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Thursday, June 29
KCUR: In Missouri, some insurers have chosen to exit
Obamacare exchange for 2018
Brownfield Ag News: AG Josh Hawley says Waters of the
U.S. repeal helps Missouri farmers; Former AG Chris Koster (D)
filed original suit against Obama's EPA and Corps of Engineers
CDT: Video: Renee Hoagenson, seeking to fill
Democratic ballot slot against Vicky Hartzler, promises "significant"
war chest on July campaign finance report X
The Missouri Times: Massive tax increases on income,
services, gas, and Internet purchases included in draft of Governor's
Tax Committee Report
Missourinet: Rep. Paul Curtman (R-Union): Many
tax credits not going to those the credits are meant for
The Missouri Times: Greitens issues first veto after
UMKC issues plans to find alternative funding for new art facility
Alternative funding planned for Kansas City arts campus
KC Star: UMKC claims it will find all $96 million for
downtown arts campus without state help
The Missouri Times: Transportation Task Force holds
first meeting at the Capitol
Missourinet: Transportation Task Force holds first
meeting; Rep. Bill Reiboldt (R-Neosho) says gas tax increase must
be on the table
JCNT: Task force looks for ways to fix state's
infrastructure X
P-D: Task force looks for more road and bridge money
Missourinet: Missouri Senate slows pace of special
session on abortion
SNL: Missouri Rx Program tweaks will impact fewer than
7,000 across four-county region X
P-D: Time ticking down on Missouri prescription drug
Columbia Missourian: Tax revenue shortfalls could mean
more cuts for MU
Missourian: Regents OK contract extension for SEMO president +
KWMU: Some local school districts make special
accommodations for transgenders and those who claim no gender;
Parkway student describes himself/herself as "gender-fluid," while
Kirkwood student calls herself "transmasculine"
The Missouri Times: Missouri Public Service Commission
signs off on 15 orders, approves all Renewable Energy Standard
compliance reports
The Missouri Times: Missouri Soybean Merchandising
Council wins appeal in IP case
KC Star editorial: Eric Greitens' snub of UMKC arts
campus is a lesson and an opportunity for Kansas City
SNL editorial: Room for Missouri to improve in safety
ranking X
P-D letter: Kirkwood sexagenearian says she opposes
Blunt on health care overhaul
SNL letter: Battlefield sexagenarian says she opposes
Blunt on health care overhaul - and doesn't enjoy his telephone town
halls either X
KC Star letter: Independence man suggests Greitens
focus on Missouri crime, economic issues to bolster presidential bid
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Wednesday, June 28
P-D: McCaskill praises Trump on an environmental
JCNT: Missouri leaders applaud EPA's 'Waters of the
U.S.' change X
P-D: In response to criticism over Russian ambassador
reception, McCaskill details donations of foundation she has
established with her husband
P-D: Missouri delegation pushing to replace Blair
statue in Capitol with one of Truman
P-D: National Safety Council report ranks Missouri
worst for preventable accidents
KWMU: Courts give 'right to work' opponents in
Missouri a second option to try to block law
Court OKs anti-'right to work' language OK'd by former SOS Jason Kander
The Missouri Times: Lincoln Hough running for Jay
Wasson's seat, will face Eric Burlison in primary
SNL: Hough, Burlison will vie for Wasson's Senate seat X
The Missouri Times: Missouri Girls State taking place
this week at UCM
The Missouri Times: Former Boone County Clerk Wendy
Noren (D), Columbia reps hold town hall on voter ID; Noren
credits Jay Ashcroft's office for steadfast work educating voters
The Missouri Times: Missouri NAACP echoes call for
veto of SB43
Missourinet: Greitens meets with NAACP's Rod Chapel on
discrimination legislation, says he's undecided on signing bill
JCNT: NAACP: State's discrimination bill is
'civil rights issue' X
NAACP protest against discrimination bill draws 40 to Capitol
Missouri Senate's work on abortion policy delayed
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Dept. of Corrections Director
Anne Precythe speaks to Pachyderm Club about sexual harassment cases,
new administration's goals for employees
Missourinet: Missouri Supreme Court unholds state's
Sexually Violent Predator Act
Missouri Court backs fining sex offenders indefinitely
Joplin Globe: Area counties learn about joining St.
Louis County prescription drug monitoring program X
CDT: Disappointing year of tax revenue collections
means for cuts for University of Missouri, public schools
KC Star: Missouri trooper pleads, avoids trial in
handcuffed drowning of Brandon Ellingson
Judge upholds St. Louis Zoo gun ban; opponents vow to appeal
P-D editorial: A major constitutional test that rides
on a Missouri playground and a footnote
KC Star editorial: Toying with inmates and hiring
family members - much work remains to overhaul the Missouri prison
Messenger: Greitens targets tax credits; big
donors stand in the way
Columbia Missourian's Bennito Kelty: State, federal
lawmakers ignore Lincoln University
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Tuesday, June 27
Politico: Blunt says CBO analysis of GOP health care
bill better than he expected
CNN: Despite tweet, McCaskill attended reception at
Russian ambassador's home
The Hill: McCaskill attended reception at Russian
ambassador's residence in 2015
P-D: Supreme Court decision could bolster Hawley in
race for Senate
CDT: Supreme Court judges side with Trinity in
church-state dispute X
KWMU: Supreme Court rules for Columbia, Mo. church in
playground case
The Missouri Times: Missouri Supreme Court rules in
favor of chuch in Trinity Lutheran case
P-D: U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of Trinity
Lutheran in Missouri church-state case
The Missouri Times: Advocacy group says Missourians
favor legal immigration reductions
Missourian: Federal agency approves loans for Missouri disaster
victims +
The Missouri Times: Disaster recovery efforts underway
as Missouri receives $8.9 million in grant assistance and more than $35
million in flood insurance payments
U.S. attorney's office charges two Jackson County corrections
officers; Andrew Lamonte Dickerson and Jalee Caprice Fuller
smuggled cellphone, drugs to inmate
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Stephen
Webber talks with Mannies & Rosenbaum about piecing the Missouri
Democratic Party back together
SNL: Greitens speaks at Americans for Prosperity event
in Colorado X
KWMU: Marijuana isn't a medical treatment or
moneymaker for Missouri, but that could change after 2018
SNL: Disabilities campaign brings State Treasurer Eric
Schmitt to Springfield X
SNL: Video: State Treasurer Eric Schmitt talks
about MO ABLE program X
CDT: Former Boone County Clerk Wendy Noren (D) defends
voter ID law at local NAACP event: "This is going to be a
tremendous service ... to most voters, it's going to be not even
noticeable to them" X
The Missouri Times: Gov. Bob Holden honored by St.
Louis County NAACP with lifetime achievement award
The Missouri Times: NAACP issues travel advisory for
Missouri, saying civil rights could be in danger
Missouri NAACP says GOP discrimination bill makes summer travel unsafe
for minorities
Missourinet: Fitzpatrick says state could begin year
with $130 million shortfall
Missourinet: Qualification standards for Missouri Rx
change beginning Saturday
CDT: Empower Missouri unhappy with conclusions of AG's
Vehicle Stops Report, wants agencies to spend more resources
researching issue X
KC Star editorial: Supreme Court makes right decision
in Missouri playground case, but church-state separation issues remain
unsettled +
KC Star editorial: Federal charges against
drug-smuggling guards show Jackson County inmates are running the jail +
SNL op-ed: Eric Burlison: Greitens right to call
for special session X
P-D op-ed: St. Louis Paving Inc.'s Paul Munsch:
Missouri's 'right to work' law protects workers
P-D letter: St. Louis Arc wants McCaskill, Blunt to
support more Medicaid funding
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Monday, June 26
McClatchy: Jason Kander raises national profile ahead
of possible presidential bid; Comments from John Hancock, Rep.
Justin Alferman (R-Hermann), others
KCUR: Reporter visits rural Missouri coffee shop,
solicits political opinions
P-D: Agency suggests phone calls as some St.
Louis-area FEMA centers close
This Week in Missouri Politics: Guest Mary Kogut, CEO
of Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis region; Panel of Reps.
Jean Evans (R-Manchester), Diane Franklin (R-Camdenton), Stacey Newman
(D-Richmond Heights), Planned Parenthood's M'evie Mead talk special
session and U.S. Senate race
Missourinet: Rep. Diane Franklin (R-Camdenton) praises
Missouri House vote on abortion bill
KC Star: Liberals, still talking about Mike Moon's
chicken stunt, create online petitions demanding his ouster
Columbia Missourian: Local feminists hold benefit
concert for Planned Parenthood
Missourinet: Both sides dig in for fight over
anti-'right to work' ballot initiative
Elijah Haahr joining Lathrop & Gage
Rosenbaum: Curbing tax credits may not be an instant
solution to Missouri's budget woes
KWMU: Transportation task force to begin looking for
ways to fix and pay for roads and bridges
P-D: Missouri reconsidering commitment to cross-state
Rock Island Trail
KC Star editorial: Greitens seems to want a full-time
General Assembly - even if Missouri doesn't
Democrat's Steve Patton: Greitens' "career politicians" line
creates unnecessary wedge with well-meaning Republicans
P-D letter: Ballwin sexagenarian wants Ann Wagner to
target "soulless black hole of a man" Donald Trump for his rhetoric
P-D letter: Planned Parenthood supporter disagrees
with Greitens on special-session legislation, opposes future
presidential bid
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Sunday, June 25
Joplin Globe: Missouri hospitals, advocacy groups,
legislators weigh in on GOP health care bill X
KC Star: McCaskill rallies KC opposition to GOP health
care bill
Washington Missourian: Human trafficking a growing
problem on federal, state level X
SNL: Wooed for Senate bid, Josh Hawley faces 2018
dilemma X
JCNT: 'Right to work' opponents not dismayed by ruling X
AP: Analysis: Missouri House Democrats,
Republicans focus on districts in which they have a chance of winning
JCNT: Profile: New Dept. of Corrections chief
Anne Precythe X
P-D: New Missouri prison officials try to breathe life
into giant halfway house in St. Louis
Missouri attorney general could gain power over abortion law
JCNT: Some lawmakers support tax credits evaluation X
P-D: Former inmate wants Missouri Supreme Court to
know: Troubled kids need intervention
SNL editorial: Greitens, Springfield can cooperate for
tech jobs X
Horrigan: Blunt can be a hero by voting no on GOP
health care bill. Really.
CDT op-ed: U.S House hopeful Renee Hoagensen:
Tribune article misrepresented my drug-legalization stance X
SNL letter: Springfield sexagenarian says SNL, parent
company Gannett show blatant bias against Trump and Gov. Greitens X
SNL letter: Springfield sexagenarian wants Billy Long
to explain U.S. Senate health care bill X
Columbia Missourian: UCM coed interning with
NARAL: Gov. Eric Greitens is bullying women with pro-life special
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Saturday, June 24
KMIZ (Columbia): McCaskill: GOP health care bill
'hikes cost for working families'
KMOX: AG Josh Hawley may run for U.S. Senate
P-D: Three potential candidates say they're
considering filling Democratic ballot slot in 2nd Congressional district
Missourian: Jefferson County woman seeks to fill Democratic
ballot slot against Jason Smith +
KWMU: Labor leader confident court ruling won't hurt
campaign to block 'right to work'
Help wanted: Missouri Department of Agriculture job
Columbia Missourian: Solutions remain elusive as
Missouri's elderly prisoners grow in number
St. Joseph News-Press: MoDOT set to address bridge
CDT: MU rescinds Cosby honorary degree X
Missourinet: Mizzou strips Cosby of honorary degree
P-D: Reginald Clemons murder trial pushed back over
claims state violated attorney-client privilege
P-D: Settlement in Michael Brown suit $1.5 million,
Ferguson attorney says
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: A fresh look at NAFTA
is appropriate, but don't make it harder for Missouri farmers to compete X
Washington Missourian editorial: Josh Hawley takes on
opioid manufacturing companies X
JCNT editorial: Rein in tax credits X
P-D editorial briefs: On pro-choice group's
chicken-costume gimmick
P-D letter: Local doctors oppose GOP health care bill
P-D letter: Clayton man mocks Ann Wagner's complaints
about death threats
KC Star letter: Man who chooses to live in Kansas
weighs in on Missouri minimum wage issue
P-D letter: Olivette man says deadbeat dads who
abandon a child are not fathers - and certainly not real men
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Friday, June 23
KRZG (Joplin): Audio: Blunt talks 'repair and
replace' of Obamacare, lack of help from Democrats; Also talks
support of Hawley's opioid lawsuits
The Hill: Blunt: Democrats have shut themselves
out of health care legislation process
Missourinet: McCaskill, Blunt differ on GOP health
care plan
Quincy Herald-Whig: Health care roundtable discussion
focuses on federal, state issues; Staffers from Blunt and Graves
office attend, as well as GOP state Reps. Craig Redmon and Jim Hansen
P-D: Advocacy group says St. Louisans use the ER too
often for unnecessary care
P-D: Veterans groups support McCaskill World War II
mustard gas bill
Joplin Globe: Crowder College seeks to name energy
technology center for Roy Blunt X
Kraske: Why Cleaver, other members of Congress need
protection: "I'm going to blow your f-cking office up"
KWMU: Annual PrideFest celebration riddled with
internal conflict over race, gender issues; Union leader Jeff
Roorda says LGBTQIA* community and police officers have much in common
as "all are pronounced victims of hate crimes"
Missouri judge rewords 'right to work' referendum summary
P-D: Circuit court judge rules 'right to work' repeal
petition language is misleading
Missourinet: Recovering opioid addicts talk about
support for Hawley's lawsuits, PDMP
The Missouri Times: Greitens encourages Senate to pass
House version in abortion special session
Greitens backs ramped-up Missouri abortion bill
The Missouri Times: #TWMP Live: Q&A with Jay
Barnes; Full video plus transcript of Q&A regarding abortion
special session
Missourinet: Sen. Denny Hoskins (R-Warrensburg):
Pregnancy resource centers must be protected
The Missouri Times: Greitens signs 'Foster Care Bill
of Rights' into law
KWMU: Greitens signs foster care measure
The Missouri Times: Capitol metal detectors go
guardless as of July 1
The Missouri Times: Questions for the Transportation
Task Force ahead of first meeting
The Missouri Times: Rep. Courtney Curtis (D-Ferguson)
questions Mizzou's vote on rescinding Cosby's honorary degree
P-D: To offset lost revenue from freshmen fleeing,
Mizzou to rent empty dorm rooms for football games
Missourian: State wants sheriff's bond revoked after inmate death +
The Missouri Times: Women's Foundation to celebrate 25
years with former UN ambassador guest speaker
Ferguson making progress, Justice Department attorneys say
KWMU: Judge hears mixed opinions on Ferguson's
compliance with federal consent decree
P-D editorial: AG Josh Hawley holds drug companies
accountable for Missouri's opioid-addiction crisis
P-D's Samantha Liss and Blythe Bernard: GOP plan,
shrouded in secrecy, would weaken patient protections and hurt Missouri
women - among other harmful effects
P-D's Tod Robberson: Governor Doublespeak Eric
Greitens does Orwell proud
P-D op-ed: Rep. Josh Peters (D-St. Louis):
Guilty until proven innocent: a reflection on a visit to St.
Louis' workhouse
KC Star letter: Kansas City liberal wants Blunt to
hold more town halls, encourages readers to call D.C. office to complain
P-D letter: Moscow Mills septuagenarian says Ann
Wagner deserves no sympathy for death threats
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Thursday, June 22
P-D: On eve of Senate health care bill reveal, White
House brings in Missourians to talk about problems with Obamacare
KC Star: Missourians in 25 counties losing coverage
voice Obamacare concerns at White House
KWMU: In Northeast Missouri, Trump, economy help end
Democrats' dominance
SNL: GOP donor Sam Fox woos Josh Hawley for U.S.
Senate, urges donors withhold money from Ann Wagner until AG makes
decision on race X
AG Josh Hawley sues drug companies over opioids
KWMU: Hawley sues three opioid drug makers over false
claims, advertising
P-D: Missouri sues three drug companies for pushing
Missourinet: Audit shows state has lost billions in
revenue over 25-year period due to tax credits
State audit shows Missouri faces $3B tax-credit revenue loss
SNL: Galloway: Complaints about late tax refunds
pour in X
The Missouri Times: Bipartisan group of senators -
focused on Greitens' nonprofit campaign committee - looks to change the
conversation on dark money
The Missouri Times: Analysis: Can Greitens and
the Legislature find some common ground?
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: St. Charles
County GOP senators Bob Onder, Bill Eigel talk abortion special
session, Medicaid expansion, Obamacare, tax credits, transportation
The Missouri Times: Schupp, Senate Dems looking to
block House changes to abortion bill
Missourinet: St. Louis City alderwoman dislikes
Legislature's actions on abortion, says state legislation doesn't matter
Greitens to sign bill banning sex offenders from kids' museums
Greitens signs bill on college police training
The Missouri Times: The Missouri State Highway Patrol
is looking for public feedback. Here are the political reasons why.
CDT: MU moves to rescind Bill Cosby honorary degree X
Missourinet: Black Democratic lawmakers suggest MU's
Choi is manufacturing Bill Cosby honorary degree drama to distract from
UMKC rape
KC Star editorial: Federal help welcome in combating
Kansas City's violent crime problem
KC Star editorial: Hawley lawsuit is an important tool
in Missouri's fight against opioid abuse
P-D op-ed: Normandy teacher Inda Schaenen responds to
Fordham Institute piece on charter schools
KWMU Diversity Fellow Jenny Simeone: Women's Voices
Raised for Social Justice uses gun locks to help fight Missouri's gun
P-D letter: Fenton sexagenarian says he doesn't
condone violence against Republican congressmen, but understands rage
against Ann Wagner and others
P-D letter: Area pediatrician wants Missouri
legislators to expand Medicaid
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Wednesday, June
21 First
Day of Summer
Politico: Fate of Obamacare repeal uncertain in
Senate; Comments from Blunt
SNL: Financial disclosure reports show congressional
members' approach to investments; Billy Long, son of a
stockbroker, moves from buy-and-hold to more active trading philosophy X
SNL: Army Corps of Engineers: No, we're not
draining Table Rock Lake. That's fake news. X
Faughn: The fix is in for Greitens' Commission on
Raising Taxes, but a few courageous souls could stand up for rural
KODE (Joplin): Schmitt's office working to return
unclaimed property
The Missouri Times: House passes altered version of
Senate abortion bill
Missourinet: Missouri House approves abortion bill
P-D: Annual inspections of abortion clinics,
pre-empting St. Louis City ordinance part of House proposal
KWMU: Missouri House sends expanded abortion bill back
to Senate
Columbia Missourian: House returns amended abortion
bill to the Senate
KC Star: Missouri House approves new abortion
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Tim Remole (R-Excello) on
House improvements to abortion legislation and potential for Senate PQ
Missourinet: Planned Parenthood, Campaign Life
Missouri talk impact of Trump on their efforts
JCNT: 68 bills still await Greitens' pen X
The Missouri Times: A look at what's next for REAL ID
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Chuck Basye (R-Rocheport) on
possibility of toll roads, gas tax hike next session
The Missouri Times: Annual Boys State kicks off in
Warrensburg once again
Marty Oetting lands role with MU chancellor-designate
Columbia Missourian: After Legislature takes no
action, Columbia City Council seeks to tighten rules on payday lenders
The Missouri Times: Politically Speaking
podcast: St. Louis City alderman says urban areas should fight
Missouri Legislature on abortion, other issues
P-D: Michael Brown wrongful death lawsuit settled
KWMU: Parents of Michael Brown get payoff
JCNT editorial: Sunshine Law violations unacceptable X
KWMU Diversity Fellow Jenny Simeone: Trump breaks
campaign promise, extends DACA; Comments from local illegal
alien, immigration lawyer Jim Hacking, Rep. Scott Fitzpatrick (R-Shell
KWMU's Durrie Bouscaren: 18,000 to lose coverage in
Missouri's 'bare counties;' Missouri Republicans refuse to expand
Medicaid, while U.S. Senate GOP pushes for quick vote on secret bill
Columbia Missourian letter: Area liberal opposes
Greitens' pro-life push
P-D letter: Maplewood resident disagrees with governor
on special sessions, expresses distaste for Greitens' upcoming
presidential bid
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Tuesday, June 20
P-D: Anthem will sell insurance on Missouri Obamacare
exchange in 2018 - at least for now
P-D: Like a lot of Washington, beer industry bill on
hold until bigger pieces are moved; Blunt a co-sponsor
Height of Illinois levees concerns some in Missouri
Octogenarian former U.S. Rep. Bill Burlison (D) contemplates taking his
final electoral loss again Rep. Don Rone (R-Portageville) next
year; David Cort (R) files committee to run for Dixon's Senate
Missourinet: Schmitt aims to return almost $1 billion
in unclaimed property
KC Star: Video: KC Star editorial board members
Steve Kraske, Colleen Nelson talk with AG Josh Hawley about sex
trafficking, PDMP and opioids, abortion, potential U.S. Senate bid
The Missouri Times: Greitens' campaign circulates
petition to support governor's special session
The Missouri Times: Onder's abortion bill and Koenig's
final product hold significant differences
The Missouri Times: Q&A with Rep. Jay Barnes
(R-Jefferson City) on special session's abortion legislation
KWMU: Missouri House committee passes amended version
of Senate abortion bill
Missouri House members toughen proposed abortion regulations
Missourinet: Missouri House committee toughens GOP
abortion bill that passed in the Senate
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Sen. Denny Hoskins
(R-Warrensburg) on differences between Senate and House legislative
pace, approaches
SNL: Greitens to bring tech task force to Springfield X
JCNT: Greitens announces new innovation task force X
The Missouri Times: Tax commission, nearing end, holds
mostly closed sessions
Missourinet: Argument in Missouri Supreme Court to
throw out Sexually Violent Predator law
P-D: State troopers will begin patrolling interstates
withing St. Louis City limits, freeing up city police for violent crime
P-D: Settlement near in civil suit over death of
Michael Brown
KC Star editorial: The ghost of anti-abortion crusader
Phill Kline is going to haunt Missouri
Columbia Missourian op-ed: Missouri Deer Association's
Jacques deMoss: Deer import ban is not about fighting disease
SNL letter: Springfield sexagenarian says she
disagrees with Greitens on abortion X
P-D letter: St. John woman not happy with election of
Trump and Greitens, but says electoral losers should stop acting like
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Monday, June
19 Juneteenth
P-D: St. Louis' Juneteenth gathering celebrates the
end of slavery, the power of family and more
JCNT: Juneteenth honors black history, talent X
Politico: Jason Kander might be the future of the
Democratic party - if only he can figure out how
Roll Call: Why Ann Wagner and other House members
aren't rushing to announce for Senate
This Week in Missouri Politics: Guest St. Louis County
Executive Steve Stenger (D); Panel of Rachel Herndon Dunn, Rep.
Tracy McCreery (D-Olivette), Erica Engelby, and Jeff Shawan talk
abortion, legislative priorities, and special session
KWMU: What you need to know about Missouri's new voter
ID law
Missourinet: Americans for Prosperity wants special
session for union-certification measure
Columbia Missourian: Minority- and women-owned
businesses handed an increasingly-large slice of state contract pie
P-D: Red-light cameras in Missouri are down - but not
necessarily out
Missourinet: Former Mamtek CEO to be paroled from a
Missouri prison in 2018
Ex-inmate alleges mistreatment at southwest Missouri jail
KC Star editorial: New Missouri law undercuts police
efforts to stop drunk driving
Columbia Missourian's Lucy Shanker: Missouri
Department of Conservation hosts firearms session for women: A
first-hand account
P-D letter: University City sexagenarian responds to
St. Charles' woman's response to Maplewood city council's response to
Trump climate announcement
P-D letter: Chesterfield septuagenarian wants
legislators to stay out of St. Louis City-St. Louis County merger talks
KC Star letter: Kansas City septuagenarian says voter
ID bill is intended to disenfranchise minorities
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Sunday, June
18 Father's
JCNT: Father, son advise each other in government
positions: Ron and Travis Fitzwater
Messenger: Of baseball, fathers and sons, and the
passage of time
American Republic: Some FEMA denial letters might be error +
SNL: Pachyderms celebrate 50th birthday; Group
talks recruiting younger members, the legacy of founder George Parker,
defending Trump, more X
Brian Bunten to run UnitedHealth's government affairs operation in
Missouri, Oklahoma
Rosenbaum: Democrats mull whether pro-life candidates
would gain political ground in rural areas
Tensions high between Greitens and lawmakers
P-D: Greitens' tactics grate on some Missouri lawmakers
Missourian: Pinhook reclaimed: State grants set to help
former village residents relocate +
P-D: Profile: Caleb Arthur, the young
conservative behind Missouri's fastest-growing solar company
SNL editorial: Don't fix state budget by nixing
housing credits X
JCNT editorial: Another backward step for Missouri
Department of Corrections X
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Charlie Shields
reminds local leaders of top priority: Career readiness for
students X
P-D op-ed: Normandy Schools Collaboratives' Parents as
Teachers' Christopher Chambers: Nurturing fatherhood: The
power of fathers who play
SNL op-ed: Center for Competitive Politics' Luke
Wachob: Privacy for nonprofits, including Greitens', should be
common sense X
Horrigan: On Don Ruzicka and Mike Moon
SNL letter: Springfield sexagenarian disagrees with
Billy Long on GOP health care bill X
Washington Missourian letter: New Haven septuagenarian
expresses anger at Rep. Nathan Tate (R-St. Clair) for extravagant
Jefferson City lifestyle, including "chomping away on $40 dinners" X
SNL letter: Ron Calzone pans second special session X
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Saturday, June 17
Washington Post: At Congressional Baseball Game,
McCaskill talks about value of sincere hugs and bipartisan legislation
P-D: Before Scalise shooting, Ann Wagner had reported
five death threats to Capitol Police
Sedalia Democrat: Warrensburg's Tony Monetti speaks to
local Pachyderms, says he's running in GOP U.S. Senate primary
KC Star: Missouri doctor named head of American
Medical Association
P-D: Small-town Missouri doctor now leads one of the
nation's most influential medical organizations
Arthritis Foundation seeks State Director, Advocacy and Access
KC Star: KC Star editorial board to hold Facebook Live
Q&A with Attorney General Josh Hawley at 3 p.m. Monday
The Missouri Times: This Week in the Governor's
Office: Week of June 12
The Missouri Times: This Week in the General
Assembly: Week of June 12
Missourinet: Some lawmakers express dissatisfaction
with multiple special sessions
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Munzlinger talks about value of
abortion-facility inspections, says House will probably change Senate
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Kip Kendrick (D-Columbia)
talks REAL ID, K-12 funding, prescription drug monitoring program, tax
CDT: Cuts lead to crunch in MU communications X
The Missouri Times: Judge finds DNR guilty of
'purposeful violation' of Sunshine Law
The Missouri Times: Missouri loses ground on
regulatory credit ratings
The Missouri Times: PSC to review rules, wants input
from public
KC Star editorial: All of Kansas City should celebrate
KC Star editorial: Vacancies show the absurdity of
letting the state control Kansas City police
P-D editorial: Mike Moon's video lacks message clarity
P-D editorial: Missouri's foster care families are
being set up for failure
KC Star letter: Area septuagenarian dislikes Emanuel
Cleaver's flip-flop on rhetoric and civility
P-D letter: Rep. Sarah Unsicker (D-Shrewsbury):
Women's health care aims to decrease number of abortions
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Friday, June 16
P-D: Blunt and other Republicans push back on other
Trump adminstration health cuts
AP: Advocacy group ranks Missouri in top 10 for not
providing taxpayer-funded summer meal handouts
CDT: Area congressional candidate says she supports
legalization of most drugs; Renee Hoagensen seeks to fill
Democratic ballot slot in Vicky Hartzler's re-election X
The Missouri Times: Galloway report: DHSS on top
of cybersecurity for vital record keeping
AP: Audit: Department of Health needs better
security for vital records
Kip Kendrick takes job with Columbia College
CDT: Boone County Clerk Wendy Noren submits
resignation letter X
Columbia Missourian: After 35 years, Wendy Noren
resigns as Boone County clerk
The Missouri Times: Greitens signs steel mill bill
from last extraordinary session
Missourinet: Greitens signs steel mill bill, heads to
D.C. to talk jobs
Greitens among governors meeting with Trump
Greitens signs electric rate break for metal makers
The Missouri Times: Long day (and night) in Senate led
to compromise on abortion bills
Closed-door negotiations produce abortion bill no Missouri legislator
is happy with
Missourinet: House to debate abortion legislation on
Senate passes legislation on annual abortion-clinic inspections
Missourinet: Missouri lawmakers back sheltered
workshops; Facilities' future less certain
Missourinet: Greitens yet to sign Missouri State
Penitentiary tourism bill
CDT: Democratic lawmakers protest rules requiring some
students on live on campus X
KC Star: Greitens may or may not sign bill on UMKC
downtown arts campus
Columbia Missourian: After regulators deny Ameren
request, legislators and the governor accomodate it
Missouri DNR to pay $5,000 fine; Members of Clean Water
Commission were taken on tour of hog farms without proper public notice
KC Star: Bigger boats, bigger wakes breed conflict on
Lake of the Ozarks; Comments from Rep. Diane Franklin
(R-Camdenton), others
P-D: Galloway cites improvements in Wellston municipal
court after investigation, consolidation
KC Star editorial: No one should tell Ash Grove
residents how to vote, but Mike Moon's constituents should vote him out
in 2018
KC Star op-ed: Cleaver and GOP Rep. Kevin Yoder:
We remain unified in yesterday's baseball game and today's debates
St. Joseph News-Press' Alonzo Weston: State budget
cuts will hurt disabled residents X
P-D letter: St. Charles woman mocks Maplewood's
attention-seeking on Trump and climate change
P-D letter: Local deacon responds to Stacey Newman
letter on abortion and killing
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Thursday, June 15
KSHB (Kansas City): Delegation responds to shooting of
Republicans; Comments from McCaskill, written statements from
Blunt and Cleaver communications staff
Missourinet: Delegation members, communications staff
tweet condemnations of anti-GOP shooting
Missourinet: Cleaver: Tone in Washington might
have propelled shooting of Republican congressman
FREE Missouri Scout special session edition: Senate's pro-life
contingency plans, Brian Bunten's new gig, Greitens team circles the
wagons, Josh Hawley in D.C., peanut gallery speculates on Silvey's
intentions, new client for Mike Talboy, more
KC Star: Join the KC Star editorial board via Facebook
Live to talk voter ID with Jay Ashcroft today at 1:30 p.m.
SNL: Area voter ID opponents hold press conference,
compare law to past lynching of African-Americans X
Washington Missourian: Sen. Dave Schatz (R-Sullivan)
not happy about special-sessions gimmick, says governor not
communicating well X
KC Star: Greitens, state party respond to complaints
about campaign use of The Mission Continues donor list
SNL: Planned Parenthood says it hopes to provide
abortions in Springfield starting this summer
The Missouri Times: Greitens, Planned Parenthood hold
opposing rallies to bolster support for special session
KWMU: Activists hold dueling rallies over abortion
As lawmakers debate abortion legislation, both sides rally
Missourinet: Missouri Senate passes abortion bill
Missourinet: Activists on both sides of abortion issue
P-D: Dueling rallies in Capitol as Senate approves
abortion law changes
KWMU: Suggested policy changes for Missouri Department
of Corrections slow to take hold
KWMU: Hawley looking for state court's help in going
after alleged sex-trafficking website
P-D: St. Louis area drivers, garages hit snags amid
rocky rollout of new emissions testing software
CDT: Choi rolls out plan to address enrollment, MU's
public image X
Missourian: Racial disparity of traffic stops inches upward in
Cape +
Washington Missourian editorial: Eric Greitens'
self-promotion session: Presidential hopeful uses taxpayers as
extras in his perpetual campaign ad X
KC Star editorial: Missouri senators to Greitens -
come out of the shadows
SNL editorial: Mike Moon's chicken video latest in
bizarre history X
P-D letter: Lake Saint Louis liberal opposes
financial-regulation policies of Trump, Luetkemeyer, Wagner
SNL letter: Social-justice group opposes state's
electric-vehicle industry, says poor people rely on "abundant and
reliable coal" X
CDT letter: Anonymous author, afraid to use his/her
name, criticizes Greitens' religious pro-life push X
KC Star letter: Sexagenarian labor lawyer opposes
Missouri's 'right to work' law
P-D letter: Ladue sexagenarian supports Planned
Parenthood, opposes Bob Onder's legislation
P-D letter: Ladue octogenarian says he is still
waiting for his state tax refund and wants the Post-Dispatch to
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Wednesday, June
14 Flag Day
St. Joseph News-Press: Jeff Sessions faces tough
questions from Blunt, others on Senate panel X
P-D: Amid loss of insurers, Centene to enter Missouri
Obamacare market; Comments from McCaskill
KCUR: As other insurers flee, Centene to enter
Obamacare exchange in Missouri
CDT: Centene to offer Obamacare insurance plans in 2018 X
The Hill: Watchdog report requested by
McCaskill: Federal agencies made $132B in improper payments
P-D: McCaskill questions whether VA anti-fraud
initiative would have caught St. Louis scheme
Politico: McCaskill breaks from party as Senate backs
weapons sales to Saudi Arabia
McCaskill, Blunt, Smith seek historic site designation for Ste.
P-D: Missouri delegation reintroduces bill that would
make Ste. Genevieve a National Historic Site
P-D: Sinquefields meet with Education Secretary Betsy
P-D: Maplewood, population 8,000, promotes its climate
disagreement with President Donald Trump
Missourinet: Missouri jobless rate steady and low at
3.9%, and down from one year ago
The Missouri Times: Bipartisan group of senators
request formal investigation of Gov. Greitens
SNL: Bipartisan group of legislators, including Sen.
Bob Dixon (R-Springfield), pushes to investigate Gov. Greitens X
KWMU: Divide over Greitens, abortion apparent as 2nd
special session begins
P-D: Bipartisan group of senators calls for probe of
KC Star: Recap of previous The Mission Continues
fundraising-list coverage +
The Missouri Times: Senate committee passes abortion
bills; action on floor set for Wednesday
The Missouri Times: On This Week in Missouri Politics,
Onder details the need for urgency regarding special session on abortion
CDT: Committee trims, then approves abortion
regulations X
Missouri Senate panel advances abortion regulations
Missourinet: Abortion bills move to Senate floor
P-D: Abortion measures advance in special session
Columbia Missourian: Senate abandons several of
Greitens' abortion proposals
SNL: Rep. Mike Moon (R-Ash Grove) beheads chicken to
make a point about abortion X
KCUR: Greitens yanks police board appointees ahead of
special session
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Chuck Basye (R-Rocheport)
still has privacy concerns about REAL ID
CDT: Sobriety checkpoints are drying up X
KWMU: Missouri taking minimalist approach with its
plan for new federal education requirements
Missourinet: MoDOT: 347 Missouri pedestrians
died between 2013-2016
Missourian: Rep. Kathy Swan (R-Cape Girardeau), city of Cape
Girardeau settle condemnation case +
P-D: Lawyer for Reginald Clemons discussing plea deal
in Chain of Rocks killings
P-D editorial: A special session designed to advance
Eric Greitens' trajectory
P-D editorial: More city-county governance talk. This
time the Legislature wants to play.
P-D op-ed: Great Rivers Habitat Alliance's James
Blair: Another proposal that would destroy irreplaceable flood
P-D op-ed: Rep. Stacey Newman (D-Richmond
Heights): By pushing pro-life proposals, what kind of a Reform
Jew is Eric Greitens?
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Tuesday, June 13
Call: Insurer exits in Missouri, other states bolster GOP case
for Obamacare repeal
Emanuel Cleaver among those "ducking" town halls
Daily American
Republic: Some opioid procedures not followed at Poplar Bluff VA
center +
Missouri Times: Gov. Bob Holden, Maxine Waters to receive
lifetime achievement awards from St. Louis County NAACP
Unions promote anti-'right to work' petition
Drebes: Ron
Calzone sues again, this time over tax-credit bill
Missouri Times: ACLU challenging Missouri's voter ID law in court
Missouri Times: Second special session begins in Senate with
questions of Greitens' motives
Silvey questions Greitens' special-session call
Missouri Times: Holsman files legislation for year-long session
to protest governor's call
Missouri Times: Rep. Mike Moon (R-Ash Grove) beheads chicken
ahead of special session
Missouri Times: Silvey on Greitens ' REAL ID ceremony snub:
"I'm just a part-time legislator, but he's a full-time politician, so
he needs the cameras more than I do."
REAL ID bill becomes the real deal
Missouri takes steps toward compliance with federal ID law
Greitens signs REAL ID law
(Moberly): Sen. Brian Munzlinger (R-Williamstown) says Senate
colleagues' antics can be "excruciating," anticipates some increased
fees for agriculture next session
Missouri Times: Half attendance at Greitens' tax committee hears
about gross receipts taxes and low-income housing tax credits
Missouri Parole Board Member Don Ruzicka resigns amid uproar over
behavior at prisoner meetings
Don Ruzicka resigns amid word game allegations
Ruzicka resigns spot on Missouri Parole Board
Joseph News-Press: PLA bill won't create savings on Blacksnake
project X
Missouri wraps up plan to fix failing schools
Lawsuit claims Missouri foster kids are prescribed too many medications
Missouri sued over psychotropic drugs for foster care kids
editorial: Greitens should demand answers over reports of
game-playing at parole hearings
Star editorial: Kansas City's police board gets new members but
faces familiar challenges +
Missourian's C.W. Dawson: A call for better fathers; Men -
particularly black men - should stop abandoning the children they create
letter: Wildwood septuagenarian says she is outraged by parole
board's behavior during hearings
letter: Area gals say Fordham Institute's proposed remedies for
schools haven't worked
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Monday, June 12
KC Star: Cleaver calls Trump "a tiny little bully that
borders on being a tiny little criminal" +
St. Joseph News-Press: Graves touts KCI plan, revival
of the coal industry X
Bloomberg: America's health care crisis is a gold mine
for crowdfunding; Comments from Physicians for a National Health
Program-Missouri Chair Ed Weisbart
Washington Missourian: FEMA reinstating denied flood
The Hill: Qatar hires John Ashcroft for 'crisis
Missourinet: Wash U environmental law prof dislikes
Trump's stance on Paris climate agreement
SNL: Liberal Springfield couple, distraught over
Trump's election, travels U.S. and Canada in Winnebago X
CDT: Area LGBTQIA* activists attend march in D.C. X
This Week in Missouri Politics: Guest Bob Onder on
women's health and abortion sanctuary cities; Panel of Rep. Nick
Schroer (R-O'Fallon), Chuck Hatfield, Virvus Jones, Jack Spooner talk
special session, term limits, dark money coordination, more
Missourinet: Legislature's special session on
abortion-related issues begins today
KWMU: Missouri's second special session sets up
another fight over St. Louis City's actions
Washington Missourian: Rep. Nathan Tate (R-St. Clair)
looks back on rookie session, says lobbyists "aren't the devil," House
action and Senate holdups, more X
St. Joseph News-Press: Missouri State Board of
Education's Charlie Shields to speak at St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce
breakfast X
KWMU: Publicity starts early for some St. Louis
charter schools
KC Star editorial: Greitens wastes time and money with
another special session +
P-D editorial: Greitens promised jobs and wages. He's
delivering the opposite.
JCNT editorial: Missouri Department of Revenue's tax
refund problems X
Columbia Missourian's Ken Midkiff: Columbia mayor
deserves praise for opposing President Donald Trump
SNL letter: Springfield septuagenarian unhappy with
News-Leader coverage of McCaskill-Schumer-Tester vacation X
KC Star letters: Lee's Summit man wants legislators to
pass PDMP; Lee's Summit woman unhappy with Greitens' call for
special session +
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Sunday, June 11
McCaskill, other Senate Democrats try to spark rural comeback in 2018
Ann Wagner tells conservative faith group that the modern sex trade is
Greitens names Patrick Baker as Missouri's Flood Recovery Coordinator
Democrat: Jay Ashcroft makes Bootheel stop on voter ID
informational tour
Petition aims to halt 'right to work' law; Ballot language
approved by "Secretary of State John [sic]
Ashcroft" X
(Moberly): Rep. Kip Kendrick (D-Columbia) recaps constituent
feedback from town hall forum
Local use tax would depend on state, federal legislation X
editorial: Blunt, Greitens MIA when a veteran needs help
Star editorial: Greitens should sign UMKC arts campus bill, veto
minimum-wage and discrimination bills
SE Missourian
editorial: Tailor Institute dealing with challenge of losing
state funds +
Steve Pokin: The governor who cried weasel; Greitens guilty
of the same "weaselly" behavior he once accused John Brunner of X
Greitens wants to "play god to his anti-choice base," and legislators
should stay home during special session X
letter: Affton resident applauds Onder's pro-life stance
letter: St. Charles County Democrat responds to Fordham Institute
piece on charter schools
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Saturday, June 10
KC Star: McCaskill tirade about GOP health plan goes
viral +
KC Star: Missouri Hospital Association study:
GOP health bill shorts state on Medicaid; Comments from VP Dave
Dillon +
KC Star: Trump administration solicits public
suggestions on Obamacare policies +
Sedalia Democrat: MRP Executive Director Austin
Stukins says Missouri is "ruby red" state, takes aim at
McCaskill; Comments from Pettis County GOP's Carla Young,
volunteer award winner Abe Kropp
P-D: Congressional delegation's votes for the week
The Missouri Times: Profile: Missouri Club for
Growth treasurer - and potential state Senate candidate - Cindy
Greitens donor considers bid for St. Louis County Executive - as a
The Missouri Times: This Week in the Governor's
Office: Week of June 5
SNL: Greitens urges pro-life action, asks Springfield
crowd to pray for lawmakers X
P-D: Greitens rallies supporters in St. Charles in
advance of special session on pro-life provisions
The Missouri Times: Governor's special-session call
includes game-changing provision for AG's office
KWMU: Ashcroft responds to ACLU complaints about voter
ID law
JCNT: Public defenders' budget in limbo X
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Holly Rehder (R-Sikeston) to
bring back prescription drug monitoring program bill
KWMU: At local meeting of health executives, panel
chastises Missouri Republicans for failing to pass PDMP, not spending
enough on treatment centers
Missourian: Cape County commissioners considering
prescription-drug monitoring program +
The Missouri Times: Missouri isn't the only state
fighting over liquor laws
Missourinet: State safety efforts underway prior to
August's total solar eclipse
P-D: August eclipse has Missouri officials planning
for influx of viewers
CDT: Local legislators sit through kids' panel,
entertain questions about lawmaking and favorite ice cream X
Columbia Missourian: Local Democrats, Republicans
visit library, take questions from kids
KC Star: Greitens names two to Kansas City police board +
Missourinet: Rep. Brandon Ellington (D-Kansas City)
says drug house has "set up shop" next to his district office
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Legislature correct
to hold pesticide applicators accountable for off-label herbicide
applications X
SNL op-ed: Center for Diversity and Reconciliation's
Emily Bowen-Marler: Sign petition limiting campaign contributions
and lobbyist gifts X
JCNT letter: Jefferson City septuagenarian says AG
report on traffic stops can provide multiple groups -including men - an
opportunity to act indignant X
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Friday, June 9
Blunt challenges Comey during hearing on Russia, Trump and more X
Blunt-Comey exchange a microcosm of the political-legal tangle of
Russian investigation
Blunt questions former FBI director about private conversation with
Cleaver: Comey's testimony was 'riveting'
Columbia's Brian Treece joins "Climate Mayors" opposing Trump on Paris
Missouri Times: Profile: Jacob Scott, Chief of Staff for
Sen. Bill Eigel (R-St. Charles)
Greitens and Huckabee to appear at VFW convention before abortion rally
Missouri Times: Huckabee joins Greitens on tour for special
session rallies
Missouri Times: Republicans, Democrats predictably split on
abortion special session
Missourian: Area reps: Special session a 'woodshed' moment
for senators, represents 'new way of doing things' +
Greitens tours local pregnancy center, talks special session
Star: ACLU sues Missouri to temporarily halt new voter ID law
ACLU, NAACP sue over voter ID law
Don't kill economic incentives, Springfield tells Greitens' tax
committee X
Opioid manufacturers prepare to defend themselves from legislative
Star: Anti-opioid march to take place Sunday at Arrowhead Stadium
Missouri parole board played word games during hearings with
inmates; Key phrases included "hootenanny," "manatee," Hank
Williams Jr. song, more
Missouri Times: Captain Erik J. Anthes to be honored as
Distinguished Member of the Regiment for historic 16th Infantry
editorial: Greitens recalls legislators to burnish his
anti-abortion credentials
Daily Star-Journal Published Joe Warren: Flying birds should be
grounded; Local teacher should know better than to flip off the
White House X
Missouri Guard loses again as feds says whistleblowers were illegally
Jason Taylor: Greitens' call for special session on abortion not
clear on all intentions
letter: Clayton attorney Susan Block says SOS Jay Ashcroft wrong
on "Safe at Home"
letter: St. Peters woman says latest special session is part of
Greitens' plan to discriminate against women
Star letter: West Coast transplant says she won't start attending
Royals games due to pro-life advertisements +
letter: Brentwood man responds to Messenger column on violence,
says fathers must stop abandoning the children they create
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Thursday, June 8
P-D: Blunt: What Comey won't talk about could be
a problem in showdown hearing
Missourinet: McCaskill plan to provide DC insurance
access gets companion legislation in U.S. House
KC Star: Warrensburg Middle School teacher takes trip
with students, holds up middle fingers toward White House +
Faughn: Insult to injury: Greitens' shots at
legislators unnecessary for Bootheel bill passage; Notes on dark
money, CDT's Jim Robertson, Tony Messenger, more
SNL: Ashcroft holds voter ID education session in
Springfield X
Missourinet: Galloway: Missouri tax refund
problems cause drastic spike in Whistleblower Hotline calls
The Missouri Times: Greitens brings legislators back
for second special session
The Missouri Times: Pro-choice groups ramp up efforts
ahead of special session
SNL: Greitens' rallies in Springfield, Joplin to
feature Mike Huckabee X
Missourinet: Greitens calls special session on abortion
Missourinet: Greitens: Blocking St. Louis City
ordinance is about protecting pregnancy care centers
Greitens calls special session on abortion
KWMU: Abortion focus of second special legislative
P-D: Targeting abortion laws, Greitens calls another
special session
KC Star: Greitens calls special session to focus on
abortion +
DHSS Director Randall Williams says previous administrations have
failed to comply with abortion law
KWMU: Loss of funding for DWI checkpoints in Missouri
draws mixed reviews
The Missouri Times: The case for and against St.
Louis' re-entry; Comments from legislators
St. Joseph News-Press: State's highway panel hears
local updates X
The Missouri Times: Osage Nation's efforts for a
casino already have opposition
The Missouri Times: This Week in the Missouri
PSC: June 7, 2017
Galloway: More than $100,000 missing from Viburnum
SNL editorial: Voter ID dramatics aside, the goal is
still to get voters to the polls X
P-D editorial: Enjoy this year's budget cuts? Just
wait until next year.
P-D op-ed: Fordham Institute's Brandon Wright and
Michael Petrilli: Missouri's plan to fix its failing schools
falls flat
SNL letter: Housing developer Stacy
Jurado-Miller: Governor's tax committee should support State Low
Income Housing Tax Credit program X
P-D letter: St. Louis County septuagenarian responds
to piece on "poverty," suggests those profiled give up their cable TV
and cellphones
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Wednesday, June 7
The Hill: Missouri among five places most likely to
lose Obamacare insurers
KC Star: There's more to BlueKC's Obamacare exit than
just financial losses +
Missourinet: Blunt prepares to question ousted FBI
Missourinet: Blunt tells Trump's education secretary
that budget cuts won't fly
JCNT: Illegal immigrant attacks mentally-challenged
woman in Jefferson City; Salvador Hernandez-Nevarro pushed woman
in an alley, fondled her, pinned her to door of business, threw her
down, taunted her before police arrived X
Missourinet: Jason Smith encourages Missourians
impacted by flooding to apply for disaster assistance
P-D: McCaskill amends past personal financial reports,
including reports on stock of opioid manufacturer
The Missouri Times: What you need to know about
Missouri's evolving campaign finance laws
SNL: Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft talks voter ID in
Springfield X
KFVS: State Treasurer Eric Schmitt visits Cape
Girardeau to introduce MO ABLE program
JCNT: Galloway to DOR: Don't keep Missourians
waiting for tax refunds X
Greitens' bill-review process
The Missouri Times: Greitens poised to call special
session on abortion
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Kip Kendrick (D-Columbia)
talks MU budget cuts
SNL: Mizzou cuts affect some lobbying contracts;
Andy Blunt's contract will remain in effect X
The Missouri Times: KCU opens doors to first new
medical school in nearly 50 years in Joplin
$5 million award upheld in white professor's discrimination case
SNL: Willard superintendent suspended for praying at
graduation X
SNL: Springfield closer to launching prescription drug
monitoring program X
Missourinet: Activist group Race Matters, Friends
wants Columbia police chief fired after AG report
JCNT editorial: Disaster declaration a key step to
healing X
KC Star editorial: Ashcroft's voter-ID education tour
should include a stop in KC +
KWMU op-ed: Commonwealth Fund's health care fellow
Bram Sable-Smith: For rural hospitals already on the brink, GOP's
proposed Medicaid cuts would hit hard
Columbia Missourian's David Rosman: CDT cartoonist
Darkow let go
P-D letter: Center for Competitive Politics' David
Keating: Complaints about "dark money" are really complaints
against free speech
P-D letter: Florissant woman says special session was
all about corporate welfare for Ameren
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Tuesday, June 6
The Hill: Senate GOP eyes July vote on health
care; Comment from Blunt
P-D: Blunt agrees with Trump decision to not invoke
authority to keep Comey from testifying
The Missouri Times: Kansas City company awarded major
VA contract
KC Star: Cerner wins big VA health records contract +
St. Joseph News-Press: Rural Missourians facing doctor
shortage X
Missourinet: FEMA asks Missouri residents recovering
from floods to register for aid
Missourinet: John Danforth to receive Winston
Churchill Leadership Medal on Thursday
P-D: Former Speaker Tim Jones lands regular gig at
KFTK radio
KWMU: Who's running Missouri now? A brief look
at Greitens' cabinet picks to date
The Missouri Times: Governor's tax committee hears
case for historic preservation tax credits
St. Joseph News-Press: Ashcroft tours state to educate
voters on ID law X
CDT: Ashcroft visits Columbia to promote voter ID
education X
Columbia Missourian: Ashcroft's voter ID education
tour makes stop in Columbia
JCNT: Ashcroft begins voter ID education tour X
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Tim Remole (R-Excello)
believes prescription drug monitoring program will return
P-D: Fewer than 65,000 to be affected by prescription
drug benefit cut
The Missouri Times: Energy groups request 'timely
decision' in Grain Belt case
Columbia Missourian: News of MU layoffs begins
trickling in
Missourinet: Empower Missouri focuses on traffic stops
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: State wisely ends
checkpoint funding X
CDT op-ed: Law prof Robert Jerry: Protecting
speech (and protest) at MU X
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Monday, June 5
Fox News: Blunt: Comey testimony will bring
probe to conclusion
Washington Times: On Fox News Sunday, Blunt urges
Muslim communities to confront extremism
P-D: Food vans help distribute taxpayer-funded meals
to urban youth
This Week in Missouri Politics: Guest Mike Cierpiot
announces bid for Kraus' seat, talks Bootheel jobs bill, more;
Panel of former Rep. Jeremy Lafaver, Sens. Jason Holsman and Ryan
Silvey, and KCUR's Brian Ellison on Bootheel jobs session, dark money
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: GOP
consultant Gregg Keller on Greitens and dark money, sanctuary cities
status, McCaskill's re-election bid, more
KWMU: The St. Louis Fed weighs in on potential
$10-an-hour minimum wage
Incentives not a dirty word for Greitens administration
Missourinet: St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson wants
Greitens to call special session to boost police officer pay
KC Star: KC theater community unhappy with UMKC budget
cuts +
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Voter ID is now the
law; Politically-motivated attacks on Jay Ashcroft undermine
bipartisan support for elections process X
P-D editorial: 'Stand your ground' law is a license to
kill, and will likely surface in Missouri
Messenger: On poverty, compassion, and taking
responsibility for the children you create
P-D op-ed: UMSL students: Trump's immigration
stance scares local Indian tech students
SNL letter: Lebanon man says those seeking meeting
with Billy Long should ask questions in a civilized manner X
P-D letter: St. Louis septuagenarian says she supports
toll roads, increased gas tax
KC Star letter: Oak Grove octogenarian responds to
"lunch-shaming" article, says it makes her want to cry +
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Sunday, June 4
Eyes on Centene to fill void after Obamacare insurer bails on parts of
Boone Hospital trustees eye legal changes, insurance limitations as
they decide new lease; A look at the impact of Obamacare, lack of
Medicaid expansion X
AP: Mayors
group criticizes Trump for pulling out of Paris climate agreement
Local anti-Trump "March for Truth" draws fewer than 60 participants
Anti-Trump march draws fewer than 25 participants X
Moms Demand Action Against Gun Violence group holds rally in St. Louis
Joseph News-Press: Local Democrats hear from Nicole Galloway,
Scott Sifton, state rep candidate Austin Montee X
Drebes: Help
Wanted: Office of Lieutenant Governor seeks Director of Marketing
and Tourism
Profile: Secretary of State's Julie Stegeman's path from yearbook
to state director of publications X
AP: State
funding eliminated for Missouri sobriety checkpoints
Star editorial: Greitens makes risky wager on dark money donations
editorial: Greitens stashes his sneaky money behind the First
SE Missourian
editorial: Electric rate bill worth the effort if jobs come +
Star editorial: Early childhood education takes backseat to
corporate tax cuts in Missouri +
editorial: By seeking input on regulations, Chris Chinn's
Department of Agriculture will set strong precedent for other agencies
Consensus among close observers is that Blunt will offer a fair
assessment of Trump-Russia connection X
While Washington fiddles, Kansas City's infrastructure crumbles +
letter: Blunt says he's working to extend education grants
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Saturday, June 3
Trump approves request for federal aid to Missouri flood victims
Star: Downtown rally against Trump's Paris announcement draws
nearly fifteen +
Missourian: 'Fair chase' hunting group submits initiative
petitions for statewide vote on captive deer operations
Jay Ashcroft launches educational campaign to help inform citizens
about state's voter ID law
Missouri Times: Greitens announces Rob Dixon as new director for
Missouri Dept. of Economic Development
Former Springfield chamber official named director of state Economic
Development Department X
Report: Missouri revenues not on pace to fully fund budget
Missouri bringing in slightly less money than expected, but cuts before
June 30 unlikely
Most Missouri state tax refunds should be returned soon
Missourian: Result of special session may be higher utility rates
University of Missouri budget plan eliminates 474 jobs X
Missourian: Choi outlines UM System budget plans for fiscal 2018
Details on University of Missouri cuts: 474 jobs cut;
Mizzou takes the biggest hit
Mizzou takes biggest hit in UM budget plan that slashes 474 jobs
Star: UM System cutting $101 million from its four campuses +
More than 470 jobs being eliminated from University of Missouri System
Missourian: Legislators to take questions at town hall for youth,
by youth
Joseph News-Press: Missouri Department of Conservation to hold
open house to mark 80th anniversary X
Joseph News-Press editorial: State's report on traffic stops
leaves more questions than answers X
Joseph News-Press' Alonzo Weston: Social-media chatter has local
illegal immigrants worried about enforcement X
Sgt. Joe Schicker was Missouri's forgotten hero. Now he's the forgotten
Missouri Times letter: SSM's Jessica Pabst and Mike Rosenblatt
thank Romine and Libla for keeping utility rates low
letter: St. Louis man responds to Messenger's court-overhaul
column: What kind of a man abandons the children he created?
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Friday, June 2
P-D: Congressional delegation has partisan divide on
Trump's climate accord withdrawal; Statements from delegation's
communications staff
KC Star: Communications staff pen statements reacting
to Trump's Paris announcement +
Missourinet: Sierra Club opposes Trump's decision on
Paris agreement; Comments from President John Hickey
Missourian: Rep. Jason Smith expects federal disaster declaration +
Missourinet: Greitens' flood recovery team says
federal relief is on the way
KWMU: Local school district opposes cuts to its
after-school federal funding
The Missouri Times: Jay Ashcroft fires back at voter
ID opposition, launches law
Missourinet: Ashcroft on new voter ID law: "If
you're registered to vote, you can vote"
Ashcroft: IDs available for those who need them
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Rep. Bruce
Franks (D-St. Louis City) talks with Mannies & Rosenbaum about
first year as legislator, minimum wage, Ferguson protests, more
The Missouri Times: A look at what's next for the
steel mill and smelter
Columbia Missourian: Recent special session cost the
state less than $67k
Missourinet: Dozens of Missouri bills await the
governor's action
Missouri health chief pledges crackdown on abortion law
The Missouri Times: American Gaming Association touts
benefits in Show-Me State as Osage seeks new casino
P-D: Few details emerge ahead of University of
Missouri layoff announcements
CDT: University lays off communications, lobbying
staff; John Fougere among those whose jobs were eliminated X
Columbia Missourian: UM System strategic
communications workers laid off
KWMU: What charter school a parent chooses may say
more about them than the school
P-D: Tax refund wait in Missouri may not be as bad as
New state report: After being pulled over, minority drivers more
likely to be arrested than whites
The Missouri Times: Ag Director Chris Chinn:
Dept. of Ag kicks off public comment on rules and regulations overhaul
P-D editorial: Keep tolls on the table in discussion
about raising money for Missouri's roads
CDT editorial: Remembering Jim Robertson as he leaves
the Tribune X
P-D's Nicklaus: New minimum-wage study has fodder for
both sides of debate
Columbia Missourian's George Kennedy: Republican state
legislators should abandon their position on taxes, end rewards for
Missourian letter: Cape Girardeau sexagenarian says lawmakers'
special session vote was all about corporate welfare +
P-D letter: Maryland Heights septuagenarian wants
legislators to raise gas tax for infrastructure
Missourian letter: Jackson man responds to letter chastising
Wallingford for not being conservative enough
P-D letter: St. Louis City woman disagrees with Sen.
Bob Onder (R-Lake Saint Louis) on abortion
P-D letter: St. Charles man says lobbyists, activists
are the ones trying to replace districts' abstinence-based programs
P-D letter: St. Louis County woman applauds Ed
Martin's op-ed on West Lake Landfill and the role of the federal
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Thursday, June 1
June 2016
Missouri political news headlines
June 2015
Missouri political news headlines
KWMU Diversity Fellow Jenny Simeone: Donald Trump's
victory causes mental-health hardships for local illegal aliens
KC Star: Local disability groups complain about GOP
health bill; Comments from McCaskill's Sarah Feldman, area woman
with sad story, etc. +
The Missouri Times: Renew Missouri's PJ Wilson
stepping down, James Owen taking over
The Missouri Times: Rocky Miller seeking seat on
Cherokee Nation Tribal Council
AP: Survey shows slight decline in Midwest economic
KWMU: Missouri's term limits blamed for
short-circuiting legislative relationships
Ron Richard says hypothetical St. Louis City-St. Louis County merger
must include oversight to keep urban bureaucrats from frittering cash
away "on a bunch of umbrellas and stuff"
P-D: Sen. Jill Schupp (D-Creve Coeur), Rep. Lauren
Arthur (D-Kansas City) want to pin down Greitens on Obamacare repeal
Missourian: Funding ax for Tailor Institute for autism services
was 'oversight' +
KWMU: Liberal groups unhappy as voter ID provisions
become law of the land; Rep. Stacey Newman (D-Richmond Heights)
says law especially hard on transgenders
P-D: Local liberals congregate downtown to complain
about voter ID law, compare it to 'Jim Crow'
Missourian: Rep. Donna Lichtenegger (R-Jackson) to host voter ID
seminar in Jackson on June 7 +
Missourinet: Retiring Rep. Tila Hubrecht (R-Dexter)
shares thoughts on state health care regulations, Medicaid expansion
Missourian: Rep. Kathy Swan (R-Cape Girardeau) to speak at First
Friday Coffee +
CDT: New petition filed in campus concealed weapons
case X
P-D: University of Missouri System begins layoffs at
Missourinet: Chesterfield student Alice Liu advances
to National Spelling Bee finals; Minority female chooses to work
hard, achieves success
P-D: Chesterfield speller Alice Liu, 10, makes finals
of Scripps National Spelling Bee
St. Joseph News-Press: Sylvia Nguyen makes mark at
National Spelling Bee; Minority female takes temporary setback in
stride, maintains positive outlook X
CDT: Kael Miranda makes it to third round of National
Spelling Bee; Minority student chooses to not blame others for
outcome, says loss motivates him to do better next time X
The Missouri Times: This Week in the PSC: May
31, 2017
Missourinet: Galloway audit of Wellston underscores
city's legacy of incompetence
KC Star editorial: Missouri voter ID law could sow
confusion; Concept of "identification" too much for some
Missourians to handle +
P-D op-ed: National Down Syndrome Society's Sara Weir
and State Treasurer Eric Schmitt: MO ABLE opens windows of
opportunity for Missouri families
P-D op-ed: Rep. Jon Carpenter (D-Kansas City):
Greitens should veto minimum-wage bill
Missourinet's Jason Taylor: Missouri DHSS statement on
abortion clinics is meandering
P-D letter: Bel-Nor resident responds to Messenger
column on municipal-court overhaul, says not all North St. Louis County
towns have Section 8 infestations
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