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Thursday, May 30, 2019
SNL: Blunt talks economy in Springfield visit, answers
reporter questions regarding state abortion legislation X
Missourinet: Parson urges Corps to give states a seat
at the table
Joplin Globe: Tornado recovery efforts progressing in
Carl Junction, but still no word from FEMA X
The Missouri Times: Parson says Planned Parenthood
must comply with safety standards, shouldn't get 'special treatment'
Missourinet: Video: Gov. Parson press conference
on Planned Parenthood lawsuit
SNL: Parson responds to Planned Parenthood lawsuit X
KWMU: Planned Parenthood asks court to keep Missouri
from closing abortion clinic
Columbia Missourian: Parson urges Planned Parenthood
to comply with law ahead of hearing
P-D: Hearing on fate of St. Louis City abortion clinic
to take place today X
Joplin Globe: Residents claim $13,000 in lost property
through Treasurer Fitzpatrick's visit X
P-D: Governor's Mansion in line for long-awaited
repairs X
The Missouri Times: Missouri Conservation Commission
preliminarily approves fees for trout, nonresident permits
P-D editorial: Pro-life policy success is a
reminder: Elections have consequences X
Joplin Globe editorial: AG Eric Schmitt correct to fix
elderly/disabled abuse hotline X
P-D letter: Springfield septuagenarian admires House
Superminority Leader Crystal Quade, says GOP has "unfair" majorities in
Legislature X
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Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Missouri Times: Missourians recall 1993 as they
prepare for more 'historic' flooding
JCNT: U.S. Corps increasing Missouri River releases as
flooding persists X
JCNT: Blunt surveys Jefferson City storm damage X
JCNT: State commission releases $104k to help find
housing for tornado victims X
The Missouri Times: Rep. Steve Roberts (D-St. Louis
City) to run for Jamilah Nasheed's state Senate seat
The Missouri Times: From lawmaker to lobbyist, Joe
Ortwerth retiring from public life in Missouri
CDT: State Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick: Housing
tax credits need retooling
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Sen. Andrew
Koenig (R-Manchester) talks with Rosenbaum about abortion legislation
and legal challenges, GM incentives, upcoming re-election, more
NPR: Missouri could become first state without
abortion clinic
The Missouri Times: Missouri has opportunity to become
first state without abortion provider
Missourinet: Planned Parenthood sues Missouri, says
state is 'illegally weaponizing licensing process'
P-D: Planned Parenthood could stop performing
abortions as early as this week X
The Missouri Times: ACLU seeks to get abortion
referendum on 2020 ballot
SNL: ACLU pushes for public vote on new abortion law X
The Missouri Times: Rules for Missouri's medical
marijuana program finalized
Columbia Missourian: Missouri finalizes medical
marijuana rules
The Missouri Times: 2020 session preview: Next
steps for Grain Belt Express legislation
KC Star editorial: Missouri's attempt to close state's
last abortion clinic and a shameful attack on women X
P-D editorial: It makes no sense to suspend driver's
licenses to force payment of court fines X
KWMU op-ed: Kaiser Health News' Lauren Weber:
Closing state's last abortion clinic is bad for Missouri women
Priddy: Gov. Parson and ag community should change
their talking point - agriculture is not really the backbone of
Missouri's economy
KC Star letters: Minnesota woman claims she and pals
were going to attend Chiefs game this fall, but are cancelling trip due
to abortion legislation; Kansas City man angry over possible
helmet-law repeal X
P-D letter: Overland octogenarian applauds Bruce
Franks for "mental health" departure X
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Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Missourinet: Hawley, state
lawmakers praise volunteer response after Jefferson City tornado
Missourinet: Video: Hawley walks through
tornado-damaged streets
Missourinet: Parson activates National Guard in storm
recovery and preparation
KC Star: Cleaver, other Midwest Dems tread cautiously
on Trump, impeachment X
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Rep.
LaKeySha Bosley (D-St. Louis City) on Better Together, abortion
legislation, more
KC Star editorial: Parson could make a deadly mistake
with repeal of Missouri's motorcycle helmet law X
Columbia Missourian's Danielle Pycior and Jamie Hobbs:
Ameren and its lobbyists are the villains in coal ash dispute
Missourian letter: Cape Girardeau septuagenarian disagrees with
pro-life legislation, wants lawmakers to spend more taxpayer money on
entitlements +
P-D letter: St. Charles woman wonders why
Post-Dispatch ignores pro-life activists X
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Monday, May 27, 2019
Memorial Day
Missourinet: Hawley wants Congress to approve disaster
Missourinet: U.S. Rep. Billy Long describes Carl
Junction as 'total devastation'
Joplin Globe: Man-on-the-street interviews regarding
Mueller Report: Sexagenarian liberal playing guitar on college
campus, "freelance photographer" at coffee shop with no opinions, etc. X
KWMU: Missouri steps up seat belt enforcement
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Missouri farmers are
in the voodoo with this trade impasse X
JCNT editorial: DHSS failing with hotline X
P-D editorial: Promoting Christianity in public
schools isn't just unconstitutional. It's un-American. X
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Sunday, May 26, 2019
KC Star: "I want to be a majority party." Ann Wagner's
plan to save the suburbs for the GOP X
Brownfield Ag News: Missouri Farm Bureau President
Blake Hurst on stalled disaster relief bill
SNL: Pro-life leaders expect challenges to legislation X
P-D: Feminists march in downtown St. Louis to protest
pro-life legislation X
P-D: Photo gallery: Woman with blue/green hair
holds sign proclaiming that her vagina is disgruntled; Man wears
model vagina atop head; Obese speaker says she believes in
women's health; etc. X
P-D editorial: David Humphreys should lead the charge
to take GOP back from its extremists X
SNL letters: Battlefield sexagenarian expresses
disdain for white males; Springfield sexagenarian threatens to
leave Missouri over abortion laws X
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Saturday, May 25, 2019
Brownfield Ag News: MO Ag Director Chris Chinn joins
Trump at announcement of trade aid package for farmers
Missourinet: Parson's update on storm recovery, damage
assessments: Missouri is making strong progress
The Missouri Times: This Week in the Governor's
Office: Week of May 20, 2019
The Missouri Times: Parson signs sweeping pro-life
bill into law during private ceremony
KWMU: Parson signs abortion bill into law
Missourinet: Parson signs abortion legislation
KC Star: Parson signs pro-life bill X
Missourinet: Schmitt says judge has ordered popular
swimming hole closed
KC Star editorial: The Navy doesn't need Eric
Greitens. Former governor's return sends disturbing message. X
Columbia Missourian's David Webber: Let's stop talking
about abortion
JCNT letter: Jefferson City sexagenarian unhappy with
legislators over pro-life legislation X
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Friday, May 24, 2019
St. Joseph News-Press: Area farmers stand with Trump
on China trade issue X
St. Joseph News-Press: Hawley measures would affect
Missouri River management X
Missourinet: Hawley to tour tornado-damaged Carl
Junction today
Missourinet: Video: Parson, law enforcement
discuss tornado recovery in Jefferson City
KC Star: Navy confirms Greitens' return X
KWMU: David Humphreys wants Parson to veto abortion
P-D: GOP donor David Humphreys wants Parson to veto
pro-life legislation X
KCUR: Missouri Department of Corrections to
counties: the check's in the mail for housing inmates, eventually
KWMU: Missouri lawmakers set later start date for
SNL: Missouri lawmakers debate repeal of motorcycle
helmet law X
JCNT: National advocacy group says Missouri roads are
in poor shape X
Joplin Globe editorial: Parson should veto
motorcycle-helmet repeal X
P-D editorial: Navy should tell Greitens thanks for
your offer of service. But no thanks. X
Priddy: Thoughts on tornadoes, in-state tuition for
young illegals, state lawmakers as cattle, steamboat museum
legislation, the joy of napping, more (1,369 words)
JCNT letter: Jefferson City man says pro-life
legislation has turned Missouri into Iran, also dislikes "Todd Aiken [sic]" X
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Thursday, May 23, 2019
KWMU: Liberal groups oppose Hawley's efforts on flood
management, want senator to prioritize pallid sturgeon
The Missouri Times: Mark Osmack says he's running in
15th Senate District primary; Democrat garnered 25% in
congressional primary last year
Missourinet: Parson: Major tornado hit Jefferson
City; Rescue efforts continue this morning
Missourinet: New mental health hospital to bear Jay
Nixon's name; Former governor was tireless advocate for better
KC Star: Greitens says he will deploy with Navy X
Columbia Missourian: Schmitt launches investigation
into state's elder abuse hotline
The Missouri Times: Medical marijuana seed-to-sale bid
protest rejected by state
P-D: Pro-choice, pro-life advocates disagree on legal
implications of abortion legislation X
The Missouri Times: A look at some of the low-profile
measures passed this session
Columbia Missourian: Understaffing takes a toll on
Missouri's corrections officers
The Missouri Times: This Week in the Missouri
PSC: May 22, 2019
The Missouri Times: Advocacy group says Missouri's
transportation system ranks among lower half of states
Judge reverses Missouri trooper's loss of officer's license after man's
P-D editorial: Parson should leave Missouri's
motorcycle helmet law firmly strapped in place
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Wind, not government,
in your hair: Adult motorcycle riders should have the freedom to
go helmetless X
P-D letter: Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe: Trade agreement
vital for Missouri agriculture X
P-D letter: Overland woman says pro-life bill is
misogynist, racist, and classist X
P-D letter: St. Ann sexagenarian compares pro-life
legislators to slave owners X
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Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Hawley bill would allow people to opt out of data tracking
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: KCUR's Brian
Ellison joins Rosenbaum and Rachel Lippmann to recap the ups and downs
of the 2019 Missouri Legislature
P-D: Abortion rally photo gallery: Morbidly
obese woman rolls onto hindquarters, claims she is withholding
intercourse from all male suitors due to abortion legislation;
other efficacious messaging X
JCNT: Pro-choice rally draws 30 in Jefferson City X
Columbia Missourian: Pro-choice rally draws 50 in
SNL: Abortion rally draws 50 in Springfield;
Planned Parenthood rep tells crowd that calling Parson's office will
make a difference
Columbia Missourian: Missouri's elderly population a
target for scammers; Bill from Rep. Holly Rehder (R-Sikeston)
aims to help victims
Columbia Missourian: Legislators say budget boost
could help adult abuse hotline
P-D: Insurance group says motorcycle helmet law change
will mean more deaths
Messenger: Sarcastic take on 2019 legislative session X
P-D letter: Lake Saint Louis man expresses disdain for
white male Republicans X
P-D letter: Kirkwood man wants Parson to flip-flop on
pro-life principles X
P-D letter: Self-described "women's studies scholar"
opposes pro-life legislation X
P-D letter: University City feminist claims she and
cohorts will kick Republicans' "sorry butts to the curb" next year X
P-D letter: St. Louis woman makes pro-life argument
devoid of rage, hatred or threats X
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Tuesday, May 21, 2019
KWMU: Hawley wants to institute an Internet
'do-not-track' list for personal data
Missourinet: Major disaster declaration approved for
13 Missouri counties
KC Star: Trump approves disaster declaration for 13
Missouri counties, bringing funds for repair
Brownfield Ag News: Missouri Corn Growers
Association's Mark Scott: A trade win for corn industry
Missourinet: Schmitt's office joins FBI efforts to
fight human trafficking
SNL: GOP says efforts to improve "Clean Missouri" will
be back next year X
Missourian: Local lawmakers celebrate passage of pro-life
legislation +
P-D: Missouri Democrats, in political exile, hope
pro-life legislation will help them generate cash, interest X
The Missouri Times: A look at criminal justice
measures passed this session
The Missouri Times: Lawmakers green-light partial
motorcycle helmet repeal, vehicle fee increase, inspection triggers
P-D: In Missouri, some officials want to curtail
feel-good Capitol color show X
Joplin Globe: Editor Carol Stark to be inducted into
Missouri Press Hall of Fame X
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Legislative session
was about more than abortion X
P-D editorial: Abortion bill notwithstanding, Missouri
dodged some big bullets this session X
Missourian op-ed: U.S. Rep. Jason Smith (R): The right to
exist: In support of Israel +
KWMU op-ed: Kaiser Health News' Lauren Weber:
Missouri should join 49 other states in passing PDMP
Columbia Missourian's Ken Midkiff: Missouri lawmakers
are usually wrong, which is why their constituents end up re-electing
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Monday, May 20, 2019
Missourian: Memorial honoring Vietnam veterans holds grand
opening in Perryville +
Rosenbaum: 6 observations as Gov. Parson finds success
in first legislative session
P-D: In his first session as governor, Parson scores
big wins X
Missourinet: Post-session analysis: Thoughts
from Speaker of the House Elijah Haahr (R-Springfield) and House
Superminority Leader Crystal Quade (D-Springfield)
This Week in Missouri Politics: Panel of Ray Hartmann,
David Barklage, Jay Kanzler, and St. Louis County Council Democratic
candidate Kelli Dunaway talk GM incentives, pro-life legislation, Bruce
Frank's departure, more
KC Star: Feminists gather at Plaza to protest pro-life
bill; Organizer celebrates her success gathering the "pissed off"
after legislation is already passed X
KWMU: Cities prepare for legalized medical marijuana
in Missouri
Missourinet: 'Nathan's Law' to restrict capacity at
in-home day cares goes to Parson's desk
Missourinet: Drones are one signature away from being
banned near Missouri prisons, mental hospitals
Missourinet: The helmets could soon come off for many
motorcyclists in Missouri
KC Star: Washington University law prof, allies
continue campaign against Title IX due process legislation X
Columbia Missourian: Northwest Missouri wind-power
projects a boon to some, a bane to others
P-D: Despite attacks, coal stands strong as power
source for Missouri X
Joplin Globe editorial: State lawmakers did the right
thing and prioritized education funding X
P-D op-ed: Rep. Tony Lovasco (R-O'Fallon): The
General Motors deal is a Great Deal - but only for GM X
P-D's Nicklaus: Yes, GM subsidy is corporate welfare,
but it's necessary in a competitive world X
P-D's David Nicklaus and Jim Gallagher: "The Bottom
Line" video: Is GM subsidy corporate welfare or necessary
investment? X
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Sunday, May 19, 2019
P-D: Congressional votes for the week:
Obamacare, Title IX, judges X
Missourian: Rep. Jason Smith supports Trump trade policy, says
China responsible for farm woes +
JCNT: Child poverty declines in Missouri;
Advocacy group complains about "living wage," Medicaid expansion, etc. X
AP: Investigation into Greitens' staff's social media
use ends
AP: Analysis: Parson achieves most of his 2019
legislative agenda
St. Joseph News-Press: Lawmakers reflect on
'successful year' in Jefferson City X
JCNT: Mid-Missouri lawmakers look back at 2019 session X
Joplin Globe: MSSU, Crowder poised for more state
funding for nursing, health sciences programs
SNL: Waynesville, Kennett are both seeking direct
deals with marijuana companies X
P-D editorial: Lessons for future leaders from the sad
downfall of Bruce Franks, Jr.: "Mental health" tearjerker a
flimsy alibi for federal investigation X
KC Star editorial: Missourians subsidize Kansas City
stadiums to the tune of $3 million per year. When will Kansas chip in? X
The Missouri Times op-ed: Missouri Farm Bureau's Eric
Bohl: Rural Missouri celebrates successful legislative session
Waters: Hammerschmidt - an unholy blend of tax credits X
SNL's Christopher Dixon: Legislation needed to stop
excessive robocalls X
CDT op-ed: Gatehouse Media Regional Editor Allen
Fennewald: CAFO debate divides rural ideals X
SNL letter: Springfield septuagenarian opposes Dohrman
proposal for "In God We Trust" in public schools, says students are
oblivious to all signage X
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Saturday, May 18, 2019
KC Star: Missouri farmers, federal lawmakers weigh in
on continued trade tensions X
St. Joseph News-Press: Actress Glenn Close bolsters
message for Blunt-backed bill X
St. Joseph News-Press: FCC approves funds to fill gaps
in broadband access around area X
KWMU: Debate continues on Missouri medical marijuana
supply and demand
The Missouri Times: Missouri Senate live blog
The Missouri Times: Missouri House live blog
KWMU: Live blog: The last day of the Missouri
KWMU: Last day of session: Abortion, bridge
bonding bill, term limits, and missed opportunities
Missourinet: 2019 legislative session: What
passed, what failed
Columbia Missourian: Legislative session ends; A
look at what passed, what failed
P-D: How key legislation fared in 2019 Missouri
legislative session X
The Missouri Times: Sweeping pro-life bill given final
legislative approval
SNL: House passes pro-life legislation; Parson
to sign X
Missourinet: Abortion bill heading to Parson's desk
House passes abortion bill
P-D: Abortion legislation approved by Missouri House,
heads to governor X
KC Star: Parson says he'll sign abortion legislation
soon X
Columbia Missourian: Pro-life legislation set to
become law in Missouri
Missourian: Pro-choice activists, media allies seize upon verbal
slip from Rep. Steve Hovis (R-Cape Girardeau)
P-D: Urban municipal officials unhappy with Missouri
Legislature's pro-life legislation X
The Missouri Times: Bonding compromise sent to
governor's desk
Missouri lawmakers OK $301M in bonds for bridge repairs
P-D: Legislative briefs: School start date,
bridge funding, motorcycle helmet law, motor vehicle inspections X
The Missouri Times: General Assembly sends
constitutional amendment on term limits to ballot
Missouri voters to decide on term limits for state officials
The Missouri Times: Lawmakers vote to have insurance
plans cover kids with disabilities
Columbia Missourian: Therapy options for disabled
children to be expanded with bill's passage
Bill delaying school start date passes Missouri Legislature
JCNT: Bill requiring treatment courts passes Missouri
Legislature X
Columbia Missourian: Effort to stop Grain Belt
Express' use of eminent domain fails
KC Star's Melinda Henneberger: To my pro-life
friends: This brutal Missouri abortion ban is where we part ways X
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Friday, May 17, 2019
KC Star: U.S. Senate passes Hawley bill to fund
suicide prevention programs for police officers X
KWMU: Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to hold
college "climate summit" at Wash U. next year
P-D: Bloomberg teams with Wash U. to expand
climate-change activism X
JCNT: Missouri School Safety Task Force holds last
public hearing before report to governor X
KWMU: Rep. Bruce Franks (D-St. Louis City) resigns,
cites mental health
The Missouri Times: Franks resigns, cites stress
Missourinet: Rep. Bruce Franks to resign
P-D: Bruce Franks quits Missouri House X
KWMU: Missouri lawmakers enter final day with major
unfinished business
Missourian: Rehder rips Republican colleagues for avoiding PDMP
bill +
Faughn: One more day, one day more: Explaining
Senate actions and motivations; Greitens meeting with supporters,
feeling out 2020 and 2022; More
The Missouri Times: Missouri Senate live blog
The Missouri Times: Missouri House live blog
CDT: Lawmakers make final push as session nears end X
Missourinet: House expected to debate abortion bill
SNL: Abortion measure back in Missouri House X
P-D: Vote on abortion bill expected today X
KC Star: Abortion bill headed for passage X
KC Star: Q&A on abortion legislation X
The Missouri Times: 'Border War' bill advances through
The Missouri Times: General Assembly moves to make
redistricting process more transparent
SNL: Bill inspired by Hailey Owens clears Missouri
Senate, heads to Parson X
The Missouri Times: Omnibus 'child protection' bill
receives final legislative approval
P-D: 'Nathan's Law,' designed to crack down on
dangerous day cares, headed to Missouri governor X
The Missouri Times: Senate again approves added
protections for domestic, sexual violence victims
Columbia Missourian: Senate approves bill that helps
trafficking victims expunge their records
The Missouri Times: Senate green-lights partial
motorcycle helmet law repeal despite minor roadblocks on the floor
Senate votes to relax helmet law, vehicle inspections
State proceedings on hold for duck boats
KC Star editorial: Missouri's extreme abortion bill
rivals Alabama in cruelty and doing harm to women X
Joplin Globe editorial: Legislature's CAFO bill is a
bad odor rising X
P-D letter: University City woman who works for
abortion provider opposes pro-life legislation
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Thursday, May 16, 2019
St. Louis Business Journal: St. Louis attorney takes
prominent Trump re-election role: Q&A with Jack Oliver
KC Star: Hawley delivers first major Senate floor
speech, focuses on hardworking middle-class Americans X
Missourinet: Video: Blunt calls for quick
passage of federal disaster aid bill
Missourian: Soybean farmers brace for 'train wreck' of China
tariffs and bad weather +
P-D: Parson's Uniting Missouri PAC attracts top
talent; Michael Hafner on board X
KWMU: Galloway to investigate St. Louis County
contracts in wake of Stenger plea; Port Authority, Economic
Development to be included in audit
Columbia Missourian: AG Eric Schmitt intervenes in
public defender agreement, says criminals could walk free
The Missouri Times: Missouri Senate live blog
The Missouri Times: Missouri House live blog
Missourinet: House Speaker Pro Tem John Wiemann
(R-O'Fallon) outlines priorities for session's final two days
KWMU: Senate votes to substantially curtail abortion
in Missouri
KC Star: Missouri Senate passes abortion legislation
Missourinet: Missouri Senate passes abortion ban bill
Columbia Missourian: Senate passes abortion
bill; Back to House for final vote
Columbia Missourian: Senate abortion debate timeline
AP: Missouri Senate joins national pro-life wave with
8-week ban
The Missouri Times: Senate Democrats filibuster
pro-life bill before it's even brought to the floor
The Missouri Times: General Assembly approves changes
to Missouri's fledgling hemp program
The Missouri Times: Legislature votes to continue
funding convention, sports centers
Missourinet: Lawmakers approve state aid for
Enterprise Center
AP: Lawmakers OK state aid for St. Louis Blues arena
KWMU: St. Louis Public Schools Superintendent Kelvin
Adams aims to reverse trend of teachers getting "older and
whiter"; Percentage of experienced Caucasoids simply unacceptable
P-D editorial: Real-life 'Handmaid's Tale' looms
larger as lawmakers push draconian abortion laws X
KC Star editorial: Parson gets the facts wrong with
happy talk about tariffs that hurt Missouri X
KC Star editorial: Attorney General Eric Schmitt wants
to punish the poor by overworking and underfunding public defenders X
The Missouri Times op-ed: Rep. Holly Rehder
(R-Sikeston): Missourians deserve a Senate vote on PDMP
P-D letter: St. Louis County septuagenarian wants
Blunt to stop supporting Trump policies X
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Wednesday, May 15, 2019
P-D: Hawley to deliver his first Senate floor speech
today X
P-D: Anti-Trump toilet paper sent to McCaskill at
local NBC affiliate; 'Suspicious package' causes scare X
St. Joseph News-Press: Blunt, GOP leaders urge flood
relief vote X
FCC authorizes $22 million for broadband in rural Missouri
The Missouri Times: Jennifer Tidball to serve as
acting director of DSS
JCNT: Jennifer Tidball to head Department of Social
Services again X
The Missouri Times: Final week in the Senate:
Live blog
The Missouri Times: Final week in the House:
Live blog
KWMU: GM incentives approved as Senate turns attention
to abortion
The Missouri Times: GM workforce development bill
survives Senate conservatives' marathon filibuster
Missourinet: First Missouri Senate deadlock of final
week is over with deal reached on GM bill
Missourinet: Parson, DED's Rob Dixon: This plan
benefits all Missouri, not just GM
P-D: Senators end 27-hour filibuster on GM incentives X
KC Star: After 27-hour filibuster, GM incentive
package passes X
Columbia Missourian: With filibuster behind them,
Senate prepares to debate abortion
P-D: Time running out for GOP to make changes to
'Clean Missouri' this session X
KC Star: GOP effort on Clean Missouri stalls in Senate X
P-D: Missouri is on the verge of making hearing aids
more accessible to the poor X
The Missouri Times: General Assembly moves changes to
expungements to governor
JCNT: House sends Bernskoetter's CAFO bill to governor X
The Missouri Times: Protections for large livestock
operations sent to governor's desk
Lawmakers OK bill on livestock rules
Columbia Missourian: Rep. Bruce Franks (D-St. Louis
City) uses CAFO debate to question colleagues' integrity: "Not
everyone in here has the right intentions"
Columbia Missourian: Fact check: Grain Belt
Express power lines would not be taller than the Statue of Liberty
P-D: Missouri extends special oversight of Riverview
Gardens School District through 2022 X
KWMU: Education briefs: DESE teacher survey
results; Riverview Gardens still needs state oversight;
Computer science no longer an elective
P-D: Missouri Supreme Court hears challenge to change
Clean Water Commission membership X
Missourian: What's up with flashing yellow arrows? MoDOT
explains +
P-D: Ferguson, nearing fifth anniversary of attack on
police officer and subsequent riots, searches for a new brand identity X
P-D editorial: In-state tuition for Dreamers just
makes good business sense X
P-D op-ed: Regional Chamber's Tom Chulick: GM
and Gov. Parson want to keep Wentzville plant open. Why play games? X
P-D op-ed: Former Washington Post publisher Donald
Graham: I set up scholarships in my home town, and then I set up
a nationwide scholarship program, and Missouri lawmakers should be as
generous and compassionate and selfless as me
P-D letter: Eureka sexagenarian thinks state economy
would improve if lawmakers raised taxes X
P-D letter: Chesterfield septuagenarian angered by
Eigel's proposal for Bangert Island X
KC Star letters: Raytown sexagenarian upset over drop
in Medicaid enrollment numbers; Warrensburg sexagenarian thinks
writing to legislators about LGBTQ legislation will make a difference X
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Tuesday, May 14, 2019
KWMU: Mayors of river towns talk flooding, solutions
KWMU: Maxine Waters returns to St. Louis, speaks at
Vashon High School
Me Missourah: Cooper County: Scott Faughn talks with
leaders about county's history, political composition and evolution,
landmarks and tourist destinations, more
KCUR: Missouri joins multi-state lawsuit against
generic drug companies
KC Star: Editorial board names new member:
Caucasoid male Michael Ryan
The Missouri Times: Bills to watch in the final days
of session
The Missouri Times: Senate live blog for Monday
The Missouri Times: House live blog for Monday
The Missouri Times: GM workforce, incentive 'vehicle'
causes strife in General Assembly
Missourinet: Missouri House approves second Wentzville
GM bill; overnight Senate filibuster continues
AP: Missouri Senate in stalemate over GM incentive
KWMU: General Assembly actions: GM incentives,
criminal sentencing, Clean Missouri
Columbia Missourian: Senate stuck on Fast Track, GM
incentive legislation
P-D: Disagreement over General Motors incentives
brings work in Missouri Senate to a halt X
JCNT: Despite filibuster, mid-Missouri lawmakers still
hoping for some legislative success X
The Missouri Times: General Assembly sends criminal
justice overhaul measure to governor
AP: Lawmakers vote to ease prison and jail sentences
P-D: 'Debtors' prison' legislation sent to Parson's
desk X
Columbia Missourian: Effort to address Clean Missouri
face hurdles in final week of session
Columbia Missourian: 'Debtor prison,' Simon's Law sent
to governor
The Missouri Times: Simon's Law given unanimous
approval, sent to governor's desk
AP: Missouri passes parental rights in
do-not-resuscitate cases
KWMU: ACLU and state reach agreement on public
defender workloads
KC Star editorial: Missouri can't afford to risk
losing GM plant. Tax incentives are a small price to pay X
KC Star editorial: After lawmakers fail to pass
drug-monitoring bill, Missouri remains in a class by itself X
P-D editorial: Legislators head home this week,
leaving LGBT discrimination legal in Missouri
The Missouri Times op-ed: Missouri Farm Bureau's Eric
Bohl: Rural broadband closer to becoming reality
Columbia Missourian's Sky Chadde and Yue Yu: Business
lobbyists get sympathy from powerful legislators in Jefferson City
Columbia Missourian's Sky Chadde: New Columbia
Missourian database exposes which lobbyists testified before committees
since 2013
Missourian letter: Cape Girardeau man dislikes tax incentives for
film companies and GM +
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Monday, May 13, 2019
Brownfield Ag News: Blunt weighs in on China tariffs,
Army Corps' river management
Columbia Missourian: Fact check: Cleaver correct
on student loan approval data
This Week in Missouri Politics: Panel of Joe Lakin,
Brittany Robbins, Gregg Keller, Sam Gladney talk GM incentives, Better
Together, in-state tuition for aliens, pro-life bills
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Ald. Jack
Coatar: St. Louis City wunderkind talks with Rosenbaum about
Better Together's collapse, medical marijuana, more
P-D: State of Missouri accuses Stenger crony of
bilking investors out of $1.2 million; Five area residents duped
by John Rallo scam involving Oriental "coconut water slurry" X
Missourinet: Rep. Rebecca Roeber (R-Lee's Summit)
continues to recover from March car crash
Missourinet: End-of-session preview: GM
incentives, Grain Belt Express, redistricting
Missourinet: National spelling bee whiz kids prepare
to take the stage; Missouri's delegation dominated by minority
CDT: Mamtek case takes new twist with objections to
settlement X
P-D editorial: Revival of Missouri's low-income
housing tax credit is urgent, but so is overhaul X
Rudi Keller: Unwelcome mat remains out for young
illegals X
Waters: Sunshine Law: Galloway vs. Parson X
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Sunday, May 12, 2019
Mother's Day
P-D: Congressional votes for the week:
Import-Export bank, funding for young illegals, more X
KC Star: Veteran's group leader says KC VA's yearlong
silence on Missouri vet's death could be a coverup X
JCNT: Income tax collections jumped in April;
state revenues continue ascent X
Missourian: Parson to graduating SEMO students: "We can all
work together to ensure the future is bright"
KC Star: Senate's Conservative Caucus remains
steadfast in opposition to Parson's workforce-training bill X
Joplin Globe: End-of-session preview: Pro-life
bills, workforce development, bridge bonding, cultural districts, more X
P-D: End-of-session preview: GM subsidies,
pro-life legislation, redistricting, charter schools X
KC Star's Jason Hancock and Crystal Thomas:
End-of-session preview: Comments from "Sen. Jeannie [sic] Riddle" X
SNL: MSU notches win in state budget, could cut
tuition hikes X
JCNT: Dept. of Revenue urges employees to review their
withholding instructions X
Joplin Globe editorial: Restore low-income housing tax
credits X
Washington Missourian editorial: The 'better' in
Better Together was never clearly explained X
Washington Missourian letter: Show-Me Institute's
Patrick Ishmael: GM incentives and low-income housing tax credits
are pure cronyism X
Washington Missourian letter: Pacific man disagrees
with sale of Eleven Point River State Park X
P-D letter: St. Louis food-stamp recipient disagrees
with Missouri Republicans on Medicaid eligibility X
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Saturday, May 11, 2019
KC Star: Sam Graves breaks with GOP to support
disaster aid bill critical for Missouri X
Missouri River causes new problems in areas levees broke
KWMU: Key figures in Stenger case facing their own
federal charges
P-D: St. Louis economic development chief Sheila
Sweeney pleads guilty in pay-to-play scheme; Stenger donor John
Rallo indicted
Sheila Sweeney pleads guilty to federal felony for role in pay-to-play
SNL: Missouri may license many more marijuana testing
facilities than required by Amendment 2 X
P-D: Missouri could license 10 marijuana testing
facilities; Wednesday is deadline to suggest marijuana rules X
The Missouri Times: This Week in the Governor's
Office: Week of May 6, 2019
Missouri lawmakers pass $30 billion budget proposal
JCNT: Missouri Senate passes Rock Island Trail funding
bill X
Missourian: Drug-monitoring bill faces Senate opposition as end
of session looms +
Washington Missourian: Local lawmakers support effort
to give voters a voice on redistricting X
The Missouri Times: This Week in the Missouri
PSC: May 9, 2019
KWMU: Pallid sturgeon released into Missouri River in
effort to save the endangered species
Hannibal Courier-Post: Gatehouse Media unloads
Courier-Post to Quincy Media, which operates Quincy Herald-Whig X
KC Star editorial: Missouri GOP scrambles to do the
wrong thing and bar Dreamers from in-state tuition X
P-D's Raasch: Farewell column series, Part V:
Earmarks: Thoughts from Blunt, former Talent Chief of Staff Mark
Strand X
CDT op-ed: Lindenwood prof R.W. Hafer: Missouri
is overdue to revise its tax structure X
Phill Brooks: Remembering Ken Rothman X
Messenger: Rural Missouri judges are still holding on
to debtors prison scheme X
P-D letter: St. Louis man angered by Alzheimer's
nonprofit's ad thanking Blunt for support X
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Friday, May 10, 2019
Vanity Fair: Jack Oliver organizes unofficial kick-off
to Trump's 2020 campaign
St. Joseph News-Press: Hawley bill helping law
enforcement heads to full Senate X
Missourinet: Graves talks impact of flood on farmers
KWMU: EPA to conduct more testing at West Lake Landfill
P-D: Federal charges against Sheila Sweeney and John
Rallo in Stenger's pay-to-play scam; Port Authority's sham
"marketing consultant" contracts in focus X
The Missouri Times: Republican lawmakers welcome
author Michael Knowles to Capitol after UMKC incident
The Missouri Times: Rep. Chuck Basye (R-Rocheport)
announces bid for floor leader, says he "wants to give back"
The Missouri Times: FY 2020 budget finalized, sent to
governor's desk
Missourinet: Lawmakers approve $29 billion
budget; tuition for alien students was key issue
The Missouri Times: DACA language in budget sent back
to conference committee
Missourinet: House rejects conference committee report
on alien tuition
P-D: Missouri Republicans reverse move to grant
in-state tuition to illegals X
Columbia Missourian: Illegal aliens unlikely to be
offered same tuition rate as legal Missourians
Missouri House passes bill to re-start low-income housing
The Missouri Times: House approves incentive package
aimed to attract GM Wentzville expansion
Missourinet: Missouri House hits the gas on incentives
plan for GM expansion
P-D: Missouri House approves incentives for Wentzville
GM plant X
The Missouri Times: Senate Republicans, House Rules
chairs trade volleys over stalled bills
The Missouri Times: Senate committee advances bill
from Rep. Chris Dinkins (R-Annapolis) to aid domestic violence victims
JCNT: Missouri River port bill still alive as session
winds down X
Columbia Missourian: Statement from Rep. Patricia Pike
(R-Adrian) on powdered alcohol rated "True"
Columbia Missourian: Feral hogs are destroying
Missouri farmland, and stakeholders seek consensus on fighting them
SNL: Anti-discrimination bill gets hearing X
P-D editorial: Missouri's new marijuana industry
already seeding state politics with cash; Donors gave a whopping
$15k to Parson's PAC X
KC Star editorial: 'We have a God-given right to
discriminate.' Is this the state Missouri wants to be? X
KC Star's Crystal Thomas: Missouri GOP was pressured
by the right to break Dreamers' hearts X
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Thursday, May 9, 2019
KWMU: Don Marsh whistleblower/anti-lookism advocate
Evie Hemphill: Democratic congressional primary losers promote
Netflix special; 2018 Silver Medalist Cori Bush brags about her
hips, complains about hordes of men flocking to hug her
P-D: Parson surveys St. Louis area flooding, as waters
recede but another crest looms X
KWMU: Amid floods, St. Louis area governments work to
update regional disaster plans
P-D: EPA to do additional testing at West Lake
Landfill; Activists hope potential payday not in danger X
The Missouri Times: General Motors incentive bill
targets entire automotive industry
KWMU: Parson seeks Wentzville GM plant expansion with
tax incentive proposal
Missourinet: Missouri unveils incentives plan to
attract major GM expansion
The Missouri Times: Hoskins on PDMP bill: Bring
it on
CDT: Lawmakers poised to pass state budget X
SNL: MSU poised to receive $10 million boost in state
funding X
The Missouri Times: Bill funding higher education in
FY2020 scheduled for another conference committee meeting
JCNT: Missouri House briefly considers gas tax to help
repair infrastructure X
JCNT: Abortion takes center stage at Capitol X
The Missouri Times: Senate stalls on 'comprehensive'
abortion bill - but supporters say it'll be back soon
Columbia Missourian's Caitlyn Rosen: Final
confrontation over abortion legislation postponed in Senate;
Comments from "Sen. Jill Schupp (D-Creve Couer [sic])"
Columbia Missourian: Campus carry legislation unlikely
to pass this session
P-D: Emissions testing in the St. Louis region could
be dropped next year X
The Missouri Times: Legislature passes bill from Rep.
Greg Sharpe (R-Ewing) providing more funding for utility training
SNL: House sends poaching bill to Parson X
KOMU: Missouri Dept. of Conservation begins effort to
increase pallid sturgeon population
Missourinet: Both sides on sexual orientation bill
testify before House committee
Columbia Missourian: Committee hears testimony on MONA
P-D: Lawmakers consider sexual orientation legislation X
KC Star editorial: Parson is hiding behind the First
Amendment to keep public records secret X
P-D editorial: Parson tries to evade Sunshine Law
compliance by invoking First Amendment X
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Eminent domain bill
would undermine local city councils X
SNL op-ed: Attorney General Eric Schmitt:
Fighting the opioid crisis and how people can help X
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Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Times: Trump embraces the traditional fundraising he once
shunned: Jack Oliver says campaign has been "strategic, focused
and on point" with new approach
5 takeaways from a St. Louis City-County merger plan that never got to
Despite suspension, St. Louis County NAACP backs John Gaskin III
Missouri Times: Republicans nominate Lee Ann Pitman for Jean
Evans' vacant seat
Missouri Times: Freshman profile: Rep. Doug Richey
(R-Excelsior Spring)
St. Louis County Council heeds Sam Page's call for state audit
Missouri Times: Galloway requests legal opinion on Sunshine Law
Star: Galloway: Schmitt must decide if 1st Amendment can be
used to redact public records X
Audit: Former Miller chief steals, loses money X
Star: Galloway: Ex-police chief, lieutenant brother stole
thousands from taxpayers X
Parson heading to Wentzville to discuss GM legislation
In pursuit of an expansion of GM's Wentzville plant, Missouri offering
up to $50 million in subsidies X
Senate leaders in Missouri pledge to get redistricting question on 2020
ballot X
Missouri Times: Senate conservatives continue 'defense'
filibuster against House bills, avoid PDMP
Missourian: With session winding down, lawmakers discuss PDMP and
other topics
Missouri Times: Does 'Fast Track' have a path forward? Not
without education overhaul, conservatives say
Missouri Times: Finishing touches: Conference committee
hashes out budget differences
Bridge bonding plan still in Missouri budget bills X
Lawmakers may end high tuition rate for aliens in Missouri
Star: Missouri budgeters lift in-state college tuition ban for
aliens X
Missourian: Budget compromise includes funding plan for Rocheport
Bridge, MU medical complex, consensus on alien tuition
Missouri Times: Senate considers changes to parole option for
elderly inmates
Star: Texting-app legislation not a priority at end of session
Four months remain for Missouri to gather number of untested rape kits
or lose $2 million in federal funding
editorial: Suspending Better Together was smart, but the effort
needs to continue X
letter: St. Louis man disagrees with Clean Missouri opponents
letter: Florissant septuagenarian expresses anger over GOP
efforts on animal breeding in 2011, recent action on Clean Missouri,
etc. X
letter: Area liberal disagrees with "House Majority Leader [sic] Elijah Haahr" on Clean Missouri
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Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Wall Street Journal: Trump campaign woos GOP donors
who sat out 2016; Trump team's cash pipeline built upon advice
and guidance from Missouri's Jack Oliver
P-D: Hawley says Silicon Valley offers little good
while monetizing social media addictions X
Midwest rivers recede, but flooding danger lingers
Missourinet: U.S. House to debate disaster aid to help
states, including flood-stricken Missouri
KC Star: Trump's pick to head ICE attended UMKC Law,
served as deputy sheriff in Platte County X
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Rep. Maria
Chappelle-Nadal (D-University City) on Better Together and the damage
that Clean Missouri would do to African-American voters
KWMU: Better Together pulls St. Louis City-County
merger plan, will aim for local vote if revived
The Missouri Times: Lawmakers keep focus on local vote
in wake of Better Together withdrawal
Plan for St. Louis City-County merger pulled back
P-D: Better Together pulls St. Louis City-County
merger proposal X
P-D: Medical marijuana advocates contribute to
campaigns, including Parson's PAC X
Missourinet: End-of-session preview: 'tough
path' for charter schools; sports betting not dead; GM
package to be fast-tracked
Columbia Missourian: Conservative Caucus filibuster
stops Senate action
Missourinet: Missouri lawmakers trying to finalize
language on GM Wentzville legislation
The Missouri Times: Differences between Senate, House
budgets heading into conference committee
CDT: Tax credits bill moves toward House vote X
The Missouri Times: Eminent domain bill, targeting
Grain Belt project, survives Senate committee vote
JCNT: Bernskoetter's Rock Island Trail bill goes back
to Senate X
JCNT: Senate panel hears 'religious liberty' lawsuits
bill X
SNL: Lawmakers, city leaders seek tax option for
possible convention center X
Joplin Globe: Missouri Supreme Court Chief Justice Zel
Fischer visits Joplin, solicits feedback on rule changes X
The Missouri Times: Certificate of Need approved for
psychiatric care facility in Maryland Heights
Missourian: Isle Casino Cape Girardeau one of several casinos
named in class-action lawsuit over wages +
P-D editorial: State should spend more money on
student services, which would improve behavior
P-D op-ed: Farmers to blame for flooding X
The Missouri Times op-ed: Cameron City Councilwoman
Julie Ausmus: Expanding gambling with new slot machines won't
help veterans, and it shouldn't be done without voter approval
SNL letter: Springfield sexagenarian says Blunt too
obedient to Trump X
P-D letter: St. Louis man wants Lacy Clay to support
impeachment X
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Monday, May 6, 2019
KWMU: Floodwaters inundate Missouri river towns
This Week in Missouri Politics: Dem Reps. Tracy
McCreery and LaKeySha Bosley, along with David Barklage and Jared
Brown, talk with Scott Faughn about Stenger corruption, CAFOs, "Clean
Missouri," more
P-D: Efforts underway to tighten requirement that
candidates pay their taxes X
St. Joseph News-Press: Lawmakers negotiate education
funding, broadband expansion ahead of budget deadline X
P-D: Missouri moving closer to restarting low-income
housing tax credit program X
Columbia Missourian: Liberal institutions oppose
Medicaid work requirements
St. Joseph News-Press: Rep. Sheila Solon (R-St.
Joseph) taks aim at eminent domain X
KWMU: Local academics study the toll that prisoners
put on jail officers' mental health
Missourinet: Rep. Greg Razer (D-Kansas City) wants
Legislature to pass sexual orientation bill
Washington Missourian editorial: Family farming is
thriving in Missouri X
KC Star editorial: Missouri taxpayers should provide
more higher-quality feminine products to female prisoners X
P-D letter: Chesterfield septuagenarian disagrees with
Post-Dispatch and Sen. Eric Burlison (R-Battlefield) on robocall
legislation, says citizens should simply ignore spam calls X
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Sunday, May 5, 2019 Cinco de Mayo
P-D: Congressional votes for the week: House
Dems' environmental bills; Senate war-powers bill X
St. Joseph News-Press: Blunt visits region, talks
improvements to rural health care X
4 killed in Midwest flooding; roads closed, levees strained
Missouri loses appeal over large North Dakota water project
P-D: Investigation into Greitens case shows St. Louis
City prosecutor's office lied about testimony, evidence X
The Missouri Times: Initiative petition to expand
Medicaid approved to gather signatures
The Missouri Times: This Week in the Governor's
Office: Week of April 29, 2019
JCNT: Safety, quality lead concerns of Parson's Child
Care Working Group X
JCNT: Legislature moves forward on tort overhaul X
CDT: Senate passes bill on CAFO rules X
Joplin Globe: Gambling bills in Legislature appear to
have minimal impact on region X
SNL: Bill from Sen. Eric Burlison (R-Battlefield)
would honor state's agreement with Nixa on childhood education center
lease X
The Missouri Times: This Week in the Missouri
PSC: May 1, 2019
P-D op-ed: St. Charles County Executive Steve
Ehlmann: Background on state oversight of St. Louis Public
Schools: history of irresponsible spending, patronage jobs, deseg
nightmare, and more X
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Saturday, May 4, 2019
Missourian: Mississippi River expected to reach major flood stage
by Tuesday +
Brownfield Ag News: Flooding getting worse
KWMU: River town mayors nervously watch rising water,
want more funding for flood prevention
Brownfield Ag News: Agencies converge to meet with
northwest Missouri farmers regarding flood recovery
Missourinet: Inmates sandbagging again in northeast
Missouri's Clarksville; Mississippi River to crest there Sunday
Missourinet: St. Louis, Kansas City among narrowed
list for future USDA research sites; Comments from Blunt
KC Star: U.S. Dept. of Transportation sends $2 million
to Missouri for flood-damaged roads
Brownfield Ag News: USDA narrows relocation sites for
KWMU: Former St. Louis County Executive Steve Stenger
(D) pleads guilty; Sentencing in August
P-D: Stenger pleads guilty to pay-to-play
charges; Sham Port Authority contract scam, lobbying contract
among criminal schemes X
P-D: Stenger timeline: Elections, payoff to Lacy
Clay capo John Cross, more X
P-D: Off-the-books bake sale leads to ethics fine for
urban Democrat candidate; Kimberly-Ann Collins says she'll
challenge Steve Roberts again in 2020 X
The Missouri Times: Revenue collections bounce back in
Columbia Missourian: Bill from Rep. Holly Rehder
(R-Sikeston) would increase visitation rights for grandparents
The Missouri Times: Senate adopts resolution
pertaining to elective Bible classes in public high schools
Missourinet: Missouri Rural Crisis Center unhappy with
CAFO bill
The Missouri Times: Judge who sentenced man to 241
years meets with lawmakers seeking his clemency
KC Star editorial: In Barr hearing, Josh Hawley stirs
the same partisan contempt he ran against X
KC Star editorial: After Title IX brouhaha, wife of
Richard McIntosh must resign X
SNL op-ed: New Approach Missouri's John Payne:
Missouri's medical marijuana law one of the best X
SNL's Claudette Riley: Putting guns in the hands of
teachers is an extreme measure X
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Friday, May 3, 2019
Flood approaches, tops 1993 levels in some locations
CDT: Democratic activist Nate Irvin arrested for child
pornography; Former campaign manager for Renee Hoagensen's bid
against Vicky Hartzler used file-sharing site to swap videos of
toddlers being sexually abused
KWMU: Former St. Louis County Executive Steve Stenger
(D) to plead guilty today; Prosecutors do not rule out future
indictments of others in pay-to-play contracts scheme
P-D: Stenger to plead guilty today X
Brownfield Ag New: Dave Drennan retires from Missouri
Dairy Association
The Missouri Times: 100-year-old World War II veteran
joins Missouri's Day of Prayer event
JCNT: Day of Prayer at Capitol acknowledges need for
prayer, sacrifices of service members
The Missouri Times: Audit rates Missouri State
Treasurer's Office performance as 'excellent'
The Missouri Times: Officials looking at potential
incentive package to win $1B GM expansion
Columbia Missourian: Missouri competing for
billion-dollar GM plant expansion
Missourinet: Speaker Elijah Haahr optimistic about GM
GM discusses expansion plan with state leaders
The Missouri Times: Senate reaches 'genuine
compromise' on tort overhaul bill during another late-night debate
SNL: Bill from Rep. Dean Dohrman (R-La Monte) would
put national motto in schools X
Columbia Missourian: Senate adopts resolution on
elective Bible classes, OKs CAFO bill
Brownfield Ag New: CAFO bill advances to Missouri House
The Missouri Times: Senate advances contentious CAFO
bill after overnight filibuster
Brownfield Ag News: Missouri Pork Association's Don
Nikodim says science won the CAFO debate
KWMU: Missouri House backs requiring local approval
for St. Louis City-County merger
The Missouri Times: House passes resolution requiring
local vote for St. Louis City-County merger
SNL: Senate passes tough poaching bill, with minor
change X
AP: Title IX legislative strategy included
highlighting false reports from jilted "victims"
Columbia Missouria's Laura Murgatroyd:
Fact-check: Statement on vehicle inspections from GOP Rep. Dave
Muntzel from "Booneville [sic]"
KC Star editorial: Parson has opportunity - and
experience - to show leadership on "NAACP travel advisory" X
Messenger: Bangert Island proposal recalls floodplain
boondoggles of the past X
P-D letter: St. Charles octogenarian says thoughts and
prayers are unhelpful, wants more gun control
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Thursday, May 2, 2019
Fox News: Hawley calls ex-FBI agent's 'open disdain'
for Trump the 'real crisis' during Barr testimony
P-D: The $30,000 mystery: Lacy Clay capo John
Cross given no-show job for support of Stenger's 2014 campaign;
Operative's resume includes work for SEIU, ACORN, et al. X
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: Attorney
General Eric Schmitt talks with Rosenbaum about crime crackdown,
municipal courts, pro-life "heartbeat" bills, more
KWMU: St. Louis Community College employee stole $5.4
million in state money
P-D: St. Louis Community College employee stole $5.4
million; Cash orginated from DED's job-training fund X
Missourian: Parson to speak at SEMO commencement +
JCNT: Parson recognizes veterans with Silver Star
Service banners X
KWMU: Parson attends event to congratulate high-school
graduates joining the armed forces
JCNT: Stakeholders provide input through Parson's
Child Care Working Group X
P-D: General Motors in talks with state over expansion
at Wentzville plant X
KWMU: Clean Missouri debate zeros in on impact on
minority representation
Missourian: Area lawmakers support effort to give voters a say in
redistricting +
The Missouri Times: House Budget Committee starts
vetting bonding compromise for bridge repairs
Missourinet: Rep. Greg Razer (D-Kansas City) on bridge
funding plan: "We've maxed out the MoDOT credit card"
Columbia Missourian: Borrow money to build
bridges? Senate says yes, but House isn't so sure
The Missouri Times: Joinder and venue alterations
headed to governor's desk
Columbia Missourian: Joinder and venue legislation
headed to Parson
The Missouri Times: Fast Track workforce bill stalls
in Senate over charter school impasse
Columbia Missourian: Bill from Rep. Holly Rehder
(R-Sikeston) requires companies to prove they aren't boycotting Israel
Missourinet: Rowden legislation would authorize
independent audit of Missouri Auditor Nicole Galloway
P-D: Rep. Robert Ross (R-Yukon) says sale of
state-owned property in Ozarks will likely be litigated X
CDT: Lawmakers take on Grain Belt quarrel X
Missourinet: Bill from Rep. Curtis Trent
(R-Springfield) would require Amber Alert oversight committee to meet
at least annually
Columbia Missourian: Fact check: Statements from
Sen. Cindy O'Laughlin (R-Shelbina) on PDMP and other states rated "Half
Joplin Globe editorial: Legislators wrong to change
Clean Missouri X
P-D letter: Chesterfield man "disgusted" by efforts to
give voters a voice in redistricting X
P-D letter: St. Louis woman unhappy with GOP efforts
on Clean Missouri, says she has spoken to "thousands" of people who
support measure X
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Wednesday, May 1, 2019
May 2018
Missouri political news headlines
May 2017
Missouri political news headlines
May 2016
Missouri political news headlines
May 2015
Missouri political news headlines
May 2014
Missouri political news headlines
Politico: Meet the woman behind the Pete Buttigieg
media frenzy: Koster/McCaskill alum Lis Smith
St. Joseph News-Press: Congress returns to discord,
hint of cooperation X
P-D: Federal investigation finds people exposed to
North St. Louis County's Coldwater Creek radiation had risks "small and
unlikely to affect overall cancer rates," don't need additional health
screenings; Activists still plan to seek payday from feds X
KWMU: New St. Louis County Executive Sam Page
questions statewide vote on city-county merger
House plan hinges St. Louis City-County merger on local voter approval
P-D: St. Louis Democratic Central Committee opposes
Better Together plan X
The Missouri Times: Democrats nominate Trish Gunby for
Jean Evans' state rep seat
The Missouri Times: Senate doorkeeper Bill Wyrick
retires after 25 years
Missourinet: Missouri Senate allocates $8 million in
flood aid
Missourinet: Missouri Dept. of Conservation expected
to escape proposed funding changes
The Missouri Times: Lawmakers consider whether
conservation tax should be renewable
Columbia Missourian: State Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick
wants more changes before reviving low-income housing tax credits
KC Star: Conservative Caucus hopes for charter-schools
compromise in exchange for Fast Track scholarships support X
Columbia Missourian: Fast Track workforce grant
program slowed by GOP filibuster
Columbia Missourian: NEA study shows Missouri teachers
raking in more cash than last year
Columbia Missourian: Legislation would put U.S. motto
on display at public schools
P-D: 'In God We Trust' could be a part of all Missouri
public schools X
Columbia Missourian: Senators consider plan to allow
high school students to take city transit to and from school
JCNT: House bill seeks to expand protections against
sexual abuse by school staff X
Columbia Missourian: Bill from Rep. Rocky Miller
(R-Lake Ozark) to expand child abuse protections in schools passes House
Columbia Missourian: Legislation from Sen. Jill Schupp
(D-Creve Coeur) focuses on unlicensed day cares
JCNT: Senate committee hears liability lawsuit limits
bill X
The Missouri Times: Senate perfects CAFO legislation
following 12-hour filibuster
Missourinet: Missouri Senate gives initial approval to
proposed local restrictions for large livestock operations
Brownfield Ag News: Missouri Rural Crisis Center says
there is "huge outpouring" of opposition to CAFO bill
Missouri Senate advances bill on industrial farm rules
Columbia Missourian: Rep. Kent Haden (R-Mexico) says
CAFO legislation would clarify who has inspection power
JCNT: Lawmakers: Keep marijuana away from
industrial hemp X
JCNT: State publishes draft rules for medical
marijuana facilities X
KC Star: Title IX due process bills likely on hold
until next session X
SNL: Fake post claims mushroom hunting banned on
Missouri public lands X
P-D op-ed: Former Winfield Police Chief Betty
Taylor: Closing civil forfeiture loophole would enable law
enforcement to build public trust X
Priddy: Steamboat museum campaign series:
Legislators must stand up against casino interests (only 711 words)
Messenger: An obituary for Better Together, smothered
by the shadow of Steve Stenger X
P-D's Jack Suntrup: Sen. Bill Eigel (R-Weldon Spring)
slips $2 million economic development provision into state's $30
billion budget X
P-D letter: St. Louis man wants Onder to bring drug
syringe service program bill up in committee
JCNT letter: Centertown septuagenarian shares thoughts
on campus free speech bill, toll roads X
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