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Saturday, May 30, 2020
P-D: Black Lives Matter protesters block I-70 in St.
Louis for three hours, start fire, break into delivery trucks
KWMU: Protesters block highway, start fire;
Groups to target Clayton, Ferguson today
KC Star: Mob, wielding a traffic barricade,
successfully subdued by pepper spray; Protesters throw traffic
cones at police, bang on commuter's truck, break Westport business
window; more
SNL: Black Lives Matter protesters congregate,
interfere with traffic flow during workday in Springfield
SNL: Photo gallery: Protesters hold signs
declaring "F-ck 12 (police)," "Black Lives F-cking Matter," "Riot for
Respect," other persusasive messages
P-D: Twitter user threatens to shoot Rep. Tony Lovasco
(R-St. Charles County) after lawmaker shares views on defending
property during riots
SNL: GOP state rep generates buzz after tweeting about
looters; House Superminority Leader Crystal Quade (D-Springfield)
says Lovasco "unfit to hold public office"
KWMU: Gov. Parson defends decision to give local
government more power on coronavirus restrictions
The Missouri Times: Interview series: DHSS
Director Randall Williams talks with Kaitlyn Schallhorn about reopening
process and what's next
Missourinet: Missourian who partied at Lake of the
Ozarks tests positive for coronavirus
SNL: Boone County resident positive for COVID-19 after
visiting Lake of the Ozarks pool party venue
The Missouri Times: Medicaid expansion group violated
ethics laws, complaint alleges
The Missouri Times: Missouri's lone abortion clinic
granted victory in license renewal fight
Missourinet: Missouri panel grants abortion license
renewal request for St. Louis Planned Parenthood
KWMU: State ruling means Planned Parenthood can
continue to offer abortions
The Missouri Times: Missouri PSC expands Ameren solar
JCNT: AG office report highlights disparities:
Men pulled over more than women; Cole County "disparity index"
1.02 for both blacks and whites
KWMU: AG's office releases annual vehicle stops report
P-D editorial briefs: Gov. Parson should sign
legislation cracking down on fake "service animals"
While still low, Cape Girardeau numbers bump back up. Here's why.
Joplin Globe letter: Joplin sexagenarian outlines
disdain for President Trump and Gov. Parson, urges vote for Nicole
P-D letter: St. Louis man says high-speed scooters
should be regulated as motorcycles
P-D letter: Wildwood sexagenarian opposes hunting
season for black bears
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Friday, May 29, 2020
Fox News: AG Eric Schmitt, 2 other GOP attorneys
general: Time for Congress to take action against China's
communist government
The Missouri Times: Missouri's 'Phase 1' of reopening
extended through mid-June
JCNT: Gov. Parson extends Missouri public health order
15 days
Missourinet: Gov. Parson extends Missouri's reopening
order through June 15
SNL: Gov. Parson extends 'Phase 1' social distancing
order to June 15
Columbia Missourian: Gov. Parson's social distancing
order extends through June 15
Missourinet: Missouri Gaming Commission to allow
casinos to reopen Monday
SNL: Another 27k in Missouri file for unemployment
amid continued uncertainty
Joplin Globe: Forecast: Unemployment could
affect 1 in 3 Joplin workers at peak, and 31% of Missouri workers
Missourinet: Gov. Parson announces U.S. tooling
provider to expand eastern Missouri location
The Missouri Times: Missouri's response to
coronavirus: A timeline
KWMU: Missouri's first coronavirus election could
foreshadow shift toward absentee voting
CDT: Thousands use absentee ballot to avoid polls in
Boone County
The Missouri Times: We Ask America poll of 500
Missourians, predominantly in urban areas, finds most Missourians
support Gov. Parson's handling of coronavirus
P-D: Medicaid waiver waitlist not going away for
Missourians with developmental disabilities
Columbia Missourian: Missouri public defenders unhappy
with workload
Missourinet: Missouri lawmakers hope to see a cattle
slaughter facility in the Show-Me State
JCNT: Missouri Department of Conservation seeks
comment on black bear hunting proposal
P-D: Photo gallery: Black Lives Matter
protestors shut down traffic in St. Louis, cause car crash on I-44
KC Star editorial: Gov. Parson's comments on health
safety and elections undermine democracy
P-D op-ed: Cato Institute's Simon Lester: Hawley
is wrong about a WTO withdrawal
Washington Examiner op-ed: Sen. Dave Schatz
(R-Sullivan): How Missouri protected the vote while also
protecting the voter
P-D letter: Former Democratic state rep candidate Ed
Shew: Gov. Parson and Republican lawmakers wrong to oppose
Medicaid expansion
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Thursday, May 28, 2020
Missourinet: Hawley: It's time for the Coast
Guard to act on duck boats
AP: Second lawsuit filed against Missouri Medicaid
expansion - this time by United for Missouri
Joplin Globe: Missouri Medicaid expansion campaign
makes stop in Joplin
Joplin Globe: Video: Healthcare for Missouri's
Jack Cardetti stumps for Medicaid expansion
Scott Faughn: Legislative session winners 2020
JCNT: Missouri bill improves situations for children
JCNT: Gov. Parson to announce plans for soon-expiring
health order
The Missouri Times: How is Missouri testing for
coronavirus? A look at 3 methods.
Missourinet: Coronavirus testing underway among
Missouri prison workers and inmates
Columbia Missourian: China virus testing begins in
nursing homes around the state
P-D: Despite media pressure to name nursing homes with
coronavirus cases, Missouri following law regarding privacy
SNL: Who should be tasked with breaking up rogue pool
parties? State and county officials disagree.
AP: Amid backlash, Lake of the Ozarks business owner
defends actions
Scott Faughn: Finger-wagging is no way to lead;
Urban liberal media narrative on breaking up pool parties is predictable
SNL: Online purchase scams continue, a consequence of
COVID-19; Area seasoned citizens fall for gift-card payment
Columbia Missourian's Anna Peterson: U.S. Rep. Vicky
Hartzler exaggerates China's influence on prescription drug supply chain
KC Star op-ed: "Progress Women" Executive Director
Stacey Newman: Missouri Legislature is out of control and failing
P-D letter: St. Louis woman hopes Lake of the Ozarks
party attendees spend afterlife "swimming in fire and brimstone"
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Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Missourinet: Ann Wagner's plan seeks "justice and
compensation" from China
St. Joseph News-Press: Local Census 2020 response in
line with nation
The Missouri Times: Gov. Parson moves Medicaid
expansion effort to August ballot; Comments from House Budget
Chair Cody Smith (R-Carthage), House Superminority Leader Crystal Quade
Missourinet: Gov. Parson says moving Medicaid
expansion to August ballot will help state better plan budget
AP: Gov. Parson moves up vote on Missouri Medicaid
KWMU: Expanding Medicaid in Missouri to go on August
Columbia Missourian: Medicaid expansion will be on
August ballot
The Missouri Times: Missouri begins testing all
inmates, staff at Dept. of Corrections facilities
The Missouri Times: Updated county-by-county list of
positive coronavirus cases
P-D: Gov. Parson says he has no plans to use National
Guard to break up pool parties
KC Star: Gov. Parson says he trusts local law
enforcement to monitor, act upon safety issues
Columbia Missourian: Gov. Parson addresses Lake of the
Ozarks buzz, China virus testing data
P-D: St. Charles, downtown St. Louis casinos could be
only two operating in region next week
KWMU: With traffic down during pandemic, Missouri road
crews speed up projects
JCNT: Missouri Department of Conservation seeking
comments on bear hunting proposal
AP: Missouri open records lawsuit sent back to lower
Missourinet: Inmate who stomped an elderly woman to
death during a 1982 robbery dies in Missouri prison
P-D: AG Eric Schmitt files consumer fraud charges
against serial scammer
KC Star editorial: Gov. Parson, afraid of voters,
plays politics with Medicaid expansion
JCNT editorial: Expanding remote work could benefit
Missouri state government
Joplin Globe editorial: Lake of the Ozarks fiasco an
embarrassment for Missouri
P-D editorial: History has lessons for Missourians who
thumb noses at social distancing
The Missouri Times op-ed: State rep candidate Karan
Pujji: More tariffs on China would bring Missouri to its breaking
P-D letter: Ballwin septuagenarian proposes helmet law
compromise involving full-face helmets for newly-licensed motorcycle
riders, and freedom to choose for experienced operators
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Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Missourinet: Missouri offers free community sampling
COVID-19 tests for 6 more counties
AP: Missouri's Lake of the Ozarks packed amid China
virus pandemic
P-D: St. Louis area and state officials issue stern
warnings after Lake of the Ozarks parties
KC Star: St. Louis County, KC health director urge
Lake of the Ozark partiers to self-quarantine
The Missouri Times: Updated numbers: Coronavirus
cases among Missouri prisoners, staff
KC Star editorial: Missouri lacks COVID-19 tests,
contact tracers. If this is a war, there's no cavalry.
Joplin Globe editorial: Listen to former Sen. Jack
Danforth and vote 'no' on Cleaner Missouri
Platte County Landmark's Guy Speckman: Why Sen. Tony
Luetkemeyer (R-Parkville) is this year's MVP of the Missouri Senate
Columbia Missourian's Claire Colby: Missouri's CAFO
industry benefits from low fines, infrequent inspections
P-D letter: St. Albans septuagenarian disagrees with
GOP lawmakers on notarized absentee ballots and helmet law repeal,
calls lawmakers "lamebrains"
P-D letter: University City septuagenarian says
Missouri GOP lawmakers are to blame for urban gun violence
P-D letter: St. Louis nonagenarian "horrified, angered
and saddened" by execution of rapist-murderer Walter Barton
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Monday, May 25, 2020
Memorial Day
St. Joseph News-Press: Local legislation advances to
governor's desk
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): Rep. Chuck Basye (R-Rocheport)
talks about quiet session for education
KC Star's Crystal Thomas: Lawmakers consider options
for Medicaid reimbursements; Comments from "Rep. Peter Meredith [sic]", others
P-D editorial: It's outrageous that quarantined
nursing home workers are denied sick leave
Phill Brooks: Legislative successes, losses and missed
Messenger: Brief in Flynn case puts Missouri AG Eric
Schmitt on both sides of prosecutorial discretion issue
P-D letter: St. Louis pediatrician unhappy with level
of state guidance on testing expectations
KC Star letter: Lake Waukomis man says long hold time
on state unemployment phone line shows Gov. Parson doesn't care
P-D letter: Florissant sexagenarian calls motorcycle
helmet repeal "amazingly stupid"
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Sunday, May 24, 2020
Columbia Missourian: State officials make
recommendations for CARES Act federal aid
St. Joseph News-Press: Missouri Hospital Association
says rural hospitals see big hit from China virus
JCNT: State considers expanding remote work for staff
P-D: DHSS, Missouri National Guard provide free
drive-thru testing in St. Charles and Jefferson counties
KMBC: Missouri improves reporting of coronavirus
testing results, segregating different testing data types
P-D: Missouri updates approach to reporting China
virus data
KC Star: Missouri follows CDC in updating Wuhan virus
testing reports, separating antibody and viral tests
Missourinet: Lawmakers to hear update on Missouri
slaughter facilities and economic impact from China virus
St. Joseph News-Press: Black bear hunting season
proposed in Missouri
Missourian editorial: On Memorial Day we remember those who gave
their life for this country
JCNT editorial: Pandemic won't stop honors for our war
McClellan: Lawsuits targeting Stan Kroenke, China a
waste of time
SNL op-ed: Greene County Clerk Shane Schoeller:
Legislature struck right balance with voting bill; Gov. Parson
should sign it
SNL's Steve Pokin: Rep. Curtis Trent (R-Springfield)
wrong on payday loans
P-D letter: Webster Groves man lists reasons why
lawmakers should oppose Wayfair tax
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Saturday, May 23, 2020
Missourinet: Hawley: Volunteers who showed up
after Jefferson City tornado "showed the very best of who we are"
The Missouri Times: Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft
certifies Medicaid expansion ballot measure through 'expedited' method
KWMU: Medicaid expansion to appear on ballot
Missourinet: Ashcroft approves Medicaid expansion
ballot measure
KC Star: Ashcroft approves Medicaid expansion petition
Missourinet: Term-limited Rep. David Wood
(R-Versailles) to take over Missouri DSS' Children's Division;
Comments from Speaker of the House Elijah Haahr (R-Springfield), Kids
Win Missouri's Craig Stevenson
AP: Missouri jobless rate more than doubles to 9.7%
due to China virus
SNL: Gov. Parson: Without federal aid,
$500M-$700M more in budget withholdings coming in July
Missourian: Most counties in region report new coronavirus cases
Columbia Missourian: DHSS to hold China virus testing
event at Hickman High School
KCUR: Virginia Tech professor theorizes that some
states, including Missouri, are undercounting Wuhan virus deaths
Missourinet: Update on Mark Twain National Forest
recreational openings
Washington Missourian: Franklin County leaves regional
St. Joseph News-Press: Missouri State Highway Patrol
sees increase in traffic fatalities
SNL op-ed: Springfield pediatrician wants Blunt,
Hawley, Long to support extension of SNAP handouts
Missourian's Lucas Presson: Gov. Parson's leadership during
pandemic has been solid, though stance on masks could improve
KC Star letter: U.S. Rep. Vicky Hartzler responds to
Star editorial on PPP loan, says newspaper left out important context
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Friday, May 22, 2020
Missourinet: U.S. Rep. Sam Graves: Some flood
victims in danger of being victimized twice if Congress doesn't act
Missourinet: CARES Act spending team hears the
up-to-date needs of Missouri agencies, businesses
JCNT: Gov. Parson: 3 strategies to drive
increased COVID testing
AP: Missouri's increased virus testing to focus on
nursing homes
Columbia Missourian: Gov. Parson outlines plan for
statewide comprehensive COVID-19 testing
Missourinet: Gov. Parson's Thursday press briefing and
Q&A: Strategies to focus testing; CARES Act spending
team update
St. Joseph News-Press: COVID-19 testing to expand
locally and statewide
P-D: Missouri's health director says spike in China
virus deaths due to reporting delays
SNL: 27,000 more file for unemployment in Missouri as
'reopened' economy inches forward
P-D: As unemployment claims dip, some Missouri
businesses struggle to lure back workers
AP: Gov. Parson not only allows graduation, but
JCNT: Jay Ashcroft delivers pandemic supplies to local
election officials
Missourian: Coronavirus 'dashboard' up in Missouri;
Charleston prison still only lockup with outbreak
The Missouri Times: House Speaker Pro Tem John Wiemann
(R-O'Fallon) donates PPE throughout Missouri
Missourinet: GOP Reps. Adam Schnelting and John
Wiemann: major PPE donation highlights importance of Missouri
State Defense Force
Missourinet: Every available Missouri state trooper is
on the road and water this Memorial Day weekend
The Missouri Times: PSC tackles tariff disputes,
KC Star editorial: Many Missouri House Democrats
didn't bother with masks - wearing one is just "too tough"; Two
House Democrat sources complain to newspaper about caucus colleagues'
dinner gatherings, maskless behavior
The Missouri Times op-ed: Pat Rowe Kerr:
Missouri should back common-sense approach to address flooding
KC Star op-ed: Former Florissant Mayor Tom
Schneider: GOP state lawmakers wrong on Wayfair tax, Cleaner
P-D op-ed: League of Women Voter sexagenarians:
Republican lawmakers wrong on Clean Missouri
Missourian letter: Cape Girardeau woman says Medicaid expansion
will keep rural hospitals open
P-D letter: Sullivan sexagenarian dismayed by
Missouri's lack of PDMP
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Thursday, May 21, 2020
Columbia Missourian: Blunt announces $17 million in
COVID-19 aid for Missouri clinics
Columbia Missourian: Gov. Parson: Missouri
National Guard to assist with China virus testing
AP: Gov. Parson's Wednesday press briefing:
Expanded testing, protecting businesses from coronavirus lawsuits, more
Missourinet: Missouri Chamber of Commerce calls on
governor to deal with 'opportunistic' coronavirus lawsuits
P-D: Gov. Parson pushes for expanded China virus
The Missouri Times: Missouri Legislature OKs adding
cameras in nursing homes
Missourinet: Missouri motorcycle helmet law repeal has
governor's support, but it's part of a larger bill
The Missouri Times: Updated county-by-county list of
positive coronavirus cases
CDT: Former Sen. Chuck Graham (D-Columbia) dead at
55; Comments from former Rep. Ted Farnen (D-Mexico), Caleb Rowden
Missourinet: Former Missouri lawmaker who championed
jobs for the disabled dies
JCNT: Missouri State Penitentiary tours to resume June
1, CVB says
Missourinet: Missouri State Penitentiary ghost and
history tours to resume in June
Joplin Globe: Missouri considering possible black bear
hunting season
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Sen. Josh Hawley
correct to identify meatpacking and food supply as priority for change
KC Star editorial: Missouri colleges could be
coronavirus factories in the fall
The Missouri Times op-ed: Rep. Mike Moon (R-Ash
Grove): Medicaid expansion would be a disaster for Missouri
P-D letter: Washington University School of Social
Work student opposes Cleaner Missouri, vows to vote against Republican
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Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Missouri Times: Republican state legislators
oppose federal bailouts; Sen. Eric Burlison (R-Battlefield)
organizes effort
The Missouri Times: Missouri AFL-CIO pick Jake Hummel
as next president
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air: LaunchCode Executive
Director Jeff Mazur, Sen. Brian Williams (D-Ferguson) discuss training
Missouri's workforce for the post-pandemic era
Washington Missourian: Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft
predicts safe elections in visit to Union
AP: Missouri lawsuit for absentee voting amid virus
P-D: Absentee ballot applications for June 2 election
soar amid coronavirus worries
SNL: Opponents of Cleaner Missouri say ballot summary
language "unfair"
Missourinet: House Speaker Elijah Haahr
(R-Springfield) talks session's successes, special session; House
Superminority Leader Crystal Quade (D-Springfield) offers criticism
Missourian: Clock runs out on PDMP bill
Missourinet: DOR Director Ken Zellers says no tax
return backlog this year
P-D: Gov. Parson sets goal of 7,500 coronavirus tests
a day
Missourinet: Coronavirus hits workers at Audrain
County hog farm
JCNT: Gov. Parson: Tough budget decisions ahead
Columbia Missourian: Gov. Parson: More cuts
needed to balance state budget
Missourinet: Missouri households eligible for free or
reduced school meals can get pandemic handout
KWMU: Rare illness linked to Wuhan virus affects
children in St. Louis region
CDT: University of Missouri worst-case budget plan
sees cuts up to 25 percent
Columbia Missourian: Tuition increase, more cuts and
layoffs expected as UM grapples with China virus
Missourinet: Missouri becomes first state to execute
prisoner during coronavirus outbreak
KC Star: Missouri executs convicted rapist-murderer
Walter Barton
AP: Missouri first in the nation to return to
execution normalcy
KWMU: Missouri leads other states in resuming
executions during pandemic
JCNT editorial: Missouri's elected officials should
not shun face masks
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Skepticism reigns on
Missouri cannabis licenses
Columbia Missourian's Jack Kosowski: Tweet
analysis: Gov. Parson said Missouri businesses could open May 4
if local regulations allowed it - but some local regulations did not
allow it
KC Star op-ed: Qiana Thomason: Coronavirus makes
it clearer than ever Missouri needs Medicaid expansion
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Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Missouri Times: TWMP recap: Ann Wagner says
House response to coronavirus goes from collaborative effort to
'partisan charade'; GOP consultant David Barklage, Carpenters'
Union's Mark Dalton talk Trump, Cleaner Missouri, PDMP
KWMU: Environmental groups sue U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, claim river barriers worsen flooding
JCNT: State 'kicking up' COVID-19 testing
Missourinet: Gov. Parson says 163 long-term care sites
have had coronavirus cases
AP: Gov. Parson: Virus testing focus on
long-term facilities
P-D: Gov. Parson says state targeting long-term care
facilities for widespread coronavirus testing
The Missouri Times: Updated county-by-county list of
positive coronavirus cases
Missourinet: Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft says
expanded mail-in voting "not the most secure way to hold an election"
AP: Lawsuits claim Cleaner Missouri redistricting
measure is unfair
KC Star: Cleaner Missouri opponents sue to change
ballot question
Missourinet: Rep. Joe Runions (D-Grandview) receives
standing ovation after battling China virus
P-D: PDMP legislation dies; 85% of state's
residents covered by St. Louis County's own program as other counties
have joined in
Columbia Missourian: Missouri Coalition Against
Domestic and Sexual Violence "very hopeful" about state's progress on
rape kits, "survivors' rights" legislation
Missourinet: Gov. Parson says execution of
rapist/murderer Walter Barton "will move forward as scheduled"
P-D: WalletHub report: Missouri better than many
states for military retirees
SNL: Missouri Department of Conservation seeks comment
on black bear hunting season in 2021
P-D editorial: Gov. Parson should oppose corrupt old
system and stand against Cleaner Missouri bill
Missourian's Jon Rust: COVID-19 in Southeast Missouri: The
good news in the numbers
Columbia Missourian's Ken Midkiff: Lockdowns in
Missouri probably not legal
P-D op-ed: Former Missouri Supreme Court Chief Justice
Michael Wolff: Gov. Parson should delay execution of Walter Barton
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Monday, May 18, 2020
This Week in Missouri Politics: U.S. Rep. Ann Wagner
talks with Scott Faughn about federal response to coronavirus;
Panel of David Barklage, Carpenters Union's Mark Dalton talk Cleaner
Missouri, PDMP, Trump's job performance
KWMU: How the coronavirus upended Missouri's 2020
legislative session
P-D: Upended by pandemic, Missouri lawmakers limited
in answering Gov. Parson's agenda
St. Joseph News-Press: Lawmakers approve bill to
prevent taxation of stimulus checks
Missourinet: Missouri Legislature adopts medical
marijuana changes
Columbia Missourian: Video gaming machines stir
debate: Perspectives from Missouri, Illinois
JCNT: Utilities weigh how to collect past-due payments
KC Star: Court clears way for Missouri to execute
rapist/murderer Walter Barton tomorrow
KC Star: Some U.S. cities see less crime in pandemic,
but KC starts May with rash of shootings
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Funny doglegs and
elongated strips: Missouri voters get another crack at
KC Star editorial: Missouri prisoner sentenced to 20
years as a teen seeks freedom. Gov. Parson should act.
KC Star op-ed: Mark Woodworth: Gov. Parson,
don't let Walter Barton be a victim of Missouri AG's prosecutors like I
Joplin Globe letters: Webb City man asks media outlets
to report demographic context of coronavirus deaths, including location
and age; Webb City septuagenarian says Gov. Parson and GOP
lawmakers will worsen coronavirus pandemic
P-D letter: Lake Saint Louis sexagenarian says
"Missouri Leigslature [sic]"
protects puppy mills
P-D letter: Pro-life SLU student responds to
pro-choice SLU student's op-ed
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Sunday, May 17, 2020
SNL: Roundup: Here's what Missouri lawmakers
passed - and didn't pass - this session
Missourinet: Summary: Key bills passed by the
Missouri Legislature this session
JCNT: Local legislators reflect on wins, losses in
pandemic-dominated session
Columbia Missourian: Wayfair tax dead for another year
St. Joseph News-Press: Time is of the essence for
levee repairs
JCNT: Public forums for Missouri State Penitentiary
proposals on tap Monday
JCNT: Missouri Dept. of Agriculture's "Missouri Grown"
Director Christi Miller also Missouri-grown
P-D editorial: China gets the meat that risks U.S.
workers' lives. Missouri helped it happen.
JCNT letter: Jefferson City septuagenarian not
attending economic reopening "party" supported by "President Trump and
his friends like Gov. Parson"
SNL letters: Springfield septuagenarian opposes
Cleaner Missouri, says Republicans in "state Congress [sic]" can only win elections by
cheating; Springfield woman opposes closed primaries
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Saturday, May 16, 2020
KWMU: Truncated Missouri Legislature ends but extra
time may be coming
The Missouri Times: Final week in the Senate:
Friday activity
The Missouri Times: Final week in the House:
Friday activity
AP: Sen. Eric Burlison (R-Battlefield) coordinates
effort to oppose U.S. House Dems' 'unacceptable solution to the
financial woes of individual states'
JCNT: Leaders tout successes of shortened legislative
The Missouri Times: PDMP legislation dies
Columbia Missourian: New pandemic voting changes
approved by Legislature
The Missouri Times: Missouri elections bill would give
secretary of state subpoena power in investigations
AP: Missouri lawmakers OK mail-in voting on final day
of work
P-D: On final day, Missouri lawmakers approve new
vote-by-mail options
P-D: End-of-session recap
P-D: Photo gallery: "Missouri ends first
legislatve [sic] session
during COVID-19"
The Missouri Times: Omnibus health care bill, with
coronavirus testing provisions, passes through Legislature
Columbia Missourian: Crime bill passes, expands
definition of 'dangerous felon'
Columbia Missourian: End-of-session briefs:
Cleaner Missouri, medical marijuana, PDMP, crime, budget, gambling,
schools, MONA, Wayfair
AP: End-of-session briefs: Pseudoephedrine,
edibles, Hyperloop, motorcycle helmets, more
KC Star: End-of-session recap
Missourinet: Missouri vaping bill heading to Gov.
Parson's desk
JCNT: Heartland Port bill sent to governor
Moberly Monitor-Index: Missouri prisons facing
coronavirus challenges
AP: Federal court grants Missouri murderer 30-day
execution stay
Joplin Globe editorial: Newly-passed Missouri bill
helps sexual assault survivors
Missourian's Lucas Presson: Gov. Parson: 'We made decisions
based on facts'
Missourian's Jon Rust: Why Missourians should wear a mask:
Faith, fear, responsibility and freedom
KC Star's Caitlyn Rosen: Missouri retains dubious
status as only state without PDMP program
KC Star letter: Sugar Creek sexagenarian opposes
Cleaner Missouri
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Friday, May 15, 2020
SNL: As Missouri unemployment claims slow, two
southwest Missouri companies report furloughs
JCNT: Governor: More Missouri budget
withholdings expected
The Missouri Times: Missourians receiving SNAP
handouts can order freebies online - and the option is 'permanent'
Missourinet: SNAP handouts can now be used for online
grocery shopping in Missouri
The Missouri Times: Interview series: Missouri
Farm Bureau President Blake Hurst talks with Scott Faughn about China
virus impact on corn growers, dairy farmers and cattle ranchers
P-D: St. Louis area China virus hospitalizations
continue to fall as region prepares to reopen
The Missouri Times: Final week in the Senate:
Activity from Thursday
The Missouri Times: Final week in the House:
Activity from Thursday
The Missouri Times: Amid claims of dishonesty, Senate
unanimously reconsiders omnibus bill after finding 'hidden' language
from House
SNL: Missouri House OKs plan to let everyone vote by
mail this year, revive voter ID
KC Star: Missouri lawmakers seek new mail-in ballot
Columbia Missourian: Mail-in voting option included in
wide-sweeping elections bill
SNL: Sen. John Rizzo (D-Independence) pushes for free
COVID testing for uninsured
P-D: Democratic plan would pay for Wuhan virus testing
using federal funds
SNL: Rep. Steve Helms (R-Springfield) says he's not
behind robocalls supporting education bill
AP: Missouri lawmakers pass bill against boycotting
P-D: Legislative session winding down
SNL: Campgrounds at Missouri state parks reopening in
Missourian: SEMO revises reopening plan; former Lt. Gov.
Peter Kinder weighs in on debate
KC Star editorial: Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R) wrong to
take PPP loan, then balk at further Wuhan virus spending
Columbia Missourian op-ed: League of Women Voters
septuagenarian: Cleaner Missouri is outrageous
The Missouri Times op-ed: Former Rep. Tila Hubrecht
(R-Dexter): The conservative case for Missouri Medicaid expansion
SNL op-ed: Former Rep. Ray Weter (R-Nixa):
Medicaid expansion better for health care, economy
P-D letter: Ladue sexagenarian praises Jack Danforth
for opposing Cleaner Missouri, says current GOP lawmakers are infected
with partisan "disease"
P-D letter: Richmond Heights septuagenarian asks for
and receives clarity from St. Louis County election board on absentee
voting rules for seasoned citizens
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Thursday, May 14, 2020
St. Joseph News-Press: Hawley, Hartzler, Graves focus
on food supply and Missouri's meat producers
JCNT: Missouri has plan to develop flood-monitoring
Video: Gov. Parson's Wednesday press briefing and Q&A
JCNT: DHSS' Williams: 8,800 COVID-19 tests can
be done daily
KC Star: Missouri on FEMA list of states with growing
coronavirus cases
The Missouri Times: Final week in the Senate:
Activity from Wednesday
The Missouri Times: Final week in the House:
Activity from Wednesday
AP: Lawmakers move to expand Missouri absentee voting
amid virus
The Missouri Times: Voters will get to decide on
Cleaner Missouri
KWMU: Cleaner Missouri proposal will go to voters
SNL: House approves redistricting plan, sending it to
November ballot
Missourinet: Missouri Legislature wants voters to
decide fate of Cleaner Missouri
KC Star: Houses passes bill to give voters a voice on
redistricting plan
Columbia Missourian: Lawmakers send restricting
proposal to voters
Missourinet: PDMP expected to hit Missouri Senate
floor today; House floor debate gets heated
P-D: Plan to track opioids gets House approval
Columbia Missourian: House approves amended PDMP
The Missouri Times: Missouri extends ability for
restaurants, bars to sell mixed drinks to go
KWMU: Budget bill allows for feral hog meat to be
donated to Missouri food pantries
Missourinet: Missouri's casinos to remain closed
through May 31
P-D: Missouri casinos set to open June 1
KWMU: Sunshine Law loss leaves Mizzou with $175k bill
AP: Missouri moving ahead with execution plans;
Walter Barton pushed 81-year-old woman to the ground, beat her,
sexually assaulted her, then stabbed her more than 50 times
KC Star editorial: St. Louis had nearly twice as many
China virus cases, but the KC area is spiking now
P-D op-ed: Greene County Clerk Shane Schoeller
(R): Legislature is running out of time to approve absentee
Columbia Missourian's Sara Dingmann: Three weeks ago,
Rep. Louis Riggs (R-Hannibal) got a statistic wrong regarding
percentage of counties with China virus cases
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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Missourinet: U.S. Rep. Jason Smith emphasizes
importance of rural hospitals and telehealth, talks 8th District
economy reopening
Missourinet: Video and summary: Gov. Parson's
Tuesday press briefing and Q&A
P-D: Gov. Parson focuses on Missouri's economic
recovery, as DED's Rob Dixon warns 'it's going to take years'
SNL: Missouri getting 4,000 doses of key COVID drug
AP: China virus cases reach 10,000 in Missouri, with
deaths topping 500
The Missouri Times: Updated county-by-county list of
positive coronavirus cases
The Missouri Times: Final week in the Senate:
Activity from Tuesday
The Missouri Times: Final week in the House:
Activity from Tuesday
The Missouri Times: Auditor could have say in Cleaner
Missouri ballot language
KWMU: House votes to raise standards for punitive
damages; Rep. Bruce DeGroot (R-Chesterfield) says measure "brings
back some common sense" to court system
Missourinet: Missouri K-12 districts can request to
start school earlier this fall
P-D: Missouri schools prepare for online learning in
the fall, while cases of mystery inflammatory syndrome pop up in St.
Columbia Missourian: Lawmakers discuss Grain Belt
Express, rape kit testing
The Missouri Times: Missouri Legislature OKs measure
streamlining rape kit testing process
AP: Missouri passes bill requiring hospitals to offer
rape kits
KC Star editorial: Forcing in-person voting could cost
Missouri lives
Columbia Missourian's Ashlyn O'Hara and Galen
Bacharier: Missouri lawmakers push to overturn Clean Missouri
even though their constituents supported it
KC Star's Crystal Thomas: With no public scrutiny, GOP
lawmakers push through a bill to trap borrowers in a cycle of debt
Columbia Missourian's Sara Dingmann: Secretary of
State Jay Ashcroft got statistic wrong in anecdote on Milwaukee polling
KC Star letter: Gladstone nonagenarian wants newspaper
print edition to list full summaries of every legislative proposal
discussed in editorials, along with lawmakers' votes
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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
KWMU: Hawley charts out big shift in how America
handles unemployment amid coronavirus
P-D: Missouri to receive almost $18 million from HUD
to combat coronavirus
Missourinet: Video: Gov. Parson's Monday press
briefing and Q&A
AP: Gov. Parson calls it 'encouraging' to see some
return to normalcy
P-D: Missouri set to receive remdisivir for
coronavirus treatment
Missourinet: GOP state Senate opponents Holly Rehder, Kathy Swan
differ on use tax
The Missouri Times: Final week in the Missouri
Senate: Activity from Monday
The Missouri Times: Final week in the Missouri
House: Activity from Monday
AP: Few days left for Missouri opioid tracking bill
Missourinet: Missouri PDMP personal for Rep. Holly
Rehder (R-Scott City): Don't judge "unless you've walked a mile
in their moccasins"
SNL: Missouri voters could expand Medicaid, then let
lawmakers block it on the same ballot
SNL: Rep. Rocky Miller (R-Lake Ozark) on Cleaner
Missouri: "This will go down in flames"
Missourinet: Departing GOP lawmaker predicts Cleaner
Missouri will lose at polls
The Missouri Times: Updated county-by-county list of
positive coronavirus cases
Missourinet: Coronavirus hits eastern Missouri jail
KC Star: Death toll in Missouri from China virus could
be undercounted, depending upon interpretation of CDC data
JCNT: Missouri road fatalities increase despite less
Columbia Missourian: Calls to Missouri DSS child abuse
hotline plummet as pandemic isolation grows
The Missouri Times: 'What do you do with these pigs?'
Inside Missouri hog farmers' struggles with coronavirus
SNL: HSUS report says Missouri leads the nation in dog
Joplin Globe editorial: Arming school teachers should
not be part of the solution for school shootings
Joplin Globe editorial: Brass knuckles not worthy of
legislative discussion
Missourian's Lucas Press: Blunt's 'Shark Tank' initiative
unleashes private sector ingenuity on pandemic
CDT op-ed: Ashland septuagenarian wants Rowden to
flip-flop on Cleaner Missouri
The Missouri Times op-ed: Harold Selby: Don't
let opponents of Grain Belt Express block progress for rural Missouri
P-D letter: Santa Maria, Calif. man objects to
Hawley's objection to Missouri subsidizing bailouts of fiscally
irresponsible states
P-D letter: St. Louis septuagenarian says Gov.
Parson's choice to not wear a mask was a calculated "dog whistle" to
fringe voters
P-D letter: University City man opposes state
lawmakers' proposals to expand right-to-carry freedoms
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Monday, May 11, 2020
Missourian's B Magazine: Missouri counts: An overview of
the 2020 Census
Missourian's B Magazine: 20% of Missourians - more than a million
people - without high-speed Internet; A look at Missouri
Department of Economic Development efforts
SNL: National group targets Springfield for "cancel
rent" campaign; People's Action touts its success convincing
seven (7) Springfield households to sign online petition
P-D: Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe and wife contribute $500 to
two local county commissioner candidates
This Week in Missouri Politics: KC Mayor Quinton Lucas
talks with Scott Faughn about city's coronavirus response; Panel
of Charlie Shields and Victor Callahan talk testing efforts, local
government response, Missouri Senate's last week of session
P-D: Missouri's testing rate trails Illinois, but
reflects different strategy, reality
SNL: Rep. Steve Helms (R-Springfield) says tax break
for makers of medical supplies will bring jobs to Missouri
Missourinet: Rep. Steven Roberts (D-St. Louis City)
works with DHSS, Affinia Healthcare to hold second COVID-19 testing
event in his district
St. Joseph News-Press: Measure to overhaul foster care
could pass Legislature
Columbia Missourian op-ed: Gov. Parson should
flip-flop on execution of convicted murderer Walter Barton
P-D letter: Septuagenarian Clean Missouri supporter
criticizes octogenarian Clean Missouri supporter for failing to mention
party ID of Cleaner Missouri supporters
P-D letter: Crystal Lake Park septuagenarian wants
state to collect sales taxes directly from credit card processors and
car dealers
P-D letter: SLU priest and theology professor responds
to SLU student's pro-choice op-ed
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Sunday, May 10,
2020 Happy Mother's Day!
St. Joseph News-Press: Blunt, Hawley prioritize virus
testing, jobs
AP: Gov. Parson, other U.S. governors aim to boost
production of medical supplies
P-D: The St. Louis area has seen more China virus
cases than Kansas City; theories abound
P-D: State, local health officials ponder utilizing
more contact tracers
P-D: Gunfire causes more damage in city on Saturday
than coronavirus, police reports show
KWMU: Last week of Missouri legislative session could
be unusually quiet
Joplin Globe: Rep. Ben Baker (R-Neosho): Limit
on medical marijuana licenses, other rules unfair
P-D editorial: The pandemic should figure into this
year's flood preparation
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Virus fuels urgency
in online sales tax debate
KC Star op-ed: KC NAACP's Rodney Williams;
Politicians' attack on Clean Missouri is outrageous even by Jefferson
City standards
P-D op-ed: Children's Education Alliance of Missouri's
Brian Murphy: Missouri Legislature, DESE should support virtual
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Saturday, May 9, 2020
P-D: St. Louis-area hospitals to receive $82 million
from HHS
AP: County election officials, religious groups share
thoughts on absentee voting
The Missouri Times: Missouri Legislature passes FY21
budget: What to know
The Missouri Times: Tax relief bill from Sen. Tony
Luetkemeyer (R-Parkville) goes to governor
SNL: Lawmakers pass bill to keep stimulus checks
Missourinet: Missouri House gives final approval to
budget; feral hog debate gets heated
AP: Schools, colleges spared in stripped-down Missouri
KWMU: Missouri lawmakers pass $35.2 billion state
Joplin Globe: Missouri Senate advances sexual assault
Brownfield Ag News: Missouri Farm Bureau, Missouri
Cattlemen's Association disappointed in eminent domain filibuster
KC Star: Missouri medical marijuana officials will
comply with lawmakers' demands for records
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air: Televangelist Jim
Bakker is not a coronavirus villain, says his attorney Jay Nixon
P-D: St. Louis-area China virus hospitalizations
continue to fall
AP: St. Louis County, Kansas City plan restricted
KWMU: Most St. Louis County businesses can reopen with
limits on May 18
P-D: St. Louis County Executive Sam Page, St. Louis
Mayor Lyda Krewson explain the gradual reopening of region to begin May
The Missouri Times: Updated county-by-county list of
positive coronavirus cases
The Missouri Times: Missouri Public Service Commission
grants CCNs to utility companies
AP: Missouri House panel dismisses sexual harassment
Washington Missourian endorsement: Yes on Medicaid
Washington Missourian editorial: Missouri lawmakers
must pass Internet sales tax
St. Joseph News-Press editorial: Lawmakers' discussion
of brass knuckles a waste of time
Missourian's Lucas Presson: CARES Act funds to local counties
should be scrutinized
KC Star letter: Man who chooses to live in Kansas
wants Gov. Parson to wear a mask
P-D letter: St. Louis County Democratic committeewoman
wants SOS Jay Ashcroft to ask senior citizens to vote absentee
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Friday, May 8, 2020
KWMU: U.S. Rep. Jason Smith part of delegation seeking
aid for rural hospitals
FOX 2 (St. Louis): U.S. Rep. Ann Wagner addresses the
problems people are having reviewing unemployment benefits
FOX 2 (St. Louis): U.S. Rep. Sam Graves says more
people will be flying soon, with masks
The Missouri Times: State auditor's office launches
'transparency portal' for federal coronavirus funds; State
treasurer's office launched website last month
Missourinet: Video and summary: Gov. Parson's
Thursday press briefing and Q&A
JCNT: Governor, first lady explore how merchants adapt
to pandemic
Missourinet: Gov. Parson emphasizes safety and
expanded COVID-19 testing during stops at two mid-Missouri businesses
Brownfield Ag News: Gov. Parson says he'll review
coronavirus data before giving recommendation on State Fair
The Missouri Times: Updated county-by-county list of
positive coronavirus cases
Missourinet: 500k Missourians file for unemployment
since mid-March
AP: Over 50,000 Missourians filed for unemployment
last week
KWMU: Missouri Department of Labor handling massive
influx of unemployment applications
P-D: China virus slashes Missouri tax revenues in half
of April
AP: Missouri budget director: Economy 'turned
off like a faucet'
P-D: Your federal stimulus check would be exempt from
Missouri income tax under House plan
The Missouri Times: Breaking down the omnibus
discussions in the Senate
Columbia Missourian: Compromise eliminates state
higher ed cuts, restores UM project - with a catch
SNL: Rep. Curtis Trent (R-Springfield) says banking
bill won't prevent cities from imposing burdens on payday lenders
KC Star: Legislative probe into medical marijuana
rollout continues
KC Star editorial: Gov. Parson was for a coronavirus
shutdown before he was against it
Joplin Globe editorial: Gov. Parson must start wearing
a mask in public
P-D editorial: Missouri lawmakers fight crisis with
hyperloop fantasies, restoring debtors' prisons
The Missouri Times op-ed: Health care and safety
groups oppose Missouri motorcycle helmet repeal
P-D letter: Maryland Heights sexagenarian opposes
Cleaner Missouri, predicts voters will kick GOP supermajority out of
office in November
P-D letter: St. Peters octogenarian says Post-Dispatch
is a reputable newspaper
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Thursday, May 7, 2020
Missourinet: Hawley: "The meatpacking industry
has become too consolidated"
AP: Judge dismisses lawsuit over meat worker safety
Brownfield Ag News: Gov. Parson says workers' choice
whether to return to Triumph Foods
Missourinet: Video and summary: Gov. Parson's
Wednesday press briefing and Q&A
JCNT: Federal funding available for child care needs
KWMU: Missouri receives $66 million in federal aid for
coronavirus child care needs
SNL: Greene County, local agencies to receive millions
in relief from the federal government
The Missouri Times: SNAP handouts could be used online
in Missouri by next week
The Missouri Times: Updated county-by-county list of
positive coronavirus cases
The Missouri Times: Updated numbers: Coronavirus
cases among prison inmates, staff
The Missouri Times: Rep. Steve Roberts (D-St. Louis
City) organizes COVID-19 testing center in North St. Louis City
AP: St. Louis City, county to begin reopening May 18
KWMU: St. Louis businesses can start to reopen May 18,
but many aren't ready
Missourian: WalletHub report: Amid pandemic, Missouri
among least freedom-restricting states
Missourinet: Missouri State Fair board of directors
meets today to discuss plans for this year's event
P-D: Coronavirus could cancel or shorten the Missouri
State Fair
The Missouri Times: Missouri budget: 5
differences between Senate, House plans
SNL: Missouri Senate budget proposes gambling expansion
Missourian: Local government, business leaders hope for Wayfair
legislation this year
JCNT: Late-moving proposal could keep local health
departments from making health rules
KWMU: Politically Speaking podcast: House
Supeminority Leader Crystal Quade (D-Springfield) on "frustrating"
legislative session
SNL: Liberal Christian group says TV network tied to
Oral Roberts University drops Jim Bakker show
P-D: How coronavirus could change Missouri schools
when they reopen
SNL: New cases of chronic wasting disease found in
Polk, Stone, Taney counties
Joplin Globe editorial: Lawmakers should not change
Clean Missouri
KC Star editorial: Allowing brass knuckles and feral
hog hunting? Missouri lawmakers have gone off the rails
P-D editorial: Workers deserve minimal protections
before nursing homes receive liability shield
Where do we start when opening up the economy?
P-D op-ed: Missouri Chamber's Dan Mehan:
Missouri should enact commonsense coronavirus legal reforms
American Republic letter: Eddy Justice: The unwavering
strength of southeast Missouri is inspirational
P-D letter: St. Louis County septuagenarian
"disgusted" by Gov. Parson's decision to not wear mask
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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
St. Joseph News-Press: Blunt takes part in first
socially-distanced Senate hearing
AP: Gov. Parson urges Missourians to support
state-based businesses
JCNT: Gov. Parson: Recovery hinges on shopping
Missourinet: Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe praises Missouri's
economic recovery plan, emphasizes importance of expanding testing
SNL: COVID-19 vaccine under trial being produced in
KWMU: St. Louis on the Air: St. Charles County
Executive Steve Ehlmann on reopening amid pandemic
KC Star: 'We need to get back to work.' Missouri
restaurants, stores begin to reopen
P-D: Mayor Lyda Krewson claims state shortchanged St.
Louis City, counties on federal coronavirus aid
The Missouri Times: Updated county-by-county list of
positive coronavirus cases
Joplin Globe: Pandemic forces political campaigns to
The Missouri Times: Statewide bench tipsheet:
Scott Sifton, Tracy McCreery, John Rizzo, Crystal Quade, Brian
Williams, Peter Merideth, others
The Missouri Times: AG Eric Schmitt urges federal
government to investigate meatpacking industry
AP: Schmitt among 11 attorneys general seeking probe
into meatpacking industry
AP: Missouri Senate tries to spare colleges from
budget cuts
SNL: GOP budget chief eyes work requirement for
Columbia Missourian: Missouri lawmakers consider work
requirement for Medicaid
P-D: Rep. Dan Houx (R-Warrensburg) says bill would
shield front-line caregivers, first responders from predatory lawsuits
The Missouri Times: House approves medical
manufacturing incentive
P-D: Senate OKs expansion of gambling at Missouri
truck stops
Columbia Missourian: Debate on public safety omnibus
bill involves firearms, brass knuckles
The Missouri Times: Missouri Legislature advancing
omnibus bills during pandemic 'tarnishes' institution, bipartisan
coalition says
St. Joseph News-Press: Missouri Highway Patrol phasing
back in written driver exams
Missourinet: Missouri's 2020 Katy Trail Ride cancelled
P-D editorial: Daughters, husbands, grandparents not
worth sacrificing for Gov. Parson's hasty reopening
KC Star editorial: Missouri wrong to want to be the
first to allow concerts, live events during Wuhan virus pandemic
Priddy: This reopening better work
P-D op-ed: Missouri Right to Life's Steve Rupp:
Pandemic focuses our mission on saving lives. That's why abortion is
P-D op-ed: SLU co-ed studying "women's and gender
studies": Abortion services are more essential during pandemic -
not less
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Missourinet: Video and summary: Gov. Parson's
Monday press briefing and Q&A
JCNT: Gov. Parson extends executive orders, funds
being disbursed to counties
KWMU: Wuhan virus update thread: St. Louis City
to receive federal funds this week; SBA to provide loans to ag
businesses; more
Columbia Missourian: Local governments to receive
CARES funds tomorrow
SNL: Gov. Parson kicks off economic reopening at Bass
Pro, Cox South
SNL: Photo gallery: Gov. Parson visits
Springfield as it begins to reopen
AP: Gov. Parson on freedom and personal responsibility
in pandemic: "I don't think it's government's role to mandate who
wears a mask and who doesn't."
P-D: Businesses reopen in some areas of Missouri
AP: Like much of Missouri, St. Charles gently begins
to reopen
Missourian: The Reopening: Local business, health,
government leaders weigh in
Columbia Missourian: Lawmakers seek to make
coronavirus funds available for short-term shortfall; Comments
from State Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick
Brownfield Ag News: 373 asymptomatic COVID-19 cases at
Triump Foods
Missourinet: About 15 percent of workers so far have
China virus at pork plant in NW Missouri
P-D: Mass testing at meat processing plant boosts
Missouri's China virus numbers
KWMU: Coronavirus effects on Missouri agriculture are
severe but inconsistent
P-D: Federal lawsuit seeks to block city, county
stay-at-home orders
The Missouri Times: Timeline: Gov. Parson's
executive orders on coronavirus
SNL: Missouri AG Eric Schmitt sued televangelist Jim
Bakker over coronavirus elixir claims. Jay Nixon says Bakker was right.
KWMU: SEIU demands hazard pay boost for all nursing
home workers
P-D: SEIU rally features demands for more money,
claims that nursing home operator killed woman by denying extra sick
The Missouri Times: Statewide bench tipsheet:
Elijah Haahr, Mary Elizabeth Coleman, Bob Onder, Caleb Rowden, David
Gregory, Bill Eigel, Rob Vescovo, Lincoln Hough, Tony Luetkemeyer, Jon
The Missouri Times: Lawmakers appeal to Gov. Parson
for clemency for convicted murderer Patty Prewitt
P-D: State audit says St. Louis comptroller has
inadequate procedures to track city property
KC Star editorial: Kansas City PPP loan information
should not be secret
JCNT editorial: State employees never stopped
providing services
Missourian editorial: As Missouri reopens, continue to follow
health guidance
P-D editorial: Moratorium on evictions, utility
cutoffs needed to prevent homeless surge
P-D op-ed: Jack Danforth: Let's stick with Clean
Missourian letter: Cape Girardeau septuagenarian wants Missouri
lawmakers to raise state income tax
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Monday, May 4, 2020
This Week in Missouri Politics: St. Louis Mayor Lyda
Krewson talks with Scott Faughn about Wuhan virus, reopening, testing,
more; Panel of Gregg Keller and Democrat consultant Lou Hamilton
on President Trump vs. Biden, reopening state's economy, Clean Missouri
fix, Schmitt's lawsuit against ChiComs, more
KC Star's Melinda Henneberger: Nicole Galloway can't
win from her basement; KC Mayor Quinton Lucas: "She's
missing the moment."
St. Joseph News-Press: Lawmakers set to make big cuts
to budget
Missourinet: Bipartisan Missouri legislative effort
seeks to restore cuts to Mizzou's NextGen Precision Health Initiative
P-D: Exuberance and caution as Missouri opens for
SNL: Risk, input and necessities: How local
officials decided what to open up on Monday
P-D: How rural counties prepared for reopening
KWMU: DHSS: State law does not allow department
to name nursing home facilities with coronavirus cases
KWMU: How Missouri students are learning about the
virus that has them stuck at home
Joplin Globe editorial: Responsibility for making
Missouri's economic reopening work falls on each of us
Messenger: Missouri's medical marijuana licensing
program 'defies logic,' new lawsuit asserts
P-D letter: Brentwood man challenges nurse
practitioners' campaign, says government officials should focus on PPE
and testing
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Sunday, May 3, 2020
SNL: In Paycheck Protection loans for small
businesses, Missouri punches above its weight
St. Joseph News-Press: Ethanol industry reaps downside
of fuel prices; Comments from Missouri Corn's Gary Marshall
P-D: Rural hospitals, without coronavirus patients,
see empty beds and dark hallways instead
CDT: On the curve: Experts say it is bending but
caution against rapid reopening
Columbia Missourian: Extent of domestic violence
during lockdown might never be known
Missourinet: DHSS: 359 workers at Triumph Foods
in northwest Missouri have tested positive for coronavirus
AP: Coronavirus strikes nearly 80 Missouri nursing
P-D editorial: As state focuses on virus, GOP quietly
tries to kill Clean Missouri reforms
KC Star op-ed: Gov. Mike Parson: Show Me Strong
Recovery is a blueprint to move Missouri past coronavirus
SNL op-ed: House Superminority Leader Crystal Quade
(D-Springfield): Missouri GOP using China virus to push bills
Columbia Missourian letter: U.S. Rep. Vicky Hartzler
responds to anti-Hartzler piece, asks newspaper to uphold standard of
fairness and accuracy in reporting
P-D letter: St. Louis woman unhappy with Blunt and
Hawley over USPS funding
P-D letter: O'Fallon septuagenarian wants AG Eric
Schmitt to sue Donald Trump over coronavirus
P-D letter: Ballwin sexagenarian wants no-excuse
absentee voting
P-D letter: Wash U. social work grad student wants
Missouri voters to expand Medicaid
Columbia Missourian letter: Jobs With Justice
organizer opposes Cleaner Missouri
P-D letter: Manchester man disappointed by
Post-Dispatch's lack of original content, extreme liberal bias
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Saturday, May 2, 2020
KWMU: Wuhan virus update thread: Blunt announces
more federal funding for hospitals; Employees who voluntarily
quit jobs not eligible for Missouri unemployment checks; more
CDT: U.S. Rep. Vicky Hartzler shares first-hand
perspective of challenges facing small-business owners, says Paycheck
Protection Program is helping family business maintain employment of
team members
Columbia Missourian: Some state office buildings
reopening Monday
Missourinet: Ag Director Chris Chinn: Localized
meat shortages, higher prices for some items possible in Missouri
Missourinet: Nearly 300 Missouri meat processing plant
workers test positive for COVID-19
AP: Missouri senators set aside $20 million in federal
funding for meat packing plants
KC Star: Nearly 300 workers at Missouri pork plant
test positive for coronavirus
The Missouri Times: Updated numbers: Coronavirus
cases among prison inmates, staff
Missourian: State disburses $9.2 million to Cape Girardeau County
for virus costs
P-D: At least 70 Missouri nursing homes in St. Louis
area report COVID-19 outbreaks
The Missouri Times: Medicaid expansion campaign stages
petition dropoff at secretary of state's office
SNL: Medicaid expansion campaign files signatures for
2020 ballot
Joplin Globe: Medicaid expansion campaign says it
secured more than twice the number of required signatures
AP: Petition expected to put Medicaid expansion on
Missouri ballot
Missourinet: Missouri Capitol dome and law enforcement
memorial lit blue this weekend
SNL: Missouri Department of Conservation flooded with
applications for Missouri's first elk hunt in the fall
Missourian Publisher Jon Rust: Former U.S. Rep. Jo Ann Emerson
tests COVID-free in D.C.
Columbia Missourian's Jack Kosowski: Statement from
Sen. Cindy O'Laughlin (R-Shelbina) about unprecedented freedom
restrictions overlooks Spanish flu
Missourian letter: Cape Girardeau man wants legislators to focus
on China virus, not Cleaner Missouri
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Friday, May 1, 2020
May 2019 Missouri political
news headlines
May 2018 Missouri political
news headlines
May 2017 Missouri political
news headlines
May 2016 Missouri political
news headlines
May 2015 Missouri political
news headlines
May 2014 Missouri political
news headlines
Video: Gov. Parson's Thursday press briefing and Q&A
Around 54k more file for unemployment in Missouri as state prepares to
ease orders
Missouri pays out more than $500 million in unemployment benefits since
Massive surge of unemployment claims leads to backlog of applicants
Missouri hits 7,500 China virus cases Thursday
Pneumonia and flu have now killed more than 1,500 this season in
Missouri; DHSS battling multiple health threats
Star: 92 new coronavirus cases found among workers at Missouri
pork plant
Wuhan virus update thread: Missouri Republican Party to hold
congressional district conventions by mail; Missouri extends
federal unemployment benefits; more
From Cleaner Missouri to abandoned planes: Here's what's going on
in Jefferson City
Missouri Times: House committee advances Cleaner Missouri
Democrats on House committee oppose Cleaner Missouri on party-line vote
Star: Missouri Republicans pass Cleaner Missouri over Democratic
MDC, Missouri State Parks begin plans for reopening some areas
Protesters rally at Capitol for right to skip out on rent; Woman
holds "#CancelRent" sign next to new car
SEIU complains about nursing homes' handling of China virus
SEIU capo, other union reps complain about state government policies
Star: Star hires 3 reporters - Jelani Gibson, Humera Lodhi and
Kaitlin Washburn - through "Report for America" advocacy program;
Recent college grads to expose how guns hurt "vulnerable communities"
editorial: Trump's order, supported by Gov. Parson, protects
meatpacking plant owners at workers' expense
Star editorial: St. Louis gets $32 million in coronavirus
aid; KC gets nothing
op-ed: AG Eric Schmitt wrong to sue China and Communist Party of
Missouri Times op-ed: Show-Me Institute's Patrick Ishmael and
Foundation for Government Accountability's Gregg Pfister: What
Missouri can do right now to help in the battle against COVID-19
Missouri Times op-ed: State rep candidate Karan Pujji (R):
Absentee voting the right path forward for Missouri
letter: St. Louis County's Michelle Chen applauds AG Eric Schmitt
for holding China accountable for wrongdoing
letter: Kirkwood male nurse wants Blunt to expand absentee
voting, quotes musical "Hamilton"
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