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Friday, June 29
The Missouri Times: Hawley calls on McCaskill to
debate Supreme Court issues
SNL: Hawley wants to talk about the Supreme Court.
McCaskill's staying quiet, for now. X
SNL: Photo gallery: Josh Hawley opens campaign
office in Springfield X
Missourinet: Hawley challenges McCaskill to debate on
Supreme Court nominee while in Springfield
Republicans take aim at Cayman investments; Comments from Jack
Cardetti, John Hancock
Missourian: Man running as "Independent" for U.S. Senate brings
self-promotion campaign to Cape Girardeau +
Missourinet: Senate passes farm bill; Comments
from McCaskill
Missourian: U.S. Rep. Jason Smith wants to end chain migration,
favors building wall +
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: SOS Jay
Ashcroft talks about ballots, voting and marijuana
KC Star: Dark money groups that helped elect Greitens
now facing FEC complaint X
SNL: Gas tax hike on November ballot gets boost from
Gov. Parson in shift from Greitens' policy X
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air preview: St. Louis
Labor Council's Pat White to deliver anti-'right to work' messages
Senate 16 preview: Diane Franklin, Justin Brown, Keith Frederick
and the impending Humphreys independent expenditure
The Missouri Times: Penman & Winton splitting
practice, two new firms emerge
Missourinet: Parson to sign next Missouri state budget
Dunklin Democrat: Parson signs budget bill on port funding +
P-D: Fight over appointment of lieutenant governor
heads to court next week X
KWMU: Uncertain future for efforts to ban lobbyist
gifts in Missouri
The Missouri Times: Rep. Cheri Toalson Reisch
(R-Hallsville) sued for "permanently blocking [sic]" constituent on Twitter
CDT: Reisch sued in federal court for blocking
constituent on Twitter X
Missourinet: Lawsuit against Legislature's Convention
of States resolution tossed
P-D editorial: Waste, fraud and abuse in effort to cut
waste, fraud and abuse: MO DSS and McKinsey and Co. contract X
KC Star editorial: Poor and need a lawyer in Missouri?
The public defender system is failing its clients X
KC Star editorial: Missouri trooper in drowning case
deserves to be fired X
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Thursday, June 28
KWMU: U.S. Supreme Court ruling won't directly affect
most Missouri unions
Missourinet: U.S. Supreme Court ruling will affect
Missouri unions
Missourinet: U.S. Supreme Court ruling last week has
far-reaching impact on Internet sales in Missouri
KC Star: Newly open seat on U.S. Supreme Court puts
pressure on McCaskill in key Senate race X
Politico: Trump's short list for Supreme Court:
Spanish Lake native Ray Gruender, others
Brownfield Ag News: Blunt: Broadband expansion
vital part of Senate farm bill
P-D: At public meeting, federal scientists sit through
hours of chatter about Coldwater Creek report; Longtime activist
calls report "golden ticket" to "other resources"
KMBC: What would 'right to work' mean for Missouri?
KMIZ: Fact-checking anti-'right to work' ad:
Union group misleads on jobs, wages
KC Star: Sarah Palin urges support for Tony Monetti in
GOP's U.S. Senate primary X
Senate 14 preview: Joe Adams vs. Sharon Pace
Columbia Missourian: Eapen Thampy's Better Way
Missouri draws bipartisan crowd to show support for legalizing medical
KWMU: Parson pushes for voter approval of Missouri
gas-tax increase
The Missouri Times: Schmitt continues pushing for
changes to state pensions
Missourinet: Sen. Gary Romine (R-Farmington) seeks to
replace Kehoe as majority floor leader
The Missouri Times: Opioid deaths in Missouri
increased at slower rate than previous year
KC Star: Trooper in Lake of the Ozarks drowning death
should not have been fired, judge rules X
The Missouri Times: This Week in the Missouri
PSC: Week of June 27, 2018
KC Star editorial: With Justice Kennedy's retirement,
McCaskill-Hawley race takes on new urgency X
P-D op-ed: Wash U. Medical School's Adie
Wilson-Poe: Cannabis could cure Missouri's opioid problem X
P-D letter: Florissant sexagenarian says 'right to
work' will turn Missouri into Upton Sinclair's "jungle" X
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Wednesday, June 27
KWMU: McCaskill highlights plight of nail company to
illustrate tariff challenges
SNL: Billy Long, Josh Hawley, Campaign Life Missouri's
Sam Lee laud 'pro-life' Supreme Court decisions, but there could be a
catch X
KWMU: Legal Roundtable: Bryan Cave's Barbara
Smith, others discuss SCOTUS decisions, Stockley suit
The Missouri Times: James Klahr departing from
Missouri Ethics Commission
As August 7 approaches, watch for independent expenditures
The Missouri Times: Missouri GOP launches ad against
Galloway in race for state auditor
Missourinet: Parson supports state employee pay
Missourinet: Nasheed asks Parson for money to fight
urban homicides
Missourinet: Poor-performing KC charter school, set to
close this week, sues to stay open
Missourinet: Ameren, opponents disagree over rate caps
and grid modernization
KC Star editorial: Farm bill should cap subsidies for
rich farmers, including Rep. Vicky Hartzler X
KC Star editorial: Missouri could see a sales tax
windfall X
P-D editorial: The law's the law. If Greitens broke
it, justice still must be served. X
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: University of
Missouri Extension taking the lead on wind energy debate X
KC Star op-ed: State Auditor Nicole Galloway:
Don't give up on dark money's corrupting influence in Missouri politics X
P-D letter: University City man wants Lacy Clay to
convince Maxine Waters to drop the unhinged histrionics X
SNL letter: LGBTQIA* activist says 'right to work' is
bad for his community X
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Tuesday, June 26
Missourian: Cape business lays off 4 in response to
tariff-affected Poplar Bluff nail company +
Missourinet: Southeast Missouri company downsizes in
response to business decline from major nail company
The Missouri Times: McCaskill discusses choking at
caucus luncheon and pain from receiving Heimlich
KC Star: After Democrats' Sunshine request, Hawley
campaign paid for third-party review of 19,000 documents X
KWMU: Legal Roundtable preview: Bryan Cave's
Barbara Smith, others discuss SCOTUS activity, Jason Stockley suit
The Missouri Times: Missouri Supreme Court affirms
decision to bar Curtis' state Senate bid
Missourinet: Missouri Supreme Court upholds decision
that Democrat failed to prove wrongdoing when prevented from filing for
Missouri Ethics Commission dismisses complaints against Hawley,
Schaaf's son
SNL: Barnes: Eric Greitens' nonprofit was
'criminal enterprise' X
The Missouri Times: Barnes says House committee not
'appropriate entity for further investigation into Greitens,' will file
MEC complaint
KWMU: House committee ends investigation of Greitens,
but Barnes will file ethics complaint
Missourinet: Barnes issues letter announcing Missouri
Ethics Commission complaint about Greitens and completion of House
committee's work
Leader of House review of Greitens to file ethics complaint
P-D: Greitens committed 'impeachable offenses,'
nonprofit was 'a criminal enterprise from inception,' letter says X
P-D: Barnes highlights likelihood of literary fraud in
Greitens' book of "letters"; Former governor's military pal
stands by Greitens' version of manuscript story X
Missourinet: House Superminority Leader Gail McCann
Beatty (D-Kansas City) wants interim committee to continue
investigation of Greitens
The Missouri Times: St. Louis attorney suing A New
Missouri for records
JCNT: Hanaway rejects separate A New Missouri lawsuit X
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Great Flood of '93
retrospective: Audio from Gov. Carnahan's visit to Brunswick
KWMU: Missouri Dept. of Conservation biologists work
to control invasive hydrilla plant
KWMU: After federal report on Coldwater Creek, some
activists still aren't satisfied; Area woman shares
epidemiological theory about dust, showering and lungs
KC Star editorial: After 'crimes, misconduct and moral
turpitude,' it's time to hold Greitens accountable X
Priddy: Online sales tax decision: A gift, if we
want it
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Monday, June 25
KWMU: Missouri Democrats, unions join forces against
'right to work' and to help McCaskill, Galloway
KC Star: Unions give big to block 'right to work' in
expensive Missouri ballot initiative race X
KC Star: Anti-Trump rally draws hundreds;
Liberal brings "F@CK THIS" sign to event featuring children X
KCUR: Anti-Trump activists rally in Midtown
Missourinet: Libla says U.S. should tax imports on
finished goods
KC Star: Kander confirms bid for Kansas City mayor X
This Week in Missouri Politics: Guest Lowell Pearson
talks legal issues around lt. gov. appointment, online sales tax,
more; Panel of Pat Dougherty, Franc Flotron, Gregg Keller, Renew
Missouri's James Owen talk Parson, infrastructure spending, McCaskill,
St. Joseph News-Press: Harry Roberts hits the
airwaves, criticizes Tony Luetkemeyer in GOP state Senate primary X
Missourinet: Parson signs five bills, but 61 still
await his attention
Missourinet: Former Mamtek CEO paroled; Missouri
prosecutors say he scammed investors out of millions
Missourian editorial: Vargas contract extension a good move by
regents +
KC Star's Melinda Henneberger: On migrant families,
McCaskill and Hawley finally find an issue worth arguing over X
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Sunday, June 24
KWMU: Trade tensions send waves through
Missouri; McCaskill hopes for possible opening to connect with
rural voters
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air preview: Great Rivers
Habitat Alliance's David Stokes, others to discuss river and floodplain
CDT: Liberal "John Brown Gun Club" part of antifa
movement X
Columbia Missourian: Black women organize 'Sister to
Sister' chat group to discuss political issues; Caucasoid woman
seeking to fill Dem ballot slot against Hartzler attends, says she
wants to represent black issues "in Congress"
JCNT: Kehoe talks about transition to statewide job X
P-D: St. Louis union members mobilize against 'right
to work' X
JCNT: Five Republicans, one Democrat seek to succeed
Bernskoetter in House X
No primary opposition for Corlew's re-election
Missourian: U.S. Supreme Court ruling may eliminate need for use
tax +
CDT: Local landscape uncertain after sales tax ruling X
KWMU: Opioid-related deaths in St. Louis region rose
again in 2017
SNL: Hawley's audit finds more untested rape kits X
Columbia Missourian: State approves permit for Cooper
County CAFO
St. Joseph News-Press: Book sees newspaper letters to
the editor as vital to democracy X
Horrigan: Farewell column; Post-Dispatch veteran
retires, leaves editorial board X
P-D letter: Mehlville union member opposes 'right to
work' X
P-D letter: Manchester liberal disagrees with Ashcroft
on voter ID X
P-D letter: League of Women Voters septuagenarian
disagrees with Ashcroft on voter ID X
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Saturday, June 23
KWMU: Sen. Kamala Harris keynotes local NAACP
dinner; California liberal praises McCaskill
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air: Immigration policy
debate: Three (3) Trump critics, zero (0) Trump supporters
Washington Missourian: Anti-Trump protest outside
Luetkemeyer's office draws fewer than 10 X
The Missouri Times: Pruitt, Perdue cancel Friday's
event in Northwest Missouri as renewable fuels policy is reassessed
Clayton Times: Missouri to host National Election
Security Summit in September
P-D's Chuck Raasch: McCaskill faces a familiar
problem: Her and her husband's wealth X
KC Star: Environmental Working Group criticizes
Hartzler for family farm's commodity subsidies
JCNT: Pro-life supporters participate in national
bridge event X
Dunklin Democrat: Area senior citizen named National Federation
of Democratic Women 2018 Member of the Year; Dorothy Adams joined
Democratic Party in Bootheel decades ago, believes in God and respects
the American Flag +
Parson signs first 5 bills as governor
The Missouri Times: This Week in the Governor's
Office: Week of June 18, 2018
KWMU: To appoint, or not to appoint a lieutenant
governor: A Missouri question for nearly 50 years
Governor Gibbons: Kirkwood state Senator served as acting
governor in 2006 when Blunt was out of the country and Kinder was out
of state
SNL: Missouri may start taxing online purchases from
out-of-state retailers X
JCNT: State to expand virtual K-12 course access X
Columbia Missourian: Steelman punches back at Wall
Street Journal editorial criticizing MU
Missourinet: Environmental group claims "clean energy"
jobs are growing in Missouri; Comments from Environmental
Entrepreneurs' Tony Wyche
Missourinet: Nasheed calls on St. Louis-area residents
to protest new movie called "SuperFly"
Washington Post: Four years after Michael Brown
assaulted police officer Darren Wilson, some Ferguson residents unhappy
about distribution of largesse X
KC Star editorial: Missourians deserve to know if
Greitens administration violated open records laws X
P-D editorial briefs: Hawley residency question
answered X
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Friday, June 22
The Missouri Times: Democratic presidential candidate
Jason Kander considering KC mayoral bid
KC Star: Kander eyeing run for KC mayor;
Comments from Jeremy LaFaver, others X
The Missouri Times: Scott Pruitt, Sonny Perdue to
discuss biofuels in Northwest Missouri today
JCNT: Area farmers praise passage of House farm bill X
American Republic: McCaskill announces nail manufacturer's
layoffs to make point about Trump tariffs +
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air preview: Three (3)
guests to lament horror of Trump's migrant policy
Missourinet: Parson meets with Trump
P-D: Parson says first meeting with Trump was
successful one X
Drebes: How and why Mike Parson's fresh air removes
the foul stench of Greitens' gubernatorial arrogance
Missourinet: Parson responds to Missouri Democratic
Party's lawsuit over Kehoe appointment
Missourinet: UM System President Mun Choi meets with
Parson, emphasizes jobs, research and health care
The Missouri Times: Supreme Court ruling paves way for
Missouri to collect online sales tax with lawmaker action
The Missouri Times: This Week in the PSC: June
20, 2018
P-D: Hundreds of pregnant women hospitalized in
Missouri the past two years for opioid abuse
Kit Bond veteran Mary Beth Dobbs; Memorial service to be held
P-D editorial: Now's the time for Mike Parson to show
Missourians what kind of leader he is, and he should start by
criticizing President Trump X
JCNT editorial: Kehoe a wise choice for lieutenant
governor X
Washington Missourian editorial: Lawsuit over Parson's
lt. gov. appointment a mistake by Missouri Democratic Party X
KC Star editorial: Missouri COO Drew Erdmann costs
taxpayers $125,000. Gov. Parson should let him go. X
CDT editorial: Missouri's abortion restrictions are
punishment, not prevention X
Washington Missourian editorial: In 2017, State
Treasurer Eric Schmitt returned more unclaimed property to taxpayers
than any previous treasurer's first year X
P-D's David Nicklaus: From nails to soybeans, Missouri
is feeling the effects of tariffs X
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Thursday, June 21
McCaskill's tax-practice taboo is haven for husband
Missourinet: McCaskill uses Poplar Bluff business to
highlight opposition to Trump tariffs
SNL: Anti-Trump protesters gather outside Blunt's
office, complain about migrant policy X
KC Star: Anti-Trump activists congregate outside
Blunt's KC office X
Missourinet: Judge says Hawley can live outside
Jefferson City; Some Democrats had made issue of "reside at the
seat of government" language
The Missouri Times: Ashcroft calls voter fraud
'exponentially greater threat than hacking' during U.S. Senate hearing
KC Star: Voter fraud much greater threat than election
hacking, Jay Ashcroft says X
P-D: Blunt hearing on election cyberthreats evolves
into Ashcroft-led discussion of voter fraud X
The Missouri Times: St. Louis to host National
Election Security Summit in September
Missourinet: Missouri Foundation for Health provides
$1 million grant to Springfield health provider to tackle opioid
abuse; Comments from Hartzler
Missourinet: Wash U., Mizzou profs weigh in on Supreme
Court's punt on gerrymandering
Missourian: Voters' forum focuses on pros, cons of 'right to
work' ballot measure +
The Missouri Times: Judge rules against Courtney
Curtis' attempt to get on Democratic ballot in SD 14 race
House 86: Will the Clay machine torpedo Chappelle-Nadal?
The Missouri Times: Parson headed to D.C. to meet with
President Trump, Cabinet members
P-D: Parson, St. Louis County Executive Steve Stenger
discuss public safety, jobs, Bi-State in brief meeting X
Missourinet: State Treasurer Eric Schmitt: One
in ten Missourians have unclaimed property
The Missouri Times: Missouri Department of
Conservation uses shallow waters at Schell Lake to kill large number of
invasive carp
P-D: Galloway gives Kinloch fire district 'poor
rating' from Missouri auditor after officials' theft of district money X
KC Star editorial: Jay Ashcroft is dead wrong about
voter fraud and election hacking X
P-D op-ed: Normandy Schools Collaborative
Superintendent Charles Pearson: Response to Show-Me Institute's
James Shuls' piece on inflated test sores X
P-D letter: In key Sunshine Law case, Republican
politics prevails over transparency X
P-D letter: Area woman says 'right to work' is a
conspiracy by "white male CEOs" to oppress women X
Missourian letter: David Steelman: Wall Street Journal
misses the story about Mizzou, strategic reallocation +
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Wednesday, June 20
KC Star: McCaskill open to GOP plans to end family
separation, but says Trump could fix now X
SNL: Area liberals to protest outside Blunt, Long
offices today X
KC Star: McCaskill's husband invested $1 million in
hedge fund set up in Caymans X
The Missouri Times: Voter fraud takes spotlight in
U.S. Senate committee; Jay Ashcroft to testify
Missourinet: Ashcroft, Shane Schoeller to testify on
Capitol Hill today about election infrastructure
The Missouri Times: Democrats seek to block Kehoe's
appointment, file suit calling for special election
KWMU: Missouri Democratic Party sues over lieutenant
governor appointment
Missourinet: Missouri Democratic Party seeks to block
appointment of Kehoe
Missouri Democrats sue over lieutenant governor appointment
P-D: Missouri Democrats file suit challenging
appointment of lieutenant governor X
Missourinet: Ron Richard supports Parson's move to
fill lt. gov position
The Missouri Times: Supporters of fuel tax hope voters
are more open to idea
P-D: Judge dismisses Courtney Curtis' bid to run for
state Senate; Missouri Democratic Party barred Democratic state
rep from the race X
The Missouri Times: Rep. Shawn Rhoads (R-West Plains)
resigns from Missouri House
Missourinet: Rep. Shawn Rhoads resigns
AP: Missouri lawmaker who helped investigate Greitens
The Missouri Times: Pedroli claims text proves Confide
was used to conduct state business
KWMU: Lawsuit over use of Confide app moves forward,
with limitations
AP: Judge sets limits on evidence in Greitens Confide
KWMU: Obamacare advocates unhappy over states' lack of
Medicaid expansion
P-D: St. Louis County Council calls for federal, state
investigations into Northwest Plaza deal X
Riverfront Times: Post-Dispatch layoffs claim 5 more
in newsroom; Mike Faulk, health care advocate/reporter Samantha
Liss, Bryce Gray among those let go
P-D editorial: In the leadership test on migrants,
Blunt passes - and Hawley fails badly X
KC Star editorial: Gov. Parson wants to spend a day in
Kansas City. Here's a suggested itinerary. X
P-D editorial: Missouri's tax cuts to blame for
shortage of prison guards X
Columbia Missourian's David Rosman: Vote "No" on
'right to work'
Missourian's Jon Rust: The collateral damage of Mizzou's past
failures +
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Tuesday, June 19 Juneteenth
SNL: Elected officials, candidates weigh in on migrant
melodrama; Comments from McCaskill, Blunt, Long, Hawley, Austin
P-D: Blunt weighs in on border hysteria X
AP: McCaskill, Blunt share thoughts on border dramatics
AP: Democratic ad slams Hawley over allegations
against donor
The Missouri Times: Parson names Mike Kehoe as next
lieutenant governor
SNL: Missouri has a new lieutenant governor;
Parson picks Kehoe to fill No. 2 role X
JCNT: Kehoe named lieutenant governor X
Missourinet: Kehoe appointed as Missouri's second in
Missourinet: Kehoe: "Public service is a
privilege no one should take lightly"
KWMU: Parson appointes Kehoe as lieutenant governor
P-D: Parson picks Kehoe as lieutenant governor X
Kehoe appointed Missouri lieutenant governor
KC Star: Parson picks his replacement as lieutenant
governor, reopening a legal debate X
AP: Parson stands by contract for COO's former employer
Columbia Missourian: Parson profile: From
Wheatland to the Capitol: How small-town values are shaping the
new governor's role
P-D: Even a steak chalupa - a bit player in Greitens'
Lyft stunt last year - drew scrutiny from Hawley X
Missourinet: Republican state senators lining up to
fill leadership position in GOP dominated chamber
P-D: Long wait for adoptees seeking birth records in
Missouri X
JCNT: State updating method to measure schools' success X
The Missouri Times: Missouri Enterprise announces new
board chairman, new members
KWMU: Federal report: exposure to radioactive
contaminants can increase risk of certain cancers
P-D: Report: Coldwater Creek contamination may
raise the risk of cancer in North St. Louis County X
Missourian: Southeast Missouri State to spend $150,000 to refresh
brand with Ohio firm +
KC Star: California-based Juul Labs names Jay Nixon to
advisory panel on underage vaping X
KC Star editorial: Blunt stands up to Trump:
Stop separating migrant families X
KC Star editorial: Parson makes a strong pick for
lieutenant governor, and Legislature must clarify law X
KC Star editorial: How to fix Missouri's
transportation dilemma: Raise gas tax, then raise other taxes too X
Missourian editorial: Neal Boyd blessed us all with his God-given
talent +
KC Star op-ed: U.S. Term Limits' Nicholas
Tomboulides: Don't ditch term limits under the guise of "ethics
reform" X
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Monday, June 18
Missourinet: Blunt praises federal tax cut, hears
concerns about labor shortage during Jefferson City roundtable
KWMU: McCaskill, Hawley ramp up their sparring over
health care
P-D: Gun-control promotional tour makes stop in St.
Louis City X
This Week in Missouri Politics: Guest Bill Eigel talks
tax cuts, differences between Mike Parson and Eric Greitens, state
Senate races, more; Panel of Mike Hafner, Carpenters' Mark
Dalton, state rep candidate Joe Patterson (R), NAACP's John Gaskin talk
Parson, McCaskill vs. Hawley, Democrat Courtney Curtis' support of
'right to work,' more
SNL: For Missouri prisoners working with broken dogs,
healing goes both ways X
KC Star editorial: Politicians should stop using
social media platforms' 'block' feature X
Messenger: Missouri COO Drew Erdmann's former company
wins Medicaid bid despite being 3 times higher than others X
KC Star: Missouri Influencer series: Surveying
opinions on transportation X
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Sunday, June 17 Father's Day
P-D: Blunt, Wagner share thoughts on Trump and Greitens X
Hannibal Courier-Post: GOP state Senate candidates
tackle a plethora of topics; Craig Redmon, Lindell Shumake, Nate
Walker seek to fill Munzlinger's seat
JCNT: Three seek Democratic nomination for 6th
District Senate seat X
Help Wanted: Spire seeks government affairs specialist
CDT: Some see move toward more charter schools in
online course bill X
Brownfield Ag News: Dept. of Agriculture's Garrett
Hawkins gives update on dicamba, 2,4-D monitoring
P-D editorial: Former Gov. Eric Greitens should pay
his own legal fees X
Missourian op-ed: Peter Kinder: Saving tax dollars;
Hopefully more with my resignation +
KC Star op-ed: Joe Bednar and Lowell Pearson:
We're of different parties, but agree that Parson has the power to name
his lieutenant X
P-D letter: Hazelwood septuagenarian supports 'right
to work,' says unions care only about keeping themselves in power X
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Saturday, June 16
The Missouri Times: McCaskill, Hawley battle over
health care coverage
NPR: McCaskill, other red-state Democrats hope health
care is an election-year lifeline
Missourinet: Hawley says Trump's progress on North
Korea talks has been "monumental"
The Missouri Times: Jane Dueker's ethics complaint
against Josh Hawley dismissed
Missouri Ethics Commission tosses complaint against Josh Hawley
KC Star: Ethics commission dismisses Dems' complaint
against Josh Hawley X
Missourian: Peter Kinder resigns federal agency post, concludes
position unnecessary and waste of taxpayer dollars +
JCNT: GOP state auditor candidates pitch campaigns X
Drebes: Aaron Griesheimer, son of John Griesheimer, to
run for Alferman's vacated House seat
The Missouri Times: Todd Richardson honored with
Legacy Award by St. Louis Regional Chamber
Washington Missourian: Former Franklin County Sheriff
Gary Toelke says Parson's experience in law enforcement will benefit
governor X
AP: Galloway backs Steelman's decision to not pay
Greitens' lawyers
SNL: Impeachment lawyer says Greitens shouldn't pay
$153k bill X
KWMU: Greitens attorneys say state should pay their
Missourinet: Another savage attack on St. Louis'
MetroLink; Missouri House committee has been investigating safety
Washington Missourian editorial: Sarah Steelman
correct to deny payment for Greitens' lawyers
CDT editorial: University of Missouri must stand
alone, not expect more funding from Legislature next year X
Washington Missourian's Bill Miller: The publisher,
the governor: Bolivar Herald-Free Press' Dave Berry paints a
clear picture of Gov. Mike Parson's humility
P-D letter: "Road to Zero Coalition" CEO wants
Missouri lawmakers to pass motorcycle helmet law X
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Friday, June 15
The Missouri Times: Hawley, Republicans criticize
McCaskill for use of plane
KWMU: Hawley touts Trump support, says he is still
investigating Greitens
P-D: Anti-Trump immigration protest snarls downtown
traffic, interferes with working people trying to do their jobs X
Drebes: Teamsters pump $1 million into "We Are
The Missouri Times: "We Are Missouri" launches first
video ad against Proposition A
JCNT: GOP candidates introduce themselves at party
event X
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Lauren
Arthur talks to Mannies and Marshall Griffin about state Senate
victory, union issues, more
P-D: Missouri and Illinois legislators compete in
first bi-state softball game at Busch Stadium
AP: OA chief Sarah Steelman denies legal bills for
lawyers of ex-Gov. Greitens
Missourinet: State won't pay lawyers Greitens hired
for impeachment defense
P-D: Missouri shoots down bills from Greitens'
taxpayer-paid impeachment attorneys X
P-D: Greitens era brought big changes to Missouri DNR
- a place where legacy could linger X
JCNT: DNR: Mokane water situation worst in 30
counties X
SNL: Why Peter Herschend wanted back on state school
board X
SNL: Greitens appointee subpoenaed in Confide
case; Eddy Justice says he never used texting app to communicate
with Greitens or governor's staff X
The Missouri Times: State Board of Education meets for
first time since 2017
Missourinet: Missouri Board of Education's fresh start
brings drastically different mood
KWMU: Missouri State Board of Education gets back to
Education board takes first action since being revived
Missourian: SEMO University seeks $13.6 million in state funding
to renovate Art Building +
Missourinet: Rehder hopes to meet with Parson to
discuss Missouri's opioid epidemic
KC Star: Missouri will ask for another REAL ID
extension X
The Missouri Times: In reversal, Missouri's high court
rules administrative remedies must be exhausted
AP: Missouri officials offer tour of Missouri State
KC Star: Hawley's office investigating Frank White's
personal financial dealings X
Kraske: Here's how Parson pleasantly surprised a tough
crowd in Kansas City X
SNL's Steve Pokin: Parson event includes media;
Reporters should be included in all "listening post" sessions X
KC Star letter: Kansas City woman takes issues with
reporter Bryan Lowry's anti-conservative bias
JCNT letter: Woman running as Democrat for state
Senate disagrees with Kehoe on state merit system X
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Thursday, June 14
Flag Day
KWMU: Trump, McCaskill tangle over her campaign use of
private plane
SNL: 'So phony': Trump slams McCaskill for
flying on plane as part of RV tour X
AP: Trump slams McCaskill for plane use during RV road
P-D: Trump weighs in on McCaskill's "RV" plane trip X
KC Star: Liberal D.C. group files suit against
Missouri's voter ID law; Legal team includes Marc Elias, general
council for Hillary Clinton X
Missourian: State auditor candidate Kevin Roach makes stop in Cape +
Missourian: Parson touts need for workforce development, better
roads and rural, broadband service +
Clayton Times: Parson wraps up statewide listening
tour with stop in St. Louis
KWMU: Upgrading roads and bridges to be among Parson's
top priorities
Missourinet: Parson on transportation
infrastructure: 'We cannot keep kicking that can down the road'
P-D: Parson talks transportation tax, education, use
of state plane X
SNL: Parson answers questions about LGBTQIA* issues,
religious liberty X
CDT: Parson backs higher education funding needs in
Columbia visit X
Columbia Missourian: MU hosts Gov. Parson on his
listening tour of Missouri
Missourinet: Parson looks to fill remaining Missouri
Board of Education spots in 2019
The Missouri Times: Rep. Sonya Anderson
(R-Springfield) looks to chair the House Republican Caucus
The Missouri Times: Rep. Jered Taylor (R-Nixa) joins
race for assistant floor majority leader
KWMU: Missouri sues McKee over state tax credits
P-D: Paul McKee's Northside Regeneration accused of
tax credit fraud in lawsuit by Missouri attorney general X
Missourinet: Medicaid reimbursements for Planned
Parenthood being stripped before Parson signs new law
The Missouri Times: This Week in the Missouri
PSC: June 13, 2018
The Missouri Times: Pro-Obamacare group pushes for
Medicaid expansion, cites study on rural hospital closures
Columbia Missourian: Hawley wants claims of civil
rights violations against state in DeBrodie lawsuit dismissed
P-D editorial: Parson's education board appointments
reflect a welcome new approach X
KC Star's Tessa Weinberg: Missouri's elected officials
should stop using "block" tool offered by social media platforms X
KC Star letter: Overland Park septuagenarian wishes
Kansas congressional delegation was as gracious and humble as Mike
Parson X
P-D letter: Aligned VP Linda Rallo responds to P-D
editorial that blamed legislators for workforce gaps X
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Wednesday, June 13
P-D: McCaskill disputes claim that her RV tour of
Missouri last month was more of a fly-over X
St. Joseph News-Press: Hawley vows to fight 'anti-ag
agenda' X
St. Joseph News-Press: Video: Hawley vows to
fight 'anti-ag agenda' X
The Missouri Times: Barnes urges state to withhold
payment for Greitens' two impeachment attorneys
KWMU: Barnes to Steelman: Don't pay Greitens'
Missourinet: Criticism of Greitens' use of private
lawyers in governor's office continues to mount
Barnes: State shouldn't pay Greitens' bills
KC Star: Barnes: Greitens illegally hired
impeachment lawyers, should pay them himself
The Missouri Times: St. Louis attorney alleging A New
Missouri in violation of state's nonprofit laws
SNL: Building roads, opening doors are top priorities,
Parson says in Springfield stop X
KC Star's Bryan Lowry: Parson to reconsider bill to
fund UMKC arts campus, restore funding to "Missouri Department [sic] Tourism [sic]" X
The Missouri Times: Parson establishes Board of
Education quorum with two appointments
Missourinet: Parson makes Missouri Board of Education
functional again; commissioner search can move forward
KWMU: Missouri state school board finally has enough
members to meet again
Parson revives education board with appointments
SNL: Parson reappoints Branson's Peter Herschend to
state school board X
The Missouri Times: Pardon does not allow convicted
felons to run for elected office, court rules
The Missouri Times: Judge denies Planned Parenthood
request for injunction, medication abortions still limited in Show-Me
KWMU: Missouri's restriction on medication abortions
can continue, judge rules
Missourinet: Judge's decision blocks Planned
Parenthood from expanding abortions in Springfield and Columbia
Missourinet: New possible case of tick-borne virus
renews Fitzpatrick's call for more details
P-D: St. Louis County ethics committee wants Hawley to
investigate Northwest Plaza deal X
The Missouri Times: 90 percent of Missouri buses
approved by Highway Patrol inspection personnel
Missourian: Feeding deer in Bollinger, Cape and Perry Counties
prohibited soon to help curb spread of CWD +
P-D: Glendale bus stop decorated by girl with Down
Syndrome is vandalized; Caucasoid millennial females caught after
spray-painting "Police Lives Murder" message
P-D editorial: Parson, the anti-Greitens, hits all the
right notes X
KC Star editorial: Parson is giving Missouri a
desperately needed fresh start X
SNL op-ed: Billy Long: Making critical
investments in our military X
P-D op-ed: Wash U. gender studies professor Andrea
Friedman: On Bill Clinton, Eric Greitens and definitions of
consent X
KC Star's Jenee Osterheldt: On decision to leave
Kansas City and move to Boston; Negative Midwest memories include
reader feedback on columns, a supposed driving-while-black incident,
other harrowing injustices X
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Tuesday, June 12
KWMU: Parson promises new direction in tone but not
SNL: Mike Parson says he's ready to help Missouri move
on from Eric Greitens X
CDT: Parson strikes healing tone X
The Missouri Times: Parson calls for unity and a fresh
start in first address
Missourinet: Audio and transcript of Parson's address
to joint session of Missouri Legislature
Missourinet: Parson: 'The welfare of the people
will be my guiding principle and sole consideration'
JCNT: Parson urges a 'fresh start' in Missouri X
Columbia Missourian: Parson calls for unity and a
'fresh start'
Parson: 'Time for a fresh start' in Missouri
P-D: Missouri's new governor offers 'fresh start' in
first address X
KC Star: 'Our wounds will heal,' Gov. Parson tells
lawmakers gathered in joint session X
JCNT: Mid-Missouri lawmakers pleased with Parson speech X
Missourinet: Congressional delegation, minus Clay,
meets with Parson
The Missouri Times: Grassroots: The story of
Parson and his longtime campaign treasurer
Columbia Missourian: Woman seeking to fill Democratic
ballot slot against Vicky Hartzler draws fifteen (15) to campaign
office grand opening
SNL: Woman challenging Mike Moon in GOP primary
praises Barack Obama's "intelligence and passion," says priorities
include "affordable housing and living wage jobs" X
Missourian: Former GOP state rep candidate Neal Boyd dies after
struggle with health issues +
Help Wanted: Chiropractors seek lobbyist
CDT: Greitens panel done with special session X
Missourinet: Galloway still investigating Greitens'
use of private lawyers
The Missouri Times: Galloway, Dixon call for
Legislature to push forward with ethics and corruption-fighting
Warren County Record: Rep. Bart Korman (R-High Hill)
makes his case for sports betting in Missouri
The Missouri Times: Meet Evergy, the product of Great
Plains and Westar's merger
SNL: Big black bear found dead in Current River;
Missouri Dept. of Conservation suspects drowning X
KC Star: Fast-food workers complain about wages, make
scenes in Kansas City and Jefferson City X
Selecting a new lieutenant governor: Lessons from 1825 and other
reflections (1,594 words)
SNL's Christopher Dixon: Kudos to Hawley, lawmakers
for doing the right thing on Greitens X
P-D op-ed: Rep. Stacey Newman (D-Richmond
Heights): Victims of sexual assault need legal protections, not
humiliation X
KC Star letters: On 'right to work' and Eric Greitens X
P-D letter: Jefferson City man says merit system
changes are part of GOP conspiracy to sabotage government X
Columbia Missourian letter: Area coed claims
Missourians disagree with GOP pro-life policies
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Monday, June 11
Messenger: The birth of a Twitter troll is disturbing
side effect of Greitens saga; In Missouri politics, cowards hide
behind pseudonyms and lack courage to put their names on what they write X
P-D's Chuck Raasch: With Trump stirring the pot, the
2018 election is returning to 2016 themes X
This Week in Missouri Politics: Guest Kit Bond on Mike
Parson, Josh Hawley, transportation taxes, and the St. Louis
Cardinals; Panel of Reps. Tracy McCreery and Nate Walker,
Strategic Capitol Consulting's Tommy Robbins, UFCW's Dave Cook talk
Parson, SD 17 special election, more
SNL: Missouri lawmakers might drop investigation of
Greitens now that he's resigned X
AP: Man convicted in 1997 murder received pardon from
Missouri Farmer Today: Missouri Legislature moves on
taxes, ag issues; Comments from Missouri Corn Growers' Samantha
Davis, Missouri Soybean Association's Casey Wasser
St. Joseph News-Press: MoDOT seeking comment on roads
program X
KMZU (Carrollton): Missouri Dept. of Conservation to
stop selling federal duck stamps in offices across the state
P-D editorial: Getting a fuel tax increase on the
ballot was the easy part X
P-D letter: Belton woman says virtual learning is
right for some Missouri families X
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Sunday, June 10
St. Joseph News-Press: McCaskill sings her praises in
St. Joseph: "I'm the hardest-working Democrat in the party" X
CNN's Rebecca Berg: Democrats using Eric Greitens to
hit McCaskill's challenger in Missouri
JCNT: Mid-Missouri farming groups concerned about
status of federal farm bill; Comments from Missouri Farm Bureau's
Todd Hays, Missouri Corn's Gary Marshall, Missouri Chamber's Dan Mehan,
congressional delegation X
Washington Missourian: Filing now open for Alferman's
state rep seat
KC Star: Missouri may be 'on the hook' for $150k for
Greitens' private impeachment attorneys X
KC Star: Jeff Roe shares insight on Greitens' decision
to resign X
Washington Missourian: Bourbon virus now listed as
emerging illness in Missouri X
CDT editorial: Dropping of Greitens charges will
reverberate X
P-D editorial: Missouri leaders must not let the
dark-money investigation die X
P-D editorial: Voters should select a new lieutenant
governor X
McClellan: Meandering thoughts on Greitens with bonus
old-timey newspaperman anecdotes X
SNL letter: Springfield septuagenarian compares
McCaskill to Marie Antoinette, urges voters to tell senator to "go fly
a kite" X
SNL letter: Stockton octogenarian opposes 'right to
work' X
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Saturday, June 9
KC Star: McCaskill on Trump: 'Constitution was
written to make sure no one was above the law' X
St. Joseph News-Press: Northwest Democrat Days
attendees to hear McCaskill re-election pitch, Jason Kander
presidential stump speech today X
Washington Missourian: EPA seeking priority list
designation for former plant X
Becky Dunn joining Dept. of Higher Ed
Missourian: Chris Limbaugh stepping down as prosecutor to take
job with Gov. Parson +
Missourinet: Consensus could be building around Mike
Kehoe to fill vacant lt. gov seat
KC Star: Parson to meet with KC leaders during
nine-city listening tour X
The Missouri Times: Special prosecutor declines to
file further charges against Greitens
Missourinet: Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters
Baker (D) won't pursue Greitens on felony charge
KCUR: Greitens won't face charges for behavior during
2015 affair
Prosecutor won't refile case stemming from Greitens' affair
KC Star: Baker declines to charge Greitens despite
'probable cause' for sexual assault X
P-D: No further charges against Greitens, prosecutor
says X
P-D: St. Louis judge threatens to hold Al Watkins in
contempt over gag order X
The Missouri Times: This Week in the Missouri
PSC: June 6, 2018
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Update on Ameren's Mark Twain
Transmission Project
KC Star editorial: Eric Greitens won't face criminal
charges. Missouri knows the truth. X
KC Star editorial: Baker declined to charge Greitens,
but she did right by the victim X
CDT editorial: A win and a loss in the Greitens saga X
KC Star editorial: Missouri a lousy place to live if
you're poor. X
Washington Missourian editorial: Statewide
Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) unveiled X
SNL op-ed: Billy Long: Pulling out of Iran was
right thing to do X
Missourian's Lucas Presson: Parson has opportunity to move
Missouri forward +
Messenger: Despite what GOP legislators say,
Missouri's education funding is unfair X
KC Star letter: Lee's Summit man suggests that instead
of caterwauling about 'profiling,' scofflaws start following traffic
rules X
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Friday, June 8
Washington Post: Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao
pushes to free air traffic control from "government shackles;"
Blunt says pilot training issue is holding up aviation bill X
St. Joseph News-Press: McCaskill appears on MSNBC,
talks Giuliani, trade, more X
The Missouri Times: Hawley, Jay Ashcroft to join
Missouri dairy farmers for field day, June Dairy Month celebration today
Greitens' campaign committee might - potentially - have suffered high
burn rate due to billables from Jeff Roe and Austin Chambers
The Missouri Times: NAACP, others claim 'right to
work' will disproportionately harm black workers
Missourinet: Missouri Democrats hoping Tuesday's
special election has lasting impact
JCNT: Justin Alferman's new job causing changes to
ballots X
Missourinet: Roger Wilson says having a
second-in-command soon is important
JCNT: Confide hearing scheduled for June 19 X
CDT: Committee members surprised by dropped Greitens
subpoena X
JCNT: Rep. Mike Bernskoetter (R-Jefferson City) speaks
to Jeff City Chamber, recaps 2018 legislative highlights X
The Missouri Times: State roughly $4.2 billion under
Hancock Amendment limit in 2017
The Missouri Times: MOSERS gets new executive
director, Fitzpatrick joins board
P-D: Parson to announce school board picks next week X
CDT: University of Missouri to cut $45.4 million and
eliminate 185 jobs on Columbia campus X
KC Star: MU eliminates 185 jobs, blames state
legislators and enrollment drop X
Missourinet: For the third year in a row, Mizzou to
slash its budget and jobs
P-D: Mizzou makes $45 million in cuts, including 185
jobs X
SNL: Pro-choice groups want Planned Parenthood to get
more money; Comments from seasoned feminist M'Evie Mead, Campaign
Life Missouri's Sam Lee X
SNL: Missouri approves law to combat Anthem's
controversial ER policy X
KWMU: Missouri's new coal pollution regulations
designed to hold utilities accountable
The Missouri Times: New state law cuts and caps
electric rates; Ameren Missouri says customers should see
benefits quickly
KWMU: Rape-kit rules intended to eliminate confusion,
backlog for survivors
KC Star editorial: A pardon for Eric Greitens?
Gov. Parson, don't even think about it. X
P-D op-ed: Missouri Chamber's Dan Mehan: Freight
rail connections give Missouri an edge in global marketplace X
Waters: Missouri's racial-profiling histrionics:
Traffic-stop data doesn't prove a point one way or another X
P-D letter: Wentzville sexagenarian applauds Messenger
column on dark money, says solution is to elect Democrats X
JCNT letter: Jefferson City sexagenarian castigates
GOP legislators for "ambushing" Greitens X
P-D letter: Microsoft govt. affairs lead applauds
Romine, Swan, Libla, Fitzwater, Bahr, Christofanelli, Rizzo, Wasson for
STEM efforts X
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Thursday, June 7
Bloomberg: McCaskill co-sponsors bipartisan
legislation for disabling terrorist drones in flight
KWMU: Parson continues meetings with local and state
The Missouri Times: Parson to host meet-and-greet on
June 11
The Missouri Times: Robert Knodell accepts role as
Parson's deputy chief of staff, pens letter to HRCC members
The Missouri Times: Missouri House drops lawsuit
against pro-Greitens groups
Missourinet: Missouri House committee probing Greitens
drops subpoenas, for now
The Missouri Times: Missouri vs. Illinois:
Legislators face off in first-ever softball matchup
Washington Missourian: Bills from local legislators
signed, become law
SNL: Eric Greitens agreed prosecutors had enough
evidence to build a case, settlement says X
KWMU: In deal to resign, Greitens admitted state had
evidence in donor-list case
Missourinet: St. Louis Circuit Attorney releases
previously sealed portions of agreement with Greitens
P-D: Greitens acknowledged there was enough evidence
for trial; defense says admission 'means nothing' X
The Missouri Times: Pedroli argues Greitens leaving
office doesn't absolve him of alleged crime
SNL: Missouri Southern State University faces $1.1M
state penalty for 15 percent tuition hike next year X
Missourinet: Ameren's efficiency plan backed by
clean-energy supporters
Missourians granted pardons include abuse victims
Missourinet: Convicted murderer's fate on hold after
change of Missouri governors; Marcellus Williams broke into
woman's home, stabbed her 43 times with butcher knife
Missourian: Report shows racial disparity of traffic stops in
area, state; Officers say they stop cars for violations, not race +
KC Star editorial: Help Wanted: Missouri needs a
new lieutenant governor X
KC Star editorial: Parson's shift on lobbyist gifts is
a step toward cleaning up the Capitol X
SNL op-ed: Aaron Hedlund: Greitens did not
illegally request foreign donations X
Washington Missourian's Joe Barker: Greitens leaves X
Columbia Missourian's David Rosman: The Greitens soap
opera continues
SNL's Steve Pokin: MSU Board of Governors to consider
removing Greitens from Public Affairs Hall of Fame X
P-D op-ed: Stephen Davis: Office may be called
'light gov,' but it's still needed X
KC Star's Bryan Lowry: A Democrat won a Trump district
by 19 points. Missouri Republicans should panic. X
P-D op-ed: Show-Me Institute's James Shuls:
Easier tests cost Normandy students the right to transfer X
P-D letter: Wentzville sexagenarian surprised to find
himself agreeing with Tony Messenger on dark money X
SNL letter: Area millennial says 'right to work' will
make life tough on him X
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Wednesday, June
6 D-Day
KWMU: Missouri's U.S. Senate race kicks back into high
Bloomberg TV: State Treasurer Eric Schmitt explans how
Missouri tackled its underfunded pension system
The Missouri Times: SD17 special election:
Lauren Arthur (D) wins bellwether seat
Help Wanted: Missouri Coalition for the Environment seeks
communications director
The Missouri Times: Parson announces Aaron Willard as
new chief of staff
The Missouri Times: Parson meets with mayors,
announces new staff members: Marylyn Luetkemeyer, Robert Knodell,
Justin Alferman, Steele Shippy, Kelli Jones
Missourinet: Parson filling key positions;
Robert Knodell to be deputy chief of staff
KWMU: Parson meets with mayors, continues hiring staff
Missourinet: Parson indicates he'll get behind
proposed gas tax increase in Missouri
P-D: Parson signals support for gas tax boost, names
new staffers X
CDT: State education board sets meeting pending
appointments X
The Missouri Times: Hawley: Undisputed
Stipulation constitutes an open record under the Sunshine Law
Missourinet: Sealed conditions in agreement to drop
charges against Greitens can be disclosed
The Missouri Times: St. Louis County attorneys remain
persistent in Confide lawsuit against former Gov. Eric Greitens
JCNT: Lawyer in Confide case seeks sanctions against
state X
The Missouri Times: After years of legislative work,
farmers can once again cultivate industrial hemp
SNL: Dead Missourians don't eat, but someone is
spending their food stamps, auditor says X
The Missouri Times: Galloway audit finds inadequate
prevention, detection of SNAP abuse
KWMU: Galloway: Missouri wasting milions on
incarcerated, out-of-state recipients
Missourinet: Galloway audit: DSS fails to detect
millions in questionable food stamp transactions
Galloway criticizes food stamp fraud investigations
Missourinet's Jason Taylor: Legislature passes bill
from "Rep. John Weimann [sic]"
to let Medicare cover chiropractic care
KWMU: Changing needs, strategies in foster care as
number of children in Missouri's system increases
The Missouri Times: Ameren Missouri proposes bold
long-term energy efficiency plan
KWMU: Ameren Missouri proposes a six-year program to
cut customers' energy costs
Missourinet: Transcript: Bob Priddy's induction
speech at Missouri Broadcasters Hall of Fame
Death row inquiry on hold after Greitens resignation
KC Star editorial: Josh Hawley plays politics with
Trump pardon question X
JCNT editorial: End of Greitens administration
shouldn't be end of Greitens investigations X
KC Star editorial: Parson's views on LGBTQIA* issues
are a cause for concern X
KC Star editorial: 'Driving while black' in Missouri
is becoming more perilous, traffic stop report shows X
Missourian's Jon Rust: Missouri takes a breather as Greitens
moves on; Analysis of johncombest.com headlines shows waves of
media reaction +
Waters: Who knew what was to come of Eric Greitens? X
KC Star's Bryan Lowry: Arthur's victory provides hope
that GOP grasp on Jefferson City has weakened
Messenger: After 18 years, no progress in Missouri for
those "driving while black" X
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Tuesday, June 5
KCUR: Partial transcript of Steve Kraske's interview
with Claire McCaskill
KCUR: Partial transcript of Steve Kraske's interview
with Josh Hawley
KRES/KWIX: Luetkemeyer evaluates possibility of Trump
meeting with North Korean leader
The Missouri Times: Parson says he intends to work
with current Cabinet members, is considering options for lieutenant
KWMU: Parson may call special session; not
looking to dump Greitens' cabinet
Missourinet: Parson talks cabinet, will meet with KC
Mayor Sly James today
Parson praises Greitens' cabinet
P-D: Parson says he'll keep top agency heads hired by
Greitens X
Washington Missourian: Justin Alferman will serve in
Parson administration X
The Missouri Times: Alferman leaving House to join
Parson's team as legislative director
Missourinet: Parson: I don't like the state of
Missouri being without a lieutenant governor
Missourinet: Does Missouri need a lieutenant governor
ASAP? Opinions vary.
KRCG: Former Missouri Gov. Roger Wilson has high hopes
for Mike Parson
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast:
Conservatives Jim Lembke and Rob Schaaf, along with liberal Sean
Nicholson, talk to Rosenbaum about "Clean Missouri" initiative
The Missouri Times: Marc Ellinger, Stephanie Bell
branch out into their own practice
KC Star: "The Influencer Series" to offer political
and policy thoughts ahead of elections; Panel to feature ideas
from Scott Charton, Bob Holden, John Hancock, James Harris, Gregg
Keller, Dan Mehan, Roy Temple, Jane Dueker, John Danforth's
ghostwriters, others X
Missouri revenue up 2.1 percent compared to last year
The Missouri Times: Sanctions sought in Confide
lawsuit for 'unaffirmed answers' by Greitens' defense
Missourinet: Hearing set for Greitens' attorney to
argue against turning over documents from A New Missouri
P-D: Should Greitens resignation agreement with St.
Louis City prosecutor be released in full? Hawley asked to decide
KWMU: Planned Parenthood seeks to block Arkansas
abortion law that could affect Missouri
Missourinet: Galloway to announce results of probe
into Missouri's delivery of food stamps
KWMU: Urban groups unhappy with Vehicle Stops
Report; St. Louis City police reported finding contraband more
often when searching black drivers
Missourinet: NAACP, others complain about traffic stops
KC Star editorial: Greitens is gone, but investigation
into A New Missouri should continue X
Washington Examiner's Emily Jashinsky: Claire
McCaskill struggles to explain why she wants a third term
For posterity's sake, the investigation into Greitens must continue
P-D letter: Kirksville woman resents smugness of those
celebrating Greitens' downfall X
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Monday, June 4
The New York Times: Senate Republicans are newly
hopeful about the midterms - for good reason; Greitens'
resignation deprives Dems of divisive tool
Missouri Farmer Today: Missouri Farm Bureau VP Todd
Hays talks NAFTA, MO DNR and Dept. of Ag regulations, more
Missourinet: Parson continues outreach this
week; Cabinet meeting set for today
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Hoskins, Remole praise Parson
Washington Missourian: Lawmakers look forward to
working with Parson, say Greitens' resignation was necessary X
St. Joseph News-Press: Rep. Jim Neely
(R-Cameron): Despite "spin" from dramatic types, Greitens no
factor in revenge-porn bill X
Drebes: Text
of Morning Consult op-ed about SCR 43 and utilities' hedging
KC Star editorial: With Greitens gone, UMKC's plan for
a downtown arts campus could be revived X
P-D editorial: Missouri educators must proceed
cautiously with virtual learning X
P-D letter: Manchester conservative Richard Buckley
displeased by Greitens and Gardner over resignation deal X
SNL letter: Local IBEW rep opposes 'right to work' X
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Sunday, June 3
KCUR: U.S. Senate showdown: Steve Kraske talks
with Claire McCaskill and Josh Hawley
KWMU: Gun-control march ambles through St. Louis City
P-D: Gun-control advocates congregate in North St.
Louis City X
What will become of Greitens' war chest?
P-D: Greitens' resignation will leave his dark-money
mysteries forever unsolved X
KC Star: Profile: Gov. Mike Parson X
JCNT: Legal experts disagree if new governor can
appoint his successor as lieutenant governor
Washington Missourian: Greitens' resignation result of
plea deal; Computer tampering charges dropped X
KC Star editorial: McCaskill vs. Hawley: List of
issues the candidates should be talking about
Washington Missourian editorial: Good luck to Gov.
Mike Parson X
P-D editorial: Dark money giveth Eric Greitens, and
taketh away X
Horrigan: Imagining how Eric Greitens learned his
'Republican' values X
KC Star's Andy Marson: GOP legislators wrong to oppose
Dem proposal to study state's maternal mortality rate X
P-D letter: Self-described "ultra-liberal" wishes
Parson success X
KC Star letter: KC sexagenarian celebrates Greitens'
departure, wants Trump gone too X
P-D letter: St. Charles sexagenarian dislikes Greitens
and Trump, wants voters to pass 'Clean Missouri' initiative X
P-D letter: Manchester sexagenarian says Greitens and
family deserve privacy that has been given to accusers X
SNL letter: Springfield octogenarian says media
deserves blame for forcing Greitens out, suggests paper rename itself
to "Springfield Liberal Democrat" X
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Saturday, June 2
The Missouri Times: Veterans, guns and abortion
framing Missouri's U.S. Senate race
KWMU: Politically Speaking: As the Greitens
World Turns, Part 13: Season finale
CDT: Parson pledges 'honor, integrity, transparency'
in governor's office X
The Missouri Times: Farmer, sheriff, lawmaker, and
now, governor: Parson takes the reins
KWMU: Parson becomes governor with high expectations -
and heavy challenges
Missourinet: Audio: Parson's speech
Missourinet: Audio: Q&A with Mike and Teresa
Columbia Missourian: Parson pledges "to bring honor,
integrity, transparency"
P-D: Parson pledges fresh start as he is sworn in as
Missouri's new governor X
KC Star: Mike Parson takes oath as state's governor X
The Missouri Times: Greitens issues pardons and
commuted sentences hours before stepping down
KWMU: Greitens busy signing bills, issuing pardons in
final hours of his tenure
P-D: Greitens pardons 5, commutes sentences of 4 more X
Missourinet: On last day, Greitens signs more than
half the bills passed by the Legislature
P-D: List of bills Greitens signed X
Greitens resigns in scandal, signs 'revenge porn' law
Greitens enacts law against his alleged actions
CDT: Legal issues follow Greitens as he departs X
The Missouri Times: New information shows Greitens and
19 staffers used Confide app
Missourinet: Greitens ordered by judge to provide
information concerning Confide app
KC Star: Fewer than 20 Greitens staffers used Confide
app X
P-D: Judge delays decision on whether controversial
Greitens nonprofit must turn over records X
Missourinet: Judge delays order calling for documents
from Greitens' nonprofit to be turned over
Parson replaces Greitens, but who replaces Parson?
Impact of Greitens' resignation on Arthur vs. Corlew
Missourinet: Missouri voters to decide if gas-tax
increase will be implemented for road upgrades
Missourian: Rep. Kathy Swan (R-Cape Girardeau): Legislature
approves tax cuts, pay raise and gas-tax ballot measure +
Washington Missourian: Productive session for local
legislators as several bills sent to governor
The Missouri Times: Hawley issues 2017 Vehicle Stops
KC Star editorial: Missouri mess: What if a
Democratic lieutenant governor were succeeding Eric Greitens? X
Phill Brooks: Greitens failed to adjust to battlefield
realities as governor
Messenger: An open letter to Missouri voters about
Eric Greitens and dark money X
KC Star letter: Lee's Summit man glad Greitens is
gone, says Kim Garnder still looks very bad X
P-D letter: Woman who ran in 7th Congressional
District Dem primary criticizes Kim Gardner for focusing on Greitens
instead of important urban priorities X
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Friday, June 1
June 2017
Missouri political news headlines
June 2016
Missouri political news headlines
June 2015
Missouri political news headlines
Missourinet: McCaskill, Blunt sign letter to address
rural broadband coverage
USA Today: Hawley's campaign wanted Greitens to 'go
away'; How much will governor's exit help Senate bid?
Missourinet: Lacy Clay hosts gun-control rally,
promotes march set for tomorrow
Help Wanted: KCUR seeks reporter for Missouri government and
Missourian: GOP state auditor candidate David Wasinger calls for
more transparency in state government +
Missourinet: Parson's office releases swearing-in
ceremony details for today in Jefferson City
JCNT: Transition of power on tap today X
KWMU: Details announced for Parson's private
swearing-in as governor
P-D: Low-key swearing-in ceremony planned for
Missouri's new governor X
P-D: Parson has far different views from Greitens on
controversial low-income tax credits X
SNL: As governor, Parson will reshape, restart state
school board with six appointments X
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Missouri School Boards'
Association's Brent Ghan explains impact of Greitens' departure,
expresses group's satisfaction with legislative session
Missourinet: Missouri Cattlemen's Association
'thrilled' Parson to lead the state
The Missouri Times: Greitens has yet to submit formal
resignation letter to Secretary of State
The Missouri Times: Despite Greitens resigning, House
says A New Missouri must still provide documents as ordered by court
KC Star: House says Greitens' campaign nonprofit must
comply with judge's order and turn over records X
The Missouri Times: Galloway urges lawmakers to pursue
influence of dark money and special interests
Missourinet: Schaaf on Greitens: "Dark money
Missourinet: Rep. Greg Razer (D-Kansas City) dissects
Greitens' resignation speech: "It sounds like he's admitting he's
broken laws"
AP: Retrospective: Greitens took a path less
trod to win, lose office
KWMU: Gardner defends prosecution of Greitens, says
it's cost $65,000 so far
P-D: Prosecution of Greitens may cost St. Louis about
$100,000, Gardner says X
Missourinet: Greitens could still face legal trouble
even though he's leaving
The Missouri Times: Dept. of Revenue says they're on
pace to issue all tax returns more quickly than last year
KWMU: Federal education report aims to compare state
standards; meanwhile, the tests keep changing
Lawsuit details alleged atrocities endured by disabled man at private
care facility; Missouri Dept. of Mental Health named as defendant
Washington Missourian: Bi-State Development Agency
bill sent to governor's desk
Missouri Farmer Today: Water priority for commodity
groups sees legislative action
The Missouri Times: This Week in the Missouri
PSC: May 30, 2018
Missourian editorial: Greitens did the right thing; Time
for Missouri to move on +
CDT editorial: Probe into allegations against Greitens
should continue X
KC Star editorial: St. Louis City prosecutor made a
secret, no-good deal with Greitens X
JCNT editorial: Greitens' undoing caused by his own
actions X
SNL editorial: Greitens complained of 'forces' in his
resignation. We should thank them. X
KC Star editorial: These people deserve the credit for
ousting Gov. Eric Greitens X
P-D editorial: Nearly 5,000 untested rape kits signals
ongoing injustice to Missouri victims X
Kraske: Missouri voters deserve some blame for
electing too-good-to-be-true Eric Greitens X
Messenger: The ultimate outsider turns over reins of
Missouri government to a man with a record X
P-D op-ed: Former Missouri Supreme Court Chief Justice
Michael Wolff: Office of lieutenant governor deserves some respect X
P-D op-ed: Former assistant AG Elliott Usher:
Hawley can show us why Greitens resigned - it's his duty X
P-D letter: Maplewood sexagenarian nonplussed by
McCaskill's husband's investments X
KC Star letter: KC octogenarian dislikes Greitens'
propensity to shift blame for his predicaments
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