Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Missourian: U.S. Rep. Jason Smith accuses Biden of "bait and
switch" on infrastructure deal
KC Star: Josh Hawley, Cori Bush offer divergent
visions of policing with federal dollars
P-D: Cori Bush proposal would spend $10 billion on
social workers, other "alternatives" to policing
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air with Sarah Fenske:
Cori Bush on creating a new federal make-work agency for "social
workers and therapists and counselors"
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air with Sarah Fenske
preview: How to argue, and win, against people who decline the
China virus vaccine
The Missouri Times: This Week in Missouri Politics
recap: Sen. Dan Hegeman (R-Cosby) and panel discuss FRA and more
The Missouri Times: J. Eggleston announces state
Senate bid
Missouri Independent: Cole County judge blocks changes
in Medicaid payments to Missouri hospitals
The Missouri Times: Medicaid expansion lawsuit heads
to Missouri Supreme Court
SNL: Missouri Supreme Court to hear Medicaid expansion
arguments July 13
KMIZ: Missouri House prepares for expedited committee
hearing; Comments from "Rep. Betsy Folge [sic]"
P-D: Sen. Jeanie Riddle (R-Mokane) hosted female
lawmakers for policy discussion last week
KC Star: Rowden, Schatz seek to deliver "knockout
punch" to Planned Parenthood state funding
KCUR: Moms Demand Action, Democratic lawmakers, others
criticize Second Amendment Preservation Act
KWMU: Grain Belt Express moving forward with land
KC Star editorial: With Delta variant spiking in
Missouri, those who got J&J vaccine may need a booster
SNL op-ed: Former Nixa and Springfield Public Schools
Superintendent Stephen Kleinsmith: 'No' on HB 349, as public
funding should go to public schools
KC Star's Mara Rose Williams: Very few teachers are
signing up for paid Critical Race Theory training, and Missouri state
legislators are to blame
P-D letter: Ladue sexagenarian wants statewide
campaign encouraging condom use
P-D letter: Fenton octogenarian wants state
legislators to stop disagreeing with each other
Monday, June 28, 2021
Missourian: Family, former employees gather to honor life and
legacy of Bill Emerson
Missourinet: Former Rep. Brian Baker (R-Belton) passes
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air with Sarah Fenske
preview: Cori Bush; Wash U. "Professor of Social Welfare"
to promote new book on poverty
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air with Sarah Fenske weekly
schedule: Monday discussion with Cori Bush; Tuesday
discourse on removing statues of white men; Thursday "pandemic
reflections" from Wu Flu guru Dr. Alex Garza; more
This Week in Missouri Politics: Sen. Dan Hegeman
(R-Cosby) talks with Scott Faughn about FRA, GOP's long-term
accomplishments, state's economy, COVID, rural broadband; Panel
of The Missouri Times' Kaitlyn Schallhorn, Sen. Mike Moon (R-Ash Grove)
and NARAL's Mallory Schwarz on FRA, abortion, more
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Rep. Phil
Christofanelli (R-St. Peters) talks with Jason Rosenbaum about
Empowerment Scholarship Accounts, special session and FRA, more
SNL's Galen Bacharier: Event promo: Come join
the League of Women Voters for a "nonpartisan" meeting to advocate for
"fair maps"
Missourinet: FRA extension legislation goes to
Missouri House committee on Tuesday; Full House convenes Wednesday
JCNT: Panel ready to OK 5-year transportation plan for
Missouri Independent: Judge rejects residency
requirement for Missouri medical marijuana licenses
CDT: Newspaper finds someone to take managing editor
job: 26-year-old Kevin Graeler, who became paper's sports editor
in 2019, now in charge of newsroom
P-D: State, regional China virus update
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: FRA renewal becomes
an alarming game of chicken
P-D editorial: Missouri's lottery needs more
advertising dollars and less illegal competition
KC Star's Hurubie Meko: "Missouri Gun Violence"
advocacy series, sponsored by Missouri Foundation for Health and Report
for America: Missouri Senate Republicans killed bill that would
have helped urban gardeners
P-D letter: Hannibal sexagenarian supports Biden's
push for gun control, opposes Missouri's Second Amendment Preservation
P-D letter: Laguna Beach, California septuagenarian
visits friends in St. Louis, disagrees with state's approach to China,
2nd Amendment, Medicaid, other issues
P-D letter: Wash U. Med School student unhappy with
state legislators over Medicaid expansion funding
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Joplin Globe: Billy Long on U.S. Senate
announcement: "I'm definitely making preparations"; Bill
White seeking second term in Missouri Senate
Missourian: Photo: Bill Emerson 25th anniversary memorial
dinner: Peter Kinder, others gather to remember late congressman
The Missouri Times: Capitol Briefs: 3 Webster
University alumni tapped by Biden administration
KC Star: Kansas Citians celebrate at Saturday's Pride
on the Vine; 15-year-old girl poses for pictures, enjoys
spotlight since declaring herself "pansexual" in seventh grade
Columbia Missourian: Missouri lawmakers have
introduced six bills to keep men from competing in women's
sports; Former NFL practice squad member Michael Sam discusses
media adulation after coming out as gay
P-D editorial: In special session, state lawmakers
seek to pile cruelty upon cruelty
JCNT editorial: AG Eric Schmitt chooses governor over
P-D's Bill McClellan: With McCloskey verdict, St.
Louisans denied another show trial
P-D's Aisha Sultan: Fan mail: St. Louis man
seeks and receives female columnist's attention and validation for
sending mock "bill" to Gov. Parson over vaccine-trip mileage;
other cute self-affirming anecdotes
KC Star letter: Liberty septuagenarian says that Sam
Graves cares only about the rich
P-D letter: St. Louis woman opposes GOP lawmakers'
pro-life stance, attempts analogy comparing abortion procedure to a
P-D letter: Creve Coeur sexagenarian says Second
Amendment Preservation Act appeals only to GOP's "ill-informed and
rabid base"
P-D letter: St. Louis County sexagenarian opposes
Second Amendment Preservation Act, attempts "defund the police"
P-D letter: Chesterfield man "mad as hell" about
Second Amendment Preservation Act, says next step is GOP legislators
"shooting their fellow Democratic lawmakers"
Saturday, June 26, 2021
The Missouri Times: Capitol Briefs: Blunt,
Hawley oppose ATF pistol brace rule
Missourinet: Hawley praises progress on Fort Leonard
Wood hospital project, backs Biden Administration's budget request for
KC Star: Cleaver laments lack of funding for
affordable housing in Biden's infrastructure deal
KC Star: Liberal group targets Josh Hawley's
sister; Springfield police investigating harassment at Lesley
Hawley's medical clinic
P-D: Feds threaten sanctions if Missouri ends
emissions testing in suburban St. Louis counties
P-D: Longtime Missouri political consultant David
Barklage expected to plead guilty to felony tax charge
KC Star: Profile: Sen. Bob Onder (R-Lake Saint
The Missouri Times: As thunderstorm descended upon
Capitol, Republicans scrambled to reach deal on FRA reauthorization
The Missouri Times: Bipartisan group of women find
common ground on contraceptive language
Missouri Independent: Missouri Senate approves FRA,
rejects push to ban Planned Parenthood from Medicaid
AP: Bill to renew key Missouri Medicaid funding tax
P-D: Missouri Senate breaks impasse over Medicaid and
abortion funding
KC Star: Missouri Senate renews crucial tax
SNL: Missouri Housing Development Commission teams up
with Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri to distribute
rental-assistance handouts
Missouri Independent: After February blackouts, energy
companies gear up for high summer demand
Brownfield Ag News: FFA students gain advocacy
experience at Missouri Capitol
Missouri Independent: Federal judge grants release to
Missouri man in prison for marijuana crimes
Missouri Independent: DHSS says it aims to share data
on China virus uptick without agitating "mass hysteria"
KC Star editorial: Is Gov. Parson innocent? You know,
we're just not sure
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Law or no law,
motorcyclists should wear a helmet
P-D editorial brief: On Jim Bakker and Eric Schmitt
P-D letter: University City sexagenarian offers litany
of complaints about GOP state lawmakers, says they are "poorly
educated" and "lack creativity and spine"
P-D letter: Spanish Lake septuagenarian responds to
June 18 letter responding to June 11 letter responding to June 8 story,
attempts analogy comparing reindeer to vote fraud
Friday, June 25, 2021
St. Joseph News-Press: Hawley unveils plan to put
100,000 new officers on the street
Heartlander News: Sen. Hawley introduces legislative
agenda focused on supporting and protecting law enforcement
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Jason
Rosenbaum discusses 2022 GOP U.S. Senate primary with KC Star reporters
P-D: Decision on whether to remove prosecutor from
Greitens perjury case coming next week
The Missouri Times: Capitol Briefs: Branson
receives $3 million grant for flood wall
The Missouri Times: Two FRA bills advance from
Missouri Independent: Missouri Senate set to debate
dueling bills extending tax crucial to Medicaid funding
Missouri Independent: Divide among Missouri
Republicans threatens to upend special session on Medicaid tax
Columbia Missourian: Missouri Senate convenes for
first day of special session
SNL: Missouri special session opens with disagreement
on abortion, contraceptives
The Missouri Times: Legislators criticize overreach at
Missouri Housing Development Commission
P-D: Missouri Housing Development Commission enlists
help from social service agencies to hand out $300 million in rental
The Missouri Times: Capitol Briefs: Missouri
Lottery reports $377 million for education in record year
Missourinet: Four-part series on Jobs for America's
Graduates-Missouri: Part Four: High school graduation
program turns Missouri student's life around
The Missouri Times: Missouri's first electric vehicle
station funded through environmental mitigation fund unveiled in
Kingdom City
Missourinet: State's Volkswagen settlement funding
electric vehicle charging stations at busy rural Missouri interchanges
Columbia Missourian: State-funded electric vehicle
charging station to open in Columbia
JCNT: FFA students hold mock hearings before
KWMU: Women's group creates task force to address "pay
equity," etc.
P-D: State, regional China virus update
P-D editorial board: "Up for Discussion" video
series: U.S. Rep. Vicky Hartzler talks with Editorial Page Editor
Tod Robberson about China's military threat
Joplin Globe editorial: Medicaid expansion decision is
deeply disappointing
P-D's Aisha Sultan: Republican lawmakers want your
IUD, and it's creepy as hell
KC Star's Jonathan Shorman: GOP state senators receive
"remedial sex education," get owned by Democrats' clever one-liners
KC Star's Luke Nozicka: Gov. Parson unsure if Kevin
Strickland is innocent. Here's why he is.
Thursday, June 24, 2021
KC Star: With backing from Roy Blunt, Robin Carnahan
wins approval to lead GSA
The Missouri Times: St. Louis City joins Biden's
effort on urban "public safety," gun control
The Missouri Times: Rep. Nick Schroer (R-O'Fallon)
launches state Senate campaign
The Missouri Times: Capitol Briefs: Rep. Phil
Christofanelli (R-St. Peters) named ALEC state legislator of the month
Washington Missourian: Newspaper shutting down
downtown office; Staff moving into printing headquarters
KWMU: Court rejects effort to revive Missouri Medicaid
expansion, but the legal fight is just beginning
The Missouri Times: Missouri does not need to expand
Medicaid program July 1, judge rules
Missourinet: Missouri Medicaid expansion lawsuit case
heading to Court of Appeals or Missouri Supreme Court after Beetem
Missouri Independent: Judge strikes down Missouri
Medicaid expansion as unconstitutional
KC Star: Judge rules against Medicaid expansion in
P-D: Missouri judge strikes down Medicaid expansion
The Missouri Times: Senate proposes multiple FRA
reauthorization bills; Missouri Right to Life opposes separating
out pro-life language
KWMU: Missouri special session on funding Medicaid
starts, but the debate hasn't changed
KCUR: Up to Date: Sen. Bob Onder (R-Lake Saint
Louis), Missouri Independent's Jason Hancock on FRA
Missouri Independent: Contraceptives, Planned
Parenthood dominate debate as Missouri Senate returns to Capitol
Washington Missourian: GOP Reps. Aaron Griesheimer,
John Simmons weigh in on special session
KRES/KWIX: MACC president says FRA fight could affect
higher education
Missourinet: Four-part series on Jobs for America's
Graduates-Missouri; Part Three: JAG program transforms
Missouri student
P-D: With gaming machines spread through Missouri,
lottery officials concerned about revenue loss
The Missouri Times: PSC estimates $22 million in
expenses for FY22
The Missouri Times: PSC progresses cold snap complaint
Missouri Independent: Missouri Coalition for the
Environment wants MO DNR to delay then deny Smithfield permit
SNL: Jim Bakker Show settles China virus 'cure'
lawsuit with AG Eric Schmitt's office; Televangelist represented
by former Gov. Jay Nixon
Missourinet: View Missouri's latest COVID-19 state
profile report
AP: Missouri sees bump in COVID cases; Vaccine
advocates say Fox News, "stubbornness" to blame
P-D: Exalted COVID doctor, teacher, and life coach
Alex Garza deployed to Kuwait, gives heroic "final warning" about China
KC Star editorial: Sen. Hawley, hiring more cops won't
bring down murder rate without gun convictions
KC Star's Jonathan Shorman: "Missouri Republican
Party's far-right wing," empowered by GOP control, seeks more
ideological victories
P-D letter: St. Louis man demonstrates ability to read
minds, says Roy Blunt opposed voting bill because Georgia
superheavyweight Stacey Abrams supported it
Wednesday, June 23,
KC Star: Hawley led opposition to Biden nominee who
supports critical race theory
The Missouri Times: Capitol Briefs: Schmitt
urges Congress to keep Hyde Amendment in budget
The Missouri Times: Gov. Parson joins push to release
2020 Census redistricting data early
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Rep. Tracy
McCreery (D-Olivette) talks with Jo Mannies and Jason Rosenbaum about
FRA, new congressional districts, state Senate bid, more
JCNT: Gov. Parson calls special session to extend
Medicaid funding tax
KWMU: Gov. Parson calls special session on critical
Medicaid tax
The Missouri Times: Gov. Parson calls lawmakers in for
FRA special session; conservatives unhappy with strength of
pro-life language
Missouri Independent: Gov. Parson calls special
session, setting up debate on contraceptives, Planned Parenthood
Missourinet: Senate President Pro Tem Dave Schatz
(R-Sullivan), Senate Minority Leader John Rizzo (D-Independence) weigh
in on special session
SNL: Gov. Parson calls special session for Medicaid tax
P-D: Gov. Parson calls special session on Medicaid
tax; debate on abortion looms
KC Star: Gov. Parson calls for Medicaid special session
P-D: State Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick calls for
expanding program that boosts low-income housing tax credit pricing
Missourinet: Four-part series on Jobs for America's
Graduates-Missouri: Part Two: Missouri First Family's
support runs deep for high school graduation program
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air with Sarah Fenske:
Missouri motorcyclists see big spike in deaths; Missouri
Republicans to blame
P-D: New DHSS director could be named within next 30
KC Star: DHSS tracking shows Delta variant of China
virus in some Kansas City area wastewater facilities
Washington Missourian editorial: Census Bureau data
shows Franklin County with "modest" growth while St. Louisans flee
urban core
KC Star editorial: Medicaid funding at risk in
Missouri, amid epic bumbling and indifference
P-D editorial: Amid leadership vacuum, southwest
Missouri tops nation in new China virus cases
Joplin Globe editorial: While calling vaccine skeptics
"stubborn," CoxHealth CEO takes "parting shot" at Fox News and Tucker
P-D op-ed: U.S. Rep. Vicky Hartzler: President
Biden's budget fails St. Louis and our F-18 fleet. Here's how.
P-D letter: Maryland Heights sexagenarian triggered by
Mark McCloskey's "cavalier" attitude toward misdemeanor
KC Star letter: Parkville octogenarian says white GOP
state lawmakers who support KC police legislation are racist
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
St. Joseph News-Press: Correction to redistricting
article: "Rep. Wagner won her seat by almost 29,000 votes, not
the 115 previously stated in this article."
The Missouri Times: This Week in Missouri Politics
recap: Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas, Sen. John Rizzo
The Missouri Times: Kit Bond Strategies rebrands as
"KBS Group," adds John Shimkus to team
The Missouri Times: Gov. Parson denounces FRA battle,
'narrow political interests'
KWMU: Missouri special session on critical Medicaid
tax still elusive
Missouri Independent: Gov. Parson says he'll slash
budget if lawmakers don't strike deal on FRA soon
JCNT: Gov. Parson sets deadline for Medicaid funding
Missourinet: With no FRA deal on the horizon, Gov.
Parson threatens to freeze $722 million in next Missouri budget
P-D: Gov. Parson threatens lawmakers with big budget
cuts over budget impasse
KC Star: Gov. Parson's ultimatum to lawmakers:
deep cuts if Medicaid tax not renewed
The Missouri Times: Judge hears arguments in Medicaid
expansion suit, decision expected this week
Missourinet: Lawyers on both sides of Missouri's
Medicaid expansion lawsuit disagree over whether lawmakers funded
Medicaid expansion
KC Star: Missouri Medicaid expansion gets its day in
court as July 1 deadline looms
SNL: Legal battle of Missouri Medicaid expansion begins
St. Joseph News-Press: Local state lawmakers weigh in
on FRA, Medicaid expansion, Second Amendment Preservation Act
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air with Sarah Fenske:
Planned Parenthood reps on why Missouri Republicans are wrong about
abortion pill and birth control
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air with Sarah Fenske
preview: Moms Demand Action reps to promote "traveling outdoor
exhibit," criticize Gov. Parson and GOP lawmakers
The Missouri Times: St. Louis City, St. Louis County
sue to stop Second Amendment Preservation Act
KWMU: Jones, Page take SAPA to court
P-D: St. Louis City, St. Louis County sue to block
Second Amendment Preservation Act
KC Star: Jackson County Executive Frank White hopes to
glom onto St. Louis lawsuit over Second Amendment rights
Missourian: Local public defender office to expand;
understaffed for years, state director says
JCNT: Prescribed Burning Act set to become Missouri law
Missourinet: Four-part series on Jobs for America's
Graduates-Missouri: Part One: JAG has great success in
helping at-risk students graduate from high school
KC Star: New York Times says Missouri leads the nation
in highest rate of new China virus infections
JCNT editorial: Celebrating the anniversary of the
Missouri Governor's Mansion
KC Star editorial: Missouri politicians said COVID
fight was socialism - now we're No. 1 in new cases
The Missouri Times op-ed: Conner Kerrigan:
Handicapping the GOP U.S. Senate primary, and advice for candidates
The Missouri Times letter: Missouri Right to Life's
Susan Klein: Pro-life language must be included in FRA renewal
Missouri Independent op-ed: Conner Kerrigan:
Don't vote to legalize marijuana without including automatic expungement
KC Star's Jeanne Kuang and Katie Bernard: When COVID
hit, KC area officials moved fast - then Missouri Republicans changed
the law
KC Star letters: Kansas City woman wants Gov. Parson
to pardon Kevin Strickland, compares governor to Texas' 1865
pro-slavery officials; "Women's Voices Raised for Social Justice"
sexagenarian wants to loosen voting standards
Monday, June 21, 2021
This Week in Missouri Politics: Kansas City Mayor
Quinton Lucas talks with Scott Faughn about defunding the police,
collaboration with St. Louis City, COVID restrictions, more;
Senate Minority Leader John Rizzo (D-Independence) on FRA, Second
Amendment Preservation Act, Jay Nixon for U.S. Senate, more
St. Joseph News-Press: Missouri set for redistricting
battle; Ann Wagner "won her race by only 115 votes"
Ann Wagner wins 2018 re-election by 15,000 votes, wins 2020 re-election
by 29,000 votes
Missouri Independent: Will Missouri expand
Medicaid? Lawsuit heads to trial today to answer that question
Missourinet: July hearing set for Missouri House
committee vetting stimulus dollars; September special session
possible on Biden stimulus
Missourinet: Rural cooperatives and Missouri Farm
Bureau to testify at next Missouri House broadband committee hearing
Missourinet: Missouri Public Defender System prepares
for largest staffing increase since 1989
St. Joseph News-Press: Grain Belt Express power line
looks to move forward
Missouri Independent: Missouri prison health care
contract won by company accused of bid-rigging in Tennessee
P-D editorial: The Republican party's 'law and order'
mantra has lost all credibility
SNL op-ed: What is the "Right to Repair" and how does
it affect farmers?
P-D letter: League of Women Voters septuagenarian
complains about current election laws, says rules discriminate against
minorities, women, the poor, other helpless citizens
P-D letter: Barnhart sexagenarian expresses anger over
GOP lawmakers' support for 'guns and religion'
P-D letter: Maplewood sexagenarian demonstrates
ability to read state lawmakers' minds, says Second Amendment
Preservation Act is secretly "a nod to Gen. Robert E. Lee"
Sunday, June 20,
2021 Father's Day
P-D: Cori Bush renews call for new race-specific
government handouts: "We need reparations now ... I'm fighting
for reparations that look like cash"
P-D: Photo gallery: Rally draws "over 50"
attendees: Morbidly obese women and their future caretakers
gather downtown for group waddle to Mississippi River
KC Star: Photo gallery: Obese woman tries on
"waist trainer" at holiday swap meet; Man beats drumsticks on
5-gallon Home Depot bucket for spare change; other inspirational
SNL: Photo gallery: Morbidly obese men and women
barbecue hot dogs at "T-Mobile Diverity [sic], Equity and Inclusion Team"
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air with Sarah Fenske weekly
schedule: Monday discussion on U.S. Senate primary, and why
Missouri Republicans are wrong on FRA; Tuesday discussion on why
Missouri Republicans are wrong on gun control; other balanced
JCNT: Corrections department wrangling with severe
staffing shortages in some prisons, officials say
P-D: Missouri blip in China virus cases over 7 days
ranked highest in nation
KRES/KWIX: Missouri Department of Conservation
offering firearms safety workshop in Kirksville
P-D editorial: In plea bargain, gun-toting McCloskeys
provide more than enough justification for disbarment
KC Star's Bryan Lowry and Jonathan Shorman: Missouri's
GOP U.S. Senate candidates damage democracy
KC Star letter: Troy woman submits form letter in
support of National Popular Vote Bill
National Popular Vote group: Here's a form letter
template to customize for your state newspapers
SNL letter: Springfield sexagenarian mocks Missouri's
limited-government ethos, calls state "Missouri FreeDumb World"
P-D letter: Town and Country septuagenarian couple
says state lawmakers who oppose funding Medicaid expansion are
"unchristian [sic]"
Saturday, June 19, 2021
The Missouri Times: American Conservative Union
recognizes Billy Long, Jason Smith for scoring 93 in group's
ratings; Blaine Luetkemeyer (85) and Sam Graves (82) also
KC Star: Cleaver weighs in on new federal holiday
KWMU: Medicaid expansion fans and foes make familiar
arguments in Missouri's high-stakes court case
JCNT: Special session over Missouri's Medicaid funding
in question
Missouri Independent: Special session in doubt over
abortion amendment
P-D: With no deal on table, Gov. Parson won't call
lawmakers back for FRA debate
P-D: O'Fallon, Mo. police chief quits after less than
a year on the job, blames Second Amendment Preservation Act
KC Star editorial: Swamp 101: Joe Manchin asks
billionaire donors to get Roy Blunt to do their bidding
Joplin Globe editorial: A just outcome in state trial
will expand Medicaid
The Missouri Times op-ed: Jean Evans: To build
strong families, Republicans should continue Trump's plan for paid
family leave
Friday, June 18, 2021
Washington Missourian: Blaine Luetkemeyer not
interested in pursuing U.S. Senate seat
P-D: U.S. Senate candidate Mark McCloskey pleads
guilty to fourth-degree assault: "I'd do it again any time the
mob approaches me"
The Missouri Times: McCloskeys plead guilty to
misdemeanor harassment, assault charges
KWMU: McCloskeys plead guilty to misdemeanors
AP: St. Louis couple pleads guilty to misdemeanors
The Missouri Times: Cass County Associate Commissioner
Ryan Johnson enters GOP primary for Vicky Hartzler's seat
The Missouri Times: Gov. Parson, AG Eric Schmitt fire
back at DOJ's SAPA letter: 'We will fight tooth and nail to
defend' gun rights
The Missouri Times: Rep. Jered Taylor (R-Nixa) says
SAPA will hold up in court
JCNT: Gov. Parson, Schmitt stand by gun law after DOJ
AP: Missouri responds defiantly to Justice Dept. over
gun law
KC Star: China virus assaults rural Missouri as
variants spread
Missouri Independent: Missouri Medicaid expansion
trial delayed to Monday
Missouri Independent: Missouri hospitals sue to block
changes in Medicaid payments
The Missouri Times: DESE submits American Rescue Plan
proposal for local schools, teacher retention
The Missouri Times: White House unveils new broadband
mapping tool, finds most of Missouri lacks adequate access
Columbia Missourian: County officials praise GOP state
lawmakers for passing rental housing standards
JCNT: Missouri House, Senate to square off on Mizzou
softball field for charity
KC Star: Weekly Cass County Democrat-Missourian
newspaper to shut down
St. Joseph News-Press: Missouri Department of
Conservation warns about ticks; Blood-sucking parasites most
active from April to July
The Missouri Times: State offices closed today for
Missourinet: DNR designates black cemetery as newest
state park
KC Star editorial: How Missouri conservatives'
favorite law could lead to 'defunding' Kansas City police
Thursday, June 17, 2021
SNL: Overview: Missouri's 2022 U.S. Senate race
Missouri Independent: Senate panel advances nomination
of Robin Carnahan to head GSA
AP: Biden's Justice Dept.: Missouri can't stand
up to federal gun laws
The Missouri Times: AG Eric Schmitt opposes revision
of federal water regulation rule
The Missouri Times: AG Eric Schmitt joins support for
repeal of California assault weapons ban
P-D: China virus hotspots spread across Missouri,
driven by variant
JCNT: Missouri's unemployment rate edges higher
KWMU: Missouri families can apply for federal pandemic
handouts to cover 2020 school meals
SNL: Details on child tax credit payments for Missouri
Missourian: As taxpayer-funded handouts end, area food pantries
prepare for uptick in services
KC Star: Event promo: RSVP for our gun-control
series, sponsored by Missouri Foundation for Health and Report for
America: Panel, hosted by gun-control reporter Humera Lodhi, to
feature four (4) minorities blaming systemic food insecurity for
criminal behavior
Missourinet: Gov. Parson expects to sign gas tax
legislation, after bill's language is reviewed
St. Joseph News-Press: Governor signs law limiting
local health orders
The Missouri Times: Inside the FRA reauthorization
Missouri Independent: Gov. Parson set to call special
session to extend FRA with ban on certain contraceptives
KC Star: Missouri GOP likely to include ban on
abortion pill in Medicaid tax compromise; Lawmakers cite Scott
Faughn's Missouri Times newsletter as authoritative source for FRA
The Missouri Times: Stamp commemorating Missouri
bicentennial to be issued this year
AP: Evergy's green energy plan fuels debate in
Missouri, Kansas
The Missouri Times: PSC approves changes to gas
safety, transportation rules
Missouri Independent: After winter cold snap drove up
natural gas prices, utilities grapple with who should pay
JCNT editorial: Gov. Parson should sign crime measures
P-D editorial: Legislature's Medicaid obstinacy puts
Missouri employers at big disadvantage
The Missouri Times op-ed: Missouri Farm Bureau
President Garrett Hawkins: Bill from U.S. Reps. Emanuel Cleaver,
Vicky Hartzler will bring transparency to cattle markets
KC Star letters: Woman who chooses to live in Kansas
calls Second Amendment Preservation Act "inane"; Richmond
septuagenarian expresses anger over Gov. Parson's position on Kevin
P-D letter: Wash U. Med School student wants lawmakers
to fund Medicaid expansion, cites study from Wash U.'s Jeffrey Jones
Wednesday, June 16,
Jason Rosenbaum: Missouri Republicans ponder crowded
U.S. Senate contest; Grassroots activists, elected officials
weigh in on battle royal
KC Star's Bryan Lowry: Event promos: U.S. Senate
candidate Tim Shepard (D) to appear at Friday's KC Royals Pride Night,
and June 26 at Nevada's first-ever Pride celebration
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Jason
Rosenbaum and former Missouri Democratic Party Chairman Stephen Webber
reminisce on late '00s Missouri politics, discuss the obsolescence of
the Democratic state party, Dems' regional vs. statewide conundrum,
current statehouse reporters' lack of institutional knowledge, and the
decline of establishment "nonpartisan" political journalism
Brownfield Ag News: AG Eric Schmitt opposes Biden's
EPA revisiting Waters of the United States rule
KC Star: House passes Sam Graves' legislation to
protect flood victims from federal debt
KC Star: Cori Bush expresses anger over "punitive"
systemic drug treatment racism: "I've watched black families
criminalized for heroin use while white families are treated for opioid
Missourian: VA medical center still on track for February opening
KC Star: Kansas City metro reports lowest daily
average for new COVID cases in more than a year
JCNT: Missouri Primary Care Association pays it
forward at Samaritan Center; Gov. Parson, other leaders praise
state employees
The Missouri Times: Funds to combat food insecurity
donated on behalf of state employees
JCNT: Strategy to amp up Missouri workforce revisited
The Missouri Times: A list of all the bills Gov.
Parson has signed in 2021
Brownfield Ag News: Gov. Parson signs law limiting
power of local health officials over ag issues
Missourian: Cape County Public Health Commission "OK" with county
health legislation, says St. Louis County was "way too restrictive" in
shutting down businesses
KWMU: Gov. Parson signs law regarding proper role of
local officials in health orders
SNL: Gov. Parson signs bill on pandemic health orders
The Missouri Times: DESE Board of Education votes to
approve hybrid work model
Heartlander News: Galloway's office used union data,
which conflicts with DESE, to claim 'poor' state funding
P-D: Missouri education board urges Normandy
superintendent to get credentials
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air with Sarah Fenske:
MoDOT's Nicole Hood on Missouri traffic fatalities
KC Star: Judge rules on boarding school owners'
request to get out of jail on abuse charges
Washington Missourian editorial: On Gov. Parson and
business leaders' attempts to encourage people to work
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Second Amendment
Preservation Act shouldn't handcuff local officers
Joplin Globe editorial: AG Eric Schmitt's decision on
open records complaint sets a bad precedent
P-D editorial: With the virus rising and leadership
scarce, Missourians must protect themselves
KC Star letter: Kansas City man disagrees with Star
editorial opposing Second Amendment Preservation Act
P-D letter: Bayer Crop Science's Jeff Schneider says
state lawmakers should reject "right-to-repair" bills
P-D letter: Oakville septuagenarian applauds the men
who take responsibility for their kids, calls out child-abandoning
deadbeat dads
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
The Missouri Times: This Week in Missouri Politics
recap: Vicky Hartzler: "I'm more than just rhetoric";
Hannah Beers Sutton and Jonathan Ratliff on GOP primaries for U.S.
Senate seat and 4th Congressional District
The Missouri Times: Republican Jasper Logan seeking
Rep. Allen Andrews' safe GOP seat next year
P-D: Dozens in St. Louis become U.S. residents;
Despite pandemic challenges, some immigrants choose to come to America
the legal way
SNL: University of Missouri study: Springfield
is fastest-growing metro area in Missouri
CDT: MU report: State's population grew by
smallest number in 10 years
Missouri Independent: Judge weighs allowing new
plaintiffs to join Missouri Medicaid expansion lawsuit
Missourinet: Sen. Barbara Washington (D-Kansas City)
opposes special session to defend KCPD funding, wants more money spent
on "sensitivity and cultural diversity training"
The Missouri Times: Legislation curbing power of local
health officials to be signed this week
P-D: Gov. Parson to sign new limits on pandemic health
orders, vaccine passport restrictions
Missouri Independent: Gov. Parson signs limit on
health orders
KMIZ: Gov. Parson to sign bill on pandemic health
orders today; Comments from GOP Rep. "Justin [sic] Murphy"
JCNT: New federal gun rule ban good for state,
mid-Missouri law officers say
SNL: Springfield law enforcement agencies weigh in on
Second Amendment Preservation Act
Missourian: Cape chief 'concerned' about 'unintended
consequences' of Second Amendment Preservation Act
Missourinet: Mountain Grove GOP Rep. Hannah Kelly's
daughter, 'uncounted kids' inspire her to sponsor foster and adoption
Missouri Independent: Across Missouri, discussions
continue over regulatory framework for CAFOs
SNL: Springfield Public Schools fires teacher who
verbally attacked straight white male student over anti-breeder cupcake
KY3 (Springfield): Springfield Public Schools says
teacher who bullied straight white male student is no longer employed
The Missouri Times: Former House employee's
COVID-related lawsuit partially dismissed
KWMU: St. Louis Coronavirus Task Force urges caution,
optimism during final briefing
P-D: As China virus hospitalizations retreat locally,
area officials hold final pandemic task force briefing
Washington Missourian editorial: Even after Robin
Carnahan's nasty attacks on Roy Blunt, he demonstrates refreshing
bipartisanship and collegiality
Joplin Globe editorial: Missouri PSC and Office of
Public Counsel should put burden of energy price spikes on company
shareholders, not customers
SNL op-ed: Rep. Bill Owen (R-Springfield):
Missouri congressional delegation should support bills to modernize
federal flood policies
P-D op-ed: Former Rep. Deb Lavender
(D-Kirkwood): Missouri has plenty of money, and should spend more
of it
P-D letter: Clayton sexagenarian says Cori Bush's
rhetoric will cost St. Louis region jobs
KC Star letter: Wichita Falls, Texas man says
Missourians elected an "illogical" governor, says Kevin Strickland
should go to front of pardon line
P-D letter: Webster Groves man says Missouri
Republicans oppose Medicaid expansion because they are racists who hate
Barack Obama
Monday, June 14,
Flag Day
This Week in Missouri Politics: U.S. Rep. Vicky
Hartzler talks with Scott Faughn about her bid for U.S. Senate,
differentiation from other candidates, legislative record, Donald
Trump, more; Panel of GOP consultants Hannah Beers Sutton and
Jonathan Ratliff on GOP U.S. Senate primary, Vicky Hartzler's open U.S.
House seat
KC Star: Dems Cori Bush, Emanuel Cleaver co-sponsor
House legislation to provide slavery "remedies," including reparations
KWMU: How the China virus hysteria creates real-life
anxiety attacks among the emotionally vulnerable - even after
KC Star: COVID freakouts sent Missourians back to
smoking; DHSS official: "There was a lot of stress, there
was a lot of fear"
Missourinet: Budget Chair Cody Smith (R-Carthage)
wants FRA special session by end of June, is encouraged by recent
Missourinet: Rep. Travis Smith (R-Twin Bridges)
predicts PDMP will save thousands of lives
St. Joseph News-Press: State funds to upgrade
Rosecrans tower
Missouri Independent: GOP legislative supermajority
passed a host of bills aimed at keeping kids out of jail
CDT: Columbia activist group "Race Matters,
Friends": Vehicle Stops Report numbers too good, must be incorrect
Missouri Independent's Jason Hancock: While GOP
rallied in Missouri, Eric Greitens chased conspiracies to Arizona
Sunday, June 13, 2021
KWMU: Missouri Republicans craft messages they hope
lead to statewide sweep in 2022
KC Star: Ed Emery the first declared candidate to
succeed Vicky Hartzler
KMIZ: Gov. Parson signs HB 85, establishing Second
Amendment Preservation Act
KRES/KWIX: Sen. Cindy O'Laughlin (R-Shelbina) "a
little nervous" about legislators "dragging our feet" on FRA extension
JCNT: Average salaries increase in Missouri
JCNT: State, employers explore new paths to get
Missourians to choose work over unemployment
Washington Missourian: County unemployment falls to
3.5% as employers search for new people to hire; Numbers could
continue to improve after benefits recipients weaned off state teat
KC Star: Former Agape students say some male staff
members were closeted homosexuals, took turns gang-raping underage boys
Washington Missourian: Tire shop owner: MoDOT
sidewalks are a drag on tire business
KC Star: KC activists call for ceasefire in violent
crime; Urban liberals wear masks outdoors
KC Star editorial: Gov. Parson's signature on gun bill
violates U.S. Constitution, makes Missourians less safe
P-D editorial: Pardoning Kevin Strickland should be a
top priority for Gov. Parson
KC Star's Bryan Lowry and Jonathan Shorman: GOP U.S.
Senate candidates are "demonizing Democrats and talking the language of
cultural grievance deployed by the former president"
SNL op-ed: "Right to Repair" legislation not right for
Missouri's farmers
SNL letter: Springfield man responds to "Right to
Repair" op-ed, says legislation is necessary for Missouri farmers
P-D letter: Wash U. Law School professor responds to
letter regarding Missouri Supreme Court nominations, race, and
qualification criteria
KC Star letter: Kansas octogenarian wants Gov. Parson
to free Kevin Strickland, says jury's extreme whiteness invalidates
Saturday, June 12, 2021
P-D: Missouri Republicans contemplate congressional
district composition; 1st Congressional District will spread
further into St. Louis County as residents flee St. Louis City
Missouri Independent: Missouri tourist hotspots see
increase in China virus counts as new variant spreads
St. Joseph News-Press: Statewide and locally, traffic
fatalities increasing
The Missouri Times: Ed Emery announces bid for Vicky
Hartzler's seat
The Missouri Times: Democrat Alex Dubinsky running for
Tracy McCreery's House seat
The Missouri Times: Profile: Kurt Schaefer
The Missouri Times: New semiconductor manufacturing
jobs coming to Missouri
Missourinet: State officials say 392,000 Missourians
still lack high-speed Internet
(Springfield): Video: Springfield Public Schools teacher
verbally attacks straight white male student for questioning special
"unicorn rainbow" treats for LGBTQIA* students
St. Joseph News-Press: Gov. Parson in no hurry to
pardon convicted triple-murderer Kevin Strickland
Joplin Globe: MoDOT plans Range Line closure for
bridge replacement
JCNT editorial: Flag Day: Fly it proudly, fly it
Joplin Globe editorial: Redistricting should aim to
minimize "safe" Democrat and Republican districts
The Missouri Times op-ed: Rep. Ingrid Burnett
(D-Kansas City): Gambling with the FRA could lead to ruin
Missouri Independent's Tessa Weinberg: AG Eric Schmitt
won't investigate our complaint against Gov. Parson, setting a
dangerous precedent
letter: Cape Girardeau septuagenarian Democrat, who lost 2014
state rep race by 48 points, says GOP has become party of "higher taxes
and bigger government"
Friday, June 11, 2021
The Missouri Times: Vicky Hartzler announces U.S.
Senate candidacy in Lee's Summit
The Missouri Times: Vicky Hartzler: A timeline
of her career
KMBC: Vicky Hartzler kicks off bid for Missouri's U.S.
Senate seat
Missouri Independent: Vicky Hartzler makes it
official, joining 2022 Missouri GOP U.S. Senate primary
KC Star: Vicky Hartzler launches Senate bid, vowing to
keep seat in conservative hands
KC Star: Candidates maneuver for Hartzler's open U.S.
House seat; Comments from top GOP consultant James Harris, former
MOGOP Executive Director Jean Evans, others
Missouri Independent: Roy Blunt introduces Biden's
General Services Administration nominee Robin Carnahan at Senate
committee hearing, praises former competitor
Joplin Globe: Former Rep. Kevin Wilson (R-Neosho) died
Tuesday at 62
The Missouri Times: Second Amendment Preservation Act
to be signed into law by Gov. Parson this weekend
Missourinet: Second Amendment Preservation Act to
become law with governor's signature
KC Star: Gov. Parson to sign Second Amendment
Preservation Act
KWMU: Gov. Parson says budget will be cut if Medicaid
tax isn't passed, noncommital on other special sessions
JCNT: Gov. Parson signs livestock inspection law
Brownfield Ag News: Gov. Parson on limited state role
to correct cattle market inequities
P-D: Business owners relieved as unemployment handouts
end this weekend; Employers "slowly but surely" seeing adults
roll off the couch and apply for jobs
KRES/KWIX: Gov. Parson in Milan, signs the East Locus
Creek Reservoir resolution
The Missouri Times: DED says Missouri ranked No. 32 in
broadband access; millions invested in improvements
The Salem News: Missouri Supreme Court ruling
frustrates prosecutor, law enforcement
AP: Woman clarifies inaccurate media reports about
sexual relationship with Rep. Chad Perkins (R-Bowling Green), says she
was 20 - not a "teen" - when they began intercoursing
P-D editorial: Blunt's response to Jan. 6 Capitol
riots shows he is a coward
P-D editorial: After refusing Medicaid expansion,
Missouri Republicans now endanger the whole program
The Missouri Times op-ed: Cassville woman says Vicky
Hartzler is a "Kansas City moderate"
Columbia Missourian's George Kennedy: Sarcastic take
on GOP legislative accomplishments, and mocking Caleb Rowden's service
to the Lord through musical worship
P-D op-ed: SLU law school student: Transparency
needed on parole board decisions in Missouri
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Missourian: U.S. Rep. Jason Smith discusses Trump meeting on Fox
KSHB: Vicky Hartzler to make U.S. Senate campaign
announcement today at 10 a.m.
KC Star/Fox 4 "4 Star Politics" video: Dave Helling
talks with Democrats Rosetta Okohson and Bryan Lowry about U.S. Senate
St. Joseph News-Press: Josh Hawley explains call for
Fauci's resignation
CDT: No charges for drivers trapped in Black Lives
Matter mob last year; Amorphous humanoid admitted to jumping in
front of car, received broken ankle
Columbia Missourian: Prosecutor opts to file no
charges in human-roadblock cases; Photo of Behonsay [sic?] Williams attacking car before
taking a dive
P-D: COVID-19 hospitalizations decline locally;
Missouri ahead of national average in residents declining vaccine
The Missouri Times: Carol Comer, director of Natural
Resources, dies
JCNT: Missouri Department of Natural Resources
director dies
SNL: Former GOP state lawmaker Jay Wasson gives
naming-level gift to Missouri State's "efactory"
Missouri Independent: Torch Electronics, Warrenton Oil
contribute to GOP PACs
The Missouri Times: Robin Ransom, Gov. Parson's strict
constructionist pick for Missouri Supreme Court, sworn in
Missourinet: Gov. Parson says he wants a state health
director with both a medical and administrative background
Missourinet: Gov. Parson credits western Missouri
town's work ethic for landing $6 million transportation facility and 60
new jobs
The Missouri Times: Missouri abortion law stymied by
federal appeals court
Missouri Independent: Missouri appeals court upholds
injunction blocking Missouri eight-week abortion ban
KWMU: Federal appeals court blocks Missouri from
enforcing abortion law
Columbia Missourian: Activists respond to court ruling
on abortion law
KWMU: Medicaid expansion fans and foes make familiar
arguments in Missouri's high-stakes case
Missourinet: 13 special session requests are now on
Gov. Parson's desk
The Missouri Times: Agricultural facility inspection
bill to be signed into law
P-D: State worker union calls return to work "unfair"
and "dangerous"
KRES/KWIX: MoDOT addressing several bridges through
the FARM program
The Missouri Times: PSC approves change to electric
service territory agreement
Brownfield Ag News: Hemp farmers applaud Missouri hemp
rule amendment
JCNT editorial: PDMP will be a valuable tool in the
opioid fight
KC Star editorial: Who supports Gov. Parson's cruel
stance that releasing innocent man is not a priority?
P-D op-ed: Wash U. Med School biostatistics
professor: State lawmakers should fund Medicaid expansion
Columbia Missourian's William Skipworth: Missouri
fails to adequately protect those with developmental disabilities from
abuse, neglect
P-D sports reporter Dave Matter: Missouri lawmakers
cut through the NIL bull for a bill to benefit college athletes
Missouri Independent's Rebecca Rivas and Allison Kite:
'Defund the police' was designed to provoke a response - and in
Missouri, it worked
P-D letter: Godfrey, Ill. man calls Josh Hawley a
Trump "lackey"
P-D letter: Ballwin septuagenarian praises House
Speaker Rob Vescovo (R-Arnold) for foster care legislation
KC Star letters: Woman who chooses to live in Kansas
questions Gov. Parson's decision-making; D.C. group praises Blunt
and Hawley on USPS rate issue; Kansas City man says Josh Hawley
is not "intelligent"
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Missourian: Blunt, other senators release Jan. 6 report, make
KC Star: Hawley delays confirmation of Biden
appointee; Kiran Ahuja promoted work of university prof who
called Trump's election "racist progress"
The Missouri Times: Capitol Briefs: Blunt leads
bipartisan effort to aid rural bridges
Heartlander News: Missouri's congressional delegation
rallies to secure $900M F/A-18 order
SNL: CoxHealth official: Get the COVID vaccine,
or you will catch the China virus
The Missouri Times: Casey Wasser named Missouri
Soybean Association COO
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: House
Majority Leader Dean Plocher (R-Des Peres) talks with Jason Rosenbaum
about the ups and downs of legislative session
The Missouri Times: Special session requests
abound: A look at what lawmakers want to tackle
Missourinet: Missouri Farm Bureau: PDMP is
valuable tool in the fight against the opioid epidemic
Missouri Independent: Missouri is sitting on a huge
budget surplus. But without FRA extension, cuts loom
P-D: Talks continue on renewing major Medicaid tax
Missouri Independent: AG Eric Schmitt says Missouri
lawmakers can refuse to fund Medicaid expansion
P-D: Great Circle, accused of overbilling Medicaid by
nearly $2 million, settles case for less than $10,000
The Missouri Times: Gov. Parson signs off on state
commitment to fund water project
Missouri Independent: Legislative gridlock on gambling
puts 'gray-market' machines before Missouri courts
KC Star: Gov. Parson appoints Spencer Bartlett
administrative law judge; Nixon appointee Sreenu Dandamudi's term
expired in 2016
KC Star: Gov. Parson indicates that media campaign for
triple-murderer Kevin Strickland won't "necessarily make it a priority
to jump in front of the line"
The Missouri Times: Capitol Briefs: Missouri
takes home 3 StateScoop technology awards
The Missouri Times: Capitol Briefs: Pro tem,
Speaker holding softball rematch at Mizzou
Washington Missourian editorial: Missouri's PDMP is
better late than never
KC Star editorial: BLM protesters threatening police
with 'other white meat' coffin at KCPD headquarters was
KC Star letter: Kansas City woman wants Medicaid
expansion funded, says state lawmakers are "subverting democracy"
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
The Missouri Times: This Week in Missouri Politics
episode recap: Sen. Paul Wieland (R-Imperial) on FRA and Senate
leadership, panel shares thoughts on U.S. Senate primary battles, more
The Missouri Times: Rep. Tracy McCreery (D-Olivette)
announces state Senate candidacy
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air with Sarah Fenske:
Local Anti-Defamation League leader leaving post after 26 years
Missouri Independent: Ryan Conway moves from
governor's office to Department of Natural Resources
Missourinet: Missouri's First Lady Teresa Parson gives
more event details about the state's 200th birthday
The Missouri Times: Gov. Parson signs statewide PDMP
into law
JCNT: Gov. Parson signs drug monitoring bill
Missouri Independent: Gov. Parson signs PDMP bill
AP: Missouri adopts prescription medication database
P-D: Gov. Parson signs PDMP into law
Missourinet: Millions being invested into two rural
Missouri hospitals; Noble Health CEO Elijah Haahr says foundation
will launch Center for Rural Health Innovation
KC Star: Gov. Parson says withholdings could come if
deal on Medicaid tax renewal is not reached
SNL: Gov. Parson visits site of Elevate Branson's
planned tiny home community for those in poverty
JCNT: Big increase in state's revenue an aberration
due to an additional income tax due date this year
Missouri Independent: Missouri among states set to
allow college athletes to profit off their name, likeness
Missourian: Rehder answers reporters' questions about her living
arrangements immediately post-divorce; Senator is keeping
permanent address and home in district
The Missouri Times: Kevin Strickland should be
pardoned, bipartisan coalition of lawmakers tell Gov. Parson
Missourinet: Missouri bill passed would create school
bus safety task force
KC Star editorial: 'Special' sessions standard in
Missouri now
P-D editorial page editor Tod Robberson: I'm moving to
Connecticut, but will keep a "tiny" apartment in St. Louis to claim
KC Star's Bryan Lowry and Jonathan Shorman: Trump
continues to advance lies and falsehoods - and Josh Hawley partly to
blame with Jan. 6 vote
P-D's Annika Merrilees: As China virus cases drop, St.
Louis task force prepares to end weekly briefings; Media darling
and chief scold Alex Garza "became a near-constant in local media and
on Facebook"
P-D letter: St. Louis City man responds to "former
Republican" Lynn Schmidt's latest anti-GOP piece, defends Cori Bush
P-D letter: St. Louis City man celebrates Missouri GOP
failings, cites MSNBC's Rachel Maddow as source
Monday, June 7, 2021
This Week in Missouri Politics: Sen. Paul Wieland
(R-Imperial) on pro-life principles and FRA, Missouri Senate
leadership, more; Panel of Rep. Shamed Dogan (R-Ballwin),
Grassroots Girl LLC's Lane Koch, Democratic operative Braxton Payne,
AFL-CIO's Pat White talk U.S. Senate primaries, gas tax, initiative
petition standards, "paycheck protection," more
Heartlander News: Jay Ashcroft's Faith and Freedom
Rally to feature former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
St. Joseph News-Press: County remains clear flood-wise
so far this year
Missourinet: Gov. Parson to sign PDMP today
Heartlander News: Committee chairs call for Missouri
special session on unresolved agriculture issues
St. Joseph News-Press: FRA still in the balance in
Missouri Legislature
P-D: Missouri fund sets aside $1 million a year for
witness protection; only one request, from KC police, has been
Missouri Independent: Sierra Club claims Missouri
utilities could use loophole to charge customers for fossil fuel
KC Star editorial: Josh Hawley wants Anthony Fauci
out, but he knows who really fumbled the pandemic
Columbia Missourian's Ken Midkiff: U.S. Rep. Vicky
Hartzler, others to blame for "unpronounceable Chinese company"
employing Missourians
Sunday, June 6, 2021
KC Star: Cori Bush heals the faith of the left,
ascends as the new face of Democratic Party; Top Missouri Dem
consultant Jane Dueker says congresswoman's anti-police crusade
"becomes a gift for Republicans"
JCNT: Two Jefferson City residents among 15 appointed
to posts by governor
KMIZ: Gun-control advocates, defenders of Second
Amendment weigh in on approaches to criminal behavior
P-D editorial: Missouri's cowardly U.S. senators opt
to hide from the truth rather than learn from it
KC Star editorial: KC's Quinton Lucas needs Jeff City
allies to cut through 'defund the police' hysteria
JCNT editorial: More data forthcoming on vehicle stops
KC Star op-ed: Sen. Lauren Arthur (D-Kansas
City): On police budget and more, Kansas City is not the
Northland versus south of the river
Joplin Globe op-ed: Darvin Bentlage: Missouri
state lawmakers wrong on Medicaid expansion, COVID regulations, Cleaner
Missouri, ag issues, more
P-D's Antonio French: Missouri legislators wrong to
oppose Critical Race Theory
P-D letter: Wash U. med school student wants state
lawmakers to fund Medicaid expansion
KC Star letter: Kansas City septuagenarian says
convicted triple-murderer is in jail because he is black
Saturday, June 5, 2021
Missourian: Jason Smith says he has 'plenty of time' to decide on
U.S. Senate run
Missouri Independent: Crowded field looking at
Missouri's 4th District as Vicky Hartzler pivots to Senate bid
KWMU: Nicole Galloway, Missouri's lone Democratic
statewide officeholder, won't seek re-election in 2022
The Missouri Times: Nicole Galloway will not seek
re-election - or any other political office - in 2022
JCNT: Galloway announces she will not seek re-election
Missourinet: Nicole Galloway announces she will not
run for office in 2022
Missouri Independent: Missouri auditor Nicole Galloway
announces she won't run for re-election in 2022
P-D: Missouri auditor, the lone Democratic statewide
officeholder, not running in 2022
The Missouri Times: Lucas Kunce speaks to Boone County
Democratic Club
KC Star: Kansas City man charged with alleged
participation in U.S. Capitol riot
Washington Missourian: Franklin County report shows
new China virus cases are down to 2.7 per day
NPR: Missouri data, though imperfect, shows blacks
outpacing whites in declining China virus vaccine
The Missouri Times: General revenue more than doubled
in May compared to 2020, latest report says
KC Star: Another lawsuit filed over Medicaid
expansion; Attorneys use autistic man, depressed woman as
P-D: Attorneys find two people to serve as plaintiffs
in Medicaid lawsuit
The Missouri Times: Police mental health, community
economic programs await governor's signature
P-D: Missouri foster parents get help from
Legislature, but why are more children coming into state care?
Missourinet: Rep. Andrew McDaniel (R-Deering):
Kevin Strickland should be released from prison immediately
KC Star: Missouri lawmakers ask Gov. Parson to pardon
Kevin Strickland
Missourian: Holly Rehder announces divorce
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: On Nicole Galloway's
school-funding report and Missouri's foundation formula
KSMU's Jennifer Moore: Remembering Missy Shelton Belote
P-D letter: Gulf Shores, Ala. man says Robin Ransom's
appointment to Missouri Supreme Court is further proof that race, not
qualifications, are primary criteria
Friday, June 4, 2021
SNL: Former KSMU Capitol reporter Missy Shelton Belote
passes away from ovarian cancer at 44, remembered for love of family,
Missourian: U.S. Rep. Jason Smith offers caution on Biden's
'two-state' Israel solution
P-D: Boeing, federal lawmakers again fight to keep new
Super Hornets in St. Louis
AP: U.S. Rep. Vicky Hartzler announcement next
Thursday on potential U.S. Senate bid
KC Star: Hartzler teases 'campaign announcement' ahead
of expected U.S. Senate run
AP: Missouri River winter water release expected to be
Missourian: Cape Girardeau County outpacing state average in
percentage of residents declining COVID vaccine
St. Joseph News-Press: Buchanan County among tops in
state for residents saying 'No' to China virus vaccine
KCUR: Missouri Hospital Association survey shows rate
of teens getting injected with COVID vaccine already slowing down
P-D: Greene County sees uptick in China virus
cases; CoxHealth CEO blames people attending graduations, not
wearing masks, other party fouls
The Missouri Times: AG Eric Schmitt drops lawsuit over
St. Louis County COVID orders
P-D: Schmitt withdraws lawsuit against St. Louis County
Missouri Independent: Briefs: Gov. Parson's PAC
nabs $75k check; Gov. Parson appoints Keith Holloway to
University of Missouri Board of Curators
Heartlander News: With "Buy Missouri" initiative, Lt.
Gov. Mike Kehoe fights for Missouri businesses
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Rep. Jason
Chipman (R-Steelville) talks with Jason Rosenbaum about gas tax and
public vote, FRA, calls for special sessions, more
Brownfield Ag News: Missouri legislators request
special ag session
Missouri Independent: Senate Dem leader John Rizzo
(D-Kansas City) says delay in special session will allow tempers to cool
The Missouri Times: Missouri pharmacists could
administer HIV medication if licensure bill approved by governor
The Missouri Times: Capitol Briefs: Tom
Krahenbuhl named Department of Defense's Employer Support of the Guard
and Reserve (ESGR) state chair
Washington Missourian: Amtrak to restore twice a day
train service next month
KC Star: Gov. Parson does not pardon triple-murderer
Kevin Strickland
P-D: Who wants to kill a black bear? More than
6,000 Missourians, that's who.
KWMU: Fewer Missouri drivers pulled over in
2020; ACLU, liberal UMSL professor still unhappy
KC Star editorial: Roy Blunt snubs mother of officer
who died after protecting him
Missourian editorial: Legislative session was productive
P-D editorial: Missouri GOP lawmakers ignore farmers
at their peril
JCNT editorial: Missouri DHSS demonstrates united
effort against hunger
KC Star op-ed: Washington, D.C. tech industry think
tank: No, Josh Hawley, we aren't living in an 'age of monopoly'
killing small businesses
KC Star letter: Kansas City woman who recently moved
to Missouri says she is "mad" at Blunt and Hawley, wants "criminal
charges and incarceration" for both
P-D letter: St. Peters octogenarian fantasizes about
methods of punishing Missouri lawmakers who voted against Medicaid
expansion funding
Thursday, June 3, 2021
P-D: A year after his shooting death in Black Lives
Matter riot, retired Capt. David Dorn remembered as man to emulate
The Missouri Times: Gov. Parson appoints Jamilah
Nasheed to Missouri Parole Board
P-D: Former state Sen. Jamilah Nasheed (D-St. Louis
City) earns seat on state parole board
Missourian: John Mehner leaving Cape Chamber of Commerce after
nearly three decades
JCNT: EPA choose Jefferson City for food, health
SNL: Greene County above state average in adults
declining COVID vaccine
JCNT: Show-Me Institute appeals Cole County judge's
ruling on Sunshine lawsuit
Brownfield Ag News: Gov. Parson praises new peanut
plant in southeast Missouri
JCNT: Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission
approves $3.2B transportation budget for Missouri
KRES/KWIX: Sen. Denny Hoskins (R-Warrensburg) reflects
on legislative successes and what's left to achieve
Missouri Independent: Some details of school choice
legislation still to be determined; Comments from Rep. Phil
Christofanelli (R-St. Peters), Missouri School Boards' Association's
Melissa Randol, others
Missourinet: Sen. Dan Hegeman (R-Cosby) on path
forward for FRA: "We're not there yet, but we will get there"
The Missouri Times: Lawmakers ask Gov. Parson for
special session on agriculture, eminent domain
Missourian: Rep. Rick Francis (R-Perryville) among lawmakers
calling for special session
P-D: Missouri ag groups want lawmakers to extend key
tax credits
KWMU: Missouri Republican lawmakers want to stop any
defunding of police
P-D: St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones opposes state
lawmakers' call for special session on crime
Missourinet: Missouri could join 49 other states by
improving access to mental health services
P-D: St. Louis City could give $350-$500 handouts to
residents facing state cutoff of pandemic freebies
The Missouri Times: Missouri Amtrak service returning
to 2 round-trip trains daily
The Missouri Times: Missouri PSC approves
Missouri-American Water Company acquisition request
SNL: Commercial photography, filming will soon be
allowed on MDC property with permit
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Failure to reach a
deal on FRA would undermine strong legislative session
P-D letter: Farmington woman says Roy Blunt was
"complicit" in Jan. 6 Capitol riot
P-D letter: University City septuagenarian responds to
Dan Mehan op-ed, compares modern businesspeople to 1776 British
soldiers seeking to kill Americans
P-D letter: St. Charles octogenarian wants Medicaid
expansion funding, spins yarn about a fire she witnessed in 1957
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
The Missouri Times: Profile: Marilyn McLeod, new
president of League of Women Voters of Missouri
JCNT: DHSS offers online maps to find "free" lunches
in Missouri
St. Joseph News-Press: COVID vaccine demand continues
to drop across Missouri
P-D: Linn County Health Department director blames
indoor high school graduation, other social gatherings for uptick in
county's COVID cases
The Missouri Times: Missouri Supreme Court voids
'paycheck protection' bill
Missouri Independent: Unions celebrate Missouri
Supreme Court ruling on 'paycheck protection' bill
AP: Missouri Supreme Court strikes down public labor
union restrictions
JCNT: Missouri Supreme Court sends corrections
officers' lawsuit back to circuit court
Missouri Independent: Missouri Supreme Court gives
split decision in corrections overtime case
Missourinet: Peanut processing plant and new hospital
highlight $75 million in planned investment in rural Missouri
town: Comments from Gov. Parson, Sen. Jason Bean (R-Holcomb),
Rep. Herman Morse (R-Dexter)
Missourinet: Gov. Parson says there's no legislative
agreement right now on FRA
KRES/KWIX: Sen. Denny Hoskins (R-Warrensburg) says a
special session will be called, talks FRA and next year's state budget
P-D: Republican lawmakers are again calling for a
special session on crime in Missouri
KWMU: Gov. Parson evaluating options on unemployment
KRES/KWIX: MACC President Dr. Jeff Lashley appreciates
legislative support for funding increase, thanks Sen. Cindy O'Laughlin
(R-Shelbina), GOP Reps. Chuck Basye and Ed Lewis
The Missouri Times: Capitol Briefs: DNR offers
energy improvement loan program
KWMU: Missouri expands efforts to control chronic
wasting in deer
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air with Sarah Fenske:
Environmentalists criticize animal agriculture operations
Columbia Missourian: MoDOT to try soybean-based
sealant on U.S. 63
Missouri Independent: Pending law on wrongful
convictions could depend on Missouri attorney general
KC Star: Missouri Supreme Court declines to hear
triple-murderer's case
The Missouri Times: Traffic stops decreased
significantly in 2020, according to AG's Vehicle Stops Report;
Search rate for black drivers decreases, search rate for white drivers
AP: Fewer 2020 traffic stops in Missouri
CDT: Missouri Department of Conservation documenting
tick species across the state; Blood-sucking parasites create
KC Star: Some black leaders threaten protests over
Missouri Highway Patrol investigation; Malcolm Johnson shot
police officer before being put down by KC cops
KC Star letter: Kansas City nonagenarian says Blunt
and Hawley "do not have a backbone"
P-D letter: St. Louis man says Blunt and Hawley are
Mitch McConnell's "toadies"
P-D letter: Sappington woman wants state lawmakers
punished for Medicaid expansion funding vote, says legislators'
families should lose health insurance
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
June 2020 Missouri
political news headlines
June 2019 Missouri
political news headlines
June 2018 Missouri
political news headlines
June 2017 Missouri
political news headlines
June 2016 Missouri
political news headlines
June 2015 Missouri
political news headlines
Daily Beast: Missouri's Jack Oliver among political celebrities
helping Rolf Kaestel - who robbed a taco joint with a toy pistol in
1981 and got life in prison
Profile: Gov. Parson's pick for the first black woman on the
Missouri Supreme Court
Galloway promotes school-funding report
Missouri Department of Conservation gets some four-legged help
Globe editorial: Stop trying to break the Missouri Department of
Star editorial: A year after George Floyd riots began, BLM
agitators face jail time
op-ed: Wisconsin-based "Freedom From Religion Foundation" opposes
Missouri state lawmakers' effort to allow schools to teach the Bible
letter: Illinois woman defends U.S. Rep. Cori Bush's stance on
Israel boycott
Combest at john {at} johncombest {dot}
Combest bio