFO law respond X
        P-D:  Missouri lawmakers signal plan to take on spread of illegal slot machines X
        Missourinet:  Missouri Gaming Commission:  illegal slot machines are negatively affecting funding for education
        The Missouri Times:  Mike Leara takes over as chair of Missouri Gaming Commission
        SNL:  Hepatitis A outbreak:  State officials urge at-risk populations to get vaccinated X
        SNL:  Missouri tracks reports of algae that's deadly to pets, livestock X
        The Missouri Times:  Missouri highways receive high marks from national think tank
        AP:  Court rules for Missouri trooper in Iowa man's drowning
        SNL:  Liberty-Empire seeks rate increase from Missouri customers X
        KC Star editorial:  Missouri women could face felony charges for having abortions X
        P-D editorial:  Parson should let mega-hog-farm law die. It's the conservative thing to do. X
        Joplin Globe op-ed:  Greene County Clerk Shane Schoeller (R) and Boone County Clerk Brianna Lennon (D):  Election integrity in Missouri requires investment X
        SNL op-ed:  On CAFO issue, conservative state lawmakers are hypocrites X

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        Thursday, August 22, 2019
St. Joseph News-Press:  Flood recovery cost estimated to be $1 billion, likely to grow X
          KC Star's Crystal Thomas:  Area woman, angered over USDA assistance to farms owned by "Vicki [sic] Hartzler," says she regrets letting congresswoman tell daughter's opioid-overdose story X
          Missourinet:  Nicole Galloway wants "big businesses" to pay for armed school officers
          The Missouri Times:  Kaitlin Cavey (D) launches bid for Gina Mitten's House seat, sets realistic expectations for toiling in superminority
          Brownfield Ag News:  Gov. Parson applauds USDA and Bunge moves to Missouri
          The Missouri Times:  Parson calls special session on issue dealing with vehicle sales
          KWMU:  Parson calls special legislative session for car sales tax
          Missourinet:  Parson calls special session on tax issue
          P-D:  Rural car sales issue prompts Parson to call special session X
          P-D:  Pot applications bring millions to Missouri, but some missed deadline because of website errors X
          The Missouri Times:  Joint Committee on Administrative Rules postpones full decision on new DED Historic Preservation Tax Credit rules
          The Missouri Times:  Judge temporarily halts CAFO law as counties look to pass rules ahead of implementation
          Missourinet:  Rep. Greg Razer (D-Kansas City) says landing World Cup would put Kansas City and Missouri on national stage
          The Missouri Times:  This Week in the Missouri PSC:  August 21, 2019
          JCNT:  Missouri Capitol restoration 65 percent complete X
          SE Missourian:  MoDOT lands on plan for Center Junction +
          P-D:  Health officials fear hepatitis A could get worse in Missouri X
          KC Star editorial:  Missouri trooper in drowning case should be fired X
          The Missouri Times op-ed:  Rep. Nick Schroer (R-O'Fallon):  Congress should follow Josh Hawley's lead and act now on Internet data privacy rules
          Waters:  Listen to the campus police chief:  guns on campus will cause problems X

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        Wednesday, August 21, 2019
KC Star:  2018 U.S. Senate campaign silver medalist Beto O'Rourke makes stop in Kansas City;  With Jason Kander at the helm, veterans community a must-stop photo op X
          Columbia Missourian:  Migrant worker series, part 1 of 2:  Advocacy group details atrocities faced by legal migrant workers;  Some who chose to work on Missouri farms faced 80-degree temperatures, other unfathomable hardships
          Brownfield Ag News:  Cattlement tell Hartzler their price concerns after fire
          The Missouri Times:  Early campaign salvo from Galloway asks Parson to call special session on armed school safety officers
          P-D:  'Liberty Alliance USA' group, tied to old Greitens allies, seeks "grassroots" mantle X
          SE Missourian:  Scott City lawsuit causes dust-up over First Amendment and discovery, attracts statewide attention +
          AP:  Schmitt withdraws First Amendment argument in lawsuit
          The Missouri Times:  Show Me Districts series:  Speaker of the House Elijah Haahr's District 134
          Missourinet:  Missouri officials confident about GM Wentzville plant expansion
          AP:  Strong economy, improved eligibility checks help Missouri achieve Medicaid enrollment decline
          JCNT:  Trucks rumble to Capitol so drivers can be heard;  Group opposes use of autonomous trucks X
          Brownfield Ag News:  Judge blocks Missouri's CAFO law;  Comments from Missouri Farm Bureau's B.J. Tanksley
          SNL:  Judge halts new Missouri law on CAFOs X
          P-D:  Parson vows 'aggressive legal defense' of CAFO law X
          Columbia Missourian:  Cole County judge delays enforcement of law affecting local CAFO regulation
          SNL:  Missouri will award 348 marijuana business licenses - selected from 2,100 applicants X
          The Missouri Times:  More than 2,000 vie for limited medical marijuana facility licenses in Missouri
          Missourinet:  Schmitt:  Number of Missouri opioid overdose deaths should have urgency in U.S. and Missouri
          Missourinet:  Fulton State Hospital up and running new high-security building
          KWMU:  U.S. District Court orders Missouri Parole Board to change parole process for juveniles
          KC Star editorial:  Trump 'gag rule' a threat to women in Missouri - not just Planned Parenthood X
          The Missouri Times op-ed:  State Senate candidate Eddy Justice:  State government should be looking for more ways to back the blue
          P-D letter:  St. Charles conservative scoffs at Post-Dispatch's suggestion that paper doesn't editorialize news coverage X
          P-D letter:  St. Louis County sexagenarian urges Post-Dispatch to temper its liberal slant and attempt a semblance of objectivity in reporting X

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        Tuesday, August 20, 2019
KC Star:  National conservative group runs ads urging Blunt to support push for vote on election security X
          AP:  Liberal groups argue in court against Missouri's voter ID law
          KC Star's Jason Hancock:  AG Eric Schmitt files brief in Rehder case, says turning over docs would violate constituents' right to privacy;  Comments from Missouri Press Association's "Jean Manake [sic]" X
          Missourinet:  Missouri lawmakers could return to Jefferson City for special session on vehicle sales
          Missourinet:  Parson weighs in on activists' gun-control demands, emphasizes commitment to Second Amendment
          The Missouri Times:  Speaker Elijah Haahr receives briefing on decline in state health insurance rolls
          KWMU:  Haahr says improved scrutiny of Medicaid recipients' incomes helped achieve enrollment drop
          JCNT:  Dems, Republicans divided over MO HealthNet issue X
          KWMU:  Applications for medical marijuana facilities pour in at deadline
          Missourinet:  Missouri gets thousands of medical marijuana license requests, but few will be approved
          JCNT:  Missouri Dept. of Corrections employees deliver school supplies X
          KC Star:  After neighbors sued, Missouri cattle feedlot near Powell Gardens says it is closing X
          AP:  Feedlot closes after controvery over expansion plans
          Missourinet:  Rep. Justin Hill (R-Lake Saint Louis) says St. Louis MLS team will spur economic growth in Missouri
          Joplin Globe editorial:  Encryption, self-destruct apps incompatible with open government X
          P-D op-ed:  Local pro-choice activist:  Ashcroft's delay tactics defy Missourians' right to challenge abortion law X
          P-D letter:  Florissant septuagenarian blames climate-change deniers, not Army Corps of Engineers, for river mismanagement X

          X = Think before you click;  this site has chosen to limit its reporters' access to you and holds every one of your clicks against a monthly pageview limit.
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        Monday, August 19, 2019
KWMU:  Kirsten Gillibrand brings presidential campaign to St. Louis City
          P-D:  Gillibrand stumps agasint "misogynist" Trump in St. Louis City:  "We need a woman at the head of the table" X
          Missourinet:  U.S. Rep. Billy Long and House Ag Committee Chairman Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) to tour Ozarks
          St. Joseph News-Press:  Marijuana advocates form Northwest Missouri NORML chapter X
          Missourinet:  Schmitt says abandoned buildings boost crime
          SNL:  Princeton Review names College of the Ozarks most conservative college in the country X
          JCNT editorial:  Can Nicole Galloway make a respectable showing in gov race? X
          JCNT editorial:  Arm Missouri teachers with knowledge, not guns X
          KC Star editorial:  Exoneree Ricky Kidd lost 22 years behind bars. How can Missouri say he's owed nothing? X
          KC Star's Melinda Henneberger:  Walking around Walmart with a rifle is legal - and shows insanity of Missouri gun laws X
          SNL letter:  Springfield man says Democrats to blame for violence in St. Louis City, other urban war zones X

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        Sunday, August 18, 2019
KWMU:  Missouri Democrats rally behind Galloway's gubernatorial bid at Truman Dinner
          P-D:  Galloway attends urban gun-control rally X
          Joplin Globe:  Moms Demand Action group holds rally in Joplin;  Area sexagenarian says Blunt, Hawley must flip-flop on gun control to win re-election X
          SNL:  Census workers to verify addresses in door-to-door visits X
          Joplin Globe:  Advocacy groups seek to put Medicaid expansion on ballot;  Comments from Jobs With Justice, GOP lawmakers, others X
          The Missouri Times:  Humphreys blasts abortion referendum ballot language as 'dishonest'
          The Missouri Times:  Federal court rules against Toalson Reisch for blocking constituent on Twitter
          P-D:  Nevada company wins Missouri contract to score pot business applications X
          SNL:  Hickory County to consider CAFO ordinance X
          P-D:  Veterinarians in short supply, leaving Missouri farms, clinics scrambling for care X
          Joplin Globe endorsement:  Yes on 2020 Medicaid expansion ballot measures X
          KC Star editorial:  Missouri lawmakers take cover after shooting of 8-year-old in KC:  'Gun laws don't work' X
          KC Star op-ed:  Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly (D):  Together, Gov. Mike Parson and I will end the border war X
          P-D letter:  Ladue sexagenarian pleads for Parson to improve service at state vehicle license offices X

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        Saturday, August 17, 2019
Brownfield Ag News:  Billy Long and House Ag Committee Chairman Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) teaming up on ag issues
          Brownfield Ag News:  Farm Service Agency Administrator Richard Fordyce says market facilitation payments on track
          The Missouri Times:  Parson says he is considering special session
          P-D:  Democrats say they'll "make hay" of Parson's call for special session, seize opportunity to criticize governor X
          The Missouri Times:  Missouri officially launches scholarship for adult learners
          SNL:  State extends deadline for dispensary license applications X
          The Missouri Times:  State extends deadline for medical marijuana facility applications
          P-D:  Sponsors of pro-life legislation dismiss claims that women would be prosecuted for abortions X
          AP:  Missouri Association of Prosecuting Attorneys President Tim Lohmar debunks agitation over abortion law, says no prosecutor "in their right mind" would prosecute a woman who sought an abortion
          CDT:  Rep. Cheri Toalson Reisch (R-Hallsville) loses lawsuit over Twitter blocking X
          JCNT:  DNR taking a deeper look into Rock Island Trail funding X
          Columbia Missourian:  Adult care workers want more money
          CDT:  Cooper County health board passes last-minute CAFO restrictions X
          Washington Missourian editorial:  Nicole Galloway's uphill battle X
          St. Joseph News-Press editorial:  Missouri lawmakers should monitor changes to Endangered Species Act X
          SE Missourian's Lucas Presson:  Stephen Limbaugh Sr., back in Cape, shares wisdom +

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        Friday, August 16, 2019
Brownfield Ag News:  Governor's Ham Breakfast:  Parson encourages farmers in tough weather year
          JCNT:  Flood recovery should focus on making improvements, Parson says X
          KWMU:  Democratic gov candidate Nicole Galloway attends Governor's Ham Breakfast, criticizes Parson
          KC Star:  Media pushes Parson, Galloway on gun control X
          P-D:  Ham Breakfast notes:  Galloway criticizes governor;  Parson "disappointed" by Galloway's negative start;  Blunt praises Hawley;  Marsha Haefner not running for state Senate;  Doug Libla not endorsing in state Senate primary X
          Missourinet:  Blunt pleased with USDA's relocation decision
          Missourinet:  Ashcroft talks approach to referendum request, explains where ACLU made errors
          KC Star:  Ashcroft critiques ACLU bumbling of referendum attempt X
          The Missouri Times:  Missouri granted federal funds for counseling services for those impacted by storms, floods
          AP:  Man has no regret for hysteria he caused at Walmart
          The Missouri Times:  Rick Roeber looks to continue Rebecca Roeber legacy in House
          KWMU:  Ferguson activist Rasheen "Sheen Bean" Aldridge to fill Bruce Franks' abandoned House seat
          P-D:  Business leaders lay groundwork for Irish companies coming to Missouri;  Comments from Gov. Parson X
          Missourinet:  Gov. Parson announces Briggs & Stratton expansion, talks potential impact
          Daily American Republic:  Parson announces major expansion, future job growth at Poplar Bluff plant +
          KWMU:  UMSL Chancellor Tom George looks back on 16 years of leadership
          CDT:  MU employee objects to honoring Missouri gun laws on campus X
          P-D:  Deadline extended to Monday for pot business applications;  Only 236 received so far X
          The Missouri Times:  Missouri awarded negotiation extension for Rock Island Line Corridor trail
          The Missouri Times:  Missouri Lottery Commission receives 'excellent' rating from audit
          P-D editorial:  Pelosi's gun-control measures don't go far enough to help St. Louis City X
          P-D editorial:  Hawley proposes an unconstitutional solution to a nonexistent problem X
          P-D editorial board video:  Nancy Pelosi and Editorial Page Editor Tod Robberson discuss why President Trump is wrong on guns, immigration, etc. X
          P-D letter:  St. Louis "social liberal" angry at Blunt and Hawley over Russia X
          P-D letter:  Wildwood man responds to James Shuls op-ed regarding school superintendents, suggests Shuls should get fired from UMSL X

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        Thursday, August 15, 2019
Missourinet:  Missouri and Kansas governors working together on USDA relocation
          The Missouri Times:  Parson, Kelly reiterate support for cease in 'border wars'
          Brownfield Ag News:  USDA disaster declaration for more than 50 Missouri counties
          Missourinet:  Federal agricultural disaster declaration granted in 53 Missouri counties
          The Missouri Times:  Kirsten Gillibrand brings presidential campaign to St. Louis on Sunday
          Missourinet:  For 67th year, ham and eggs bring together thousands of Missouri politicians and constituents
          P-D:  Lobbyist Vicki Englund may seek to fill Democratic ballot slot for State Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick's election X
          KWMU:  Pro-choice campaign says it will fail to get enough petition signatures to make ballot
          P-D:  Pro-choice group focuses ire on Ashcroft, says gathering signatures too tough a task X
          P-D:  D.C.-based group may try to get Medicaid-expansion proposal on Missouri ballot X
          The Missouri Times:  Terry Thompson to make bid to replace fellow Republican Glen Kolkmeyer in Missouri House
          KWMU:  Michael Person to fill Cora Walker's vacant House seat;  Some Dems unhappy that committee vote was held at Person's house
          Joplin Globe:  Joplin Globe Editor Carol Stark dies after battle with cancer X
          Washington Missourian:  Newspaper closing office in St. Clair, employees relocated to Union X
          SNL:  Hemp industry taking root in southwest Missouri X
          KWMU:  New Missouri S&T chancellor wants more state money
          Columbia Missourian:  Arguments begin in legal challenge against University of Missouri firearm policy
          CDT:  Expert witnesses testify in guns-on-campus trial X
          Brownfield Ag News:  Missouri Farm Bureau, other state Farm Bureaus support landowner cases
          KWMU:  Missouri prison inmates want treatment for Hepatitis C while waiting for lawsuit to be heard
          CDT:  Text service seeks to cut court no-shows X

          X = Think before you click;  this site has chosen to limit its reporters' access to you and holds every one of your clicks against a monthly pageview limit.
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        Wednesday, August 14, 2019
AP:  Democratic presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand to visit St. Louis, complain about state's pro-life laws
          St. Joseph News-Press:  Report scrutinizes Corps feasibility studies X
          JCNT:  Jefferson City FEMA disaster recovery center closing X
          JCNT:  Census workers preparing for next year's canvassing X
          Missourinet:  CDC says 13 Missouri counties at risk of HIV and Hepatitis C breakouts from opioids
          KC Star:  Congresswoman Hartzler's rural Cass County property searched for missing woman X
          The Missouri Times:  EMILY's List endorses Trish Gunby (D) for HD 99 special election
          KWMU:  Politically Speaking podcast:  Closing the book on the Steve Stenger (D) era in St. Louis County
          KWMU:  St. Louis on the Air:  How the Post-Dispatch changed its comments section;  Readers conditioned to gain approval by providing "positive" feedback
          KC Star:  Gov. Mike Parson leads Missouri to truce with Kansas in border war:  "Sometimes, common sense does prevail." X
          AP:  Kansas City officials pledge to keep 'border war' truce
          P-D:  Agricultural giant Bunge is moving global headquarters to St. Louis X
          Missourinet:  Governor's Ham Breakfast tomorrow is sold out
          JCNT:  'Missouri Way' leadership training helping state get things done X
          P-D:  In some Missouri towns, higher license plate fees won't mean restored service X
          The Missouri Times:  Public defenders launch text message pilot program aimed at reducing overcrowded jails
          P-D:  Missouri public defenders hope text messages cut jail time X
          KC Star editorial:  Jay Ashcroft is cheating Missourians out of the right to vote on abortion ban X
          CDT op-ed:  Gatehouse Regional Editor Allen Fennewald:  With state's new bourbon law, Missouri provides the next step in American legacy X
          P-D op-ed:  Attorney General Eric Schmitt:  Five years after Ferguson, reforms are yielding positive results X

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        Tuesday, August 13, 2019
SNL:  Green Party presidential candidate forum draws nearly 25 people to Springfield;  Activists discuss "Green New Deal," banning fossil fuels, other dreams X
          KWMU:  Galloway jumps in 2020 gubernatorial contest, setting up likely matchup against Parson
          The Missouri Times:  Galloway launches gubernatorial bid, highlights experience as 'independent watchdog'
          Missourinet:  Galloway enters gov race
          SNL:  How wide will Gov. Parson's election margin be? Three political scientists cut through partisan spin X
          KWMU:  Missouri seeks stronger business ties to Ireland;  Parson, others speak at event hosted at Enterprise Holdings in Clayton
          Missourinet:  Parson and Kansas gov to sign joint commitment in Kansas City aimed at ending 'border war'
          KWMU:  St. Louis on the Air:  Local experts talk next steps to address Missouri's opioid situation
          KWMU:  Missouri treatment providers wary as federal addiction grants face uncertain future
          KWMU:  St. Louis on the Air preview:  Post-Dispatch's Beth O'Malley on new reader-comment system
          KWMU:  Doe Run Mining Company's property tax fight spreads through the Ozarks
          CDT:  Attorneys argue over expert on eve of campus gun trial X
          KWMU:  Feral hogs in the Mark Twain National Forest are a problem, but hunting them may not be an option
          Missourinet:  Missouri Public Defender System rolls out pilot program in hopes of reducing overcrowded jails
          P-D editorial:  Missouri law allows mass-shooting scenarios, right up until the bullets fly X
          KC Star op-ed:  Cannabis advocate Lonnie Kessler:  Don't let taboo keep you from getting relief with a Missouri medical marijuana card X
          Joplin Globe letter:  Joplin septuagenarian unhappy with Blunt's response to her letter urging gun control X

          X = Think before you click;  this site has chosen to limit its reporters' access to you and holds every one of your clicks against a monthly pageview limit.
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        Monday, August 12, 2019
AP:  States boost flood protection amid high disaster costs
          KC Star:  Missouri Democrats plot 2020 strategy;  Thoughts from Emanuel Cleaver, Claire McCaskill, MO Dems' Lauren Gepford, reaction from James Harris X
          P-D:  Galloway announces bid for governor via pre-produced video, says she'll ditch "old way" X
          AP:  Nicole Galloway launches Missouri gubernatorial campaign
          KC Star:  Galloway plays up 'watchdog' role in video announcing run for Missouri governor X
          P-D:  Special election for Jean Evans' open West St. Louis County seat:  Trish Gunby (D) vs. Lee Ann Pitman (R) X
          Missourinet:  Missouri World War II Army veteran honored at State Fair military event;  Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe on hand
          Missourinet:  Rep. Greg Razer (D-Kansas City):  Economic border war between Missouri and Kansas has been a 'disaster'
          KWMU:  Missouri Department of Corrections battles drug-smuggling efforts, prisoners' demand for dope
          CDT:  Planned Parenthood seeks stay extension in Columbia clinic case X
          SNL:  Christian County eyes stricter CAFO rules X
          P-D letter:  Moms Demand Action member wants Blunt and Hawley to support gun-control legislation X
          P-D letter:  Kirkwood man longs for old days, when state legislators of both parties were working people X

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        Sunday, August 11, 2019
KC Star:  Missouri on pace for strong alien-deportation year;  Illegals in Kansas City lament American laws X
          Missourinet:  U.S. Rep. Sam Graves:  Corps' priorities for Missouri River are backwards
          Missourinet:  Flags to fly at half-staff tomorrow to honor Rep. Rebecca Roeber (R-Lee's Summit)
          SNL:  Woman sues Ashcroft over "biased" ballot language X
          KWMU:  Fleet management company labels Highway 63 deadliest road in Missouri
          P-D:  Missouri's "green rush" is on;  Qualified applicants, others dream of profiting from new marijuana opportunities X
          CDT:  Missouri State Historical Society moves into long-sought new home X
          St. Joseph News-Press editorial:  Josh Hawley proposes a risky remedy for currency manipulation X
          KC Star editorial:  Gov. Parson is keeping information secret. When will the AG act? X
          KC Star's Toriano Porter:  One Missouri judge's plea for gun control X
          KC Star's Glenn Rice:  Missouri repeats as leader in black homicides;  State lawmakers and "Gov. Mike Parsons [sic]" to blame X
          P-D letter:  St. Charles man says proposal to protect students with armed officers will turn Missouri  into the Middle East X

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        Saturday, August 10, 2019
KC Star:  USDA agrees to incentive payments for research employees heading to Kansas City X
          AP:  Union:  Deal with USDA eases impacts of Kansas City moves
          SNL:  Man charged with felony after gun incident at Springfield Walmart X
          SNL:  What are the gun laws in Missouri? X
          AP:  Armed man at Springfield Walmart says he was testing right to bear arms
          KWMU:  Clay wants to clamp down on use of deadly force by police
          P-D:  Deadly force? Only as federal officers' 'last resort' under bill backed by Lacy Clay X
          P-D:  After Greitens ally drained state GOP's coffers, money trickled to ex-Greitens consultants X
          P-D:  When it comes to Missouri campaign spending, some politicians leave out the details X
          KC Star:  Nicole Galloway is running for governor, could get support from national liberal groups X
          Missourinet:  Galloway files for 2020 Missouri governor's run
          AP:  Galloway takes first step to run for Missouri governor
          KWMU:  Former St. Louis County Executive Steve Stenger (D) gets nearly 4 years in prison for corruption scheme
          P-D:  Steve Stenger sentenced to 46 months for criminal conduct prosecutor calls 'breathtaking in its scope' X
          AP:  Parson concludes trade mission trip to Australia
          P-D:  After murdering as minors, some Missouri prisoners could be paroled under new court order X
          P-D:  Two historic Missouri state park lodges undergoing renovations X
          KWMU:  St. Louis on the Air preview:  Event promo for anti-opioid charity walk
          KC Star editorial:  Trump backs this idea to reduce gun violence. Why won't Missouri take action? X
          P-D editorial:  For Steve Stenger, a well-deserved lifetime of perpetual shame X
          KC Star's Michael Ryan:  Cleaver is right about guns, but how much can Congress really help? X
          Messenger:  In the end, addiction to power was Steve Stenger's drug of choice X
          KC Star letter:  Cass County woman says Vicky Hartzler's congressional salary should disqualify her family from farming programs X

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        Friday, August 9, 2019
KWMU:  Congressional delegation reacts to El Paso, Dayton shootings;  Comms staffers compose prepared statements for bosses
          SNL:  Arrest at Springfield Walmart draws national attention;  Off-duty firefighter holds agitator at gunpoint until police arrive X
          Missourinet:  FEMA denies disaster aid to residents in 19 Missouri counties
          JCNT:  Flood mitigation should become priority, group says;  Comments from Rep. Dave Griffith (R-Jefferson City) X
          Brownfield Ag News:  Ag Director Chris Chinn:  State Fair is about coming together in a year of hardships
          JCNT:  Health insurance task force learns about challenges it faces X
          JCNT:  DNR outlines changes affecting CAFOs X
          Hannibal Courier-Post:  Missouri Department of Conservation announces new record for black bullhead catfish;  Chubby bottom-feeder couldn't resist chicken liver
          KWMU:  Politically Speaking podcast:  Tracking political and policy changes 5 years after Michael Brown's assault on police officer Darren Wilson
          JCNT editorial:  Nicole Galloway is right - no reason to close state records X
          St. Joseph News-Press editorial:  Road repairs were a long time coming - and state lawmakers should prioritize long-term funding next session X
          Joplin Globe editorial:  Guns in Missouri schools are not an answer X
          P-D letter:  Ballwin man wants Post-Dispatch to stop perpetuating mythology of Michael Brown's innocence X

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        Thursday, August 8, 2019
Missourinet:  Post office in northern Missouri will be named after Navy SEAL killed in Afghanistan;  Comments from U.S. Rep. Sam Graves
          SE Missourian:  Stars and Stripes Museum hosts Spirit of Democracy celebration in Cape this fall;  Gov. Mike Parson to keynote, with Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe also appearing +
          P-D:  Galloway hangs 'help wanted' sign for state's new political map-making job X
          P-D:  Galloway says Schmitt missed deadline on Sunshine Law question X
          Missourinet:  117th annual Missouri State Fair begins today
          Missouri Farmer Today:  Missouri State Fair still focused on being showcase for agriculture
          KWMU:  Missouri's medical marijuana businesses off to mellow start;  Fewer than 5% of those who paid application fee have managed to complete paperwork
          SNL:  Medical marijuana in Missouri:  What you need to know X
          SNL:  Video:  How to get a Missouri medical marijuana card X
          Missouri Farmer Today:  Missouri makes effort to boost rural Internet;  Comments from Ag Director Chris Chinn
          KCUR:  Every year, half of Missouri's workers who care for the developmentally disabled quit
          Columbia Missourian:  Statewide 'rape kit' inventory nears completion
          P-D:  Ferguson riots anniversary series:  Photo gallery:  Congressional candidate Cori Bush (D), others place items in Ferguson roadway X
          JCNT editorial:  Countering Missouri's stagnant growth:  Maintaining low taxes a key step for brighter future X
          St. Joseph News-Press editorial:  Stan Herzog's impact extended far and wide X
          P-D op-ed:  Show-Me Institute's James Shuls:  Why do Missouri's best school superintendents head for the exit? X

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        Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Missourinet:  Residents in six more Missouri counties eligible to apply for federal aid
          JCNT:  Callaway County approved for FEMA individual assistance X
          AP:  Army Corps of Engineers to keep water releases into Missouri River high
          AP:  Opponents of USDA move to Kansas City say transfers are designed to cut jobs
          KWMU:  Former NGA Director Robert Cardillo aims to boost St. Louis geospatial 'ecosystem' in new role
          Washington Missourian:  Kirk Mathews appointed to new Medicaid post X
          Missourinet:  Missouri State Highway Patrol reminds drivers to exercise caution near school buses
          Brownfield Ag News:  Moniteau County health board stops short of regulating CAFOs
          Columbia Missourian:  CAFO debate continues;  Comments from Missouri Farm Bureau's Leslie Holloway, farmers, activists
          KWMU:  Access to pig-manure powered energy grows in northern Missouri
          P-D:  Northern Missouri manure-to-energy project starts distributing natural gas X
          Joplin Globe editorial:  Federal funding necessary for clearing rape kit backlog X
          Rust:  Ban high-caliber magazines, implement 'red flag' laws +
          Priddy:  Remembering Bob Watson
          Washington Missourian letter:  New Haven sexagenarian disagrees with Blunt on value of ethanol X

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        Tuesday, August 6, 2019
JCNT:  Reporter Bob Watson dies;  Journalist's words, acts of kindness fondly remembered X
          Missourinet:  Longtime reporter and Missourinet friend Bob Watson dies
          USA Today:  GateHouse Media owner to acquire Gannett, publisher of USA Today, Springfield News-Leader and other newspapers X
          AP:  GateHouse, Gannett to merge, build newspaper giant
          KC Star:  Opponents of USDA move to Kansas City say process violated federal law X
          SE Missourian:  Cape airport lands $600,000 in federal aid +
          Daily American Republic:  Poplar Bluff VA director accepts new position, replacement to be announced +
          SNL:  Parson set to kick off 2020 re-election campaign Sept. 8 in Bolivar X
          This Week in Missouri Politics:  Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer (R-Parkville) talks with Scott Faughn about flooding, highway funding and Parson's re-election;  Panel discussion with Reps. Robert Sauls (D-Independence) and Robert Ross (R-Yukon)
          Missourinet:  Parson task force recommends school-based mental health care to boost safety in schools
          KWMU:  Summer camp operators will adjust to later school start date
          P-D:  Hemp industry taking root at 7 University of Missouri research stations across the state X
          Waters:  The Rocheport bridge is possible after all X
          P-D's Beth O'Malley:  We're changing the comments on Post-Dispatch articles;  Commenters can receive higher status by doling out "compliments" X

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        Monday, August 5, 2019
Brownfield Ag News:  U.S. Rep. Vicky Hartzler hopeful that Trump won't nix NAFTA
          KC Star:  Market Facilitation Program helps Missouri farmers, including Hartzler, in face of China's punitive trade actions X
          KC Star:  Associated Press database shows Market Facilitation Program payments X
          KC Star:  A look at Josh Hawley's social-media bills X
          Missourinet:  $8 million in upgrades planned at Missouri State Fairgrounds;  2019 fair opens Thursday
          St. Joseph News-Press:  Tax-free weekend boosts back-to-school sales X
          SNL:  Local liberal groups go fishing for school-discrimination tales, land whoppers;  Activists demand Springfield Public Schools eliminate "overly gendered" language, etc. X
          KC Star editorial:  Wherever the Kansas City Chiefs hold future training camps, tax breaks shouldn't be part of the deal X
          SE Missourian editorial:  Important for students to understand post-high school opportunities +
          KC Star editorial:  Did rich Missouri families give up custody of kids to get college aid? How's that legal? X
          P-D letter:  Eureka man encourages Post-Dispatch lefties Gilbert Bailon, Tod Robberson to accept Trump's 2016 election victory X
          P-D letter:  Environment Missouri's Bridget Sanderson applauds Lacy Clay for opposing Trump X

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        Sunday, August 4, 2019
KWMU:  U.S. Rep. Jason Smith touts more affordable health care, praises America's strong trade stance in visit with farmers
          SE Missourian:  American Queen docks at Cape after alternate course caused by flooding +
          Missourinet:  Federal prosecutors memo reveals Stenger conversations, conduct in corruption case, connections to Better Together
          P-D:  Photo gallery:  Pro-choice activists congregate outside Ashcroft's downtown office Friday during work hours;  Androgynous humanoid holds "Abortion is normal" sign;  Group litters paper "votes" upon office steps;  State Rep. LaKeySha Bosley (D-St. Louis City) shouts unnecessarily into voice-amplifying megaphone;  other efficacious acts +
          KC Star:  Pro-choice advocates highlight how rare diseases may be affected by 'no exceptions' abortion law X
          KWMU:  Parson says Obamacare waiver task force may consider expanding Medicaid
          JCNT:  Low job growth a factor in state's stagnant population X
          St. Joseph News-Press:  Rep. Bill Falkner (R-St. Joseph) reflects on first year as state lawmaker X
          P-D editorial:  Hawley's radical intrusive solution fixes a problem that might not exist X
          SNL op-ed:  State Auditor Nicole Galloway:  Enforcement of sex offender registry laws rise X
          SNL letter:  Springfield sexagenarian says Missouri's pro-life laws create black market of "veterinarian-school dropouts operating abortion mills in motel rooms" X
          P-D letter:  St. Louis County Police Association's Joe Patterson:  AG Eric Schmitt's initiative might be the answer to urban crime crisis X
          P-D letter:  Bridgeton man agrees with criticism of paper's Ferguson coverage, says Kevin McDermott's byline a tipoff to liberal bias X

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        Saturday, August 3, 2019
SE Missourian:  The Flood of 2019 - by the (really big) numbers +
          JCNT:  Missouri residents have until next week to apply for disaster unemployment assistance X
          KWMU:  Feds seek max sentence for Stenger, say corruption scheme started before he took office
          P-D:  Feds say Stenger's crass, mercenary behavior should earn him no break in prison time X
          KC Star:  Stan Herzog, St. Joseph businessman and GOP donor, dies at the age of 70 X
          KC Star:  Pro-choice activists send message to Ashcroft:  "a large poster of a pink uterus putting up two middle fingers" X
          JCNT:  ACLU rally draws fewer than 30 to Capitol X
          Columbia Missourian:  ACLU rally organizer says disappointing turnout for rally a plus:  "I think it made it more personal"
          Missourinet:  Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly (D):  Economic border war between Missouri and Kansas is over
          KC Star:  Kelly orders end to Missouri-Kansas border war X
          AP:  Missouri-Kansas truce over jobs conflict appears shaky
          KWMU:  Bayer says job expansion in Missouri starts immediately;  Exec:  "Missouri stepped up aggressively to encourage that"
          SNL:  Crunch time for Missouri medical marijuana businesses X
          CDT:  Medical marijuana application window opens X
          P-D:  Labor union wants to recruit newly-hired prison workers, sues to get greater access X
          KWMU:  St. Louis on the Air:  Liberal advocacy groups unhappy with AG's position on public defender suit settlement
          P-D:  New Champ Clark bridge at Louisiana, Mo., to open tonight X
          KC Star editorial:  Neighbors are right to raise a stink about the feedlot near Missouri's Powell Gardens X
          P-D letter:  St. Louis County septuagenarian disagrees with Hawley on social media policy, attempts punchline involving Trump tweets X

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        Friday, August 2, 2019
Missourinet:  Blunt, Hawley, Graves seek answers about FEMA's disaster aid policies
          St. Joseph News-Press:  Hawley legislation would address currency manipulation X
          KWMU:  A new tool can help Mississippi River cities plan for future floods
          P-D:  Parson taps Steele Shippy as campaign manager for gov race;  Kelli Jones to serve as communications director X
          P-D:  Parson calls special election for vacant Democratic House seats X
          KWMU:  Politically Speaking podcast:  Rep. David Wood (R-Versailles) talks with Rosenbaum and new reporter Jaclyn Driscoll about Medicaid enrollment drop, state revenue situation, more
          JCNT:  Value of armed officers emphasized in Missouri school safety report
          P-D:  Missouri taxpayers hit with $300k legal bill after state denied transsexual man's hormone therapy
          KWMU:  St. Louis on the Air preview:  Liberal advocacy group rep, reporter to discuss Missouri public defender caseload suit
          KC Star:  Probe:  Dozens of rich students likely 'gamed' system to get free tuition at Missouri state schools X
          SNL:  Attorney general investigating allegations surrounding Missouri State parking ticket quotas X
          SNL:  Missouri Department of Conservation certifies new state record bullhead catfish X
        KMOV:  Missouri Department of Conservation cautioning residents as black bear sightings increase

          KC Star:  KC drivers tell emotional tales of  'racial profiling' at hearing;  Missouri Sheriff's Association leader attempts to persuade by using facts, explaining study methodologies X
          Joplin Globe editorial:  Roy Blunt is a champion of community health care center funding X
          SE Missourian editorial:  What you need to know about REAL ID licenses X
          KC Star editorial:  Armed guards or teachers in all Missouri schools? Who thinks more guns are a good idea? X
          St. Joseph News-Press editorial:  Missouri's tax-free weekend a lesson in savings X
          JCNT editorial:  Big rig safety:  MoDOT wise to remind drivers to "respect the load, share the road" X
          P-D letter:  Former Rep. Stacey Newman (D-Richmond Heights), now head of "Progress Women," expresses outrage over abortion legislation X

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        Thursday, August 1, 2019
August 2018 Missouri political news headlines
        August 2017 Missouri political news headlines
        August 2016 Missouri political news headlines
        August 2015 Missouri political news headlines
        August 2014 Missouri political news headlines
        August 2013 Missouri political news headlines
        KWMU:  EPA clears path for former mine in Missouri's lead belt to be reopened for cobalt mining
        SNL:  Ball State University professor/Medicaid-spending advocate:  Missouri gets "A" for low taxes, but should expand Medicaid X
        Missourinet:  Parson headed on trade mission to Australia, seeks insight on novel infrastructure and workforce development programs
        KWMU:  Galloway takes aim at Parson over delay in state tax refunds
        Missourinet:  Eric Greitens' Dept. of Public Safety Director Drew Juden sidestepped Missouri's bidding process to benefit charity he once led
        KC Star:  Audit:  Greitens' public safety director abused state contracting process, audit says X
        SE Missourian:  Audit:  Drew Juden abused purchasing methods, claimed to be working during vacations +
        P-D:  Audit blasts no-bid contract won by group tied to Greitens' former top cop X
        KWMU:  Task force says every Missouri public school should have an armed guard to help protect children
        P-D:  Task force recommends school safety steps, including armed guards X
        Joplin Globe:  Missouri high school equivalency exam offered free to first-time test takers X
        Missourinet:  Dept. of Social Services warns of genetic-testing scam
        SE Missourian editorial:  Missourians should take advantage of tax-free weekend +
        Messenger:  Nanny State champion Josh Hawley takes on Snapchat so we don't have to X
        Waters:  Confucius say:  Hawley, lay off X
        P-D op-ed:  ACLU-Missouri's Emily Hanson:  School discipline is racist and the reason black children underperform X

          X = Think before you click;  this site has chosen to limit its reporters' access to you and holds every one of your clicks against a monthly pageview limit.
         + = This site has chosen to provide its reporters with access to you by waiving its pageview limit for all links posted on



       E-mail John Combest at john {at} johncombest {dot} com.
       John Combest bio