Tag: David Rosman
- Thursday, October 6, 2022 – Missouri political news headlines ()
KMBC’s Mike Mahoney: Ad check: Trudy Busch Valentine ad says Eric Schmitt allowed foreign businesses to buy Missouri farmland Washington Missourian: 2nd Congressional District overview: U.S. Rep. Ann Wagner (R) vs. Trish Gunby (D) Springfield Daily Citizen: 7th Congressional District overview: Eric Burlison (R) vs. Kristen Radaker Sheafer (D) (get around Springfield Daily Citizen paywall […]
- Thursday, August 25, 2022 – Missouri political news headlines ()
SNL: ‘It’s a handout’: Roy Blunt, Josh Hawley, Eric Schmitt criticize President Biden’s student debt bailout KC Star “Service Journalism Team’s” Kynala Phillips: Biden’s student loan forgiveness program will help hundreds of thousands of Missourians KMBC: Kansas City students react to president’s plan for student loan debt; UMKC coed considers free-money plan “amazing!” (link via […]
- Thursday, June 30, 2022 – Missouri political news headlines ()
St. Louis Public Radio: McCloskeys file lawsuit against Cori Bush and Rasheen Aldridge over 2020 protests P-D: Danforth Super PAC to burn up to $20 million on John Wood campaign (get around stltoday paywall here) Missouri Independent: Danforth’s Missouri Senate hopeful says Trump should face criminal probe over Jan. 6 The Missouri Times: Sen. Justin […]
- Wednesday, June 1, 2022 – Missouri political news headlines ()
Spectrum Local News (Charter Communications, St. Louis): NRA fundraiser at Grant’s Farm called off after Trudy Busch Valentine faced criticism; comments from opponents Lucas Kunce, Spencer Toder Missouri Independent: Trudy Busch Valentine faces backlash over NRA fundraiser at family estate The Intercept: NRA planned to hold fundraiser at Trudy Busch Valentine’s family estate Missouri Independent: […]
- Thursday, February 24, 2022 – Missouri political news headlines ()
The Missouri Times’ Kaitlyn Schallhorn: Letter from the editor: A goodbye to Missouri The Missouri Times: Roy Blunt named 2021 Statesman of the Year Brownfield Ag News: Blunt, addressing Missouri House, says state is positioned to be world ag leader JCNT: Blunt encourages lawmakers to work together for benefit of state Fox 2 (St. Louis): […]
- Thursday, February 10, 2022 – Missouri political news headlines ()
The Missouri Times: Jason Smith officially announces re-election bid SE Missourian: With pass on Senate bid, Smith hopes to serve as ‘strong voice’ in aim for Ways and Means chairman KC Star: Rep. Jason Smith passes on U.S. Senate bid to run for reelection to House of Representatives TonysKansasCity.com: MO AG Schmitt fights GoFundMe over […]
- Thursday, January 27, 2022 – Missouri political news headlines ()
Missourinet: Reactions to Breyer retirement: Hawley doesn’t want “a woke activist”; Cori Bush says whites and men need not apply KCMO (Kansas City): Pete Mundo Show: First “Politics and a Pint” event of 2022 to feature U.S. Senate candidate Mark McCloskey KCMO (Kansas City): Pete Mundo Show: Mark McCloskey gives update on U.S. Senate campaign, […]
- Thursday, November 18, 2021 – Missouri political news headlines ()
KC Star/Fox4: 4Star Politics: Axiom Strategies’ Jeff Roe on Virginia win, tectonic shifts in partisan identification, how economic factors are affecting voting choices, Trump, why AOC-Cori Bush types will dominate Dem primaries, much more Missouri Independent: Paul Curtman, Bill Eigel cancel Defense of Liberty event after payment processor WePay kills contract; Curtman: “They are trying […]
- Thursday, October 21, 2021 – Missouri political news headlines ()
The Missouri Times: Tom Hannegan passes away P-D: St. Charles Republican lawmaker Tom Hannegan dies of stroke TonysKansasCity.com: Jackson County Democratic Party Chair Paul Wrabec Dies; Tributes from Missouri Democratic Party’s Randy Dunn, Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas Combest: 20 for 20, Part 4: How to benefit from Missourians’ addictions to victimhood and smartphones: The […]
- Thursday, July 8, 2021 – Missouri political news headlines ()
The Missouri Times: Sara Walsh jumps into CD 4 race with emphasis on ‘American dream’ Missouri Independent: Sara Walsh joins growing field in Missouri’s 4th Congressional District Columbia Missourian: Sara Walsh announces bid for Congress in 4th District The Missouri Times: Who is running in CD 4 in Missouri to replace U.S. Rep. Vicky Hartzler? […]