Thursday, February 10, 2022 – Missouri political news headlines
Published in Missouri Political News - Daily Headlines. Tags: #moleg, #moleg news, #MOSEN, Austin Petersen, David Rosman, Eric Schmitt, Jason Smith, Kansas City Star liberal bias, liberal media bias in Missouri, Missouri 2022 state legislative session, Missouri 2022 U.S. Senate race, Missouri congressional redistricting, Missouri COVID spread, Missouri General Assembly 2022 legislation, Missouri general revenue updates, Missouri political journalism, Missouri sales tax on groceries, Missouri state employee wage increase 2022, Natalie Wallington, St. Louis Public Schools, Tony Lovasco, Tony's Kansas City, USDA.
The Missouri Times: Jason Smith officially announces re-election bid MO AG Schmitt fights GoFundMe over ‘Freedom Convoy’ donations
The Missouri Times: 1st general revenue report of 2022 shows increased gains over last year
The Missouri Times: House advances state worker pay increase — but not for all
JCNT: State worker pay increase headed for final Missouri House vote
Columbia Missourian: Scaled-back plan for state raises advances in House
KWOS (Jefferson City): The KWOS Morning Show with Austin Petersen and John Marsh: Rep. Tony Lovasco (R-O’Fallon) on harm reduction policies (1:15); initiative petition process improvements (2:45); sports betting legislation (5:50); texting-while-driving laws (7:30)
The Missouri Times: Senate woman put on uplifting show of unity amid filibuster
Columbia Missourian: Women senators speak against filibuster as it delays other legislation
SNL: Missouri Board of Education forms commission to address urgent teacher shortage, improve pay
Columbia Missourian: Proposed tax deduction for teachers heard by House committee
St. Joseph News-Press: NEA calls for standardized testing delay for second year
St. Louis Public Radio: St. Louis Public Schools boosters enjoy a day trip to the Capitol
P-D: St. Louis City Public School advocates visit Jefferson City to complain about funding
SE Missourian: Need Real ID? Cape Girardeau County’s archivists may be helpful
Columbia Missourian: Thousands of abandoned oil and gas wells litter Missouri. Help is on the way.
KRES/KWIX (Moberly): COVID cases dropping in Moberly schools
Joplin Globe editorial: Missouri should eliminate sales tax on groceries
KC Star “Service Journalism Team’s” Natalie Wallington: Missouri’s minimum wage went up this year—but it’s not enough to live on in Kansas City; Thoughts from union-funded fast food agitators Stand Up KC