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Monday, June 29, 2020
This Week in Missouri Politics: Sen. Brian Williams
(D-University City) talks with Scott Faughn about China virus, race
protests, more; Panel of Rep. Tom Hannegan (R-St. Charles),
Missouri Farm Bureau's Eric Bohl, St. Louis Police Officers
Association's Jeff Roorda, Liberty Alliance Executive Director Chris
Vas on "defund police" push, China virus, Gov. Parson's margin of
victory in November, MONA, more
P-D: Some local scientists say President Trump's order
limiting foreign workers will hurt their labs
St. Joseph News-Press: Violent crime measure awaits
governor's approval
P-D: Gov. Parson won't appeal ruling favoring abortion
AP: Courts in Missouri, other states straining to
balance public health with public access
KC Star: Missourians collecting unemployment checks
will have to start looking for work next week - and are some are
unhappy about it
Missourinet: Doctor's credentials reportedly stolen,
used to help 600 Missouri patients get medical marijuana cards
P-D: Hundreds of protesters march to St. Louis mayor's
home, demand she resign
P-D: Photo gallery: Protesters remove barricade,
swarm Mayor Lyda Krewson's front lawn and porch; Neighbor couple
prepared to defend their home with guns; more
St. Joseph News-Press: Rioting, looting lead to
massive increase in gun sales nationwide; Local shop sees recent
increase in foot traffic and sales
AP: Catholic officials defend statue of St. Louis'
KWMU: Catholic Church opposes activists' call to
remove iconic statue
SNL: Dueling demonstrations supporting, opposing
police meet on Central Park Square
Columbia Missourian: Daily protest update
Missourian: "Black Trans Lives Matter" rally draws 30
Missourian editorial: Want to vote absentee because of COVID?
Here are your options.
KC Star editorial: Missouri must stop trying to kill
Obamacare during pandemic
P-D editorial: The virus and unemployment make
Obamacare crucial. Hawley and the GOP still want it dead.
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: When it comes to
video of Trump-supporting cop, a video isn't worth a thousand words
KC Star editorial: Take down Andrew Jackson statues.
But don't let vandals decide which KC monuments must go.
P-D letter: Richmond Heights man wonders how Black
Lives Matter protesters feel about having babies "vacuumed to death" by
P-D letter: Man who chooses to live in Illinois wants
Charles Lindbergh's name gone from Missouri
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Sunday, June 28, 2020
CDT: Rising COVID counts challenge Missouri
P-D: St. Louis hospitalizations continue slow decline
SNL: Tyson says 371 test positive for COVID at Noel
AP: Tyson Foods: 371 test positive for China
virus at Missouri plant
KC Star: Branson sees one-day spike in China virus
AP: In Missouri and other states, virus visitor bans
renew interest in nursing home cameras
Missourinet: Historic rural municipal band recognized
Missouri lawmakers
St. Joseph News-Press: Police debate enters the
schools; ACLU-Missouri wants school resource officers out
CDT: Columbia move on school resource officers aids
activists' aims
JCNT: Law enforcement standards commission looks to
listening sessions
P-D: At least 11 people wounded, one killed in
multiple shootings in St. Louis City; No protests or riots
planned in response
P-D: Christians assaulted at King Louis IX statue in
Forest Park
P-D: Photo gallery: Christians pray peacefully
at King Louis IX statue; Black Lives Matter protesters assault
white males with punches, paint
P-D: Daily protest update: Florissant
P-D: In-depth: White flight and the decline of
SNL: Black Lives Matter protest at Dixie Outfitters
SNL: Black Lives Matter holds "Freedom Walk"
KC Star President and Editor Mike Fannin: KCUR, Star
to team up on "The Next Normal" co-branded China virus coverage
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Saturday, June 27, 2020
Brownfield Ag News: U.S.-China Heartland Association
Chair Bob Holden says lack of trust and respect exists on both sides
KWMU: New commander is no stranger to Fort Leonard Wood
CDT: Telethon Man: Former Missouri Democratic
campaign strategist Sean Spence turns pandemic into fundraising
business for non-profits
Missourian: County's jobless claims dip; 3 times higher
than 2019
Missourian: Overdoses, drug deaths spike in southeast Missouri
KC Star: Data shows decreasing hospitalizations in
Missouri for China virus
KWMU: Missouri's China virus death tally reaches 1,000
P-D: St. Louis regional task force ramps up China
virus briefings
KC Star: You are required to wear a mask to go out in
Kansas City. Here's what the mayor's order says.
Missourinet: Missouri Capitol makeover expected to
finish later this year
The Missouri Times: Missouri "clean energy" companies
face high unemployment rates
JCNT: Utilities reinstituting shutoff policies
Missourian: Cape Girardeau Confederate monument defaced, repaired
Friday; "BALCK [sic] LIVES MATTER" removed
P-D: Daily protest update: Krewson shares names,
addresses of those calling for police defunding; Chesterfield
demonstration draws 35
KWMU: During regular COVID-19 update, Mayor Lyda
Krewson shares public information regarding calls to defund
police; ACLU-Missouri calls action "shocking and misguided"
SNL: Protest promo: Black Lives Matter
demonstration today at Dixie Outfitters
KC Star editorial: As of Monday, masks mandatory in
KC. As of this minute, we all need to wear one.
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Friday, June 26, 2020
Washington Free Beacon: Nicole Galloway silent after
top adviser Patrick Lynn calls Gov. Mike Parson "illiterate hillbilly"
KC Star: Federal agency furloughs will likely have a
significant impact in Kansas City
JCNT: Progress being made on Missouri River levee
St. Joseph News-Press: Blunt, other lawmakers seek way
forward on police legislation
JCNT: Blunt shares outlook on pandemic, emergency aid
The Missouri Times: CDC begins testing in Missouri
after coronavirus outbreak
Columbia Missourian: Missouri Hospital Association to
replace daily report with weekly report
Missourian: Eight new coronavirus cases reported in region
KC Star: KC metro tops 200 new China virus cases
CDT: University of Missouri hospital sees largest
caseload: 14 patients
P-D: Spike in China virus cases reported Thursday due
to delay in release of testing results
Missourinet: MoDOT Director Pat McKenna pleased with
progress of Missouri's $350 million bridge bonding plan
Missourinet: Pandemic has had nearly $100 million
impact on MoDOT
JCNT: Missouri to lessen link between school
attendance, finances
Missourinet: Missouri schools get to decide whether to
require masks, shift class size
KWMU: Missouri DED, AG Eric Schmitt encourage those
buying masks to vet sellers and report price-gouging
KWMU: Medical marijuana won't be available in Missouri
until late summer at the earliest
AP: St. Louis City abortion clinic gets license
KWMU: St. Louis Planned Parenthood regains abortion
license after year-long battle
The Missouri Times: SB 600, Missouri's newest crime
bill: What supporters and detractors say
The Missouri Times: "Next Steps" legislative preview
series: Sen. Cindy O'Laughlin (R-Shelbina) lobbies for foster
care resources for her district
P-D: Daily protest update: Creve Coeur
demonstration draws 30
Columbia Missourian: Daily protest update: March
to Stephens Lake Park draws 60
Joplin Globe editorial: "Hip, Hip, Hooray!" to Sen.
Blunt for securing vital parks and trails funding
The Missouri Times op-ed: Americans for
Prosperity-Missouri's Jeremy Cady and American Conservative
Union: New mandatory minimums will not cure Missouri's gang
Joplin Globe letter: American Cancer Society local
employee Michelle Zimmerman: Vote yes on Medicaid expansion
P-D letter: Former St. Peters Police Chief Ronald
Neubauer questions ACLU-Missouri goals after call to remove officers
from schools
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Thursday, June 25, 2020
KC Star: U.S. House Democrats unveil bill meant to
encourage Missouri to expand Medicaid
KC Star: Ex-KC area Planned Parenthood CEO exits after
complaints of abusive behavior, racism
The Missouri Times: Missouri health centers receive
federal funding for telehealth services during COVID-19
P-D: Virus figures in St. Louis region trend upward,
but officials say overall trend promising
KC Star: As testing expands, KC sees new high in
positive China virus cases
CDT: Missouri Hospital Association to move away from
daily COVID-19 reports; Comments from MHA's Dave Dillon, DHSS'
Randall Williams
The Missouri Times: Updated county-by-county list of
positive coronavirus cases
AP: Missouri Democratic Party calls on Gov. Parson to
apologize, says comments on China virus are "callous" and "deeply
The Missouri Times: Democratic longshots form "To
Empower All Missourians" rural campaign; Candidates filling
November ballot slots versus Hartzler, Luetkemeyer, Long, Eric Schmitt
say they'll "flip Missouri"
The Missouri Times: Profile: Raychel Proudie is
on a mission to clean up Kinloch - and she's just getting started
KWMU: Missouri DSS promotes P-EBT handouts
across multiple channels
AP: Violent crime bill draws praise, criticism
P-D: As state workers go remote, Missouri officials
look to save on office leases
Missourinet: MoDOT: 110 pedestrians were killed
in Missouri in 2019
JCNT: DOR seeks to cut customers' wait in lines
P-D: Motorists face mega lines at St. Louis area DMVs
Missourian: Missouri Kids Count report says child well-being
ranking declines in Missouri
P-D: In reversal, Missouri Gaming Commission allows
one landlord for area casinos
The Missouri Times: PSC tackles utility losses
stemming from coronavirus
JCNT: DHSS, Missouri Department of Conservation
educate residents about ticks and mosquitos
P-D: Census estimates show St. Louis City population
decline led by loss of black residents, while white population remains
largely unchanged
SNL: Dept. of Conservation encourages Missourians to
report black bear sightings
KSDK: St. Louis woman drives into police officer
directing traffic; When captured, Akista Merrit hit another
officer with brick
KWMU: Two Florissant police officers won't be charged
after riding in car that hit fleeing fugitive
P-D: Daily protest update
Joplin Globe editorial: COVID-19 tests free for
Missouri residents
P-D editorial: Gov. Parson must stop throwing caution
to the wind and start wearing a mask
KC Star editorial: Gov. Parson passes the buck again
as COVID-19 cases surge
Washington Missourian editorial: State Fair update
deemed good news by many Missourians
SNL's Larry Campbell: Rep. Ian Mackey (D-Richmond
Heights) wrong about kindergarten start age
P-D letter: St. Louis septuagenarian says that by
supporting President Trump, Sens. Blunt and Hawley are responsible for
China virus deaths
Columbia Missourian letter: William Woods English prof
unhappy with Vicky Hartzler's praise for law enforcement
P-D letter: Dittmer septuagenarian criticizes Gov.
Parson, wonders why Nicole Galloway is silent
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Wednesday, June 24,
Missourinet: Video: Gov. Parson press briefing
and Q&A: This is not a surge of COVID-19, and we will not
slow testing
The Missouri Times: 'No intention of closing
Missouri,' Gov. Parson says
JCNT: COVID spike not a surge, governor says
AP: Gov. Parson says rise in confirmed COVID-19 cases
is due to increased testing
P-D: Missouri forges ahead with more coronavirus
Missourian: Several counties report zero new coronavirus cases
CDT: DHSS Director Randall Williams: Missouri
remains in good shape with adequate hospital beds and low rate of spread
Missourinet: $2 billion in unemployment claims paid in
Missouri during pandemic; work search requirement to resume July 5
Missourinet: Missouri nursing homes to get $90 million
in promised relief
The Missouri Times: Updated numbers: Positive
coronavirus cases among Missouri prisoners, staff
KWMU: Blunt, Hawley, Clay praise federal jobs moving
from North St. Louis City to downtown
AP: 1,000 government workers moving to downtown St.
Louis City
Missourinet: Missouri Supreme Court sending absentee
voting case back to Cole County Circuit Court
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Jason
Rosenbaum talks with Elad Gross, candidate to fill Democratic ballot
slot for AG Eric Schmitt's November election
Missourian: Southeast's budget realities - less state money,
fewer students
KWMU: Coronavirus led to an uptick in hunting, but the
increase may not last
P-D: Blacks in Missouri die at higher homicide rate
than any other state, study finds; No protests or riots scheduled
in response
Poynter: Post-Dispatch's Gilbert Bailon says paper
will stop posting monthly mugshot gallery
P-D: Daily protest update: Protesters block
traffic, vandalize street; Protester shoots himself in the foot
KWMU: Daily protest update
KC Star: Activists attend Branson city meeting,
complain about Dixie Outfitters
SNL: Dixie Outfitters expresses gratitude to
supporters: "We especially appreciate the group prayer for our
Missourian: Panel votes to recommend immediate removal of Cape's
Confederate marker
KWMU: BeenVerified report says Missouri is removing
Confederate statues at fifth-highest rate in the country
KC Star editorial: KC Star and FOX4 TV teaming up for
new '4Star Politics' digital program
JCNT editorial: ACLU of Missouri wrong to push schools
to remove resource officers
KC Star's Matthew Kelly: Gov. Parson rejects his
personal responsibility for COVID-19 increase in Missouri
SNL's Katie Kull: People in southwest Missouri are
fired up and ready to demonstrate: 7 local events planned for
this weekend
The Missouri Times op-ed: Holly Rehder: Antifa
wants to defund police; we cannot let that happen
Priddy: On renaming KC's J.C. Nichols Parkway and
Mizzou's refusal to bow on Thomas Jefferson
P-D letter: St. Louis County octogenarian says obesity
is deadlier threat than coronavirus, points to paper's weekly promotion
of artery-clogging food
P-D letter: Washington sexagenarian criticizes
Missouri Farm Bureau for standing with pig farmers
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Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Missourian: Lloyd Smith salutes Bill Emerson at his SEMO Regents
KC Star: Off-duty St. Joe police officer, caught
wearing Trump 2020 hat and cross necklace, used swear words moments
after his truck was damaged in car accident
St. Joseph News-Press: Video involving St. Joe officer
goes viral; Reddit headline takes aim at "Trump supporting police
KWMU: New hospital being built at Fort Leonard Wood to
better serve soldiers and families
The Missouri Times: This Week in Missouri Politics
recap: Trump's margin in Missouri, Gov. Parson's election,
coronavirus, much more
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Jason
Rosenbaum talks with Rich Finneran, candidate to fill Democratic ballot
slot for AG Eric Schmitt's November election
Columbia Missourian: Democrats and Republicans follow
state law, receive campaign support from PACs
Missourian: Missouri's motor fuel tax receipts drop significantly
P-D: No hugs, but plenty of smiles and laughter at
nursing home curbside visits
JCNT: MO DHSS, Missouri National Guard bring free
COVID-19 testing to Cole County
SNL: Spike in southwest Missouri COVID-19 cases
follows 'large-scale' testing at Tyson plant
P-D: Missouri's disease-tracking system EpiTrax cost
$36,000 - including four to six weeks of installation work
The Missouri Times: Updated county-by-county list of
positive coronavirus cases
The Missouri Times: Missouri historical preservation
group takes on 'places in peril'
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air: Event promo:
Crime Victim Center Trivia Night
P-D: Black lawmakers want Gov. Parson to call special
session on police restrictions
Joplin Globe editorial: Supreme Court ruling extends
LGBTQIA* rights to Missouri
Phill Brooks: Remembering Harriett Woods, a pioneering
woman legislator
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Monday, June 22, 2020
This Week in Missouri Politics: Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe
talks with Scott Faughn about President Trump's re-election, Gov.
Parson's election, media double standards on China virus spread,
more; Dem Reps. Tracy McCreery and Rasheed Aldridge, St. Louis
County Councilwoman Kelli Dunaway, Franklin County Presiding
Commissioner Tim Brinker talk China virus, "defund the police" demands,
SCOTUS LGBTQIA* ruling, more
Missourinet: Missouri partnership provides
telemedicine at no cost to some Medicaid users
Missourinet: Lake of the Ozarks company gets big sales
boost since state reopened, crowded pool parties in the news
AP: Missouri reports increase in China virus numbers
KWMU: Courthouse doors in Missouri slowly swing open
as China virus restrictions ease
P-D: School's in for the summer at a few outlying
districts in the St. Louis region
KC Star: District's China virus plan shows how KC will
go back to school
KWMU: Minority businesses deal with devastation of
pandemic, then looting
Missourian: Black Lives Matter protest participation
plummets; Organizer says dwindling crowd has led to more
aggressive pushback
P-D: Daily protest update
P-D: Photo gallery: Police protect protesters,
drivers from vandals on Lindbergh Boulevard
KWMU: Daily protest update
SNL: Photo gallery: Black Lives Matter,
counter-protesters rally outside Dixie Outfitters
KC Star: Black Lives Matter protests outside Branson
SNL: Some area black veterans complain about military
base names
KC Star's Melinda Henneberger: Blunt, Hawley wrong
about honors for Confederate military leaders
P-D letter: Chesterfield septuagenarian wonders where
politically correct crowd will end their renaming demands
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Sunday, June 21, 2020
Happy Father's Day!
Brownfield Ag News: U.S. Rep. Jason Smith wants beef
to be part of any trade agreement with U.K.
Washington Missourian: State Fair to go on;
Livestock shows get green light, other activities pending
Mexico Ledger: Testing finds 14 China virus cases in
state women's prison in Vandalia
St. Joseph News-Press: Changes to Missouri duck
hunting season proposed
P-D: Daily protest update: St. Louis City
P-D: Daily protest update: Florissant
KWMU: Daily protest update
SNL: Profiles: Four local race activists air
grievances with United States: Millennial and three seasoned
citizens complain about Cleaner Missouri, "microaggressions," other
insurmountable injustices
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Utopian "defund
police" fantasy would come with a cost
SNL's "The Answer Man" column: Austin Huguelet
pinch-hits for Steve Pokin: What's going on with the waits at
local license offices?
McClellan: Thoughts on whitewashing history and
renaming statues
SNL letters: Bois D'Arc woman opposes killing black
bears; Willard septuagenarian wants state to do away with "silly
notarization requirement," urges readers to contact their "state
senator and their state delegate"
P-D letter: New Haven septuagenarian criticizes
Missouri Republicans for ballot security, says voters should be able to
cast ballots via "smartphone or something"
P-D letter: Shrewsbury man wonders where
statue-removing brigade will draw the line
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Saturday, June 20, 2020
Misssourian: Missouri military facilities, named after heroes,
unlikely to be targeted amid race hysteria
Missourinet: U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper tells
re-enlisting Fort Leonard Wood soldiers they are heroes
The Missouri Times: Gov. Parson names 2 to Peace
Officer Standards and Training board: A look at what it is
SNL: DHSS: 600 medical marijuana patient cards
were signed off by someone pretending to be a doctor
The Missouri Times: 600 medical marijuana licenses
invalid following doctor 'impersonation'
P-D: Federal report: Missouri's nursing home
deaths due to China virus top 300
Missourinet: Three Missouri prisons to reopen to
visitors next week - with some restrictions
Missourinet: State prison in Bonne Terre reports 21
COVID-19 cases
Missourian: 29 new coronavirus cases reported in region Friday
KC Star: Kansas City metro sees nearly 200 new China
virus cases reported Friday
The Missouri Times: Updated numbers: Coronavirus
cases among prison inmates, staff
KWMU: St. Louis metro region passes 1,000-death
milestone from China virus
Missourian: SEMO Regents meet Monday, expect painful cuts
The Missouri Times: Missouri colleges point to need
for reliable Internet access across the state during pandemic
Joplin Globe: Ticks remain a problem as people hit
outdoors; Missouri Department of Conservation offers tips to
repel blood-sucking parasites
KWMU: Daily protest update: Group paints on
road, posts handbills regarding demands: "Defund the police,"
"Decriminalize sex work," "Hold transphobic reporting accountable," etc.
P-D: Daily protest update
KC Star: Daily protest update
SNL: Black Lives Matter protest Sunday in Branson to
start at Dixie Outfitters
P-D editorial: Missouri's leaders have long refused to
expand Medicaid. Voters should mandate it.
P-D editorial: Missouri, as usual, stands alone as the
only state refusing to address opioids
P-D editorial: A national ban on chokeholds is needed,
but Missouri should start now
Missourian Publisher Jon Rust: Governor's report highlights COVID
risk in southeast Missouri
The Missouri Times op-ed: Missouri Farm Bureau study
finds broad COVID-19 impacts
P-D family columnist/beauty-product reviewer Aisha
Sultant: My harrowing experience applying for the Missouri
unemployment benefits I deserve: Waiting on hold, hearing
pre-recorded messages, other injustices
KC Star op-ed: William Jewell College Psychological
Science Chair Keli Braitman: Gov. Parson, don't repeal Missouri's
motorcycle helmet law
SNL Editor-in-Chief Amos Bridges: Response to
Springfield Police Officers Association union over News-Leader's
headline choice
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Friday, June 19,
2020 Juneteenth
St. Joseph News-Press: Hawley introduces measure for
tech company accountability
Missourinet: Blunt repeats calls for U.S. Justice
Department to restore federal police reviews
SNL: Blunt, Hawley share thoughts on Dems' statue and
base-renaming pushes; Hawley says military should not bend knee
to "woke mob"
SNL: Young illegals breathe sigh of relief over DACA
ruling; Comments from Hawley, Missouri Democratic Party Executive
Director Lauren Gepford
KWMU: Illegal alien marks 1,000 days holed up in
Maplewood: "It sucks."
KWMU: Fort Leonard Wood to get a new commander
Seeking Alpha: Lee Enterprises CEO Kevin Mowbray
earnings call transcript: Overall revenue decrease, subscription
revenue decrease, advertising revenue decrease (registration required)
P-D: Video: Post-Dispatch Publisher Ian Caso
announces launch of new subscription-plea campaign: "Truth is, we
need more subscribers."
AP: Opponents of Cleaner Missouri say plan would allow
Missourian: Holly Rehder, Kathy Swan tout accomplishments, plans
before SEMO Pachyderm Club
AP: Missouri's jobless rate down slightly in May but
still high
Missourinet: Missouri Agriculture Director Chris
Chinn: 2020 Missouri State Fair to continue with everything but
JCNT: Missouri State Fair won't feature concerts in
Columbia Missourian: Missouri will hold state fair
despite China virus pandemic
P-D: As other states cancel fairs, new China virus
numbers aren't derailing Missouri plans
Missourinet: Low-income Missourians struggling with
cooling bills during pandemic now have more options
Missourinet: Missouri Development Finance Board
helping some struggling Convention and Visitors Bureaus
Missourian: Cape nursing homes begin allowing limited visits
Missourinet: Visitors and campers flock to Missouri
State Parks during COVID-19
Missourian: DHSS data shows southeast Missouri perhaps most
at-risk for new coronavirus spread
Joplin Globe: Health department interpreters get China
virus message out to residents who choose to not learn English
P-D: SEIU rally draws a dozen; Union demands
hazard pay for China virus, etc.
Missourinet: Missouri lawmakers to hear detailed
report about tax credits, which now total $551 million
Joplin Globe: MSSU to wait for governor's cuts before
setting budget
SNL: Podcast lets listeners experience Missouri's
great outdoors
KWMU: ACLU wants police officers out of Missouri's
KC Star: KC won't prosecute some demonstrators from
George Floyd protests
P-D letter: Creve Coeur resident wonders why
protesters who jammed streets claim to be "terrified" of voting-booth
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Thursday, June 18, 2020
Missourinet: Gov. Parson requests federal disaster
declaration for 19 Missouri counties damaged by May storms
SNL: Two local China virus victims attended George
Floyd "candlelight vigil" on June 7
SNL, 6/8: Candlelight vigil's packed protest crowd
shouts catchphrases, bellows Broadway show tune
P-D: Families can start outdoor visits with loved ones
at some Missouri nursing homes, state officials say
The Missouri Times: Updated numbers: Coronavirus
cases among Missouri prisoners, staff
P-D: While other states grapple with outbreaks, most
of Missouri's correctional facilities have not seen large numbers of
CDT: Testing finds 11 COVID-19 cases in state women's
prison in Vandalia
KC Star: Missouri's China virus death rate is more
than double Kansas', and doctors aren't sure why
P-D: After serving 28 patients, Missouri's emergency
overflow hospital is empty
P-D: St. Louis charter schools under scrutiny for
federal coronavirus relief funds and state audit
JCNT: Struggling private bus company employees feel
left behind by federal aid
KC Star: KC offers millions to combat Kansas' offer to
poach company
Brownfield Ag News: Missouri Supreme Court upholds
CAFO permit
AP: Missouri Supreme Court rules in favor of large
swine farm
The Missouri Times: 2 medical marijuana companies
approved to open in Missouri
Missourian: Cape County greenhouse growing legal marijuana
CDT: University of Missouri curators to talk merging
president, chancellor roles
The Missouri Times: Missouri PSC considers budget,
approves remote meetings
SNL: Galloway to investigate 'missing money' in the
city of Forsyth
Washington Missourian: 'We should have a lot of pride
in our state'; New book features timeline of events in Missouri's
200 years
AP: 3 killings in 6-hour period in St. Louis
City; No protests planned or riots reported in response
P-D: Protesters celebrate dismissal of rioting charges
KC Star: KC activist group doesn't want 'miniscule'
J.C. Nichols Parkway renamed for MLK
Joplin Globe editorial: Missouri Chamber's endorsement
of Medicaid expansion is welcome
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Despite nationwide
agitation over race issues, Missouri GOP Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer's crime
bill still merits support
P-D editorial: With environmental ruling, the GOP's
sellout of rural Missouri is complete.
KC Star editorial: After months of red tape, Missouri
veterans still can't get their unemployment benefits
KC Star editorial: Undercutting UMKC: Elevating
Mun Choi to both president and MU chancellor could do real damage
Missourian Publisher Jon Rust: Racism and prejudice may not be
systemic, but it's there at the fringes
Missourian op-ed: Sen. Josh Hawley: Protecting
Americans and the American way
Columbia Missourian's David Rosman: Eric Greitens
getting back into politics, will probably run for governor
P-D letter: Kirkwood man wants Gov. Parson to
apologize for slavery
P-D letter: Olivette septuagenarian thinks signing a
petition will change police and judicial systems
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Wednesday, June 17,
KCUR's Up to Date with Steve Kraske: Federal Reserve
Bank of Kansas City's Esther George says the road to economic recovery
is a long one
Politico: Hawley on LGBTQIA* ruling: "This body
is terrified of being held accountable for anything on subject"
KCUR's Up to Date with Steve Kraske: Rep. Greg Razer
(D-Kansas City), PROMO's Stephen Eisele talk Supreme Court ruling and
Missouri laws
The Missouri Times: Gov. Parson: 'Numerous
projects' still in the works following last year's international trade
Missourinet: Gov. Parson: 250 new jobs coming to
small town near Bolivar
KC Star: Nearly a year after border truce, Kansas City
firm wants millions to hop state line
JCNT: Missouri state departments to continue
precautions for workers, public
P-D: With Missouri government departments taking
safety precautions, Gov. Parson says state 'fully open'
The Missouri Times: CARES Act funding to organizations
made easier by Missouri Housing Development Commission
The Missouri Times: Home energy assistance, SNAP
changes coming
Missourinet: Missouri set to restart food stamp
recertification checks on July 1
JCNT: Stop-gap jobless benefits expiring
Missourinet: Effort requirement returns next month for
those collecting unemployment checks
P-D: Plan to help cash-strapped small Missouri cities
postponed as some question whether it's generous enough
Missourinet: Vote delayed on proposed loan program for
Missouri cities struggling during coronavirus
KWMU: DHSS issues guidelines on nursing home visits
KCUR: Longer days, shorter semesters: How China
virus will change campus life at Missouri colleges
Scott Faughn: When it comes to COVID-19, choose
science or political science; Plus additional thoughts on
Missouri's Medicaid expansion campaign
KCUR: NAACP, League of Women voters appeal to Missouri
Supreme Court after lawsuit against Republicans was dismissed
P-D: Daily protest update
P-D: Columbus statue taken down in Tower Grove Park in
St. Louis City
KMOX: Shouting erupts over removal of Christopher
Columbus statue in St. Louis City
KWMU: Christopher Columbus statue quietly, officially
removed from Tower Grove Park
KWMU: How-to guide: Attending protests in the
age of China virus
P-D editorial: Lack of transparency with pandemic
relief funds is unacceptable.
KC Star editorial: 'We're in a second wave' of
COVID-19 in Kansas City. To save lives, masks are a must.
P-D editorial: Missouri government takes time out from
multiple crises to target the majestic black bear
P-D letter: Sunset Hills sexagenarian says Josh Hawley
wrong on Civil War references
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Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Politico: Josh Hawley readying broadside against big
tech's ad business, legal shield
SNL: U.S. Attorney: 12 indicted for running area
heroin and fentanyl ring: Rufus H. "Shorty" Jones, Darryl "D"
Turner, Elmer "Duck" Freeman, Tia Melton, others
Missourinet: Gov. Parson: Missouri is prepared
and ready to open for business today
The Missouri Times: From prisons to nursing homes,
here are new visitation guidelines as Missouri reopens
The Missouri Times: Updated numbers: Coronavirus
cases among prison inmates, staff
Missourinet: DHSS offers new guidance for nursing home
P-D: St. Charles County lifting virus restrictions
today, following governor's statewide plan
P-D: Task force: Blacks four times more likely
to test positive for China virus in St. Louis region
P-D: Missouri's coronavirus caseload becoming more
SNL: 10 new China virus cases in Taney, Christian
SNL: Starting next month, Missouri's unemployed will
again be required to show job-search effort
P-D: Missourians collecting unemployment check must
begin putting in effort to find jobs next month
Missourinet: Two casinos to cut nearly 800 St. Louis
area jobs
SNL: St. Louis-area marijuana business says its
growing operation, first in Missouri, is open
Missourinet: State Supreme Court hears lawsuit about
expanded absentee voting this year
KWMU: ACLU chapter calls Supreme Court ruling a
victory for gays and transgenders
The Missouri Times: Supreme Court ruling
reaction: Statements from House Superminority Leader Crystal
Quade (D-Springfield), Nicole Galloway, Sen. Brian Williams (D-St.
Louis City)
SNL: Rep. Greg Razer (D-Kansas City) reacts to Supreme
Court ruling on LGBTQIA* protections
St. Joseph News-Press: Missouri updates wild turkey
management plan
P-D: Daily protest update: Protesters travel to
St. Charles County, yell outside office of St. Charles County
Prosecuting Attorney Tim Lohmar
KWMU: Area Muslims organizing "Black Lives Matter"
march for Saturday
KC Star editorial: Supreme Court's Neil Gorsuch pulled
Missouri into this century on LGBTQIA* rights
The Missouri Times op-ed: Wash U. School of Social
Work professor Michal Grinstein-Weiss: Missouri Medicaid
expansion is a 'no-brainer' during China virus pandemic
The Missouri Times op-ed: Sarah Oerther: Police
rely on partners to stop human trafficking in Missouri and around the
KWMU/Corporation for Public Broadcasting "Sharing America"
racism reporter Andrea Henderson: Protester profiles: Three
area activists critique white people, "systemic racism," etc.
P-D letter: St. Louis City sexagenarian says honor
awared to Blunt for championing patient access is "phony"
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Monday, June 15, 2020
Missourinet: Audio: Nicole Galloway's speech to
Missouri Democratic Party state convention
This Week in Missouri Politics: Jackson County
Executive Frank White talks George Floyd, coronavirus, more;
Panel of Sen. John Rizzo (D-Independence), Rep. Jack Bondon (R-Belton)
on infeasibility of "defund the police," status of coronavirus and
impact of high-density protests, election outlook for President Trump
and Gov. Parson, more
SNL: Springfield health officials watch for China
virus infections, encourage testing following protests
Missourinet: Missouri could launch a loan program to
help some small cities struggling from coronavirus
St. Joseph News-Press: Rep. Sheila Solon (R-St.
Joseph) set to retire from the Missouri House
JCNT: Former state fire marshal Bill Farr received
inspiration for public service in U.S. Army
SNL: Daily protest update
Columbia Missourian: Daily protest update
Columbia Missourian: Photo gallery: Peaceful
protests drawing dwindling numbers
P-D: Daily protest update
KWMU: Weekend protest update
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Former
Ferguson Mayor James Knowles reflects on legacy, race conflicts,
unfairness of other municipalities being let "off the hook," more
P-D editorial: Sen. Blunt correct about consent
decrees, but not as a substitute for needed legislation
Joplin Globe editorial: Positive change won't be
fueled by defunding the police
Messenger: 'Defund the Police' is about reimagining
public safety, not dystopian lawlessness
P-D letter: Wentzville septuagenarian upset tax
dollars used to send Missouri National Guard to D.C. for riot duty
P-D letter: Affton man responds to Tony Messenger
column, says Michael Brown was a criminal and not a victim
P-D letter: St. Louis man begs Post-Dispatch to stop
printing mugshots, which "advertise the inherent biases in our system"
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Sunday, June 14,
Flag Day
St. Joseph News-Press: Census count helped by Internet
SNL: Here are the social distancing rules taking
effect Tuesday: State, city, county
KC Star: KC area confirms 98 new China virus cases
P-D: Coronavirus cases tick up locally
Missourian: Cape County reports four new coronavirus cases
KC Star: Missouri's new plan to attack rising COVID
numbers in nursing homes: test everyone, test often
P-D: China virus deaths draw focus on nursing home
industry's campaign donations to candidates of both parties
KWMU: Missouri S&T researchers study how energy
customers decide to use solar; Renew Missouri's James Owens says
report will have minimal impact
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): City of Moberly encourages
residents to check out Missouri DNR's annual drinking water report
P-D: Fires started at old Jamestown Mall in North St.
Louis County; Firefighters investigating "large piles of
furniture" set ablaze
P-D: Daily protest update: Traffic disruptions
in Ferguson, elsewhere
P-D: Protest photo gallery: Heavily-tattooed
Caucasoid woman confronts man stuck in protest traffic; More
CDT: Daily protest update: Traffic disruption on
streets, busy intersection
JCNT editorial: On Flag Day, let's celebrate our unity
as Americans
P-D editorial: Blunt right, Hawley wrong regarding
Confederate names on military bases
Joplin Globe editorial: Lots of grants announcements
make for a good week in Joplin; MO DNR, Missouri American Water
and others help some of the most vulnerable area residents
Columbia Missourian op-ed: Mizzou College Republican
Dalton Archer says GOP needs to start championing clean energy
P-D letter: Clayton man says notary requirement for
mail-in ballot is too onerous for Missouri voters
KC Star letter: Raytown octogenarian says Missouri
Legislature "dropped the ball" by not approving sports betting
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Saturday, June 13, 2020
The Missouri Times: Stacey Abrams speaks to Missouri
Dems, takes aim at Gov. Parson and Jay Ashcroft
Missourian: Mail-in voting surge expected in Cape Girardeau
County; Thoughts from County Clerk Kara Clark Summers
The Missouri Times: Missouri Chamber backs Medicaid
expansion effort
Missourinet: Missouri Chamber backs Medicaid expansion
Missourian: State Senate candidates Holly Rehder, Kathy Swan to
speak at Thursday's SEMO Pachyderm meeting
Washington Missourian: Gov. Parson announces he will
completely reopen state beginning Tuesday
KWMU: St. Louis region, Missouri see uptick in Wuhan
virus cases as restrictions begin to ease
P-D: More restrictions to be lifted in region
KC Star: New China virus cases rise by more than 100
in KC metro for third consecutive day
P-D: No Whiteman airmen at Lake of the Ozarks tested
positive for COVID-19, base says
P-D: Daily protest update: Traffic disruptions,
yelling in University City and along Lindbergh Blvd.
P-D: Protest photo gallery: "All cops are
bastards," "Defund the police," other efficacious messages
CDT: Daily protest update
Columbia Missourian: MU defends presence of Thomas
Jefferson statue
CDT: University of Missouri won't bow to pressure over
Founding Father's statue
SNL: Petition: Remove Confederate monument in
Springfield National Cemetery
Missourian editorial: Flag Day and a reminder of why we stand
P-D editorial: Sharp state budget cuts are on the way.
Missouri Republicans should have raised taxes.
Washington Missourian Interim Publisher Tricia Miller:
In light of hurt feelings over editorial cartoon, we are forming a
racially-diverse Community Engagement Board
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Friday, June 12, 2020
Missourinet: Hawley opposes proposal from Elizabeth
Warren to erase Confederate names from military bases
SNL: Hawley opposes measure to whitewash Confederate
names from bases
Missourinet: Gov. Parson's Thursday press briefing and
Q&A: Missouri is fully open, and State Fair will go on
The Missouri Times: 'Open for business':
Missouri moves to reopen while COVID-19 is 'still out there'
SNL: Gov. Parson lifts statewide COVID-19
restrictions, leaving rules to local officials
KWMU: Gov. Parson to drop all of state's coronavirus
restrictions next week
P-D: Gov. Parson to lift China virus restrictions, but
Missouri will remain under state of emergency
Missourinet: Missouri sees record PPE shipment,
including 77,000 surgical masks
The Missouri Times: A look at the 10 executive orders
on coronavirus Gov. Parson has signed
The Missouri Times: Missouri's response to
coronavirus: A timeline
The Missouri Times: Missouri State Fair 'will go on' -
at least some version of the annual event
Missourinet: Gov. Parson: Missouri State Fair
will happen in August, likely without concerts
Missourinet: Kansas woman becomes second Lake of the
Ozarks partier to test positive for coronavirus
P-D: Kansas reports coronavirus case potentially
linked to Lake of the Ozarks party
KC Star: Kansas health officials report China virus
case from woman who attended Lake of the Ozarks parties
Missourian: Cape Girardeau County reports 10 new positive cases
of China virus
Missourian: Sewer water could help track coronavirus in Cape
St. Joseph News-Press: Medicaid expansion campaign
makes stop at Mosaic Life Care
KCUR: Missouri State Board of Education pressures MU
to step up oversight of struggling charter schools
Missourian: Cape Girardeau public schools earn Missouri School
Boards' Association's 2020 Governance Team Award
FOX 2 St. Louis: Missouri Department of Conservation's
36-year-old turtle "Peanut" undergoes successful surgery to fix
life-threatening condition
P-D: Daily protest update: "Black Trans Lives
Matter" march in Tower Grove demands decriminalization of prostitution,
holds "vogue dance competition"
P-D: Daily protest update: Black Lives Matter
march draws twenty (20) in Arnold
KC Star: KC officers stopped at spot to eat before
protest - and told they were not welcome in their uniforms
Missourian Publisher Jon Rust: Facebook fraud leads to attacks on
local United Way, innocent woman; Keyboard warriors threaten to
"f-ck and burn" woman in defense of George Floyd
The Missouri Times op-ed: Missouri Farm Bureau's Blake
Hurst: San Francisco dicamba ruling ignores impact on Missouri's
farm economy
P-D letter: New Haven octogenarian wants mail-in
option for all elections, calls Gov. Parson, Jay Ashcroft and Eric
Schmitt "Trump's minions"
P-D letter: Chesterfield septuagenarians "appalled" by
Gov. Parson's position on coronavirus safeguards at polls
P-D letter: Troy man criticizes "progressive
buzzwords" in article about minority health caterwauling, says reporter
should have used "overweight and out of shape"
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Thursday, June 11, 2020
SNL: Stacey Abrams to speak at virtual Missouri Dems
convention; National heavyweight to kick off weekend event
SNL: NRA announces annual meeting will be held in
Springfield in September
Missourinet: Group wants feds to consider innovative
anti-flooding projects, including in Missouri
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Yinka Faleti
talks with Jason Rosenbaum about filling the Democratic ballot slot for
Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft's re-election
SNL: Eric Greitens files routine paperwork to maintain
campaign committee's "active" status
Missourinet: Missouri motorcycle helmet legislation is
still under review
P-D: Missouri's 'safety net' hospitals to receive $240
million in federal relief funds
JCNT: Missouri Department of Transportation cutting
employee pay
Missourinet: Missouri Enterprise's directory showcases
state's protective equipment makers
KWMU: St. Louis area residents can now get coronavirus
tests for free, even if they don't feel sick
The Missouri Times: Updated county-by-county list of
positive coronavirus cases
Missourinet: Missouri says 102 mental health workers
and 51 patients - out of 9,000 total - have tested positive for
SNL: For security, one Springfield store takes "no
masks allowed" stance
The Missouri Times: From attendance focus to special
session, DESE prepares for continued COVID-19 fallout
The Missouri Times: DESE extends charter school
sponsorships at 2 schools after evaluations
Missourinet: Missouri jury trials will look a little
different during pandemic
P-D: Franklin County newspaper publisher steps down
after apologizing for cartoon; Syndicated columnist Tom Siglich
says commentary on defund-police movement "was based solely on violent
crime numbers here in the U.S."
KWMU: Daily protest update: Protesters again
gather outside the home of Florissant Mayor Tim Lowery to yell, block
P-D: Daily protest update: Disruptions continue
in Florissant
AP: Officer fired after hurting suspect's ankle;
Suspects were in possession of drugs, were resisting arrest
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air: Missouri NAACP hopes
George Floyd momentum will resuscitate case of Tennessee man who died
in Missouri
P-D editorial: Dicamba ruling marks another Trump
Administration letdown for farmers
KC Star editorial: J.C. Nichols was a racist. Kansas
City shouldn't honor him with a fountain or a parkway.
P-D op-ed: William Cooper: Trump's
Hawley-inspired executive order
The Missouri Times op-ed: Eddy Justice: Support
our police, even as we attempt to improve policing
Washington Missourian's Bill Miller: I apologize for
running nationally-syndicated cartoon that hurt people's feelings
P-D letter: Consumers Council of Missouri's John
Coffman wants Gov. Parson to veto utility legislation
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Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Missourinet: Gov. Parson's Tuesday press briefing and
Q&A: dramatic increase in coronavirus testing in Missouri,
reaction to anti-police rhetoric, more
KC Star: Key metrics show new cases, positive rate
declining in Missouri
P-D: Gov. Parson appears poised to lift coronavirus
The Missouri Times: Updated county-by-county list of
positive coronavirus cases
Columbia Missourian: State health director applauds
Boone County's COVID-19 response
KMIZ: New coronavirus cases reported in Callaway County
St. Joseph News-Press: Blunt says lessons learned from
Ferguson in 2014 could be useful in changing police department policies
P-D: Gov. Parson, AG Eric Schmitt attend visitation
for retired police captain killed during St. Louis City rioting;
Career criminal Stephan Cannon, 24, was on probation when he shot David
The Missouri Times: Gov. Parson on 'defund the police'
calls: "Doing away with officers is not an answer"
Missourinet: Gov. Parson orders flag to fly at
half-staff in DeKalb County today to honor sheriff
Missourinet: Missouri Supreme Court rejects attempt to
have Medicaid expansion court case transferred to high court
AP: Federal appeals court axes Satanic Temple abortion
JCNT: State Capitol renovation about 90 percent done
AP: Across state legislatures, masks reveal partisan
split among lawmakers on coronavirus
Missourinet: Missouri works to avoid a K-12 funding
decline from coronavirus-inflicted attendance drop
JCNT: DESE creates task force to recover learning loss
AP: Feds seek $225 million fine for pair who made a
billion robocalls across Missouri and other states
JCNT: Missouri Department of Conservation webcast to
educate about wildlife-friendly backyards
The Missouri Times: Rep. Steven Roberts (D-St. Louis
City) proposes ban on police "chokeholds"
KC Star: Plan moves ahead to block charges against
P-D: Daily protest update: Crowd yells, blocks
traffic at busy Florissant intersection
Columbia Missourian: Daily protest update
P-D editorial: Springfield's Great Clips case shows
masks really help contain China virus contagion
KC Star editorial: Missouri should stop police
officers fired for misconduct from job-hopping
Gov. Parson is fighting the good fight, and is our version of Teddy
Roosevelt's "The Man in the Arena"
Phill Brooks: President Trump, Gov. Parson have
similar approach on COVID-19
Columbia Missourian op-ed: Missouri Sunshine
Coalition's Dennis Ellsworth: Public has a right to COVID-19 data
for long-term care facilities
KWMU's Chad Davis: Local freedom fighters risk
contracting coronavirus to join protests
JCNT letter: Jefferson City sexagenarian says expanded
mail-in voting "a sham"
P-D letter: St. Louis woman demands Post-Dispatch
reduce percentage of comic strips featuring white characters
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Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Missourinet: Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer says Missouri
could get federal help with depleting unemployment fund
Missourinet: Tropical Depression Cristobal expected to
bring heavy rain and possible flash flooding to parts of Missouri
AP: Cristobal to merge with new storm system after
lashing South
P-D: Missouri puts brakes on more road construction
projects amid pandemic
Missourian: Local medical marijuana dispensaries anticipate
opening this year despite coronavirus
The Missouri Times: Updated county-by-county list of
positive coronavirus cases
SNL: Three new local China virus cases reported
KC Star: Kansas City metro surpasses 5,000 coronavirus
cases, records 200th death
The Missouri Times: Missouri's motorcoach industry
remains parked throughout health crisis
SNL: No new COVID-19 cases after Great Clips concerns
AP: Greene County Health Department: No China
virus cases from Great Clips
This Week in Missouri Politics: House Superminority
Leader Crystal Quade (D-Springfield) talks with Scott Faughn about Gov.
Parson expanding absentee voting, more; St. Louis County
Elections Director Rick Stream (R) on absentee voting; St. Louis
County Executive Sam Page gives coronavirus virus updates
The Missouri Times: Medicaid expansion ballot measure
allowed to continue after appeals court ruling
AP: Missouri appeals court upholds Medicaid ballot
Missourinet: Riot reality: Luetkemeyer address
"defund police" protest theme, says Minnesota governor is "crazy
nutjob" and "extreme left-wing liberal"
Missourinet: Blunt, Clay weigh in on Democrats' police
KWMU: St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson lifts riot-induced
curfew, dismisses calls to defund police department
KMOV: Looters sought after stealing 3 cars from St.
Louis City dealership
P-D: Public defenders perform "die-in" stunt outside
federal courthouse
P-D: Daily protest update: St. Louis City,
P-D: Protest photo gallery: Protesters gather
outside Florissant mayor's home to scream, block traffic; Signs
include "F-ck these racist -ss police," other inspirational messages
Columbia Missourian: Daily protest update:
Evening march draws 70
Columbia Missourian: Vandals steal rims, other items
from cars up for veteran's donation
KC Star editorial: Kansas City should let "peaceful"
protesters off the hook and prohibit prosecution
Missourian's Adrienne Ross: My 4 unpopular perspectives as a
black woman amid protests: White people should stop apologizing,
worthlessness of "Black Lives Matter" catchphrase, more
Joplin Globe op-ed: Former state Sen. Marvin Singleton
(R-Joplin): Vote "no" on Cleaner Missouri
P-D letter: Bellefontaine Neighbors man wonders why
those who chastised Lake of the Ozarks partiers are not howling about
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Monday, June 8, 2020
Federal grant to make way for 30 temp jobs, train another 70 Missourians
(Moberly): U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R) talks economic
recovery, defense spending, supporting police in face of riot behavior,
takes calls live on air
Star: Health officials report no new deaths, an additional 58
coronavirus cases in KC metro
Analysis: Missouri's new vote-by-mail law
Fur flies over Missouri proposal to allow hunting of wild black bears
St. Louis City police investigate 4 shooting deaths on Sunday; No
rioting or looting in response reported
Charges filed in murder of black retired police captain shot during
looting; Stephan Cannon recently completed five-year probation
for felony assault and felony robbery
Daily protest update: St. Louis City, Florissant, Webster Groves
Daily protest update
Star: Daily protest update
Missourian: Daily protest update
Missourian: Black Lives Matter protest in Perryville
Hate crime alert: Black woman goes jogging, claims to return to
feces on her car and one (1) deflated tire: "I'm pretty sure (it
was a hate crime), with all that's going on."
Steve Pokin: Protesters instigate driver stuck in traffic, get a
glimpse of his gun
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Sunday, June 7, 2020
St. Joseph News-Press: Major flooding threat remains
low; levee concerns still high
Washington Missourian: State aid withholdings to
affect East Central College
JCNT: Lincoln University, State Tech take another
financial hit
Washington Missourian: Mercy reverses course on PDMP,
will ask for renewal
St. Joseph News-Press: As Missouri casinos recover,
rogue slots continue to thrive
Missourinet: DNR: Missouri's soil and
conservation tax has improved more than five million acres
KC Star: While some failed applicants complain,
Missouri Medicaid Cannabis Trade Association's Jack Cardetti says state
department "has gone out of their way to be open and accessible to all
Brownfield Ag News: Missouri Department of Agriculture
says proceed with dicamba, for now
St. Joseph News-Press: Missouri Department of
Conservation's Free Fishing Days begin
Columbia Missourian: Columbia protest speakers
complain about President Trump, police
Columbia Missourian: Photo gallery: Men without
masks congregate around bullhorn; Androgynous adult without mask
gets piggyback ride from man without mask; more
P-D: Arrest data provides demographic information on
P-D: Photo gallery: Protesters at Delmar march
display "This is AmeriKKKA" sign, defaced American flag, etc.
KWMU: Police in riot gear succeed in keeping
protesters off I-70 in St. Charles
P-D: "Kirkwood Teachers of Color" execute
demonstration in Kirkwood
KC Star: City Hall protest calls for defunding of
KC Star: "White Coats for Black Lives": UMKC
health care workers and students gather to weep, complain
SNL: No violence against police or vandalism reported
at Springfield protest
SNL: Photo gallery: Photos of crowd members
shouting, screaming without China virus masks
Washington Missourian: Planned protests will forces
city to temporarily close roads
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Saturday, June 6, 2020
The Missouri Times: Missouri's general revenue report
shows drastic decreases in 1 year span
SNL: Missouri health officials tout medical marijuana
program's first year in annual report
Missourian: 500 sign up for virus testing in Cape; DHSS had
waiting list for test
Columbia Missourian: State extends community COVID-19
testing to 21 counties
The Missouri Times: Updated county-by-county list of
positive coronavirus cases
KWMU: More than 250 Missouri nursing home residents
have died from China virus
P-D: More than 300 nursing home residents in St. Louis
County have died of China virus, county says
Missourian: One local COVID-19 case connected to Lake of the
Ozarks party
KC Star: Attorney: Missouri teen's video was
'innocent horseplay,' not mockery of George Floyd: MU suspended
incoming freshman after online mob howled
Missourian: Missouri winning 'war' on feral hogs, officials say
KFVS: Black bear spotted in Carter County;
Missouri Department of Conservation asks citizens to report sightings
of wild animals
KWMU: Friday traffic disruptions: Black
Transgender Lives Matter, "a Soul Train-style dance line," etc.
P-D: Photo gallery: West St. Louis County
traffic disruptions: Police check on obese woman, exhausted by
slow march, resting roadside on hindquarters; More
KC Star: Kansas City police block traffic as
demonstrators stomp around Country Club Plaza
KC Star: Hundreds march to KCPD's East Patrol station
as protests continue
SNL: Businesses brace for weekend's protest
activities, hope for civilized behavior
The Missouri Times: Missouri NAACP hopes George Floyd
hysteria will bring attention to 2017 Missouri case
KC Star editorial: Is KC 'better than this'?
Protests must inspire local action to combat racial injustice
The Missouri Times op-ed: Missouri Farm Bureau's Eric
Bohl: Sen. Josh Hawley, AG Eric Schmitt standing up for
Missouri's meat producers and consumers
SNL op-ed: Area doctor prescribes absentee voting in
KC Star op-ed: Missouri NEA's Andy Slaughter: In
China virus era, Missouri's schools, nurses and first responders face a
funding crisis
Messenger: WNBA "star" Maya Moore upset AG Eric
Schmitt won't support letting Missouri burglar/assailant Jonathan Irons
out of prison
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Friday, June 5, 2020
KWMU: Jill Biden and Hillary Clinton campaign
virtually in Missouri for Joe Biden
SNL: 300 Missouri National Guard members headed to
D.C. amid riots
P-D: Family, police officers gather to remember black
retired police captain killed in St. Louis City looting
P-D: Photo gallery: Protesters disrupt traffic
on major area roads: Large woman rides atop small moving car
whilst holding upside-down American flag, more
P-D: Photo gallery: Protesters scream at
National Guard, police officers
KWMU: Protesters block traffic in Richmond Heights
KC Star: Protest scheduled for today in Kansas City
KC Star: As protests continue, Kansas City mayor
unveils new police oversight measures
Missourinet: Blunt, Clay and Cleaver push for U.S.
Attorney William Barr to allow review of local police practices
P-D: Missouri sees nearly 300 new coronavirus cases,
biggest jump since early May
P-D: Federal data: At least 253 Missouri nursing
home residents dead from China virus
Missourinet: White House to announce COVID-19 vaccine
developers this week, Blunt says
The Missouri Times: Gov. Parson signs bill expanding
voting methods during coronavirus into law
Missourinet: Gov. Parson signs plan expanding absentee
voting during coronavirus outbreak
KWMU: Gov. Parson signs bill making voting easier in
AP: New Missouri law expands absentee voting during
JCNT: Gov. Parson outlines Missouri's economic
priorities going forward
Columbia Missourian: Gov. Parson's economic recovery
goals hinge on public safety
P-D: Missouri jobless claims top 20,000 last week, but
dip again
Missourinet: Missouri triggers extended unemployment
Missourinet: Sen. Hawley on Small Business
Administration: "I think it's time to consider some new
KWMU: Missouri S&T will close $32 million deficit
with layoffs and furloughs
Missourinet: Census field operations underway in rural
Columbia Missourian: Corps of Engineers sees little
Missouri River flood threat
St. Joseph News-Press: Governor's panel releases flood
recovery report
KWMU: Advisory group appointed by Gov. Parson releases
report calling for strengthening levees, other structures that control
Missourinet: Ameren announces a COVID-19 clean slate
program for utility balances
P-D editorial: Kim Gardner's actions earn a
well-deserved rebuke from AG Eric Schmitt
P-D op-ed: Blake Ashby: First-hand account of
77-year-old white woman punched by Ferguson rioter
P-D letter: Retired FBI agent says Tony Messenger's
portrayal of police assailant Michael Brown paints distorted picture
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Thursday, June 4, 2020
KWMU: Blunt wants to step up Justice Department
oversight of police departments
JCNT: Gov. Parson clarifies role of National Guard in
responding to civil unrest
The Missouri Times: Missouri to send National Guard
troops to D.C.
Missourinet: Missouri National Guard soliders
responding to riots in D.C.
AP: Missouri National Guard headed to D.C.
P-D: AG Eric Schmitt criticizes St Louis City
prosecutor after looters and rioters released from jail
P-D: St. Louis police union says it has lost faith in
chief, asks governor to intervene
AP: Black leaders in Kansas City seek police chief's
P-D: Feds follow Facebook trail to make arrest in
Affton pawn shop gun theft; Davonte Coffie, 19, planned heist on
social media, then posted pics of stolen guns and cash
AP: 19-year-old who stole guns from pawn shop
attempted to sell them on Facebook
P-D: Police identify rioter killed during looting of
FedEx truck: Barry Perkins, 29, of North St. Louis County's
Glasgow Village
AP: Family of rioter blames FedEx for death during
truck looting
KWMU: St. Charles officials allow for protest on
Highway 94
P-D: Multiple rallies held across St. Louis area on
Wednesday; Zero cops shot or businesses looted
SNL: Photo gallery: Protest outside Greene
County jail and courthouse draws 50: Zero officers attacked or
buildings vandalized
Columbia Missourian: Local activists plan weekend
action, including late-night event Saturday
The Missouri Times: Gov. Parson doesn't plan to move
up Missouri's reopening phases
Columbia Missourian: Gov. Parson touts benefits of
increased China virus testing
Missourinet: DHSS: No additional coronavirus
cases popped up from Lake of the Ozarks holiday partying
P-D: No new China virus cases from Lake of the Ozarks
crowds, Missouri health director says
KWMU: Charts: Missouri's Wuhan virus
numbers: Urban vs. rural areas, Missouri vs. Illinois
JCNT: Person who was in Truman Building tests positive
for COVID-19
Joplin Globe: Number rises for area virus cases,
The Missouri Times: State does not require restaurants
to report positive COVID-19 cases
Missourinet: Missouri's 'last responders' facing major
challenges during coronavirus outbreak
AP: Ex-UAW president pleads guilty to living high life
on member dues; Gary Jones falsified expenses from 2012-2017 when
he was St. Louis regional UAW boss
The Missouri Times: Medicaid expansion lawsuits fail -
but at least one appeal coming
St. Joseph News-Press: Gov. Parson pulls more than
$1.2 million out of St. Joseph School District funding
P-D editorial: GOP in Missouri and across the country
want to tamp down the vote
Faughn: The politically correct's war on common
sense; Thoughts on coronavirus and civil forfeiture laws
KC Star letter: KC sexagenarian "disgusted" by Gov.
Parson and annoyed that polling location was moved
P-D letter: St. Louis septuagenarian lists grievances
with Missouri's elected officials: taxes too low, "income
inequality," etc.
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Wednesday, June 3, 2020
The Missouri Times: Gov. Parson vows Missouri will be
state to make violence amid riots come to an end
JCNT: Gov. Parson on rioting: "We're going to
put an end to it."
AP: Gov. Parson on violent rioters: "No, they're
not protesters ... they're criminals and they're thugs and they need to
be held accountable, and hopefully they'll get hunted down."
SNL: Gov. Parson says he'll call up more than 1,000
troops to 'stop the violence'
Missourinet: Gov. Parson to boost Missouri National
Guard response to riots
KWMU: Gov. Parson calls in more National Guard after
violent night in St. Louis
KWMU: Rep. Rasheen Aldridge (D-St. Louis City) says
National Guard "is gonna bring back a lot of the trauma we are still
dealing with" since 2014 Ferguson riots
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air: Rep. Rasheen
Aldridge (D-St. Louis City) promotes five-point anti-crime plan:
Defunding police departments, disarming officers, paying reparations,
other realistic proposals
KWMU: Retired St. Louis police captain killed
protecting business from looting
AP: Police: Retired St. Louis police captain
killed during store looting
P-D: Black police captain shot to death at St. Louis
pawn shop in slaying caught on Facebook Live
KC Star: University of Missouri suspends Lee's Summit
teen for Snapchat video; MU Interim Chancellor Mun Choi says
activists "felt hurt and dehumanized" by 14-second clip
P-D: St. Louis businesses despair, reopen, after more
than 70 hit by looters
P-D: Live updates: Minimal disturbances Tuesday
night near riot hotspots
KWMU: During break from riots, Ferguson elects first
black mayor
KWMU: St. Louis-area voters cast first ballots during
AP: Missouri Medicaid expansion proposal survives
AP: China virus outbreak at KC paper plant infects
The Missouri Times: Updated county-by-county list of
positive coronavirus cases
The Missouri Times: Updated numbers: Coronavirus
cases among Missouri prisoners, staff
KWMU: New Missouri law allows families to place
cameras inside nursing homes
The Missouri Times: Coalition of organizations oppose
omnibus crime bill
Missourinet: Rep. Warren Love (R-Osceola) hopeful that
Missouri will get cattle slaughter facility
KC Star: Missouri Supreme Court rules that KC Chiefs
don't owe $1M in back taxes
AP: Missouri Sheriffs' Association pokes holes in
traffic-stops report, says officers cannot identify race of drivers
before pulling them over
Missourinet: Missouri ACLU weighs in on traffic stops
JCNT editorial: Gov. Parson right to deploy National
Guard to protests
P-D editorial: Violence in protests is morally wrong
and strategically counterproductive
P-D op-ed: Freedom Center of Missouri's Dave
Roland: Gov. Parson should call special session for victims of
constitutional violations
KC Star's Katie Bernard: Tips for KC street
protests: what to bring, what to wear
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Tuesday, June 2, 2020
4 police officers shot during long night of rioting in St. Louis City
Photo gallery: Looting, shootings, arson in St. Louis City
Four St. Louis police shot during riots
Police order looters to exit a store they were ransacking
Protesters march in St. Charles County; Zero
cops shot or businesses looted
Some Ferguson leaders hope protestors find another host for mayhem
Riots, attacks on police continue in St. Louis City and Kansas
City; AG Eric Schmitt gives details on arrests for explosive
devices, riot organizing
KCPD arrests more than 20 people after riots escalate Monday
night; Cops confiscate rioters' bags of rocks, urine
Star: 'Heartbreaking': Kansas City's Plaza shops reel from
China virus, and now looters
Four looters charged with theft: Donzell Davis, Damien Smith,
Raven Moses, Richard Black
Jefferson City protest crowd disperses after fight breaks out
Jefferson City protest marchers break two storefront windows, throw
bottles at police, engage in "continual verbal taunting of police"
Protests continue as city officials say they 'must be conducted
Missourian: Protesters use bricks, rocks to disrupt traffic in
Blunt issues statement on protests
Gov. Parson orders $209 more in budget cuts, attributes freeze to
Gov. Parson announces $210 million in additional budget restrictions
Gov. Parson cuts $209M from budget because of coronavirus
Gov. Parson cuts $209 million in planned spending, addresses riots
letter: Ladue doctor notes story's inaccuracy regarding absentee
ballot notary requirement
letter: St. Louis County sexagenarian wonders why protesters
don't seem to care about daily black-on-black violence
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Monday, June 1, 2020
June 2019
Missouri political news headlines
June 2018
Missouri political news headlines
June 2017
Missouri political news headlines
June 2016
Missouri political news headlines
June 2015
Missouri political news headlines
SNL: Gov. Parson declares state of emergency, citing
'civil unrest' in KC, STL riots
P-D: Live riot updates: Mobs in Richmond
Heights, Ferguson attack police officers; Ferguson rioters
vandalize local brewery; More
P-D: Riot photo gallery: Mob launches fireworks,
taunts police officers
KWMU: Protesters ignore curfew in Ferguson, launch
fireworks and other projectiles at police officers
KMBC: Live riot updates: Mob throws rocks at
female reporter, sets fire to news vehicle; Police fend off
crowd's bottles, rocks; More
KSHB: News vehicles vandalized, set on fire during
rioting; Mob throws rocks, bricks at reporters
KC Star: 'Disappointed:' Mayor Lucas says he's
frustrated as rioters attack police officers, destroy property
P-D: Ferguson's minority small business owners spend
Sunday morning picking up the pieces after riots
SNL: Springfield march features no vandalism or
attacks on police officers
Missourian: Local demonstrators express solidarity with Black
Lives Matter movement; Open-mic event highlights lamentations on
'white privilege,' other travesties; No businesses destroyed or
officers attacked
Columbia Missourian: Columbia march draws fewer than
60; Small crowd remains civilized
St. Joseph News-Press: Protest at police headquarters
draws fewer than 30; No news reporters or police officers attacked
Missourinet: Lacy Clay wants investigation into
Minneapolis Police Department
P-D: Area counties begin coronavirus relief
programs; Comments from Gov. Parson
KWMU: Federal coronavirus money could help St. Louis
County cities with public safety costs
SNL: 70 soldiers and trainees at Fort Leonard Wood
test positive for COVID-19
P-D editorial: Virus fears fail to sway President
Trump, Gov. Parson, SOS Jay Ashcroft from in-person voting mandate
KC Star editorial: KC police's use of tear gas, pepper
spray to blame for violence
SNL letter: Fair Grove sexagenarian wants Medicaid
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