Tuesday, June 30
KWMU: Supreme Court says EPA should have considered
costs when it set pollution limits for power plants
The Missouri Times: SCOTUS rulings on lethal
injection, EPA have Missouri impact
JCNT: Missouri officials generallly applaud ruling on
EPA regulations X
KWMU: Supreme Court case upholding Oklahoma's
execution protocol could impact Missouri cases
Missourinet: Supreme Court's Mary Rhodes Russell
explains death-penalty process; Missouri ended 2014 execution
season in first-place tie with Texas
Missourinet: 30 Missouri counties still not issuing
marriage licenses to same-sex couples
The Missouri Times: More SCOTUS Obamacare
reactions: Missouri Health Care for All's Jen Bersdale, Sen. Bob
Onder (R-Lake Saint Louis)
SNL: Daughter's Hodgkin's lymphoma leads Billy Long to
push for FDA to update rules on drug advertising X
AP: 13 states, including Missouri, sue over rule
giving feds authority on state water
AP: Unrelenting rain leads to more flooding in Midwest
Catanese: GOP presidential candidates deal with
political reality of changing cultural values, sense of "rights";
Comments from Ted Cruz's Jeff Roe
KCPT: Former MLB umpire lends support to Missouri
cigarette tax increase campaign
Drebes: Bill Eigel puts six figures into state Senate
primary versus Mark Parkinson, Anne Zerr
KWMU: Transportation chief says I-70 is 'completely
falling apart' and 'used up'
P-D: Interstate 70 is 'falling apart,' says
transportation commission chair
Missourian: Governor signs bill allowing savings accounts for
disabilities +
AP: Nixon OKs saving accounts for Missourians with
The Missouri Times: Legislators continue autism
successes with Nixon's signature
P-D: School superintendent pay continues to rise
Missourinet: Mystery items in Missouri Capitol time
AP: Missouri Press Association names new executive
director; Mark Maassen will replace stalwart Doug Crews
Columbia Missourian: Missouri Press Assocation names
new executive director
KC Star Public Editor Derek Donovan: KC Star print
redesign will better help distinguish between reporters' news stories
and reporters' opinion pieces +
KBIA: Missouri Department of Conservation says Emerald
Ash Borers threaten Missouri trees; Invasive pests burrow deeply,
drain valuable resources
AP: Lacy Clay takes aim at "this country's racist,
oppressive past," wants Mayor Francis Slay to take down Confederate
P-D: Justice Department faults Ferguson protest
P-D: ACORN/MORE complain about 'good old boys'
network, target area employers
CDT's Waters: Boone County's same-sex posturing is
political puffery, but also a commendable statement X
KC Star letter: Free-market Missouri Republicans are
"darkly ironic" when they cut services for students and the infirm +
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Monday, June 29
P-D: Congressional delegation's votes for the week
KC Star health reporter Alan Bavley: Obamacare will
grow faster and stand stronger following Supreme Court ruling +
Kraske: The Chat: McCaskill says Bernie Sanders
deserves more scrutiny +
Missourinet: McCaskill says that in workforce, olds
"have just as much to offer" as youngs; Senior senator criticizes
state Republicans for not expanding Medicaid
St. Joseph News-Press: Local members of Silver Haired
Legislature meet to discuss "legislation" they'll recommend as policies
to real legislators X
This Week in Missouri Politics: David Barklage (R),
Jane Dueker (D), Mike Kelley (D), Lou Hamilton (D) on Dem split on
mimimum wage, media's "TMZ" obsession with Jefferson City life, 'right
to work,' Uber, Blunt vs. Kander, more
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Mannies
& Rosenbaum chat with Scott Dieckhaus about HRCC's success,
Hillary's Missouri campaign, Jeb Bush, Diehl, 'right to work," more
Missouri School Boards Association gives a plug for the Raise Your Hand
for Kids initiative
P-D: Nixon tours flooded areas of Lincoln and Pike
Missourinet: Next for LGBTQIA activists and
allies: Missouri Non-Discrimination Act
AP: Missouri changes insurance requirements for eating
P-D: Former Rep. Rick Stream (R-Kirkwood) praises
changes in insurance requirements for eating disorders
P-D: Missouri takes districts for a bumpy ride when it
comes to bus funds
Rosenbaum: Minimum wage split puts new focus on
Slay-Stenger relationship
Neosho Daily News: Missouri Department of Conservation
joins with pallid sturgeon project to tag movements
SNL: High-quality pot from legal states flooding
market in Springfield X
JCNT editorial: Mary Rhodes Russell showed leadership,
stewardship of Missouri's court system X
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Housing credits
improved X
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Sunday, June 28
P-D: After court ruling, Obamacare faces more certain
path; Comments from Sen. Kurt Schaefer (R-Columbia), Missouri
Foundation for Health
Washington Missourian: Local WIC program adds more
dependents; 406 additional people added to the dole
Nicklaus: As economy changes, teen summer jobs become
scarce; Taxpayers foot part of the bill for "STL Youth Jobs"
KC Star: Local civil war buffs, others pontificate
over the symbolism of the Confederate flag +
JCNT: Keith Schafer leaving Missouri Department of
Mental Health for retirement X
P-D: Gifted students shouldn't expect as much support
from state of Missouri; In many districts, high-achieving kids
are still lumped in daily with the average and the slow
JCNT: Capitol time capsule included unexpected glimpse
into past X
CDT: Grain belt supporters make late push for project X
P-D: New eastbound Daniel Boone Bridge span opens
P-D: Obituary: Wayne Withers: Stepped up
to save Missouri's non-partisan court plan
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Area residents'
opposition to Obamacare and same-sex marriage doesn't meant they are
uncaring or bigoted X
Missourian editorial: 'Major' flood brings annoyance, not disaster +
JCNT editorial: Nixon wise to veto student transfer
bill X
CDT's Waters: On the black community: A
Juneteenth celebration was held, and hardly anyone came X
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Saturday, June 27 Rep.
Genise Montecillo (D-Marlborough) hospitalized after suicide attempt
CDT: Local residents, legislators respond to Supreme
Court ruling on Obamacare; Grown man "skipped in a circle and
hoisted a colorful poster board above his head" X
The Guardian (UK): Obamacare tales: Missouri
woman says, "I am more scared right now that Republicans ... might kill
me rather than my cancer," then weeps
Drebes: How long can GOP run against Obamacare?
One more time at least.
Missourinet: Missouri leaders react to Supreme Court
ruling making same-sex marriage legal
KWMU: Missouri same-sex couples rejoice as U.S.
Supreme Court upholds their right to marry
AP: Elected officials react to same-sex marriage ruling
SNL: U.S. Rep. Billy Long reacts to same-sex marriage
ruling X
Missourinet: Missouri counties issuing same-sex
marriage licenses
P-D: Missouri counties prepare to comply with sweeping
same-sex marriage ruling
AP: Missouri moves swiftly to begin same-sex marriages
CDT: Boone County begins issuing same-sex marriage
licenses X
KWMU: Committee OKs loan for NGA property; some
aldermen don't want McKee to profit
JCNT: River's rise continues in mid-Missouri X
KWMU: Nixon vetoes school bill, says it doesn't solve
transfer problems
P-D: Another attempt to fix school transfers is vetoed
KC Star: Nixon vetoes Missouri student-transfer bill,
blocking charter and virtual school expansion
AP: Nixon vetoes Missouri student transfers legislation
Columbia Missourian: UM's Tim Wolfe reviews
accomplishments, goals after curators approve budget
CDT: UM curators approve FY 2016 budget X
KC Star: Dozens of women say they were harassed while
working in Jefferson City; Gals tell tales of clueless Capitol
creepers making unwanted advances +
KWMU: St. Louis minimum-wage push on life support
after Democratic alderman cancels hearings
P-D: Alderman Joe Vaccaro (D) cancels all future
hearings on minimum-wage bill
KWMU: Critics of Ferguson mayor fail to gather valid
signatures for recall
P-D: Post-Dispatch lays off nine employees
SNL editorial: Same-sex marriage good for Missouri X
JCNT editorial: Law reflects fair solution on tip taxes X
KC Star Public Editor Derek Donovan: Star's website
design doesn't differentiate between opinion, news well enough +
CDT's Waters: If Missouri Republicans want to keep
being standoffish on Obamacare, they should at least establish an
exchange X
KC Star op-ed: Brian Noland: Lawyer says
minimum-wage hike long overdue, quotes Shakespeare +
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Friday, June 26
KWMU: Reactions to Supreme Court Obamacare
ruling; Comments from elected officials, liberal academic Timothy
McBride, two women with struggle stories
Columbia Missourian: Missouri Rural Crisis Center
holds event to celebrate ruling; MU grad student explains
pressure of having to work and pay bills
KOMU: Rep. Kip Kendrick (D-Columbia) joins group of
ladies at Central Missouri Community Action to cheer Obamacare ruling
AP: Obamacare supporters cheer Supreme Court
ruling; Republicans not pleased
Missourinet: Dem, GOP staffers write statements on
Obamacare ruling
P-D: Congressional delegation's reaction to Supreme
Court ruling
The Hill: McCaskill: Media giving Bernie Sanders
a free pass
KWMU: McCaskill proposes pay increase for VA facility
KWMU: Ann Wagner blasts sex-trafficking offenders,
calls trafficking 'modern-day slavery'
Missourinet: Nixon speaks against EPA proposal to
lower ethanol mandate
KC Star: Renewable-fuel advocates turn out at hearing,
give EPA an earful +
AP: Nixon urges EPA to keep renewable fuel standards
Kraske: The Chat: Jack Oliver and Jeb; Sam
Graves on rural roads; Rep. Joshua Peters (D-St. Louis) on
Confederate flag; Mike Parson on Obamacare +
Drebes: Nixon's Emily Kalmer headed to Auditor Nicole
Galloway's office
Missourinet: Lawmakers: Nixon to veto
school-transfer bill today
Missourinet: Transfer-bill sponsor Rep. David Wood
(R-Versailles) predicts Legislature is done trying to address issue
KWMU: Nixon plans veto of school-transfer bill
P-D: Nixon staff says governor will go on veto tour
tomorrow, nix school-transfer bill
AP: Nixon to veto student transfers bill
SNL: Lawmaker says Nixon will veto transfer bill X
KC Star: Students in KC Public Schools still
underperform versus peers across Missouri; District will make
case that recent uptick means accreditation is deserved +
Missourian: Former state Rep. Patrick Naeger (R-Perryville) seeks
to clarify intent of tax-exemption law he helped write +
P-D: Judge hears public vote arguments on St. Louis
NFL stadium funding
KWMU: Legal fight over NFL stadium heads to judge
P-D: MoDOT readies opening of new eastbound Daniel
Boone Bridge span
KWMU: New river bridge bolsters link to St. Charles
CDT: Former state Rep. Harold Reisch (R) dies at age 94 X
AP: Vandals deface Confederate memorials in a
half-dozen states, including Missouri
AP: Ferguson police chief trying to add
diversity; Black woman promoted to sergeant, with an additional
woman and a black guy starting soon
P-D editorial: Obamacare ruling gives opening to
Missouri Republicans; GOP should drop its "stubborn and
ill-informed reticence" and flip-flop on health-care policy
P-D op-ed: Missouri Farmers Union's Richard
Oswald: New 'Clean Water Rule' needs to be law of the land;
Also, too many foreigners own Missouri land
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Thursday, June 25
KWMU: Blunt supports hike in research funding for
National Institutes of Health
JCNT: Blunt, McCaskill still working for federal
transportation funds X
SNL: McCaskill: Drone warfare taking toll on
pilots X
KC Star's Steve Paul: In Florissant, Hillary Clinton
hits a sour note; Democrat makes the mistake of saying "All lives
matter" rather than correct "Black lives matter" +
CDT: Obamacare supporters await Supreme Court decision X
AP: EPA to hold hearing on Renewable Fuels Standard
(RFS) in KC, KS; Nixon to speak at rally, will outline opposition
to proposed changes
KWMU: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency could
cost city and state $130 million
The Missouri Times: Sen. Ryan Silvey (R-Kansas City)
talks balanced budgets before U.S. House Budget Committee
Washington Post: Missouri native Jack Oliver to serve
as Jeb Bush's national finance co-chairman
The Missouri Times: What's Catherine Hanaway been up
KWMU: Americans for Prosperity funds TV campaign in
support of 'right to work'
KC Star: New ad backing 'right to work' runs in
Missouri +
Dan Reuter, running for Mike Leara's open House seat, to kick off
campaign today
KCUR: Audio: Steve Kraske, KC Star's Derek
Donovan, others discuss Post-Dispatch's decision to run Brittany Burke
story (segment begins at 7:50)
KWMU: Longtime Missouri Budget Director Linda
Luebbering to retire
The Missouri Times: State Budget Director Linda
Luebbering to retire
AP: Linda Luebbering set to retire
The Missouri Times: Medicaid enrollment increases,
expansion debate continues
Missourinet: Nixon signs bill increasing crime
victims' compensation
AP: Nixon signs bill to up compensation for Missouri
crime victims
CDT: Colleagues remember former UM Chancellor Elson
Floyd X
Missourinet: Nixon: Decision on student-transfer
bill in 'days, not weeks'
The Missouri Times: Missouri receives No Child Left
Behind waiver
JCNT: Missouri corrections officials defeat Muslim
inmate in Ramadan-complaint case X
Missourian: MO DNR: "Trucks Gone Wild" off-road event
polluted river +
KWMU: City aldermen delay vote on minimum wage
proposal; Ald. Antonio French (D) says bill would exacerbate
already-high unemployment among poor
The Missouri Times: Board of Aldermen hold lengthy
hearing on minimum-wage hike; Democratic bill faces Democratic
P-D: Stadium task force started work a year ago,
CDT: St. Louis stadium plan challenged in Jefferson
City, St. Louis courtrooms X
KWMU: "5 Things" journomeme: "Five things to
know about the legal fight over a new NFL stadium"
P-D: Army Corps says low-level radioactive matter near
Coldwater Creek not a threat; Group of North County natives
blames various health maladies on pollution
P-D: Vandals deface historic Forest Park Confederate
memorial with "BLACK LIVES MATTER" graffiti
P-D editorial: St. Louis region finally adopts
underperforming Normandy children as its own
P-D op-ed: "Women's Voices Raised for Social Justice"
founder Barbara Finch: School's out, but now's the time to solve
problems in the region
P-D letter: Warning: Disregarding science and
urging mandatory GMO labeling may make you sound like a Republicans on
climate change
P-D letter: Missouri House committee puts funding for
Title X, related advances in jeopardy
P-D letter: Clayton's Rachel Eidelman: Can you
imagine any urbanite teenager being worth $15/hr.?
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Wednesday, June 24
KWMU: Hillary Clinton makes campaign stop in Florissant
P-D: Hillary Clinton makes campaign stop at church
near Ferguson
AP: At campaign stop, Clinton calls for "common sense"
gun control, universal voter registration, even more help for minority
Missourinet: SLU prof Ken Warren says Hillary Clinton
has a chance to win Missouri
St. Joseph News-Press: Lawmakers make another run at
highway bill; Comments from McCaskill, Blunt X
Bloomberg: McCaskill blasts Highway Safety Agency, air
bag maker Takata Corp. at hearing
The Hill: Auto regulators grilled for 'incompetent
GovExec.com: McCaskill, others want GSA to catch feds
who use plastic at strip clubs
KWMU: Kansas company buys McKee properties in National
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency site for $3.2 million
Missourian: Floodwaters won't go away soon +
Kraske: The Chat: McCaskill on feds and auto
safety, Nixon on failing schools, Kansas commerce chief on border war,
more +
The Missouri Times: Dawn Nicklas starts new consulting
Paul Harper moves from DOR to Galloway's office; Jeffrey Earl
leaves auditor's office, moves to Department of Corrections
P-D: Satan worshippers sue Nixon, Koster over abortion
Missourinet: Chief Justice Mary Rhodes Russell says
better efficiency, going 'undercover' important
JCNT: Mary Rhodes Russell reflects on two years as
chief justice X
KWMU: Mary Russell reflects on term as Chief Justice
of Missouri Supreme Court
KC Star: FBI is asking about a Jackson County
health-care consulting contract awarded to Brittany Burke
KWMU: Diehl says FBI has not talked to him about
alleged Jackson County probe
P-D: FBI asking officials whether Diehl helped
Brittany Burke get contract
The Missouri Times: Nixon signs tip tax bill
The Missouri Times: UMSL wants tax increase, purchases
golf course
Missourian: Some school districts still waiting for end-of-year
assessments +
KWMU: State, other districts will aid Normandy and
Riverview Gardens
P-D: 22 school districts offer help to Normandy and
Riverview Gardens schools
AP: St. Louis-area schools agree to help failing
KC Star: KCP&L's energy-efficiency letters shake
up some customers +
SNL: Area lawmakers weigh in on Confederate flag X
P-D: Backers, foes give St. Louis aldermen another
earful on proposed minimum wage hike
KWMU: St. Louis County Executive Steve Stenger (D) on
why urban minimum-wage push is not realistic for his county, more
KWMU: Army Corps finds no significant radioactive
contamination along Coldwater Creek; Data raises zero "red flags
or alarms"
Columbia Missourian: Death row inmates turn to
neuroscience to bolster their appeals
KWMU: Ferguson working group recommends big structural
changes to municipal courts
P-D: Ferguson Commission seeks 'transformational'
changes to municipal courts
P-D: As revenue from court fines drops, so does
Ferguson's budget
Activists that failed to oust Ferguson Mayor James Knowles tries again
LA Times' David Lazarus: More help - like McCaskill
bill - is needed to stop robocalls, including ones from eBay and PayPal
CDT op-ed: Rep. Kip Kendrick (D-Columbia): Nixon
should veto school transfer bill X
P-D op-ed: Assistant SLU prof: The empty
rhetoric of increasing the rigor of Missouri teachers
Conservative columnist offers sarcastic "liberal" take on issues, mocks
minimum-wage push, gun control, pantywaist approach to "bruised
feelings," more +
KC Star letter: Woman says birth-certificate
legislation was derailed by a rude Missouri female legislator who shall
not be named +
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Tuesday, June 23
KWMU: Clinton to discuss racial issues in visit to
North St. Louis County, then will head to South County to eat dinner
and raise money
P-D: Clinton to attend "community meeting" at black
church, then raise money at private event at scenic Grant's Farm
Washington Times: Clinton to join racial debate,
campaign near Ferguson
AP: Clinton to meet with black leaders
Horrigan: Tongue-in-cheek suggestions for how Hillary
Clinton should spend her hours-long trip to St. Louis
Helling: Does the 2016 Dem nominee stand a chance in
Missouri? "The quick answer is no." +
P-D: Clinton Foundation has tapped some of the
region's top corporations: Monsanto, Anheuser-Busch, Centene
Kraske: The Chat: NRSC tweaks Jason Kander over
support for Hillary Clinton; Rep. Eric Burlison (R-Springfield)
on weaning welfare recipients off the taxpayer teat +
Missourinet: Blunt wants Democrats to allow defense
bill to advance
KWMU: St. Louis City may take out $20 million loan to
buy land for proposed North City site of National
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
AP: Nixon signs bill aimed at keeping National
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency in St. Louis
Missourian: High water causes more problems, including port
operations +
P-D: Photo gallery: Rivers remain high around
St. Louis region
Drebes: Bill Eigel, running against Anne Zerr and Mark
Parkinson for state Senate, has strong turnout at fundraiser
Riverfront Times: UPDATED: P-D editor
Christopher Ave responds to Sarah Fenske's take on Post-Dispatch's
Brittany Burke 'slut-shaming,' takes to KMOX to defend Virginia Young's
AP: Governors' trade missions have uneven record of
AP: For Missouri firm, trade trip brings sales but no
big deals
KRCG: Progress Missouri challenges state Senate on
Sunshine Law (link via @ssnich on Twitter)
AP: Nixon signs bill to ease tip tax requirement on
Columbia Missourian: UM system to hold memorial
ceremony tomorrow for Elson Floyd
KWMU: Retiring Missouri School Board President Peter
Herschend reflects on tenure
CDT: Rep. Chuck Basye (R-Rocheport) attends Civil
War-era remembrace; Democrats unhappy X
Columbia Missourian: Basye addresses Democratic
hearsay that he saluted a Confederate flag
Missourinet: Missouri conservators working with
Capitol time capsule contents
KWMU: Aldermen enter 'critical' week for bid to raise
St. Louis' minimum wage
P-D: 'Great Streets' plan advances for West
Florissant; $37,000,000 could be spent to rehab major North
County thoroughfare ravaged by looters, arsonists
P-D: Ferguson Commission sends its municipal courts
group back to the drawing board, seeks 'transformational' changes
P-D editorial: A waterlogged nation fails to learn
from its repeated floods
SNL op-ed: U.S. Rep. Billy Long: Setting the
record straight on trade policy X
CDT letter: 'Right to work' effects would be
tantamount to living in Missouri but not paying any taxes X
P-D letter: Richmond Heights man attempts analogy
between John Diehl attempting to help Brittany Burke and GOP policy on
government handouts
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Monday, June 22
KWMU: Roy Blunt's campaign zeroes in on Hillary
Clinton on eve of her Missouri visit
KC Star: Families USA, Kaiser Family Foundation
hopeful of Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare; Aged local
"actress," adult couple with daughter on Medicaid tell hard-times tales +
St. Louis Area Young Republicans form PAC
This Week in Missouri Politics: Special guest Tom
Dempsey; Panel includes John Hancock (R), Kurt Witzel (R),
Tishaura Jones (D), Aaron Willard (R)
KWMU: Politically Speaking Podcast: Mannies
& Rosenbaum chat with former Rep. Rodney Hubbard (D) on taking on
teacher unions, Chappelle-Nadal vs. Lacy Clay, Antonio French and Chris
Carter, Paul McKee, more
Riverfront Times editor Sarah Fenske: With the
Brittany Burke story, the Post-Dispatch demonstrates the very worst of
journalism's "slut-shaming"
Missourinet: Missouri bill to better cover eating
disorder treatment becomes law
SNL: Welfare limits go into effect Jan. 1;
Comments from Rep. Eric Burlison (R-Springfield), Missouri Association
for Social Welfare ("Empower Missouri"), German immigrant with sad story X
Rosenbaum: St. Louis County Executive Steve Stenger
(D) says county won't go along with city push to raise minimum
wage; Comments from St. Louis Regional Chamber's Hart Nelson,
P-D: Video: Seasoned-citizen business reporters
David Nicklaus and Jim Gallagher drink beer at hipster bar Foam, act
out caricatures of minimum-wage debate
SNL: Limitations, 'non-compete' clause part of
Missouri State University name change X
KODE (Joplin): State website offers beach-condition
status updates
KMOX: 'De-stress' is the theme of Ferguson Commission
meeting tonight; Social worker claims that stress is the cause of
urbanites' diabetes
KC Star editorial: Nixon should veto HB 722 (minimum
wage and grocery bags), HB 42 (charter school expansion) +
SNL editorial: Best way to address traffic-stop
"problem" is to all agree there is a problem
Missourian letter: Missouri House Banking Committee Chairman Rep.
Sandy Crawford (R-Buffalo): Changing debit card security +
JCNT letter: State legislators should put a moratorium
on CAFOs X
JCNT letter: Area man constructs narrative involving
George Orwell's "1984," Jay Nixon and Common Core X
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Sunday, June 21 Happy Father's Day!
P-D/Kaiser Health News: Health insurance companies
look to consolidate and boost leverage; Comments from Kaiser
Family Foundation, Missouri advocacy group
Washington Missourian: City tourism director says area
businesses will suffer if Amtrak route is canceled; McCaskill,
Blunt pushing to give Amtrak an extension
Missourian: River still rising, but forecasted levels drop +
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Missouri Ag Director Richard
Fordyce optimistic about what rains will mean to farmers' soil-moisture
CDT: Juneteenth celebration with music, free hot dogs
draws less than 20; Area man says paltry turnout shows how little
the black community supports each other X
AP: Republicans continue criticizing $50K union
contribution to Nixon
(Moberly): AG candidate Scott Sifton speaks to Randolph County
Kraske: The Chat: Nixon on bill refining
insurance coverage for eating disorders +
KMZU (Carrollton): Interview with new Mental Health
Director Mark Stringer
AP: Former UM President Elson Floyd dies at 59
Columbia Missourian: Former UM President Elson Floyd
was 'an apostle for public higher education'
P-D: Chesterfield residents sound alarm for a sound
wall; MoDOT says it would be too expensive
Special municipal-courts feature: "A progress report on reforms"
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: MoDOT pleas for
public input might be desperate, but maybe a good idea is out there X
SNL letter: Cattleman disagrees with Billy Long on
Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) X
SNL letter: Area man says entire MO congressional
delegation should be "fired," with governor taking control of all state
and federal matters; Author is not named Jay Nixon X
P-D letter: Instead of making "bias" excuses for poor
grades, prospective teachers should study a little harder
P-D letter: Employers won't be able to afford higher
city minimum wage
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Saturday, June 20
The Hill: McConnell calling Dem bluff on trade;
GOP leader banking on support from pro-trade Dems, including McCaskill
NY Times health blog: McCaskill targets Alzheimer's
Dunklin Democrat: Pemiscot-Dunklin Cooperative representatives
meet with Missouri delegation in D.C. +
SNL: New disclosure shows federal lawmakers' wealth,
educational trips X
Kraske: The Chat: Blunt on Trump; Eric
Greitens' pre-campaign tour
Missourian: Corps of Engineers mobilizes to fight flooding +
Drebes: Nixon vs. Human Rights Commission over a fired
AP: Nixon releases more than $22M in blocked funding
Missourinet: Arguments presented in Progress
Missouri's open-records lawsuit against Missouri Senate
Columbia Missourian: Columbia officials urge governor
to veto bill restricting local governments
Washington Missourian: GOP county commissioners
disappointed Nixon appointed a Democrat to fill GOP slot
KC Star: Action revs up for and against the Kansas
City minimum wage proposal +
The Missouri Times: Former lawmakers dot local KC
Columbia Missourian: Retiree Otto Fajen applies
Conservation Department experience to his own land
CDT's Waters: Nixon should veto bill that would take
away local decision-making from city officials
CDT letter: Anonymous letter writer, unable to pay
his/her own bills despite living in subsidized housing, thanks
McCaskill for voting to expand Social Security Disability Insurance
CDT letter: Salisbury, Mo. woman supports Grain Belt
Express X
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Friday, June 19 Happy Juneteenth!
Missourinet: McCaskill, Blunt back infrastructure bill
JCNT: Blunt watching budget, environmental issues X
KWMU: Bill sponsored by Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Kansas
City), four other Missouri lawmakers would set national standards for
voluntary labeling of GMOs
Kraske: The Chat: Cleaver on WWI commemorative
stamps, Danforth on campaign finance +
KWMU: Mercy lays off up to 350, sites issues related
to Obamacare and lack of Medicaid expansion in Missouri
KWMU: Obit: Loretto Wagner, mother-in-law of
U.S. Rep. Ann Wagner, who fought for decades to end abortion
Columbia Missourian: Rep. Stephen Webber (D-Columbia)
kicks off campaign for state Senate
Missouirnet: Nixon declares state of emergency for
flooding, rains
Nixon declares state of emergency due to flooding
The Missouri Times: Rain and flooding impacting
Missouri soybean, corn plantings
P-D: Weather woes worry Missouri farmers as planting
delayed by heavy rain
KWMU: Nixon defends veto of 'right-to-work' bill,
dismisses Republican criticism over large union donation
AP: Nixon appoints Mark Stringer to head Missouri
Mental Health Department
Missourinet: Missouri House panel hears testimony on
move to statewide managed care
Missourian: Nixon approves $10 million for renovations at
Southeast +
P-D: Police report reveals past Diehl relationship
with Nixon staffer
Missourinet: Gallery: Contents removed from 1915
Missouri Capitol time capsule
The Missouri Times: Time capsule opened via Periscope
KWMU: Time capsule from Missouri Capitol opened
The Missouri Times: Slay continues push to require
businesses to pay a higher minimum wage
P-D: Police union: Clear link between Ferguson
lawlessness and increased crime city rate; State-school professor
says he sees no clear proof
Washington Missourian editorial: Missouri schools have
reached the point of too much testing
Washington Missourian's Bill Miller: Print journalism
will never die, especially in smaller communities
SNL letter: Nixon made good call with veto of 'right
to work' X
JCNT letter: Man questions value taxpayers are
receiving by subsidizing spendthrift state schools X
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Thursday, June 18
KWMU: McCaskill, Blunt propose new agency to leverage
private dollars for infrastructure
Missourian: Provisions by Sen. Blunt would corral ozone, water
regulations +
KMOX: Committee cuts EPA budget; Comments from
The Hill: Blunt on latest presidential candidate
announcement: "I have given no thought to Donald Trump's
AP: McCaskill probes retailers on dubious 'brain'
P-D: Big, small beermakers get behind push to lower
excise taxes
Sports Illustrated: McCaskill calls for no special
treatment for athletes in criminal cases
USA Today: McCaskill tells college athletic
directors: 'Protecting athletes needs to be over'
KC Star: Danforth to receive award today;
Prepared remarks list complaints about politics these days +
Missourinet: Remnants of Tropical Storm Bill to cause
flooding in Missouri
KWMU: Rain continues in Missouri; flooding
concerns grow
Missourian: 'Major' river flooding predicted in region +
Missourinet: MoDOT: With more rain coming, avoid
flooded roads
JCNT: Rains, threat of flash flooding close roads X
Steve Stoll as next PSC chairman would make the most sense
St. Joseph News-Press: Eric Greitens mulls run for
governor; Unannounced candidate "declined to discuss policy
specifics" (link via @ssnich on Twitter)
Missourinet: Missouri Capitol time capsule to be
opened Thursday; Live streams available
KWMU: Thanks to its income tax, Missouri ends fiscal
year with budget in good shape
SNL: Enhanced school background checks in Missouri
speed results, flag new arrests X
JCNT: Lawmakers reject bid to drop Nixon from stadium
lawsuit X
P-D: Program gives Missouri pregnant women diapers as
incentive to stop smoking
P-D: New Ferguson judge hopes DOJ concerns addressed
'in a month'
JCNT editorial: Changes in public education complicate
pressing choices X
P-D letter: Minimum wage solution: St. Louis
executives should put part of their salary in a pot, and that money
should subsidize workers who can't support themselves
P-D letter: Fans of the 2nd Amendment should have
patience - shrill anti-gun narratives are eventually disproven
KC Star letter: Area woman attempts 'right to work'
analogy involving country clubs and freeloaders +
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Wednesday, June 17
P-D/Kaiser Health News: Missouri, unlike other states,
has limited options if health subsidies struck down
Missourian: Report from pro-Obamacare group: Supreme Court
ruling could drop 200,000 from health-insurance subsidy rolls +
St. Joseph News-Press: Pro-Obamacare group's report
forecasts impact of health care ruling X
JCNT: Families USA: Trouble ahead if Obamacare
blocked X
St. Joseph News-Press: VA town hall tomorrow to
address health care questions X
Kraske: The Chat: McCaskill on Missouri's
transportation infrastructure needs +
St. Joseph News-Press: Weather conditions, actual
precipitation lead Army Corps of Engineers to declare state of
emergency in area X
Missourian: Port, landowner work with FEMA on Scott City
floodplain +
P-D: Hazelwood USPS employees stole packages;
North County men, girlfriend Che'yron Robinson overlabeled items they
hoped contained electronics and drugs
Columbia Missourian: 'Am I white? Am I black?' event
celebrates culture, identity; Comments on Juneteenth celebration
from organizer Curtis "Boogie Man" Soul
Timing of union donation to Nixon stinks +
The Missouri Times: Former Rep. Vicki Englund (D-St.
Louis County) running for Sen. Scott Sifton's seat
AP: Questions dropped, time added for Missouri
teaching exams; Black candidates scored 18-43 points lower on
P-D: More prospective teachers in Missouri failing
exit exams; After only 6 percent of black teachers passed all
four tests, board to look for signs of "bias"
Missourinet: Missouri School Board to ask for funding
of district support plan
KWMU: State school officials acknowledge they need to
do more to build trust in Normandy
The Missouri Times: Noranda finalizes Bootheel
expansion project after PSC rate relief case
Missourinet: Missouri Supreme Court: Ameren not
liable for Lake of the Ozarks deaths
KWMU: Missouri Supreme Court says Ameren not liable
for electrocutions on Lake of the Ozarks
The Missouri Times: City of St. Louis to receive $45
million in New Market Tax Credits
KWMU: State tax credits helped McKee buy land;
Now the city of St. Louis wants to buy it
KWMU: Aldermen hear stark divide over increasing city
minimum wage
P-D: Proposed St. Louis minimum wage hike presented to
aldermanic committee
KC Star: Tropical Storm Bill could make it rough for
camping, floating in parts of Missouri +
P-D: Bridgeton Landfill owner will continue monitoring
carbon monoxide
KC Star: Judge tosses lawsuit that alleged racial
discrimination at the Power & Light District; Plaintiffs
complained about dress code, etc. +
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: To improve rural mail
service, measure on-time delivery X
JCNT editorial: Schmitt's bill to protect seniors and
the disabled from fraud is reasonable and practical X
Missourian editorial: Vet home upgrades a bipartisan success +
P-D editorial: Neighboring Legislatures miraculously
make Missouri's look good
Missourian editorial: Join the discussion on higher-ed challenges +
SNL op-ed: U.S. Rep. Billy Long: COOL reaches a
boiling point X
KC Star letter: By refusing to expand Medicaid,
legislators are hereby responsible for "any health problems" of those
unable to pay their own way +
P-D letter: MoDOT should focus on big issues, not
padlocks on a chain-link fence
P-D letter: Messenger's column continues paper's
vendetta against police departments
P-D letter: Area woman says editorial on campus rape
was wrong about women's responsibility; In fact, females never
joke in private about "scoring" with men
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Tuesday, June 16
Kraske: The Chat: McCaskill on budget compromise +
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Hartzler on ending County of
Origin Labeling (COOL); Lacy Clay the only member of Missouri
delegation to vote against bill
P-D: Recap of Washington Post party-line vote analysis
posted here last week
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Mannies
& Rosenbaum talk to David Barklage about Brunner and Kinder, GOP
success with non-urbanites, 'right-to-work' prospects, much more
KC Star: UAW sends $50,000 to Nixon in wake of 'right
to work' veto; Comments from James Harris +
KMOX: Nixon picking up $50K check after veto "business
as usual," says Rep. Eric Burlison (R-Springfield)
Who's next on the PSC? Nixon will face pressure to find a female
Rosenbaum: Kansas' and Illinois' budget brinksmanship
not likely in Missouri
KODE (Joplin): Nixon signs Senior Savings Protection
Act into law; Comments from Rep. Charlie Davis (R-Webb City)
AP: Correction to student-transfers story:
Measure would save the state - not cost the state - $72M in 2017-18
SNL: Springfield Public Schools board to Nixon:
Veto school transfer bill now X
KWMU: Battle lines drawn over St. Louis, Kansas City
efforts to raise the minimum wage
P-D: Lawmakers say Nixon is accountable for stadium
financing plan
The Missouri Times: Courts will likely decide the fate
of an NFL stadium in St. Louis
P-D: Gun rights dispute at St. Louis Zoo could test
Missouri's muddled gun laws
P-D: Legal action needed to fix up dilapidated
cemetery in North St. Louis County, Koster says
Missourinet: Missouri Department of Conservation
extends chronic wasting disease combat zone, changes regulations
CDT letter: Area woman expresses anger over lack of
Medicaid expansion, calls opponents "reckless," "unscrupulous,"
"irrational" and "mean-spirited" X
KC Star letter: Jobs With Justice's Robert
Minor: It's not fair that the women and men who run corporations
succeed "on the backs of working people" +
SNL letter: Blunt wrong about EPA and power
plants; Meanwhile, unlike income tax, sales taxes are "poorly
understood and capriciously applied" X
Columbia Missourian letter: Grain Belt Express line
essential for Missouri energy
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Monday, June 15
Missourinet: McCaskill warns of federal budget debate
conflict, less money for Missouri
Help Wanted: VA can't fill 30 key director positions, including
St. Louis
P-D: Monsanto in the middle of upcoming congressional
fight over GMO labeling; Wagner, Luetkemeyer among 60 co-sponsors
of bill
KWMU: North City woman living on National
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency site doesn't want to move
Kraske: The Chat: Things were better back in my
day, 78-year-old Jack Danforth says, again +
Warrensburg Daily Star-Journal: Missouri Boys State
boasts impressive speaker lineup: Karl Rove, Jay Nixon, Nicole
Galloway, gov candidate Eric Greitens, Ameren's Warner Baxter, more
KODE (Joplin): At Joplin GOP picnic, Catherine Hanaway
says she's against Medicaid expansion
This Week in Missouri Politics: Guest Kurt Schaefer
(R-Columbia); Panel of Gate Way Group's David Jackson, Progress
Missouri's Sean Nicholson, Rep. John Wiemann (R), union president David
Missourinet: Measure meant to protect seniors' savings
becomes Missouri law
SNL: Sen. Mike Parson (R-Bolivar): Bond projects
not dazzling, but needed X
Missourinet: More Missouri Lottery money for education
this year, still off projection
AP: Analysis: Lawmakers and their families make
a living outside of the Legislature, and some legislation could impact
those industries or occupations
Missourinet: State Fair concert tickets go on sale
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: U.S. Rep. Sam Graves
offers sensible ideas for helping veterans with employment and medical
care X
P-D editorial: To combat 'rape culture,' Mizzou should
offer self-defense classes to co-eds
Warrensburg Daily Star-Journal's Jack Ventimiglia:
Safety push could derail Amtrak service in Missouri
Columbia Missourian op-ed: Financial services
professional Steve Spellman: Maybe Missouri should get rid of the
death penalty, or maybe not
JCNT letter: Clean Line Energy project deserves support X
P-D letter: Raising the minimum wage is inflationary
P-D letter: Post-Dispatch ignores the harm that
anti-police rhetoric does to law enforcement families
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Sunday, June 14 Flag Day
KWMU: Blunt joins budget battle in weekly Republican
KMZU (Carrollton): Audio: Blunt's weekly
conference call; Junior senator addresses defense spending,
Obamacare, Hastert contributions, more
JCNT: 14 initiative petitions await circulation for
Missouri voters' signatures X
KODE (Joplin): Catherine Hanaway, in Joplin, talks
'right to work' and its impact on Missouri
AP: Nixon gets $50K from UAW days after veto on 'right
to work'
P-D: Missouri faces hard choice: Renewable
energy highways, or property rights?
KC Star: Transgender student visibility has UMKC,
other Missouri colleges making accomodations; All-female Stephens
College may begin admitting humanoids with male genitalia who say they
are actually women +
AP: Missouri lawmakers address "concerns" about their
families' occupations and livelihoods being impacted by
legislation; Holsman (D) on charter-school bill, Parson (R) on
livestock bill, etc.
KWMU: Ohio gun-rights activist enters St. Louis Zoo
with empty holster; next steps unclear
P-D: On hot day, gun-rights activist decides not to
pack heat at zoo
JCNT editorial: Nixon should veto the student transfer
law X
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Nixon, legislators
showed they understand the need for capital improvements X
JCNT editorial: The meaning of Flag Day in an era of
perceived "injustice," an omnipresent selfie mentality and the "outrage
industry" X
Washington Missourian's Bill Miller: Chronic
complainers may occasionally disrespect our flag, but the vast majoriy
of Americans pay respect to Old Glory
CDT op-ed: Columbia Public Schools Superintendent
Peter Stiepleman: Nixon must veto school transfer bill X
SNL op-ed: Area man attempts humor, says state
legislators work only 70 days each year while taking frequent naps and
visiting "cafeteria" a lot X
P-D letter: Missouri Coalition for the
Environment: Claire McCaskill should take a stand against coal
P-D letter: Legislators should expand Medicaid
P-D letter: Lacy Clay keeps perpetuating the myth of
Michael Brown as a decent, 'hands-up' youth
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Saturday, June 13
The Hill: Blunt: Defense spending a 'moral
P-D: Area congressional delegation's votes for the week
Washington Post: Here are the members of Congress who
vote against their party the most; McCaskill the only member of
Missouri delegation listed
KC Star: Washington Post analysis ranks McCaskill as
fourth most likely Democrat to buck her party on votes
WGEM (Hannibal): McCaskill discusses bill to crack
down on unwanted robocalls
KWMU: Home health care workers protest outside
Paraquad for higher wages
The Missouri Times: Sen. Kurt Schaefer (R-Columbia)
takes lead in fight against higher minimum wage proposals
KODE (Joplin): Area small-business owner says he'd
reduce staff if minimum wage is raised
AP: Nixon signs bill aiming to protect seniors from
KC Star: Missouri teaches families how to camp as
fewer choose to spend the night at state parks
KWMU: Judge blocks attempt to carry handgun at St.
Louis zoo; legal experts discuss current gun law
P-D: City fires back at Dome authority, says it can't
build new stadium
P-D: Secretary of State's office investigating Shaun
Hayes, his day care business and a business partner
AP: Missouri eases hunting rules to slow deer disease
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Plug $50,000 hole in
MWSU budget X
P-D editorial: Slay's go-it-alone minimum wage plan is
too much, too fast
Missourian editorial: "Neighborhood Roll Call" program may help
Cape police avoid riotous behavior by those inclined to perceive
"injustice" +
KC Star's Steve Paul: Raising minimum wage won't cure
poverty, but it will lift up many families and give KC a reputation for
"fairness" +
SNL op-ed: U.S. Rep. Billy Long: Defeat domestic
violence in Ozarks X
P-D letter: Response to Planned Parenthood comments on
decrease in number of abortions
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Friday, June 12
The Hill: Spending panel moves toward sequestration
relief; Comments from Blunt on making national defense top
Kraske: The Chat: Hastert contributions to Blunt
don't reach big-deal status; McCaskill on robocalls targeting
seasoned citizens +
KWMU: Jason Kander portrays himself as
business-friendly as he takes aim at Obama, Brownback
P-D: Democrat Kander chides Democrat Obama on business
KMOX: McCaskill fights to find do-not-call violators
Washington Examiner: McCaskill bill targets
telemarketing scammers
KMOX: McCaskill supports the Small Brew Act to lower
taxes on craft breweries
KY3: Interim Christian County sheriff asks for
delegation's help in getting Dept. of Defense to take back armored
military vehicle
SNL: Interim sheriff wants to ditch military truck X
New state rep campaign committees formed: Crystal Quade (D) for
Charlie Norr's seat, David Cort (R) for Eric Burlison's seat
The Missouri Times: Scott Faughn's "This Week in
Missouri Politics" expanding to northeast Missouri, will air on KTVO
SNL: Intern inquiries won't impact MSU's Capitol
program X
AP: Taxpayers provided more than 37,000 Missouri kids
"free" food handouts on an average summer day last year
KWMU: School districts, charters sign up for new
P-D: Board votes to restructure Normandy schools
AP: Board votes to restructure Normandy schools
KC Star: Trooper who questioned Missouri patrol after
Brandon Ellingson drowning hit with discipline
Missourinet: Missouri trooper critical of Highway
Patrol after drowning of Iowa man is disciplined
KC Star: Interstate 70 to St. Louis will be more
constricted this summer +
P-D: MoDOT will remove padlocks placed on Page Avenue
Bridge fence
Washington Missourian: Hearing draws supporters,
opponents of coal ash landfill plan
KWMU: Franklin County coal ash landfill hearing
highlights differing viewpoints, strong emotions
P-D: Death row inmate gives chilling murder
confession; David Zink was on parole and driving drunk when he
rear-ended a 19-year-old woman, so he killed her
P-D: Ferguson protesters charged in City Hall incident
must perform community service
Washington Missourian editorial: Industrial
concerns: 'Right-to-work' would be a factor in attracting
businesses to Missouri
P-D editorial: Progress on the 'Fix the Legislature'
front: Getting rid of term limits and limiting campaign
contributions might make the ballot
Washington Missourian editorial: Nixon still dragging
his feet on naming commissioner replacement
Washington Missourian's Bill Miller: Fixing I-70
through "crowdsourcing" is a neat idea, but back to reality:
Allow private industry to fix the problem via toll stations
P-D op-ed: Missouri Coalition Against Common
Core: Response to P-D "Republicans continue to peddle the Common
Core lie" editorial
KC Star's Mary Sanchez: It's time to take on predatory
lenders +
P-D letter: Slay wants to raise minimum wage to put
more tax money into City's coffers
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Thursday, June 11
KWMU: McCaskill, Blunt take different approaches when
it comes to controversial campaign donations
SNL: Blunt won't return Hastert money X
P-D: Blunt says he'll keep Hastert donations
CDT: McCaskill survey: Patients generally
pleased with Truman VA service X
KWMU: McCaskill to reintroduce bill penalizing phone
scams and robocalls
McClatchy: As robocalls evolve, McCaskill introduces
legislation to keep up
The Hill: McCaskill, others pile on the robocall
P-D: Blunt, McCaskill weigh in on upcoming
Monsanto-Syngenta combination and jobs staying in St. Louis
Kraske: The Chat: Emanuel Cleaver on body
cameras, Lacy Clay on racial divisions +
KWMU: People's Health Center in St. Louis City to get
$2 million in federal taxpayer dollars for psychiatric center
Missourian: Governor hopeful Mike Parson (R) finds support in Cape +
The Missouri Times: In Cape, GOP Sens. Gary Romine,
Doug Libla, Wayne Wallingford endorse Mike Parson
"Maverick PAC" names unannounced AG candidate Joshua Hawley (R) to its
"Future 40" list
AP: Scott Eckersley, at center of Blunt
e-mail/employment issue, charged with felonies; Grown man caught
repeatedly stealing competitor's Utah tourism brochures from resort
Washington Missourian: Franklin County commissioner
frustrated with Nixon's delay in appointing replacement to vacant seat
AP: Nixon heading to Paris Air Show
KC Star: Former University of Missouri President Elson
Floyd battling cancer +
KWMU: Normandy says it can continue to operate schools
for another year
AP: Nixon's office receives hundreds of e-mails,
letters regarding student transfers bill
P-D: Koster moves to dismiss Nixon from stadium lawsuit
CDT: Capitol time capsule removed in preparation for
centennial celebration X
Missourinet: Nixon says he's still weighing clemency
for 14 women
Missourian: State taking applications for managed deer hunts +
P-D editorial: Ann Wagner puts brokers (and
contributors) ahead of investors
Helling: Brownback, like Jay Nixon, sees national
aspirations disappear +
CDT's Waters: To be consistent, conservatives should
stop trying to block local governments from setting minimum wage and
other policies X
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Wednesday, June 10
SNL: Billy Long seeks reform of Medicare auditing
Washington Post: Homeland Security looks for leaker of
report on air-checkpoint failures; McCaskill notes that TSA's
budget keeps getting cut
The Missouri Times: Missouri Chamber continues to make
the argument in favor of 'right to work'
P-D: Transfer bill leaves some families in a lurch
Kraske: The Chat: Jay Nixon on Capitol
Cornerstone; Rep. Michael Butler (D-St. Louis) on GOP preference
to focus on things other than Ferguson +
Missourinet: Time capsule removed from Missouri State
Capitol Cornerstone
The Missouri Times: Time capsule extracted from
JCNT: State officials remove time capsule from
Missouri Capitol Cornerstone X
AP: Time capsule removed from cornerstone of Missouri
KWMU: Residents weigh in on plans to scale back
Franklin County's coal ash landfill restrictions
CDT: Moberly Monitor-Index follows trend of small
Missouri papers, eliminates delivery carriers and will reply upon USPS X
Missourinet: Missouri carries out execution of Richard
Missourinet: Richard Strong's victims' families thank
Missouri for his execution; Comments from Gov. Jay Nixon (D), AG
Chris Koster (D)
KWMU: Richard Strong chooses fried chicken,
cheeseburger and doughnuts for last meal; Pentobarbital works
AP: Murderer Richard Strong executed
P-D: Slideshow: Missouri execution scorecard
since 2000: Jay Nixon (18), Bob Holden (15), Matt Blunt (5), Mel
Carnahan (4 in 2000), Roger Wilson (1)
KWMU: Adversaries of Ferguson mayor fail to gather
enough signatures to trigger recall; Election board says
anti-Knowles gang submitted 1,125 invalid signatures
P-D: Effort to recall Ferguson mayor hits roadblock
AP: Recall effort targeting Ferguson mayor hits
snag; "Ground Level Support" gets 10 more days to find valid
P-D: Lacy Clay: Ferguson revealed 'staggering
divisions' in America
CDT's Waters: Hammerschmidt and Ron Calzone's lawsuit
on "Christmas tree" bill X
SNL op-ed: Rabbi Barbara Block, others: Payday
loan laws must be reformed X
Ferguson looting and other examples of miscreant behavior help reveal
progressives' true agenda: Undermine law enforcement +
KC Star letter: Marshall, Mo. farmer thanks McCaskill
and Blunt for supporting Trade Promotion Authority, hopes Cleaver does
the same +
SNL letter: Billy Long should change his position on
energy policy, support "fee and rebate strategy" to target carbon X
CDT letter: Area woman believes that voting for a
state rep candidate based upon their Medicaid-expansion position will
totally make a difference X
P-D letter: Planned Parenthood's Linda Raclin:
Abortion restrictions only harm Missouri women
P-D letter: Post-Dispatch fans racial flames by
reporting ridiculous "proportionality principal" on arrests
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Tuesday, June 9
KMOX: McCaskill, Blunt pressure VA for a permanent St.
Louis director
Washington Post: Justice watchdog will publicize
employee misconduct investigations online; McCaskill bill would
strengthen independent inspectors general
Missourian: Area farmers concerned over new EPA clean-water rules +
P-D: Washington Post fact-checker says Ann Wagner's
statistics on sex-trafficking are exaggerated
P-D: Military sexual assault dispute between
McCaskill, Gillibrand could arise again
The Missouri Times: Preview: 2016 Missouri State
Senate races
Kraske: The Chat: Former Sen. Scott Rupp (R) on
campaign limits; Rep. Stephen Webber (D-Columbia) on the struggle
of Capitol women +
Help Wanted: Missouri Senate seeks communications director
P-D: Judge rules that Missouri "Right to Farm" law
does not protect potheads
Ferguson Mayor James Knowles to speak to St. Louis Area Young
Republican Club on Thursday
KWMU: Diehl kept his word and avoided "Ferguson
agenda"; Rep. Michael Butler (D-St. Louis) says Republicans would
prefer to not deal with black issues
KWMU: For Normandy Middle School students, words of
encouragement and apology
KMWU: Missouri ranks 10th in high school graduation
rate; A closer look at the numbers
CDT: Missouri's Bowen Loftin makes list of
highest-paid college executives of 2014 X
Missourinet: Proposal aims to help Missouri domestic
violence survivors
The Missouri Times: PSC Chairman Robert Kenney steps
JCNT: PSC Chairman Robert Kenney announces August
departure X
The Missouri Times: Celebrations planned to mark
centennial of laying of Capitol cornerstone
P-D: Gun-rights advocate challenges St. Louis Zoo
policy barring weapons
Missourinet: Appeals of murderer Richard Strong all
before U.S. Supreme Court
KMWU: Missouri prepares to execute Richard Strong for
double slayings in 2000
AP: Execution nears for murderer Richard Strong
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Bullying law still
needed X
P-D letter: Local school boards bear responsibility
for America's substandard education system
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Monday, June 8
Politico: U.S. Rep. Billy Long wants FDA to update
drug-promotion rules to include companies' social-media pitches
KMZU (Carrollton): Audio: Sen. Claire McCatskill
[sic] on defense bill,
national security reforms, St. Louis VA hospital, more
Washington Post's Cillizza: The 10 U.S. Senate seats
most likely to switch parties in 2016: Not Missouri
Rosenbaum: Why Missouri's no-limit campaign
contribution culture may be here to stay
KWMU: Missouri may join the states embracing pot, or
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Rep. Stephen
Webber (D-Columbia) talks with Mannies & Rosenbaum about political
courage, "gender pay equity" and corrosive capital culture
This Week in Missouri Politics: Rep. Elijah Haahr
(R-Springfield); Opinion panel of reporter Collin Reischman,
KMOX's Mark Reardon, Joe Keaveny (D), David Barklage (R)
KODE (Joplin): Nixon signs bill to help fund
renovations in veterans' homes
AP: Abortions decline in nearly all states, including
CDT: Once covered, Jesus symbol placed on Missouri
vets memorial X
KTRS: Video: What will happen if St. Louis
raises its minimum wage to $15? Thoughts from Gate Way Group's
David Jackson
SNL: MO DNR officials sign off on $200 million
Springfield sewer plan X
Missourinet: Richard Strong carved up a 2-year old
girl, then stabbed the mother of his daughter 21 times and left the tip
of the knife in her skull; Daughter says Nixon should grant
KTTS: Execution opponents to hold vigil tomorrow at
noon in Springfield
P-D editorial: Republicans continue to peddle the
Common Core lie
JCNT editorial: Time to submit ideas for Capitol time
capsule X
The Missouri Times' Collin Reischman: Gov. Jay Nixon
racks up wins, is poised for successful summer
P-D letter: Nixon correct to veto 'right to work'
JCNT letter: Let the free market deal with payday
lenders X
P-D letter: Slay, socialist Vermont Sen. Bernie
Sanders are right on minimum wage
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Sunday, June 7
P-D/Kaiser Health News: Stakes are high as Supreme
Court nears key Obamacare decision; Comments from Missouri
Foundation for Health, others
Missourinet: McCaskill pleased with TSA leadership
change after weapons are snuck through checkpoints
KMIZ (Columbia): McCaskill survey says veterans
content with VA hospital care in Boone County
Missourian: U.S. Rep. Jason Smith takes a look at Cape's sinkhole
problem +
P-D: Damage to Doe Run mine caused sinkholes
P-D: After switching positions, Dick Gephardt and his
lobbying firm have taken $8 million from Turkish government
KOMU (Columbia): Missouri's seven veterans homes to
receive money
CDT: Bill extends protection order coverage to sexual
assault victims X
P-D's Nicklaus: Minimum wage hike will cause the most
vulnerable workers to lose their jobs; Instead of magical
thinking, Mayor Slay should talk to the people who make payrolls work
KOMU: Neighbors file lawsuit against MO DNR, allege
misconduct in CAFO appeal
KWMU: Proposed stadium plans would demolish four
historic registry buildings
Missourian: Ex-con employment series: Attitude, programs
help felons find jobs +
St. Joseph News-Press: What the police
arrest-disparity index means for St. Joseph X
KWMU: Anti-Jennifer Joyce (D) rally draws 25;
Protesters refuse Joyce's standing offer to meet for civilized
JCNT: News Tribune celebrates 150 years in print X
Washington Missourian editorial: Intern handbook is a
good idea, but what Missouri legislators really need is Common Sense 101
SNL editorial: Rep. Lynn Morris (R-Nixa) must take
real responsibility for actions to win back public trust X
JCNT editorial: Watch for MoDOT highway-striping
operations as you drive this summer X
Missourian's Bob Miller: Anonymously, we find out what teachers
think about testing; Anonymous survey sheds lights, while state
government's stonewalling leads only to darkness +
CDT op-ed: AME pastor: Nixon should spare the
life of Richard Strong; Condemned murderer sliced up a two-year
old girl and the mother of his daughter, but he had a really rough
upbringing X
P-D letter: Child Care Aware's L. Carol Scott:
True partnership needed to fill preschool needs
P-D letter: Area man analogizes Show-Me Institute and
minimum wage debate to plantation owners and cotton-picking
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Saturday, June 6
P-D: Area congressional delegation's votes for the week
KWMU: White House issues report supporting Medicaid
expansion; Comments from Tim McBride, Sen. Rob Schaaf (R-St.
Joseph), Vinita Park woman with sad story
KFVS (Cape Girardeau): McCaskill on VA system,
Medicare Advantage, USPS site closures, 2016 presidential race
SNL: Blunt: Springfield fortunate to have a
facility like the Jordan Valley Community Health Center X
KY3: Jordan Valley Health debuts new wellness center
and building expansion
Missourian: U.S. Rep. Jason Smith addresses federal regulations,
other issues during chamber event +
Missourinet: U.S. Senate votes to end defense spending
on military salutes at sporting events; Chiefs have received
$250k over last four years, while Rams received $60k
Chicago Sun-Times: DSCC calls for Blunt to return
Hastert cash
Mark Parkinson, Anne Zerr might have company in state Senate primary
CDT: Effort to raise cigarette tax would fund early
childhood education; Comments from Raise Your Hand for Kids'
Linda Rallo, others X
KWMU: Nixon signs capital improvement bills into law
JCNT: Budget bills include mid-Missouri projects X
AP: Nixon OKs more than $300M in bonding for building
KY3: State leaders push for quality veteran
care; Comments from Blunt
Columbia Missourian: Prescription disposal bin removed
from police station lobby per EPA, MO DNR request; No one from
DNR available to provide comment on Friday afternoon
P-D: After handing out checks for $2,750 each to 17
Ferguson protesters, Jeff Ordower out as head of ACORN/MORE;
Spokesman Kennard Williams says "no comment"
P-D: Proposed St. Louis minimum wage hike could be
headed to court
KC Star: At City Hall, groups call for a higher
minimum wage in Kansas City +
P-D: Ferguson Commission to meet in St. Charles City
next week
Warrensburg Daily Star-Journal editorial: Who watches
the watchers? McCaskill making effort X
JCNT editorial: 'To boldly go' forward on I-70 X
P-D editorial: A challenge to 'right-to-work'
backers: Put it on the 2016 ballot
KC Star letter: D.C.-based group says 'right to work'
is wrong for Missouri +
P-D letter: "Protester class" of malcontents thinks
rules of civility don't apply to them
SNL letter: Consequences for Rep. Lynn Morris (R-Nixa)
underwhelming X
P-D letter: Fulton man unhappy with Legislature,
attempts state-motto punchline
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Friday, June 5
P-D: White House issues report highlighting "missed
opportunities" for Missouri not expanding Medicaid
The Hill: White House urging Dems to back possible
Obama defense veto; Comments from McCaskill
KOLR (Springfield): Blunt and Billy Long in town today
to dedicate health and wellness center; Nixon in for VFW
convention, will sign bills
Diehl fallout: Dems might have been better off with a damaged
Speaker hanging around - and impending LeVota coverage ensures
intern-indulging isn't a partisan issue
Dems line up to replace departing Rep. Bill Otto (D-Maryland Heights)
Missourinet: Initiative petitions seeking Missouri
minimum wage increase cleared for signatures
CDT: Muleskinners, a Democratic group, invites
Republican lawmakers to speak; Rep. Caleb Rowden
(R-Columbia): "I think it'd be fun" X
KWMU: Advocacy group for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
transgender olds merges with PROMO
Missourinet: Nixon vetoes 'right to work' bill,
sponsor Rep. Eric Burlison (R-Springfield) 'disappointed'
SNL: Rep. Eric Burlison (R-Springfield) jabs Nixon
over 'right to work' veto, says Missouri's status as RTW state is
'inevitable' X
The Missouri Times: Nixon vetoes 'right to work'
KWMU: Nixon vetoes 'right to work' legislation
Nixon vetoes 'right to work' legislation
P-D: 'Right to work' proponents to face uphill battle
in overriding Nixon's veto
AP: Nixon to sign $300M in bonds for building repairs
KC Star: Missouri wants ideas for fixing Interstate
70, and how to pay for it +
Missourian: Public hearing addresses higher-ed challenges in
Southeast Missouri +
KWMU: Slay unveils minimum wage push amid murky legal
The Missouri Times: Slay to push for minimum wage hike
despite legislature's objectives
Columbia Missourian: Missouri Health Facilities
Committee to hold hearing Monday; Boone Hospital opposes plan for
Fulton Medical Center expansion
Miklasz: On stadium deal, Nixon says Missouri will be
AP: Grand juror in Michael Brown case fights gag order
KC Star editorial: Lawmakers should uphold Nixon's
veto on 'right to work' +
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Restrain stadium
subsidies; Nixon "can do better than simply argue he has the
authority to do what's best' X
Washington Missourian's Bill Miller: McCaskill
announces victory in Postal Service restructuring
SNL op-ed: U.S. Senate candidate Jason Kander
(D): Proposed EPA water regulations would hurt Missouri farmers
and ranchers X
Missourian op-ed: Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder: Right to work is
good for Missouri business and workers +
P-D letter: University City woman says Missouri should
abolish the death penalty
P-D letter: Ameren, MO DNR, and legislators all
conspire to make Missouri dirty
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Thursday, June 4
Politico: Democrats consider filibuster of huge
defense bill; Comments from McCaskill
Politico: Democrats steer toward highway funding
cliff; Comments from Blunt
P-D: Matt Blunt reiterates Senator Blunt's claim -
they don't talk about business
P-D: University of Michigan-Flint prof: Size of
Missouri's economy tantamount to Philippines
The Missouri Times: This Week in Missouri Politics to
air in mid-Missouri
KWMU: Ballot initiatives to raise Missouri's minimum
wage approved for circulation
CDT: Local NEA leader Susan McClintic to run against
freshman Rep. Chuck Basye (R-Rocheport) X
AP: Missouri Senate adopts new workplace policy manual
with details on reporting harassment
P-D: First the Missouri House, now Senate joins in to
review intern policies
Missourinet: Missouri officials ask for outside ideas
to rebuild I-70, fund transportation
AP: Missouri officials want I-70 to become innovation
KC Star: Missouri transportation officials solicit
ideas, and money, for the future of Interstate 70 +
KC Star: Nixon says his St. Joe, St. Louis stadium
comparison related to lawsuit, not projects' costs +
P-D: Help Wanted: Judge, to hear stadium funding
AP: Missouri Higher Education Commissioner David
Russell announces retirement
P-D: Missouri higher ed chief to retire in January
The Missouri Times: Bowen Loftin has become a powerful
force as Mizzou chancellor
KWMU: Departing Hazelwood superintendent was caught
between friction on board
Missourinet: Missouri to mark 100th anniversary of
State Capitol Cornerstone with new time capsule
Ameren moves to end contract with New Madrid smelter
CDT: Moberly won't 'bail out' Jefferson City
contractor for Mamtek losses X
AP: St. Louis attorney James M. Dowd picked as
Missouri Court of Appeals judge
Columbia Missourian: Missouri Association for Social
Welfare, rebranded as "Empower Missouri," holds event at AME church to
discuss traffic-stop report
JCNT: Activist groups want Koster's office to plan
statewide summit on "racial profiling" X
P-D: Ferguson protesters disagree over who should
receive donations; One sect demands that ACORN, rebranded as
"MORE," "cut the check"
AP: Man who admitted shooting police at Ferguson
protest pleads not guilty
KWMU: St. Louis Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce (D)
says protester histrionics only encourage her to run again, keep
standing up for law-abiding citizens
Columbia Missourian's David Rosman: Forcing religion
into government is wrong
SNL letter: Billy Long right to sponsor safe food
labeling act X
P-D letter: MO DNR caving to Ameren and political
JCNT letter: Don't want to deal with a municipal court
system? Try following the law. X
P-D letter: P-D editorial board puts down law
enforcement and sides with criminal element
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Wednesday, June 3
Kraske: How Missouri's congressional delegation fared
in the Lugar Center/Georgetown bipartisan rankings +
AP: Congress sends NSA phone-records bill to
president; McCaskill votes yes, Blunt votes no
KC Star: Health insurance firms propose to increase
rates in Missouri +
Wall Street Journal's Pharmalot blog: McCaskill,
Collins (R-Me.) say FDA guidelines may restrict use of Roche's Avastin
P-D: McCaskill, Luetkemeyer help Webster Groves woman
get medal of honor for her father
KWMU: Medal of Honor awarded to WWI vet is triumph
over anti-Semitism, daughter says
AP: Proposed initiative petitions would increase
Missouri minimum wage
CDT: Cock fight: 'Right to farm' defense fails
in Boone County trial X
Drebes: Ben Murray, treasurer to term-limited Rep.
Mike Colona (D-St. Louis City), to run for Colona's seat
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Steve Tilley
talks to Mannies & Rosenbaum about his tenure and challenges as
House Speaker, Diehl, and Rep. Robert Cornejo (R-St. Peters) possibly
switching his vote on 'right to work'
AP: Budget director: Missouri revenue
collections up 7.5 percent
Missourinet: Missouri Senate GOP leaders to attempt
override of veto of unemployment bill
P-D: Missouri Legislature throws Common Core out the
Columbia Missourian: Missouri's gifted programs are
struggling in era of education budget cuts; Missouri districts
not required to provide extra programs for smart kids
P-D: Grayling Tobias retires from Hazelwood
schools; Superintendent left in mid-April for "medical leave"
AP: Public Service Commission questions adding
multistate wind energy line
P-D: Missouri regulators may block wind transmission
Missourian: State Auditor Nicole Galloway's office estimates
forfeiture money to area police agencies +
Columbia Missourian: Prepaid funeral plans on the rise
in Missouri; State regulations offer control over how money is
KWMU: Slay supports bill from Alderman Shane Cohn to
provide $15-an-hour minimum wage for St. Louis City workers by 2020
P-D: Slay seeks to raise minimum wage in St. Louis
City to $15 an hour
AP: St. Louis may be next city to raise minimum wage
P-D: Organization for Black Struggle, others want
Koster to spend time listening to complaints about "racial profiling"
AP: Arraignment set for man who shot police at
Ferguson protest; Jeffrey Williams: "Nobody aiming at no
Two men plead guilty to foiled Ferguson bomb plot; New Black
Panther Party members Olajuwon Davis and Brandon Baldwin will be
sentenced August 31
P-D: Two admit plot to blow up police station,
McCulloch and Ferguson police chief; Purchase of trigger
mechanism was delayed until Brandon Baldwin could get his next
unemployment check
P-D editorial: More training and police consolidation
would improve racial profiling stats
CDT's Waters: Petition fraud discovered in
early-voting campaign: A rare but worthy criminal charge X
Forged signatures on Missouri Democrat-funded petition show the need
for voter ID laws - despite liberals' "disenfranchisement" caterwauling +
P-D letter: Missouri Health Care for All's Jen
Bersdale: Missouri legislators should expand Medicaid
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Tuesday, June 2
P-D: Blunt one of 17 senators voting no on NSA
surveillance overhaul
P-D: Lacy Clay's annual job fair next Monday in St.
Governing Magazine: Rex Sinquefield's crusade to
control Missouri politics sheds light on the power and limits of money
in politics link via @ssnich on Twitter
AP: South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R) - the state's
first female governor - to speak at Catherine Hanaway fundraiser this
(Moberly): National Organization for Women - Missouri's Seileach
Corleigh says Missouri conservatives are fighting an all-out war on
Help wanted: Missouri House seeks budget analyst;
Candidates must be willing to work under pressure and deal with
legislators, bureaucrats in exchange for $43k/year
AP: May economic report suggests slow growth ahead in
Brownfield Ag News: Gov. Jay Nixon recognizes
Missouri's beef industry; Missouri Beef Industry Council's Mark
Russell says cattle numbers are growing
AP: Ron Calzone files lawsuit targeting wide-ranging
"Christmas tree" bill
JCNT: Ron Calzone sues state over 2014 law X
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): MoDOT's Brian Haeffner says
agency in danger of losing federal funds
KWMU: TV ads open summer battle over fate of
right-to-work legislation
Missourinet: Normandy district's state Rep. Clem Smith
(D-Velda Village Hills) wants transfer veto, special session
The Missouri Times: Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-Glendale)
pushes for disability legislation
CDT: Appeals court ruling upholds denial of DNR grant
to Trinity Lutheran X
The Missouri Times: Conservation Commission unveils
mural, revokes hundreds of outdoor privileges
P-D: Black drivers in Missouri still stopped at higher
AP: Missouri police stopped blacks more than whites in
KWMU: Missouri police stopping black drivers at
increasingly higher rate
JCNT: Local lawmen: Traffic stop rates reflect
local population X
SNL: "Slight uptick" in number of black Springfield
drivers stopped X
P-D: Two "Black Lives Matter" protesters unhappy about
being subdued via taser
P-D's Deb Peterson: Say yes to free dental care for
low-income Missouri residents
Helling: Missouri should follow Nebraska's lead and
abolish the death penalty +
P-D letter: Area woman suggests Missouri legislators
listen to lobbyists more than people
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Monday, June 1
How Roy Blunt's work as chairman of the Rules Committee has made him
"the de facto mayor" of the U.S. Senate X
Blunt on Rand Paul's approach to surveillance legislation
Lugar Center/Georgetown issue "Bipartisan Rankings": McCaskill
and Blunt rank high, others not so much
Missourian: Regional Planning Commission's David Grimes says
current ozone standard is appropriate, and EPA should leave it alone
(Joplin): U.S. Rep. Billy Long says EPA rule on water is too
intrusive, could affect private landowners
Ag News: Missouri Corn Growers' Gary Marshall says EPA took two
actions this past week against agriculture
Missourian: Federal report: Branson hospital to repay $123K
Feds: Illegal alien found in Springfield; El Salvador
export Cipriano Jesus Gomez-Ortega had already been deported once for
drug crimes X
Speakers on topic of "Islamophobia" draw crowd of sixteen X
Nicole Galloway hires Gena Terlizzi as comms director, Rebecca Gorley
as public information officer
Politically Speaking podcast: Former state Sen. Jeff Smith (D-St.
Louis City) talks to Mannies & Rosenbaum about Jefferson City life
in the '00s, Jetton, Todd Richardson, Scott Sifton, more
Week in Missouri Politics: Featured guest is SOS candidate Jay
Ashcroft; Discussion panel of Robert Cornejo (R), Shamed Dogan
(R), Nasheed's Blake Lawrence (D), Anne Schweitzer (D)
Jobless benefit cuts could test state constitution
Missouri lawmakers' rocky relationship with 'local control'
(Carrollton): Rep. Dean Dohrman (R-La Monte) on military bill,
Star editorial: Congress loves the Highway Trust Fund, but it
shirks responsibility +
op-ed: Westminster emeritus professor David Collins:
Missouri lesbians, gays await ruling by U.S. Supreme Court X
letter: Member of National Organization for Women accuses
anti-Medicaid-expansion legislators of "hysterical emotional resistance"
letter: Area liberal says Tom Schweich killed himself because GOP
state legislators were "a mess" X
letter: Ozark man says Missourians are "insane" for electing an
overwhelmingly GOP legislature X
letter: St. Ann man says: Don't like the way St. Ann and
other municipalities fine lawbreakers? Then stop breaking the law.
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