Tag: Missouri general revenue updates
- Thursday, February 10, 2022 – Missouri political news headlines ()
The Missouri Times: Jason Smith officially announces re-election bid SE Missourian: With pass on Senate bid, Smith hopes to serve as ‘strong voice’ in aim for Ways and Means chairman KC Star: Rep. Jason Smith passes on U.S. Senate bid to run for reelection to House of Representatives TonysKansasCity.com: MO AG Schmitt fights GoFundMe over […]
- Thursday, December 16, 2021 – Missouri political news headlines ()
The Missouri Times: Billy Long vows to ‘get real and serious’ about U.S. Senate race as he takes shots at opponents KC Star/FOX4 12/1/21: 4 Star Politics: Trio of white male Caucasoids Dave Helling, John Holt and Sam Zeff share opinions on critical race theory, Emanuel Cleaver’s district, Eric Schmitt, more johncombest_com on Twitter, 12/2/21: […]
- Thursday, October 7, 2021 – Missouri political news headlines ()
Legacy.com: Todd Akin visitation and funeral details The Missouri Times: State Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick vows to defy proposed ‘nonsensical’ IRS reporting rules JCNT: Missouri Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick says he won’t comply with a controversial financial reporting plan working its way through Congress SNL’s Jordan Meier: “Ten months [sic]” after Jan. 6 Capitol riot, 2 more […]