Tag: Hank Waters
- Friday, April 1, 2016 – April Fool’s Day – Missouri political news headlines ()
KWMU: NGA: north St. Louis ‘preferred’ site for new facility P-D: NGA to stay in St. Louis; Federal agency chooses to invest in urban area that needs support KWMU: Elected officials offer NGA reaction: Underpaid government employees ghostwrite coherent, in-touch statements for multimillionaire bosses Columbia Missourian: Roy Blunt tours firehouse, gets free t-shirt and hat […]
- January 21, 2015 – Missouri political news headlines ()
St. Louis Public Radio: President’s address generates usual partisan split Missourinet: Congressional delegation/staff respond to SOTU Politico: GOP seeking Plan B on immigration; Comments from Sen. Roy Blunt KC Star: Missouri man one of several guests at SOTU, gets to say cursory hello to President USA Today: McCaskill investigation shows couple games military recruiting program […]