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Wednesday, May 30
KWMU: Greitens resigns as governor of Missouri
Missourinet: Video: Greitens' resignation
SNL: Full text: What Greitens said at press
conference X
The Missouri Times: Greitens resignation effective
Friday, June 1
Washington Missourian: Greitens resigning June 1 X
SNL: <X things> journomeme: 5 (five!)
things you need to know about Greitens' resignation X
SNL: <X things> journomeme: 5 (five!)
things you need to know about Lt. Gov. Mike Parson X
SNL: Why Greitens is resigning: An overview of
major issues X
SNL: Timeline: Greitens' path to resigning X
Missourian: Local lawmakers welcome Greitens' resignation, call
it a sad day for Missouri +
Missourinet: Blunt, Kehoe react to Greitens resignation
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Lindell Shumake (R-Hannibal)
surprised Greitens resigned, expresses confidence in Parson
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Hoskins and Remole react to
governor's resignation
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Kip Kendrick (D-Columbia)
surprised with resignation, says investigation must continue
SNL: What politicians said about the resignation of
Eric Greitens X
Greitens resigns amid widening investigations
KC Star: Greitens resigns, ending political career
once aimed at presidency X
SNL: The next Missouri governor, Mike Parson, hailed
as 'good man' by both sides of the aisle X
KC Star: Profile: Mike Parson; Thoughts
from Schaaf, former Rep. Mike Talboy (D), others X
P-D: Profile: Mike Parson; Comments from
Matt Blunt X
The Missouri Times: Greitens team must comply with
House subpoenas, judge rules
Missourinet: Missouri judge rules Greitens committees
must turn over subpoenaed documents
Missourinet: Hafner indicates violations of campaign
finance laws occurred
Missourinet: Hostility in committee hearings on
Greitens reaches fever pitch
P-D: Greitens resigns; 'resolution' reached in
St. Louis X
KC Star: St. Louis reaches 'resolution' with Greitens,
but Baker's investigation continues X
Drebes: Dem PAC attempts to tie Hawley with Greitens
Missourinet: Emanuel Cleaver takes to MSNBC to
complain about Roseanne Barr tweet
Dunklin Democrat: Greitens presents City of Malden with
proclamation after tornado recovery +
KC Star editorial: Graves, Hartzler should side with
illegal aliens over Trump X
P-D editorial: In Greitens' aftermath, a few things
become perfectly clear. X
P-D editorial: With governor's resignation, a
long-awaited end to the Eric Greitens myth X
KC Star editorial: Greitens resigns at last but feels
sorry only for himself X
Messenger: Greitens goes out the way he came in,
haunted by the specter of dark money X
Helling: Greitens' resignation a relief for
beleaguered Republicans X
Priddy: Governor's collateral damage: 1,589
words on Greitens' trademark arrogance, memories of old-timey
administrations, more
P-D's Kevin McDermott: Greitens was too good to be true X
P-D letter: St. Louis septuagenarian wishes neighbors
would stop obsessing about Greitens and start addressing street savagery X
SNL letter: Group of McCaskill campaign volunteers
says she delivers for military veterans X
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Tuesday, May 29
Missourinet: McCaskill survey: Missouri VA
hospitals continue to improve for America's war heroes
KC Star: Cleaver speaks at Memorial Day event X
Missourinet: Parson praises mid-Missouri emergency
communications center
P-D: Gas tax hike could pump up construction across
Missouri X
Who won the session? Readers weigh in.
Lawmakers give Greitens a few wins in spite of investigation
KWMU: Budget Committee may make restarting low-income
housing tax credit harder
KWMU: Missouri Senate's special session leaves state
school board in continued limbo
P-D: Under new Missouri plan, public schools pay for
private virtual schools X
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Mun Choi on
challenges and opportunities for UM System
KWMU: For Missouri heart attack patients, the nearest
hospital isn't always the best; State's Time-Critical Diagnosis
System achieves implementation
Rural Missouri cemeteries face financial challenges; Bill from
Rep. Allen Andrews (R-Grant City) gives cemetery trustees opportunity
to earn higher rates of return
KC Star endorsement: Lauren Arthur (D) for state Senate X
KC Star editorial: Greitens' attorneys are crossing
the line X
P-D editorial: Missouri falls behind as employers
complain of a skills gap schools aren't filling X
KC Star editorial: Life vests could have made a
difference in fatal Lake of the Ozarks boat crash, and there ought to
be a law X
SNL letter: Springfield man responds to criticism of
Billy Long X
KC Star letter: KC septuagenarian thinks recent
publicity could boost Greitens' presidential aspirations X
P-D letter: Maplewood woman wants legislators to
address full problem of surprise billing X
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Monday, May
28 Memorial Day
Brownfield Ag News: McCaskill: Senate farm bill
mark-up in June
CNN's Rebecca Berg: Greitens scandal looms large in
Missouri's U.S. Senate race - and it doesn't show signs of going away
SNL: Four big issues coming to Missouri ballots - and
the big money being spent to win votes X
P-D: Man hopes to change lives with St. Louis syringe
exchanges that cut risk of disease outbreak; Rep. Holly Rehder
(R-Sikeston) talks Safe Syringe Access bill X
KC Star: Here's the beef: Missouri cattle
feedlot wants to grow; Powell Gardens fears the stink X
Missourinet: Advocacy group says Missouri among worst
states to be a police officer, has several of the most dangerous cities
Messenger: Hanaway, now on Team Greitens, has
advice: Stay away from the FBI X
KC Star letter: KC septuagenarian unhappy with
Greitens' attorneys X
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Sunday, May 27
KWMU: List of local Memorial Day parades, speakers
Missourinet: Mid-Missouri military air show prepares
for takeoff
Drebes: NRA upping Missouri presence ahead of midterms
KC Star: Republicans fear Greitens will 'burn it all
down' ahead of midterms; Comments from top GOP minds John
Hancock, James Harris, Gregg Keller X
JCNT: Greitens team continues to demand
cross-examination X
SNL: Rep. Curtis Trent (R-Springfield) surprises
lawmakers with evidence he got from Greitens' legal team X
JCNT: Foster care legislation had broad support X
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): AAA spokesman calls for statewide
primary seat belt law
KC Star editorial: Federal relief wanted: KC
families are drowning in sky-high water bills
CDT op-ed: Obamacare waiver would help Missouri deal
with out-of-control Medicaid costs X
SNL op-ed: National Safety Compliance Inc. applauds
legislators for SB 982 passage X
SNL op-ed: Campaigns for Youth Justice applauds
legislators for 'Raise the Age' passage X
P-D letter: Former Missouri Right to Life President
Pam Fichter: McCaskill show hypocrisy on late-term abortions X
P-D letter: St. Louis County woman grateful for
Hawley's inquiry into untested rape kits X
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Saturday, May 26
Missourian: McCaskill: Veterans Affairs medical services
improving in Southeast Missouri +
P-D: McCaskill's husband invests in conservation tax
benefits under IRS scrutiny X
P-D: Lacy Clay meets with illegal alien hiding out
from immigration authorities X
KWMU: Poltically Speaking: As the Greitens World
Turns, Part 12: Mannies & Rosenbaum talk K.S. TV interview,
Jean Peters Baker as special prosecutor, Scott Faughn and Al Watkins,
much more
KWMU: Greitens subpoenaed to appear before Missouri
House investigative committee
JCNT: Greitens subpoenaed to testify to House committee X
Greitens subpoenaed by House investigation
Missourinet: Attorneys for Greitens, House committee
accuse each other of misinformation
Missourinet: House committee investigating Greitens
erupts with outrage at defense offering
KC Star: Missouri officials scrutinizing Greitens' use
of private lawyers paid by taxpayers X
Dunklin Democrat: Greitens visits Bootheel to discuss medical
services +
Missourinet: Greitens, agency officials visit town
losing hospital
Drebes: GOP
state auditor candidate Saundra McDowell sets up third-party PAC for
primary election expenditures
KC Star: Tax credits for low-income housing are 'dead'
amid scrutiny from lawmakers, Greitens X
KC Star editorial: Blunt right to force members of
Congress to pay for their own harassment settlements X
P-D editorial briefs: On Greitens' contriteness act
and "fake meat" X
KC Star editorial: Why have thousands of rape kits
gone untested in Missouri? X
Gateway Journalism Review's Terry Ganey: No-show
Greitens tries committee's patience; it sends him a subpoena
KC Star's Jason Hancock: Texting advice for Greitens'
staff was aimed at evading law X
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Friday, May 25
Missourinet: McCaskill backs Trump's move to pull the
plug on North Korea meeting
P-D: Luetkemeyer, Wagner attend Trump signing of bill
peeling back financial regulations X
The Missouri Times: Women's group cheers McCaskill,
Blunt for work on sexual harassment procedure overhaul
SNL: Lawmakers may lack power to force Greitens to
testify, says attorney who warns of 'coup' X
AP: Chip Robertson chastises attorney for Greitens
P-D: Greitens attorney defends 'disgusting' line of
questions posed to former mistress X
The Missouri Times: Watkins testifies; Barnes,
Dowd argue about K.S. testimony
KWMU: Watkins uses foul language, gets cantankerous
before House committee
Missourinet: Al Watkins gets heated in appearance
before House committee
SNL: Legislator and attorney say they've talked to FBI
about Greitens X
AP: FBI briefed on allegations against Greitens
Missourinet: Lawmakers, attorney both contacted FBI
over allegations related to Greitens
P-D: House committee chairman says he spoke with FBI
about Greitens X
KC Star: Head of investigative committee says he's
talked with FBI about Greitens X
P-D: Rep. Dan Shaul (R-Imperial) says Greitens told
him 'no picture ever taken' of former lover X
AP: Greitens approves date change on 'right to work'
Missourian: Missouri Public Safety officer Drew Juden receives
award at law enforcement ceremony +
Missourinet: Extra Missouri state troopers will patrol
roadways, waterways on Memorial Day weekend
The Missouri Times: Hawley finds nearly 5,000 rape
kits untested in Missouri
Missourinet: 30-year-old untested rape kit highlights
massive backlog in Missouri system
P-D: 5,000 rape kits sit untested in Missouri, audit
finds X
The Missouri Times: This Week in the Missouri
PSC: Commission gives approval to Westar-Great Plains merger
JCNT editorial: 2018 legislative session: All
considering, a good effort X
P-D editorial: Shame on Greitens lawyers for trying to
shame his accuser X
SNL op-ed: U.S. Senate candidate Austin
Petersen: Why I'm a pro-life agnostic X
The Missouri Times op-ed: Missouri Farm Bureau member
Andrea Rice: Rural Missourians to benefit from T-Mobile and
Sprint combining
P-D's Tod Robberson: Bob Romanik, the FCC has some
questions for you X
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Thursday, May 24
P-D: Blunt-sponsored legislation aims at overhauling
the way Capitol Hill treats sexual harassment X
KWMU: House panel probing governor questions Faughn's
access to $120,000
SNL: Faughn testifies he spent his own $100k for audio
regarding Greitens affair X
The Missouri Times: Under oath, Faughn answers
committee questions, reiterates the money was his
Missourinet: Faughn says $120,000 payment to attorney
was his own money
JCNT: Faughn says money delivered to Watkins was his X
P-D: Faughn says cash payment was his own money X
The Missouri Times: House committee tosses out photos
defense allege could be of Greitens' ex-mistress
SNL: Greitens' lawyer asked woman about her active
participation in sexual activities X
KC Star: Greitens team asked woman about wide range of
story elements X
The Missouri Times: Judge hears suit to enforce House
subpoenas, no decision made
AP: Investigation of Greitens presses ahead at Capitol
and court
Missourinet: Galloway still probing Greitens' use of
public money for private attorneys
Columbia Missourian: Informal survey results:
Some Missourians support Greitens, some don't, most don't know and
don't care
Missourinet: Several Missouri tax credits see chopping
block, including low-income housing
Missourinet: Munzlinger says Missouri biodiesel
announcement highlights value-added agriculture
Federal court rules Missouri must provide hormone therapy to inmate
KC Star editorial: Blunt is right on harassment
bill: Taxpayers shouldn't pay for Congress' misdeeds X
Washington Missourian editorial: Greitens plays the
victim role, but the act isn't convincing X
P-D editorial: Newly named special prosecutor in the
Greitens case is about justice, not convictions X
P-D editorial: Insurers are billing unfairly for some
ER visits. Missouri legislators offered a good, albeit halfway fix. X
Helling: Greitens gets a pass on speeding X
P-D letter: University City woman says front-page
article on Facebook cattiness shows how low the Post-Dispatch has sunk X
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Wednesday, May 23
KOLR: Lawmakers consider school security
legislation; Comments from "Rep. Vicki [sic] Hartzler"
P-D: Border Patrol agents' seizure of opioids on the
rise, McCaskill report says X
SNL: GOP U.S. Senate primary candidate Austin Petersen
releases poll showing him outpacing Josh Hawley in head-to-head versus
McCaskill X
AP: "Fight for 15" campaign takes new approach against
corporations: filing sexual harassment claims; Campaign
finds St. Louis teen to claim she was harassed, deserves payout
KWMU: House panel won't allow cross-examination by
governor's attorneys
The Missouri Times: Defense gets their wish on
cross-examination, sort of
Missourinet: Scott Faughn could appear today before
Missouri House committee
SNL: Lawmakers re-enact affair testimony as special
session on Greitens proceeds X
The Missouri Times: Hours of testimony of Greitens'
former mistress to be read into committee record
Columbia Missourian: Lawmakers re-enact woman's
testimony against Greitens in special session
Lawmakers read woman's testimony against Greitens
KC Star: Missouri lawmakers read, aloud, hours of
testimony by woman in Greitens case X
P-D: Lawyer for Greitens asked woman's lawyer:
'What does your client want out of this?' X
KWMU: Greitens attorney on special prosecutor
appointment: Fresh 'set of eyes' is a good thing
KWMU: What Jean Peters Baker's record says about how
she will approach Greitens case
The Missouri Times: As special session gets underway,
pro-Greitens ad set to air around state
Missourinet: Greitens lobbies to keep his job in
television attack ad
P-D: Greitens hits the airwaves again in fight for
political life X
KC Star: Greitens campaign spending six figures on TV
ads as lawmakers weigh impeachment X
Columbia Missourian: Lt. Gov. Mike Parson says he's
'ready' if Greitens is removed
KC Star: Greitens' lawyer waives first appearance in
computer tampering case X
P-D: 'It was a friendly interaction': Greitens
gets pulled over by police in small Missouri town X
Daily Journal: After 16-year state legislative career,
Rep. Kevin Engler (R-Farmington) gives exit interview on constituent
service, Greitens, tax credits, right-wingers and their benefactors,
much more
SNL: Missouri ethics panel has eyes on 'dark money' as
donations roll in for ballot measures X
St. Joseph News-Press: Sides gear up for 'right to
work' battle X
Urban scions Wiley Price IV, LaKeySha Bosley seek to begin serving time
in Democratic superminority in 2019
The Missouri Times: Missouri Chamber releases Missouri
2030 report, touts 2018 legislation as step in the right direction
JCNT: Missouri Chamber study forecasts concerns,
solutions for state's workforce X
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Tim Remole (R-Excello)
promotes Missouri coal at Tennessee meeting
P-D: What your license plate can't say in Missouri,
including 'NEKK1D' or 'DRUNK' X
KC Star editorial: Jackson County Prosecutor Jean
Peters Baker out to get justice - not Gov. Eric Greitens X
P-D editorial: Cole County prosecutor helps governor
escape charges for false campaign report X
SNL op-ed: Billy Long: Bipartisan solutions to
fight the opioid crisis X
KC Star's Melinda Henneberger: Greitens' hairdresser
rings true in deposition X
P-D letter: St. Louis County woman who fled Chicoms 10
years ago thanks Sen. Jill Schupp (D-Creve Coeur) for organ-harvesting
resolution X
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Tuesday, May 22
AP's Steve Peoples: McCaskill courts black voters,
uses church sermon to address "haters;" Comments from "St. Louis
city [sic] councilwoman Hazel
The Missouri Times: Jackson County Prosecutor Jean
Peters Baker agress to serve as special prosecutor in Greitens'
case; Gardner blocked from case
KWMU: Kansas City-area prosecutor takes over Greitens
Missourinet: Jackson County prosecutor takes over
Greitens' invasion of privacy investigation
P-D: Jackson County prosecutor to handle invasion of
privacy case against Greitens +
Judge appoints special prosecutor in Greitens case
Missourinet: Missouri House committee investigating
Greitens to discuss special session rules today
KC Star: Missouri lawmakers' plans for special session
largely ignore Greitens' ideas X
The Missouri Times: Greitens-connected groups to argue
committee subpoena in court
KSDK (St. Louis): Woman at center of Greitens case
tells her version of story; KS talks about friendship with Rep.
Stacey Newman (D-Richmond Heights), more
KWMU: Woman in Greitens scandal says she's being used
SNL: Woman in Greitens affair speaks out X
P-D: In first interview, Greitens' accuser says she is
not lying +
The Missouri Times: Two weeks out, Lauren Arthur leads
Kevin Corlew in SD 17 race
Democratic state rep candidate sets up Go Fund Me campaign to help
cover costs for November loss
The Missouri Times: First Lady applauds passage of
foster care and adoption overhaul legislation
Missourinet: Rep. Kip Kendrick (D-Columbia) calls for
firing after alleged tax bill estimate cover-up
The Missouri Times: Ameren Missouri taking major steps
toward renewable energy with plans for largest wind farm in state
KWMU: Ameren Missouri plans to build a large network
of wind turbines in northeast Missouri
P-D: Ameren to establish state's largest wind farm in
northeast Missouri X
P-D editorial: A fine legislative year for special
interests. Regular interests, not so much. X
KC Star editorial: Missouri lawmakers gave
corporations tax cuts and plenty more. But what about workers? X
KC Star letters: Lake Winnebago man displeased by
McCaskill's vote on Haspel; Area women applaud state lawmakers
for legislation regardling shackling of pregnant women in active labor X
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Monday, May 21
KC Star: Cory Booker campaigns for McCaskill as black
leaders complain about her neglect; McCaskill assures squeaky
wheels they'll see "resources" X
P-D: McCaskill, with Cory Booker in tow, makes brief
stop at Annie Malone parade, poses for pictures X
Brownfield Ag News: Chris Chinn among state ag
directors pushing trade issues
Help Wanted: National Association of Area Agencies on Aging seeks
This Week in Missouri Politics: Host Scott Faughn
talks with Ray Hartmann, Gregg Keller, J.P. Johnson, Jake Silverman
talk Greitens' civil case, impeachment, much more
Missourinet: Session recaps: Speaker Todd
Richardson, House Superminority Leader Gail McCann Beatty
St. Joseph News-Press: Local lawmakers believe session
was productive X
Missouri lawmakers pass big tax code changes on last day
JCNT: Tax credit passed on Friday could bring sporting
events to Jefferson City X
P-D: Now what? Greitens special impeachment
session underway as House intensifies investigation; Governor
helps raise profile of Craig Redmon in GOP primary against Nate Walker X
SNL: Greitens' pick for state school board, Jennifer
Edwards, left in limbo as session ends X
P-D: Greitens names Thomas A. McCarthy as associate
St. Louis circuit judge X
KC Star editorial: The top five reasons Missouri
lawmakers must impeach Gov. Eric Greitens X
P-D editorial: In Missouri, chaos reigns on 'right to
work' - by design X
Missourian editorial: Restoration of autism funding a smart
decision by Missouri lawmakers +
Columbia Missourian's David Webber: Trump, Greitens
show the problems associated with "outsiders"
Missourian op-ed: Pat McKenna: Infrastructure investment
important to rural America's economy +
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Sunday, May 20
McClatchy: McCaskill votes no on Haspel nomination
SNL: Greitens saved by split vote after FEC attorneys
flagged violations in a campaign mailer X
SNL: Takeaways from the end of Missouri's legislative
session - and the next big thing X
Missourinet: Top bills that fizzled during legislative
JCNT: Area lawmakers pleased with outcome of session X
CDT: Local bills meet different fates at legislative
session's end X
Columbia Missourian: Legislation involving Columbia,
Boone County fire district dispute passes at last minute
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Sen. Brian Munzlinger
(R-Williamstown) wraps up legislative career, provides bit of advice to
future lawmakers
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Sen. Caleb Rowden (R-Columbia)
talks fuel tax proposal
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Nate Walker (R-Kirksville)
talks prevailing wage
JCNT: Office of Administration begins planning for
Merit System changes X
JCNT: DNR specialist lauded for work after tornado X
SNL: Missouri Department of Conservation reports that
bow fisherman breaks record for yelllow bullhead catfish X
KWMU: Students' "Black Lives Matter" walk draws fewer
than 60 participants
P-D: Area students block traffic on parade to police
headquarters, sing "Happy Birthday" to police assailant Michael Brown X
P-D editorial: As possible impeachment looms, Greitens
keeps digging his own grave X
Washington Missourian editorial: Concealed-carry bill
not good legislation X
KC Star's Bryan Lowry: McCaskill, Hawley both find
themselves working to shore up their political bases X
SNL letter: Galena sexagenarian calls McCaskill a
"moderate" X
SNL letter: Battlefield sexagenarian says Billy Long
lacks perspective on confirmation process X
KC Star letters: Weatherby Lake septuagenarian pleased
with McCaskill's vote against Haspel; Doniphan octogenarian
defends Greitens, calls Hawley and state legislators "clowns" X
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Saturday, May 19
P-D: Congressional votes for the week: Farm
Bill, Clean Water Rule, more X
Kraske: Chaos in the Missouri GOP is propelling Claire
McCaskill one more time X
KWMU: Politically Speaking: As the Greitens
World Turns, Part 11: Rosenbaum, Jo Mannies and Rachel Lippmann
talk Gardner dropping invasion of privacy case, Hanaway on
investigation, impeachment, much more
The Missouri Times: Hawley says governor's office has
no authority to hire impeachment attorneys; Greitens spokesman
CDT: Before special session begins, a dispute over pay
for Greitens' attorneys X
KC Star: Hawley says Greitens illegally hired private
impeachment attorneys X
KWMU: Cole County prosecutor won't charge Greitens
over campaign finance reports
P-D: Cole County prosecutor declines to pursue case
against Greitens X
KWMU: Once a rival, Hanaway details why she signed
onto Greitens' legal team
The Missouri Times: Special session convenes, rules
and procedures moving forward filed
SNL: Greitens' request to cross-examine special
session witnesses not in the cards X
KWMU: Missouri's special session is underway - here's
what to expect
Columbia Missourian: Special session to consider
impeaching Greitens begins
Missouri opens session to consider impeachment of governor
Jeff Roe's team sets up third-party PAC for Justin Brown's state Senate
KWMU: Missouri voters will see gas tax proposal on
November ballot, prevailing wage law changed
Columbia Missourian: Missourians will vote on fuel tax
increase to fund infrastructure, law enforcement
P-D: On final day, Missouri lawmakers approve gas tax
vote, cut business taxes X
Columbia Missourian: Individual, corporate income cuts
highlight tax overhaul
KWMU: Missouri legislative leaders laud, lament
JCNT: Area lawmakers bid farewell to Capitol posts X
Missourinet: Highlights of the Missouri Legislature's
regular session
P-D: How major legislation fared in 2018 X
KC Star's Jason Hancock: GOP lawmakers mark victories
in 2018 session; Comments from "Rep. Kevin Enlger [sic]" X
The Missouri Times: Farmers, ranchers, rural
Missourians make out well in 2018 session
Columbia Missourian: Lawmakers create grant program to
spread broadband in Missouri
Columbia Missourian: Busy final hours bring tax cuts
and union regulations, but no lobbyist-gift restrictions
The Missouri Times: Concealed carry convictions soon
to be expungable
CDT: Lawmakers approve changes to tuition cap X
KC Star: Lobbyist gift ban dies X
KC Star: Lawmakers let medical marijuana die in last
days of session X
Columbia Missourian: Photo gallery: Final day of
regular session
KC Star: Marriage-bill advocacy series: Missouri
outlawing marriage at 15, but critic calls new statute 'a waste of
paper' X
KC Star: Medicaid payment errors could cost Missouri
up to $1.7 million X
KC Star editorial: If Greitens wants to keep his job,
he owes voters an explanation - under oath X
JCNT editorial: 'Revenge porn' bill would help to
protect victims X
Columbia Missourian op-ed: Phill Brooks: Ethics
Commission steps up where the Legislature fails
Messenger: In courthouses from St. Louis to Jefferson
City, the battle for sunshine intensifies X
P-D letter: Alzheimer's volunteer wants congressional
delegation to support early-detection funding
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Friday, May 18
CNN: Blunt, other Senate negotiators nearing sexual
harassment legislation deal
AP: McCaskill, Blunt split on Haspel vote
KWMU: What to expect during special impeachment session
KWMU: Greitens blames low-income housing program
backers for legal, political troubles
Greitens strikes SEAL posture, says he won't quit
Special Investigative Committee gathering information on Greitens'
alleged use of Wash U. grant for campaign expenses
The Missouri Times: House Special Investigative
Committee files civil suit against A New Missouri, Greitens for Missouri
KWMU: Missouri House committee sues to get documents
in Greitens investigation
Missourinet: Lawmakers investigating Greitens go to
court to get more answers
P-D: Missouri House panel sues Greitens campaign, says
it is obstructing justice
The Missouri Times: Hanaway alleges Laub stole donor
list for opponents; Laub denies wrongdoing
The Missouri Times: Governor's publicly-paid
impeachment lawyer registers as lobbyist
The Missouri Times: 'Right to work' date change to
August finalized
Legislature schedules 'right to work' vote for August
Columbia Missourian: Legislators give final approval
on change to 'right to work' voting date
KWMU: Missouri lawmakers move 'right to work vote,'
cut taxes
The Missouri Times: Fiscal note error could have cost
Missouri roughly $50 million in revenue
The Missouri Times: Tax cuts are here; Haahr's
bill awaits governor's signature
P-D: Missouri lawmakers approve income tax cut, poised
to slash business taxes X
Missourinet: Legislature passes income tax cut as
session winds down
Lawmakers reduce individual income tax cut wrestle with cut to
corporate taxes
KC Star: Missouri General Assembly votes to cut
individual taxes, sends bill to Greitens X
The Missouri Times: Merit system ends for state
employees as Kehoe's SB 1007 moves to governor's desk
P-D: Lawmakers vote to give governor's administration
more leeway in hiring and firing X
The Missouri Times: Senate passes first-time home
buyers bill
The Missouri Times: Missouri fulfills obligation to
biodiesel plants
The Missouri Times: Legislature says Missouri meat
must meet meat definition
Columbia Missourian: Lawmakers address shackling of
pregnant inmates, telehealth, opioids
KWMU: High school students' Black Lives Matter rally
tomorrow to feature complaints about perceived racism
KC Star editorial: How, exactly, does Missouri's
impeachment process work? It's hard to say. X
P-D editorial: Greitens' lawyers maneuver for maximum
advantage in House impeachment proceedings X
Missourian editorial: Drug Court plays vital role in many lives X
Washington Missourian letter: Robertsville
sexagenarian hopes Greitens runs for second term X
P-D letter: Eureka sexagenarian expresses anger at
Ameren, PSC, AG's office over speed of refund
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Thursday, May 17
Quincy Herald-Whig: McCaskill introduces bill aimed at
air ambulance rates
Truman statue bound for Washington
SNL: Jenna Bush Hager, former first daughter, to speak
at MSU in September X
Help Wanted: Environment America seeks state director
SNL: Will Greitens testify before legislators? His
lawyers won't say. X
CDT: Greitens' attorneys, lawmakers fail to agree on
impeachment rules X
The Missouri Times: Barnes pleas for Greitens to
testify as committee looks at procedures moving forward
JCNT: Greitens committee talks special session
procedures X
Columbia Missourian: House investigative committee
asks again for Greitens to testify
P-D: Lawmakers plead for Greitens to testify as they
consider impeachment
The Missouri Times: Special investigative committee
legal counsel reassures House members of their duties in the event of
Missourinet: Impeachment not a done deal
KWMU: House investigative committee grills Greitens'
Missourinet: House committee on impeachment spars with
attorneys representing Greitens' office
House expands Greitens probe, examines signature
LA Times: Lawyer who got $120k to bring down Greitens
claims he was told it came from a wealthy Republican
Missourinet: Missourinet, KMIZ to partner on live
broadcast tonight focused on special impeachment session
KWMU: Missouri House votes to rein in tax credits,
block stadium aid, curb teen marriages
The Missouri Times: Senate arrives at deal on
'paycheck protection' bill
Senate passes regulations on public unions
P-D: Senate passes 'paycheck protection' X
KC Star: Senate could find common ground on labor bills X
The Missouri Times: Legislature gives final approval
to Emery's utility bill
Missourinet: Massive utility bill passes Legislature
P-D: Ameren critics unhappy with utility bill X
Columbia Missourian: Missouri legislators tentatively
agree to raise tuition caps
Missourinet: Rep. Greg Razer (D-Kansas City) says new
Warrenton I-70 interchange highlights MoDOT funding issues
The Missouri Times: Less restrictive version of Evans'
marriage age bill passes House
Columbia Missourian: Senate bill would set state's
minimum marriage age to 16
KC Star: Missouri House votes to set 16 as minimum age
for marriage X
Columbia Missourian: Bill requiring lessons on
consent, sexual assault passed by Legislature
Missourinet: Missouri House endorses term limits for
KC Star editorial: Greitens' allies launch payback
attack on Josh Hawley for doing his job X
JCNT editorial: 'Revenge porn' bill would help protect
victims X
P-D letter: Kirkwood woman wants Blunt, other
Republicans to criticize Trump more often X
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Wednesday, May 16
St. Joseph News-Press: McCaskill: Border
resources don't square with drug crisis
KWMU: What is next for Greitens after Monday's
shocking announcement
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air: Rosenbaum, Rachel
Lippmann, and Michael Wolff analyze Monday's events
The Missouri Times: 'Shell companies' may have been
used to conceal Greitens' donors
KWMU: Greitens may have hidden campaign donations
through 'shell committees,' committee says
CDT: House committee digging into Greitens' campaign
finance X
Columbia Missourian: House investigation accuses
Greitens of campaign law violations
Missourinet: Document alleges Greitens used shell
companies to hide campaign donors
Missourinet: House committee investigating Greitens
issues more subpoenas; Hanaway says Barnes plays politics
SNL: Greitens' lawyers want to question witnesses
during special session X
The Missouri Times: Greitens' defense proposes
timeline, recommends committee follow 'hallmarks of due process'
JCNT: Greitens' lawyers seeks 'ground rules' for
committee meeting X
Missourinet: Missouri House looking over Senate plan
calling for governor to appoint lieutenant governor if seat is vacant
Columbia Missourian: Dropped felony charge won't
protect Greitens from impeachment, MU law prof says
The Missouri Times: Greitens' lawyer to file police
report accusing investigator of perjury
P-D: St. Louis police open perjury probe into
investigator in Greitens case X
Missourinet: St. Louis police to investigate St. Louis
Circuit Attorney's investigator in Greitens case
KC Star: St. Louis police to investigate ex-FBI agent
involved in Greitens case X
CDT: Galloway seeks information about Greitens' legal
team X
The Missouri Times: Galloway inquires if public funds
are being used to pay Greitens' private attorneys
Missourinet: Galloway wants info on Greitens' use of
state money for private attorneys
KC Star: Two private lawyers helping Greitens on
impeachment cost state total of $660 an hour
SNL: Lawsuit over Greitens' use of Confide gets
answers Hawley's investigators didn't X
Registered agent change for Greitens' political nonprofit campaign arm
Help Wanted: Missouri Community Action Network seeks executive
Missouri Farmer Today: Missouri Dept. of Agriculture
initiative aims for 'more'
KWMU: As session winds down, House focuses on crime
and appointments, Senate on financial matters
The Missouri Times: Senate signs off on tax overhaul
bill, House has final say
KC Star: Missouri Senate approves tax cut with days
left in session; bill goes back to House
Missouri Senate OKs tax credits for gifts to soup kitchens
The Missouri Times: 'Right to work' looks to be a
photo finish for Missouri Republicans
Missouri House votes to amend constitution for 'right to work'
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Lindell Shumake (R-Hannibal)
pleased with education funding efforts
The Missouri Times: Romine seeks to block the
withdrawing of State Board of Education appointees
Missourinet: Lawmakers approve bill about special
taxing districts
Missouri House loosens regulations of security deposits
The Missouri Times: General Assembly approves of bill
aimed at improving breast cancer detection
Columbia Missourian: Police officers involved in
racial profiling could face penalties
KC Star editorial: McCaskill, Blunt right to call for
a halt on newspaper tariffs X
P-D editorial: Greitens' 'great victory' ignores the
mountain of legal problems still pending X
JCNT editorial: Why we voted to revoke The Missouri
Times' membership in Capitol Press Corps X
JCNT editorial: State budget represents Missourians'
needs X
Politico's Alex Isenstadt: Josh Hawley, GOP golden
boy, mails it in
Waters: Confide app violates the spirit of the law X
Helling: The death of shame: Greitens should be
more than sorry for his moral failures X
SNL's Christopher Dixon: Eric Greitens should exit
Missouri governorship X
SNL letter: Monett man thanks Billy Long for hard work
on behalf of constituents X
P-D letter: St. Louis man says Kim Gardner is
incompetent, should be disbarred X
P-D letter: Pacific septuagenarian disagrees with
Schatz on 'right to work' X
KC Star letter: Local union official opposes 'right to
work' X
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Tuesday, May 15
P-D: Missouri Scout poll: Greitens' numbers
tanking; McCaskill leads Hawley by 4 X
KWMU: Prosecutors drop felony invasion of privacy
charges against Gov. Greitens
SNL: Invasion of privacy case against Greitens dropped
by prosecutor, could be refiled X
The Missouri Times: Greitens' invasion of privacy case
dismissed; Gardner says Burlison made "unpreceded [sic] decision"
Invasion of privacy case dropped against Greitens
P-D: Invasion of privacy charge dropped against
Greitens; Governor calls it 'great victory' X
P-D: Video: Greitens' defense team makes
statement after case is dismissed X
KC Star: Case against Greitens dropped for now X
The Missouri Times: House leadership says dismissal of
trial allows Greitens to 'share his side of the facts'
The Missouri Times: Hanaway, on client's behalf,
partially complies with subpoena, turns over 'substantial amount' of
SNL: Greitens campaign not fully complying with
legislative subpoena, Barnes says X
KWMU: Greitens camp not fully cooperating with House
investigative committee, Barnes says
Mini-profile: Greitens' lifelong runway to presidential bid
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Rep. Peter
Merideth (D-St. Louis City) talks with Mannies & Rosenbaum about
Greitens and impact on Dems' superminority numbers, special impeachment
session, U.S. Census and illegal aliens, more
SNL: Greitens holding out on moving ballot issues from
November to August X
KWMU: Missouri House and Senate continue drive to
protect 'right-to-work' law
P-D: Proposed 'right to work' constitutional amendment
heads to Missouri Senate X
Missourian: Missouri Legislature restores funding for autism
services +
The Missouri Times: Tax overhaul sputters on Senate
floor in final days of session
P-D: Tax cut efforts fizzle in Legislature X
The Missouri Times: Historic preservation tax credits
bill seeks a conference, gets tabled instead
P-D: Nominees to Missouri Board of Education could be
banned from serving after Senate action X
The Missouri Times: U.S. Supreme Court decision paves
way for sports betting in Missouri
The Missouri Times: Hawley argues Obama-era livestock
rule is illegal, economically unjustifiable
SNL: Former Gov. Jay Nixon speaks at Nixa high school
graduation X
Missourian: Scott County state audit underway +
Hannibal Courier-Post: Missouri Department of
Conservation promotes free fishing days in June X
KWMU: NGA construction progress met with North St.
Louis City residents' complaints about dust
Missourian: David Robinson freed from prison +
KC Star editorial: Why the dropped invasion of privacy
charge is bad news for Greitens X
P-D editorial: Even in economic good times, Missouri's
budget is stressed; Legislators must stop cutting taxes X
Missourian op-ed: Terry Jarrett: Missouri should consider
high-tech coal plants +
KC Star op-ed: Charter school advocate Rebecca
Haessig: Kansas City can find a middle path between public and
charter schools X
P-D letter: Ameren's Warren Wood responds to Messenger
column, says company is transparent in reporting political contributions X
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Monday, May 14
Missourinet: Blunt says year-round Pell grant program
is helping thousands of Missourians
This Week in Missouri Politics: Mike Hafner talks to
Scott Faughn about his experience working for Greitens and ethics
investigations into the governor
SNL: What to expect as Greitens' historic felony trial
begins this week X
P-D: Greitens' invasion of privacy trial to center on
accuser's testimony X
Drebes: Website offers ability to place wager on
Greitens' fate
Missourinet: 'Right to work' measures moving along
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Lindell Shumake (R-Hannibal)
says budget process produced success
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Sen. Denny Hoskins
(R-Warrensburg) talks about bill to expand access to information on
local taxes
Missourinet: Gas tax proposal to be discussed this week
KWMU: 17-year-olds will no longer be tried as adults
in Missouri if Greitens signs bill
P-D: Preview: Final week of legislative session X
KC Star: Preview: Final week of legislative
session X
Messenger: Libla wants a new line on electric
bill: Call it the dark-money surcharge
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Sunday, May 13
Washington Missourian: Luetkemeyer talks tariffs,
touts Trump tax cuts X
JCNT: Greitens conviction wouldn't equal loss of job X
P-D: Greitens' invasion of privacy trial to center on
accuser's testimony
P-D: A timeline of Greitens' military service and
decision to leave Navy reserves X
KC Star: Brief overview of impeachment process X
KC Star: Brief overview of players in Greitens saga X
KWMU: 'Right to work' back on lawmakers' agendas
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Craig Redmon (R-Canton) says
Legislature has accomplished more this session than last
Washington Missourian: Industrial hemp bill, sponsored
by Curtman, will head to governor
CDT: Medical marijuana bill awaits Senate X
JCNT: Lawmakers OK bill on capital improvements X
P-D: Some environmental activists unhappy with coal
ash oversight X
CDT: Bob Priddy speaks on adventure of life at MU
commencement X
Columbia Missourian: Newspaper finds woman to fill
executive editor job; 51-year-old Ruby Bailey covered local news
for Sacramento Bee
KC Star editorial: Gov. Mike Parson would provide a
fresh start for Missouri X
KC Star editorial: Greitens and dark money are fueling
Missouri's ugly 'right to work' battle X
SNL op-ed: Eric Burlison: Claire McCaskill just
another far-left elitist X
P-D letter: St. Louis County septuagenarian supports
Democrat running in GOP primary against Ann Wagner X
SNL letter: Sexagenarian liberal says Billy Long -
re-elected in 2016 by 41-point margin - is out of touch with
constituents X
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Saturday, May 12
P-D: Congressional
votes for the week
The Missouri Times: Former Ag Director Richard Fordyce
selected to oversee Farm Service Agency nationwide
St. Joseph News-Press: Richard Fordyce named to lead
Farm Service Agency X
Brownfield Ag News: Perdue names former Missouri Ag
Director to key USDA post
P-D: Senate candidates' unusual 'drop out' bargain
collapses over religion question X
CDT: Monetti calls Hawley 'out of line' with higher ed
complaints X
KWMU: Politically Speaking: As the Greitens
World Turns, Episode 10: Mannies, Rosenbaum and colleagues
discuss jury selection, the lack of alleged photo, Legislature's
special impeachment session, more
P-D: No photo of woman found on Greitens' phone X
KWMU: Day 2 of jury selection continues; no
photo of woman found on Greitens' phone
No images of woman found on Greitens' phone
P-D: Democrats boot Rep. Bob Burns (D-Affton) for
calling in to controversial radio show X
Democrats oust lawmaker from caucus for calling in to controversial
radio show
P-D: Judge hits shock jock Bob Romanik with protection
order X
Ron Calzone appeals rulings against him
P-D: 'Right to work' initiatives move through Missouri
House and Senate
The Missouri Times: Senate approves resolution to move
'right to work' to August ballot despite late-night filibuster
The Missouri Times: Missouri voters may see second
'right to work' measure on 2018 ballot
Missourinet: Senate votes to move date of 'right to
work' ballot measure
Missouri Legislature advances 'right to work' proposals
Columbia Missourian: Missourians could see
redistricting changes, conflicting referendums on 'right to work'
KC Star: Missouri GOP lawmakers advance two bills
aimed at defending 'right to work' from repeal
Missouri House would count only Americans when redistricting
JCNT: Lincoln University 'grateful' for its share of
higher ed budget X
Lawmakers pass bill on sheriff powers
Governor says education nominees withdrawn for confirmation
Missouri GOP lawmakers try to block Planned Parenthood funding
Legislature approves bill on parental rights, rape
The Missouri Times: This Week in the Missouri
PSC: May 9, 2018
Missouri bill to expand crime victim confidentiality passes
The Missouri Times: Capitol Commission picks new stone
for renovation project
Missourian: Hawley says AG's office is reviewing Robinson case +
Washington Missourian endorsement: Yes on Clean
Missouri X
CDT editorial: Special session was the right call X
KC Star editorial: After measles outbreak, why would
Missouri consider new protections for unvaccinated children? X
Messenger: A shadow of his former self, Greitens
avoids answers on multiple fronts X
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Friday, May 11
McClatchy: McCaskill struggling to woo black voters
crucial to her election
The Missouri Times: Hawley headed to Indiana for
fundraiser with VP Pence
CDT: Hawley says higher education should take the rap
for fostering liberal ideology X
SNL: McCaskill, Blunt tell 'concerned' Missouri
lawmakers they'll talk to Trump about tariffs
JCNT: Blunt agress with state lawmakers' tariff
concerns X
Missourian: Eastern District of Missouri U.S. Attorney Jeff
Jensen speaks at annual Respect the Law dinner
The Missouri Times: Nasheed gets results from feds on
St. Louis City housing project
AT&T's John Sondag retires; Beloved government affairs leader
hangs it up after four decades of success
P-D: Big money for failed petition drive went to
Greitens' consultants, allies X
KWMU: Jury selection begins in Greitens' felony
invasion of privacy trial
The Missouri Times: Jury selection process begins in
felony invasion of privacy case against Greitens
Missourinet: Jury selection begins in Greitens trial,
could last three days
Greitens trial opens with jury selection
The Missouri Times: Libla pens letter to Missouri PSC,
asking for investigation into campaign contributions by utilities
The Missouri Times: MEC opinion is a blow for 'dark
money' groups
The Missouri Times: Rep. Courtney Curtis (D-Ferguson)
says he will take legal action to get on SD 14 ballot
Perryville Republic Monitor: At Perry County visit,
State Treasurer Eric Schmitt says county's enrollment in MOST 529 on
The Missouri Times: House gives initial approval of
measure altering reapportionment criteria
Missourinet: Richardson, Fitzpatrick praise $28
billion budget
KWMU: Lawmakers trim DHSS funds in hopes to get
Bourbon virus information
Missourinet: Legislature passes 'revenge porn' bill
Missourinet: State auditor praises UM system after
previous report slammed executive pay
Columbia Missourian: Galloway says new UM System
administration ended 'secret' initiatives, is improving
P-D: Auditor cites improvements in University of
Missouri system after critical 2017 audit; Comments from Nicole
"Gallowway [sic]" X
KWMU: 'Handmaid's Tale' stunt, created by activists in
other states, copied by Missouri's Planned Parenthood activists at
Columbia Missourian: Nasheed objects to weakening of
bill restricting when pregnant inmates can be shackled
P-D endorsement: Vote 'Yes' on Clean Missouri X
P-D editorial: While Greitens case gets all the
attention, public defenders say other cases suffer X
KC Star's Melinda Henneberger: Using alleged victim's
name humiliates Greitens accuser X
Gateway Journalism Review's Terry Ganey: Scott Faughn
is not a journalist and should be kicked out of Missouri Capitol News
P-D op-ed: Educational consultant Brian
Elsesser: Incompetent Harris-Stowe leaders fritter away taxpayer
money, then guilt-trip state legislators for more X
KC Star op-ed: Local union boss opposes 'paycheck
protection' X
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Thursday, May 10
P-D's Chuck Raasch: For Blunt, it's acts over facts
with Trump X
JCNT: McCaskill shares state senators' concerns on
tariffs X
P-D: McCaskill drafts bill aimed at giving states
power to regulate air ambulances X
Riverfront Times: Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) coming to
St. Louis to stump for Claire McCaskill
KWMU: St. Louis co-working spaces want congressional
delegation to support "Net Neutrality"
KWMU: Mike Hafner says Greitens relied on charity
donor list, dark money to kick-start campaign
Greitens' legal fate may rest in technology, definitions
KWMU: Full names, no audio recording, during Greitens
P-D: Name of Greitens' accuser will be used at
trial; no ruling yet on evidence of her other sexual activities X
Missourinet: "Five things" journomeme: Five
things that matter in Greitens' criminal trial next week
Missourinet: Judge rules woman's name will be used in
Greitens criminal trial; key audio is out
P-D: Greitens to move from Capitol office to courtroom
today for jury selection X
KWMU: Greitens trial profile series: Circuit
Judge Rex Burlison
The Missouri Times: Initiative petitions could cause
uptick in voters for November election
Senate Republicans could see five-way pro tem race
SNL: Lawmakers have passed more than 30 bills that
Greitens can't sign X
KWMU: Missouri lawmakers send $28 billion budget to
P-D: Missouri lawmakers approve $28.3 billion budget X
Columbia Missourian: Lawmakers give final approval to
$28 billion state budget
House passes $99 million more for K-12
KC Star: Missouri House votes to fully fund education,
spare colleges from cuts X
Missourinet: Missouri House gives final budget
approval; Bourbon virus controversy dominates discussion
The Missouri Times: Top takeaways from the General
Assembly's passage of the budget
Missourinet: Harris-Stowe given $750,000 in taxpayer
money for capital improvements
Missourinet: 'Revenge porn' bill close to clearing
Missouri Legislature
SNL: Missouri Dept. of Conservation wants your
comments about fish gigging in Missouri X
Missourinet: Rep. Bruce Franks (D-St. Louis City)
wants youth violence declared a public health epidemic
P-D editorial: Utilities and opponents are playing
hardball with rate reform bill X
KC Star op-ed: Student Press Law Center's Frank
LoMonte: Missouri can fix the Supreme Court's mistake about
freedom of the student press X
KC Star's Tessa Weinberg: Hawley investigating
Greitens again, and hopefully will press social media inquiry further X
SNL op-ed: Area woman opposes changes to SNAP X
P-D letter: Moms Demand Action septuagenarian thinks
writing letters in support of gun control will change state
legislators' approach to Second Amendment X
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Wednesday, May 9
McCaskill 'concerned' after Trump pulls out of Iran deal
Daily Journal: U.S. Rep. Jason Smith visits Missouri
Cobalt mine
The Missouri Times: Remembering John Hearne:
Jefferson City attorney, Republican activist, father of Sarah Steelman
KMOV: Key witness Michael Hafner: Greitens
wanted me to use Mission Continues list to help build a fundraising plan
The Missouri Times: Greitens' phone examined in
relation to invasion of privacy trial
Experts examine Greitens' cell phone
P-D: Greitens cell phone examined at St. Louis
courthouse X
KWMU: Greitens trial profile series: Greitens
attorneys Ed Dowd, Jim Martin, Jack Garvey, Scott Rosenblum
Subpoena issued for Hawley's records in Confide case
SNL: Greitens releases to-do list for state government
as trial, special impeachment session loom X
The Missouri Times: Legislature holding off delivering
truly agreed and passed bills to Greitens' desk
P-D: Legislature's attempt to impeach and remove
Greitens could take months X
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Sen. Caleb Rowden (R-Columbia) on
special impeachment session
Missourinet: Rep. Brandon Ellington (D-Kansas City) on
opposing special impeachment session
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Rep. Shamed
Dogan (R-Ballwin) chats with Mannies & Rosenbaum about Greitens,
Clean Missouri, more
SNL: Missouri budget writers restore Greitens'
education cuts, fight over Bourbon virus X
Columbia Missourian: Lawmakers pare DHSS funding over
Bourbon virus dispute
KC Star: Legal showdown looms for state agency,
Missouri House over Bourbon virus numbers X
JCNT: Mid-Missouri lawmakers support state pay
compromise X
CDT: For fifth year in a row, GOP legislators succeed
in protecting in-state tuition breaks from illegal aliens X
Missourinet: UM System president pleased with Missouri
budget recommendations
Missourinet: Budget negotiators agree to spending
plan, send it to full House and Senate
House votes to toughen open records law
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Basye's veterans tuition discount
bill heard by Senate Veterans Committee
Missouri House votes to empower more school employees as school
protection officers
House votes to expand sexual assault education
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Lindell Shumake (R-Hannibal)
talks sheltered workshops, electric co-op legislation
St. Joseph News-Press: Missouri American says proposed
rates still not final X
SNL: Police: Swastika painted on front door a
prank, not a hate crime X
KC Star editorial: Missouri Republicans have stood up
to Greitens. Why won't DC counterparts take on Trump? X
P-D editorial: Missouri GOP leaders need to stand up
for Missouri values X
JCNT editorial: State honors public workers, threatens
pay boost X
KWMU's Erin Achenbach: Heroes known as "Medicaid 23"
return to the Capitol to support vulnerable Missourians threatened by
Republican bills
P-D op-ed: Human Rights Watch's Komala
Ramachandra: Missouri Senate should act now on probation flaws X
P-D letter: Arnold man says Missouri farmers would
benefit from wider use of biofuels X
P-D letter: Chesterfield septuagenarian agitated by
Show-Me Institute piece on minimum wage X
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Tuesday, May 8
KWMU: McCaskill promotes her town halls in new round
of TV ads
Missourinet: Blunt touts Trump's pick to head the CIA
P-D: Ste. Genevieve gets national park designation,
but much remains to do before it will open X
KWMU: Judge allows Greitens accuser to testify in next
week's invasion of privacy trial
The Missouri Times: #GreitensIndictment: One
week from trial
Clayton Times: Judge will not strike testimony of
Greitens' former lover
Missourinet: Judge won't dismiss felony case against
Greitens, will allow alleged victim to testify
P-D: Greitens judge will allow his accuser to testify
in trial set to begin next week X
KC Star: Greitens' alleged victim will be allowed to
testify at his trial, judge rules X
KWMU: Greitens trial profile series: St. Louis
Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner
KWMU: Hawley's inquiry of Greitens questions whether
social media should be in the sunshine
KWMU: Missouri's likely ballot measures this year
could attract more Democratic voters
SNL: State voters may decide marijuana, wage issues X
The Missouri Times: Supporters of six initiatives turn
in signatures seeking the ballot
Minimum wage, medical marijuana among Missouri ballot proposals
Scot Van Meter withdraws
The Missouri Times: Amid filing controversy, Scot Van
Meter withdraws from Missouri Senate race
The Missouri Times: Compromises made, budget still on
schedule to pass before deadline
CDT: Budget negotiators reject Greitens cuts to
education X
KWMU: House & Senate agree on $98 million spending
hike for K-12 schools
Missourinet: Missouri budget negotiators make
recommendations on education and state employee pay
Columbia Missourian: Latest budget plan fully funds
K-12 education, delays state employee pay raises
Missouri budget leaders agree on increased K-12 school funding
P-D: Missouri lawmakers putting final touches on budget
Missourinet: Legislature still has major topics on the
table as session winds down
KWMU: New state office seeks to bring high-speed
Internet to rural Missouri
Missourinet: Proposal approved by Senate would change
merit system for state employees
Columbia Missourian: Missouri's dubious export:
Sex offenders
P-D: New Missouri-American Water Company rates
expected to take effect later this month X
The Missouri Times: Missouri Health Facilities Review
Committee unanimously approves psychiatric hospital in Cape Girardeau
The Missouri Times: Drivewyze weigh-in-motion
technology up and running
Missouri Legislature votes for radioactive waste inquiries
KC Star editorial: Missouri publisher who made
payments in Greitens case shouldn't pretend to be a journalist X
P-D editorial: After Galloway audit, Hazelwood School
District must hold former officials accountable X
P-D letter: Chris Benjamin (D): Missouri public
defender system needs adequate funding X
KC letter: KC man says tax on food is immoral X
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Monday, May 7
CNN's State of the Union transcript: Blunt talks
Trump, North Korea, declines to offer guidance to state lawmakers on
impeachment vote
This Week in Missouri Politics: Guest host Rachael
Herndon Dunn and panel of Scott Dieckhaus, David Barklage, Steve
Stenger consultant Patrick
Lynn, Jeff Roorda talk House report, Jay Barnes, more
SNL: In Missouri petition season, Ashcroft focuses on
his job while avoiding Eric Greitens X
Missourinet: Rep. Bill White (R-Joplin) talks about
declining to sign special session petition
Choice to act on Greitens not clear cut for some lawmakers
Drebes: Senate 34: GOP seeks to kick Scot Van
Meter off ballot
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Sen. Brian Munzlinger
(R-Williamstown) winding down career in Legislature
KWMU: Few changes to K-12 education pending as
Missouri Legislture remains 'bogged down'
Legislature passes bill on high school computer science classes
Brownfield Ag News: Missouri Farm Bureau's B.J.
Tanksley on ag bills' advancement
Columbia Missourian: Sex offender special
series: 'Extremely complex' sex offender residency restrictions
are challenging to enforce
Columbia Missourian: Sex offender special
series: Sex offender faces a lifetime on the registry
P-D: Obituary: Former Lacy Clay attorney Richard
E. Schwartz X
CDT editorial: Missouri Times owner Scott Faughn needs
a lesson in journalism X
Messenger: Greitens scandal casts 2015 Danforth eulogy
of Schweich in new light X
Columbia Missourian's Ken Midkiff: In Missouri, police
officers should not be allowed to use deadly force
P-D letter: Fenton woman considers McCaskill a
'moderate' X
P-D letter: Villa Ridge septuagenarian suggests gag
order be applied to media in Greitens case X
P-D letter: Show-Me Institute's Philip Oehlerking on
research showing minimum-wage increases do not stimulate economy X
SNL letter: Gun-control advocate threatens to keep her
young children from attending Missouri universities if concealed-carry
law passes X
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Sunday, May 6
P-D: Top-level turmoil at EPA raises local concern
about West Lake Landfill progress X
SNL: Thieves keep targeting VA clinic despite security
upgrades, police say X
CDT: Latest Greitens report could help settle
important impeachment question: Were misdeeds committed while in
office, or not? X
KC Star: Profile: Greitens confidant Mark Bobak X
KC Star: Missouri lawmakers make case for easing term
limits X
JCNT: Advocacy group complains that bill makes it
harder for consumers to sue X
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Tim Remole (R-Excello)
invited to coal meeting in Tennessee
Missourian: Drug court strives to help offenders avoid jail time,
rebuild lives and relationships +
P-D editorial: As felony trials and impeachment loom,
Navy SEAL acrobatics won't help Greitens now
KC Star editorial: Greitens has one last chance to do
the right thing X
CDT editorial: Greitens' attorney owes him a refund X
JCNT editorial: Right to protest must be ensured, but
so must safety X
KC Star editorial: Support Kansas City businesses that
pay a wage above the state minimum X
P-D letter: Peace Economy Project expresses outrage
over defense contractor graft X
KC Star letter: Liberty sexagenarian says Greitens has
hubris X
P-D letter: Florissant sexagenarian displeased with
Missouri American Water's rate increases and profit margin X
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Saturday, May 5
P-D: Bad news for McCaskill: New poll says
majority of Missourians think it's time for new senator X
Missourian: In Cape Girardeau, Hawley calls McCaskill a 'liberal
icon' +
KWMU: Politically Speaking: As the Greitens
World Turns, Episode 9: Mannies, Rosenbaum and Rachel Lippmann
talk House committee report, impeachment, Wash U. inquiry, Danny Laub,
Scott Faughn, more
KWMU: Here's who signed the petition for special
session (link to pdf)
JCNT: All mid-Missouri lawmakers signed special
session petition X
St. Joseph News-Press: Rep. Pat Conway (D-St. Joseph)
declines to sign special session petition, says decision to resign is
up to Greitens X
SNL: Lawmakers make historic call to consider
impeaching Gov. Greitens X
Missourinet: The nuts and bolts of Missouri's
impeachment proceedings
AP: Washington University reviewing grant funds for
Greitens' book
P-D: Washington University probing whether Greitens
misused grant funds X
Clayton Times: Greitens' defense team requests trial
by judge again due to 'constant negative publicity'
Greitens' office posted document with unauthorized Jay Ashcroft
KWMU: Medical marijuana advocates get twice the needed
signatures for ballot initiative; Comments from New Approach
Missouri's Jack Cardetti
Medical marijuana groups submit signatures for November vote
New MEC opinion on revolving doors
Missourinet: Missouri's fallen law enforcement
officers to be honored today
The Missouri Times: Missouri House recognizes
importance of sheltered workshops
Missourian: Missouri AG's office: No evidence of timecard
fraud in Oran +
Washington Missourian editorial: McCaskill doing a
good job exposing corruption - especially the Obamaphone program X
Missourian editorial: Justice for David Robinson +
Washington Missourian's Bill Miller: Republicans
should demand Greitens resign X
Waters: Is Greitens a champion of Sunshine reform? X
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Friday, May 4
KWMU: Greitens likely to face impeachment after
lawmakers call historic special session
SNL: Missouri lawmakers make historic call for special
session X
The Missouri Times: Special session to consider
Greitens impeachment becomes a reality
Missourinet: Ron Richard: Special session
process involving Greitens "has monumental consequences"
P-D: Missouri lawmakers to convene special session on
Greitens impeachment
KC Star: Missouri lawmakers agree to call special
session to consider Greitens' impeachment X
KWMU: Judge denies cameras in the courtroom for
Greitens' felony invasion of privacy trial
Missourinet: Judge rules against cameras in courtroom
during Greitens' upcoming trial
Courtroom video request denied for Greitens' trial
KC Star: Greitens' legal woes entangle political
advisers with ties to Pence's chief of staff
Faughn: Now that everyone knows what I've known all
along about Eric Greitens ...
SNL: 'No huge conspiracy,' says Scott Faughn regarding
his purchase of Greitens tapes for upcoming book, available at
ScottFaughn.com X
Kraske: Jason Kander for President? Why the heck not? X
The Missouri Times: Clean Missouri submits 346K
signatures for initiative petition
Missourinet: Minimum wage ballot measure a step closer
to November vote in Missouri
KWMU: Signatures delivered for Clean Missouri
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Hoskins looks forward to
conference committee discussion of budget
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Basye talks budget,
transportation funding
Missourinet: Missouri Legislature gives legalizing
industrial hemp final approval
P-D: Industrial hemp gets the OK from Missouri
lawmakers X
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Lindell Shumake (R-Hannibal)
calls omnibus ag bill significant
Missourinet: Rural broadband legislation will be
heading to Missouri governor's desk
The Missouri Times: This Week in the Missouri
PSC: Week of May 2, 2018
Missourian: Prosecutor: No acquital in Robinson case;
state could seek new trial +
KC Star endorsement: Yes on Clean Missouri ballot
initiative X
P-D editorial: 'Thelma and Louise' are at it again. A
political cliff awaits Trump and Greitens. X
P-D editorial: Missouri report is a good first step
toward preventing opioid abuse and addiction
KC Star editorial: Has your child's teacher been
accused of a crime? Missouri makes it tough to find out X
KWMU's Mary Delach Leonard: Dodd-Frank advocacy
series, Part I: Profile of woman who took out loans she could not
pay back; Comments from liberal activist angry about influence of
big banks; More
KC Star's Bryan Lowry: Unethical actions by Scott
Faughn in Greitens case renew establishment media's complaints X
P-D letter: Mehlville septuagenarian suggests Kim
Gardner's office spend more time focusing on street crime and less time
trying to convict Greitens X
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Thursday, May 3
Missourian: Plans move ahead for new VA health center in Cape
Missourian: Blunt promotes Pell grants during visit to SEMO
University +
KWMU: House report says Greitens lied about how he got
charity fundraising list
The Missouri Times: New investigative committee report
claims Greitens lied about The Mission Continues donor list
The Missouri Times: The Mission Continues confirms
they didn't authorize use of donors' information following release of
second House report
SNL: Michael Hafner's testimony details Greitens'
early fundraising days, lack of Republican credentials X
P-D: Greitens lied to Missouri Ethics Commission, took
charity donor list, report says X
The Missouri Times: Catherine Hanaway, representing
Greitens, says report does a 'tremendous disservice' to citizens
Missourinet: House committee report indicates Greitens
broke campaign finance laws, lied to Missouri Ethics Commission
Missourinet: Special House committee will subpoena
Greitens' campaign staff
House report indicates Greitens' campaign lied about donor list
KC Star: Greitens campaign sought to conceal donors
identities, Michael Hafner testifies X
KWMU: Latest filings in Greitens case lay out
strategies as trial approaches
P-D: Lawyers on both sides of Greitens invasion of
privacy case make final pre-trial push X
SNL: Greitens' Sunshine Law attorney Sarah Madden -
who used Confide app - leaves for another job in Missouri government X
CDT: House report might speed up impeachment process X
Missourinet: House Superminority Leader Gail McCann
Beatty (D-Kansas City) supports special session
The Missouri Times: House Democrats call for
impeachment proceedings to begin
Missourinet: Democrats want immediate action on
KC Star: Missouri lawmakers who want Greitens'
resignation grow impatient with new allegations X
The Missouri Times: Labor-backed group submits
signatures for minimum wage increase
KWMU: Signatures submitted for minimum wage ballot
Minimum wage group has enough signatures for ballot
Columbia Missourian: Minimum wage group submits over
120,000 petition signatures
Missourian: Former state Sen. Jerry Howard (D) seeks state House
seat; Octogenarian will take on incumbent Rep. Herman Morse
(R-Dexter) in November +
Ashley Bax new chief of staff to Sen. Doug Libla (R-Poplar Bluff)
The Missouri Times: Senate passes broadband expansion
bill despite property right concerns
Columbia Missourian: Legislation to allow industrial
hemp in Missouri gets Senate support
P-D: Galloway audit shows how Hazelwood School
District lied about attendance to get more state aid, and covered up
high school principal's thievery
KWMU: State audit finds Hazelwood's weak financial
practices set stage for theft
Missourian: Missouri Supreme Court orders Robinson released from
prison, claims 'constitutional violations' in murder case +
KC Star editorial: Eric Greitens scandals are about
more than sex. They're about money, too. X
P-D editorial: Money drives the Greitens saga and
befouls everyone who touches it X
P-D editorial: Another damning report puts Greitens in
the eye of the legal storm X
SNL op-ed: Sen. Claire McCaskill: Combating
rising drug prices for Missourians X
P-D op-ed: Urban proprietor Joe Edwards: Raising
the minimum wage would revitalize communities
KC Star op-ed: University Academy's Bush
Helzberg: Charter schools deliver results to Kansas City students X
KC Star letter: Kansas sexagenarian unhappy with large
amounts of cash raised for Missouri's U.S. Senate race X
SNL letter: Springfield woman opposes concealed-carry
legislation X
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Wednesday, May 2
KWMU: West Lake Landfill activists angsty after
Superfund chief resigns
KWMU: Source of Watkins money in Greitens case remains
Missourinet: Appeals court says attorney for
ex-husband in Greitens case must answer questions about money trail
SNL: Greitens petition kept secret for now X
P-D: Despite calls for resignation, some GOP lawmakers
stay silent on Greitens X
KC Star: Greitens financial disclosure docs:
Governor created LLC to provide liability protection for new
property; Stan Herzog paid for some travel; Other line-item
odds and ends X
Columbia Missourian: Missouri Capitol dome goes blue
to honor law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty
Missourinet: Fitzpatrick: 'There's plenty of
room for compromise' on the Missouri budget
SNL: Education funding tops agenda for lawmakers ahead
of Missouri budget negotiations X
KC Star: With end of session in sight, Missouri
lawmakers press forward on tax cuts X
The Missouri Times: Senate signs off on changes to
state's Merit system
The Missouri Times: To pass tort overhaul, will the
Senate use the PQ?
The Missouri Times: House votes to give Missourians
with debilitating illnesses access to medical marijuana
KWMU: Medical marijuana bill passes Missouri House
KC Star: Medical marijuana one step closer to being
legal in Missouri X
KWMU: Minus state action, St. Louis County drug
monitoring program expands
Missourinet: One-year anniversary for St. Louis County
JCNT: House committee hears Senate solution to Anthem
situation X
Columbia Missourian: Lobbyist gift ban legislation
proceeds - with a twist
SNL: Missouri Department of Conservation wants your
comments about fish gigging X
The Missouri Times: Legislature passes hair-braiding
P-D: Missouri set to ease regulations on hair braiders X
P-D: Former Missouri prison guard gets $175,000 in
discrimination case X
KC Star editorial: Blunt and fellow Republicans can't
let Trump blow it on trade X
KC Star editorial: Missouri lawmakers have a lot of
nerve criticizing Greitens' drug monitoring program X
P-D op-ed: Jim Lembke: No taxation without
representation: It's time for a Clean Missouri X
Messenger: Sordid Greitens saga leaving casualties
strewn across the Missouri battlefield X
P-D's Kevin McDermott: Recap of previous coverage of
Scott Faughn X
P-D letter: Group supports efforts by Luetkemeyer,
Jason Smith to address air ambulance issues X
KC Star letter: KC sexagenarian expresses gratitude to
Emanuel Cleaver for "the pork from Washington" to pay for urban
"beautification" X
P-D letter: Florissant septuagenarian blames Ballpark
Village shooting on Missouri legislators X
P-D letter: Webster Groves septuagenarian wants
legislators to kick shock jock off the air for sharing unpopular views X
P-D letter: St. Charles County man disappointed with
Post-Dispatch's calls for censorship X
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Tuesday, May 1
May 2017
Missouri political news headlines
May 2016
Missouri political news headlines
May 2015
Missouri political news headlines
May 2014
Missouri political news headlines
KCUR: Blunt recognized in Kansas City for work to fund
P-D: McCaskill launches inquiry into air ambulances
and insurers X
CDT: Hartzler hosts summit to fight human trafficking X
AP: Hawley backs census citizenship question
Missourinet: Massachusetts poll confirms tight U.S.
Senate race in Missouri
KWMU: Missouri Times publisher delivered $50k in cash
to attorney of key Greitens witness
This Week in Missouri Politics Mid-Week Update: Scott
Faughn on Al Watkins, Post-Dispatch's pay-to-play approach to
journalism, Tony Messenger's beef with Steve Tilley, and the new book
on Greitens scandal (While Missouri Slept) available at ScottFaughn.com
Missourinet: Greitens attorney says newspaper
publisher sent $50,000 to lawyer of ex-husband in felony case against
P-D: Missouri Times publisher delivered $50k to
Watkins before Greitens indictment, defense claims X
The Missouri Times: Playing catch-up: The latest
in Greitens' woes
SNL: Lawmakers defend woman in Greitens' case, say
governor's claims 'demonstrably false' X
SNL: Full text: Missouri House committee's new
supplemental report on allegations against Eric Greitens X
KWMU: House committee again backs woman's account of
relationship with Greitens
Report: Woman says Greitens 'coaxed' her as 'a wounded little
Columbia Missourian: Committee finds consistency in
woman's testimony against Greitens
P-D: Missouri committee says woman's claims against
Greitens are credible X
KC Star: Lawmakers dispute Greitens' claims that
woman's statements are contradictory X
JCNT: Judge keeps Confide lawsuit going X
P-D: Judge rules secrecy case against Greitens can go
forward X
What will happen to Greitens' campaign cash after impeachment?
The Missouri Times: Judge rules corporations cannot
contribute to PACs under Missouri's Amendment 2
The Missouri Times: SD 34 Republicans appeal to court
to remove Scott Van Meter from ballot
The Missouri Times: Term-limited Munzlinger endorses
Redmon to replace him in Missouri Senate
The Missouri Times: Women in Policy panel talks
challenges in careers, role of social media
Missouri agency seeks more investigators for opioid program
Missourinet: Koenig testifies on legislation cutting
Missouri's corporate income tax rate
Columbia Missourian: House approves controversial
pro-Israel bill
Columbia Missouri: How a Bill Becomes a Law
series: Conference committees pit chamber against chamber
KWMU: Local NAACP chapters want more state funding for
historically black universities
U.S. Supreme Court to hear appear of Russell Bucklew execution case
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