Tag: Jim Kreider obituary
- Monday, August 7, 2023 – Missouri political news headlines ()
GoFundMe.com: Help cover the funeral expenses of Casey Burns’ uncle and grandmother, who died unexpectedly last week (organized by Victory Enterprises‘ Brett Dinkins, with help from Enterprise Holding’s Josh Foster) Legacy.com: Obituary for Casey Burns’ grandmother, Joy Thurston Legacy.com: Obituary for Casey Burns’ uncle, Pete Selzer KSMU: Jim Kreider, last Democrat to serve as Missouri Speaker, dies at […]
- Thursday, August 3, 2023 – Missouri political news headlines ()
KCMO: Pete Mundo Show: Sen. Josh Hawley on Dems’ Trump indictment (1:10); Dems’ motivations (2:30); DOJ vs. parents and pro-life Catholics (3:30); future presidents weaponizing DOJ (4:45); what GOP candidates should be talking about (5:45); Trump as GOP nominee “a done deal” (6:30); Joe Biden’s lies about Hunter Biden’s business dealings (7:40); Coldwater Creek issue […]